Austria : Can Norbert Hofer into MAGA ?

What are his chances of getting elected next month in Austria ?

> Presidential elections were held in Austria on 24 April 2016, with a second round run-off on 22 May 2016.
> However, the results of the second round were annulled and a re-vote is due to take place on 4 December 2016.

Can we meme this guy in office ? What will it take to get him elected ?

Other urls found in this thread:,_2016#Overturning

Ja. Macht Österreich Weider Großartig!

Poor guy. He has made a great recovery and is a brave man.
Not to mention all the shit he would take from liberal scum.

We don't need a meme war in this case, cause he's going to win anyway

His chances are extremely high, due to the voter fraud by the Greens, Brexit, Trump's election and rising right-wing populism. He can and most likely will win.

> Voter fraud by the greens
> belivieng this bullshit

I think it will be the opposite, after brexit and trump and what this means for economy more people will vote for VdB

>the results of the second round were annulled
why tho?

>the austrian high court decided there was voter fraud

first someone on this board would have to care about your useless pos country

Hofer lost by a very thin margin, 30k votes. The FPÖ made an appeal to overturn the results, claiming up to 500k ballots were invalid. Instead they decided the second round had to be re-held.,_2016#Overturning

irregularities during the counting of the votes, things like the opening of postal ballots the night before they were counted (has been done so they would be counted faster, but it's against the law), and some other things that really aren't major faults but because of the possibillity of manipulation the results were annuled as a whole.
funny thing is that there never were any proven manipulations, they just would have been possible (but after the decission to annull the voting mathematicians calculated that even if there would have been a fraud, VdB would still have won... idiotic decision that just costs alot of money)

he is racist antisemite who will send austria 70 years back and we dont want that. thats a bad thing.

We can thanks the green. They gives us the victory to Hofer.
Too easy.

>This will happen again in your lifetime

nope, they just said it would have been possible, there was never a fraud. FPÖ planned this because they knew that there are allways some irregularities during vote-counting (as austrians are lazy shits and allways try to make things simpler than they have to be done), and as they saw how close the voting was they magically produced a 152 page paper, about what was wrong during the poll, within a week (no austrian politician writes even a 12 paged paper within a month)

The big unkown is how trumps election will effect it all

People of Austria dislike Trump?

nigga looks like mr.bean

>he is racist antisemite who will send austria 70 years back and we dont want that.
I want it.

>calculated that even if there would have been a fraud, VdB would still have won

If the fraud had happened in the amount the Court had considered possible.

That doesn't mean there couldn't have been any fraud anywhere, especially vienna, and Innsbruck City, where a lot more votes very likely have been rigged.

On top of that, there were almost half a million invalid votes, while there were also rumors that officials threw away votes with Hofer on them. These cases can't be proven, but it's important to realize that the "VDB would have won either way" is a false statement built on hypothetical data.

There was a chance of fraud, there were a lot of strange things happening, and the decision to anull the vote was justified.

Fuck off Antifa.

Don't come here with this attitude. We can't afford to lose this election.
I dare you not to stay at home and say "He will win anyway". Have you seen Vienna in the last months and read the news?
We need the borders closed ASAP. Otherwise we become Sweden 2.0

if we want to take down the EU it's a very good thing


don't you dare to say this to me again, i don't want to be associated with these stone throwing, trashbin burning monkeys


Do it. Our work isn't finished yet.

Sounds fantastic to me, actually.

so the re-election happening just cause? fuck off leftie

We definetly need so meme magic!

>There were major issues with vote counting, with plenty of space to haggle, but lets just give the presidency to VdB anyway, because some (((mathematicians))) said so.

Běž do hajzlu, Pepane.

How does one go meming Austria?

>implying the great powers of today would just watch as an old one resurrects from the dead in the middle of europe

There was a good reason the allies were so eager to "free" the slavs from their austrian oppression after WWI

I'm not saying to not vote, I'm just saying I'd be very surprised if he doesn't make it this time

Austria is unmemeable imho
Oh wait.. drahdiwaberl
The problem is that any form of pro-hofer propaganda will be immediately banned as being illegal nazi stuff.

But we have funny music groups like pic related.

Austrians love to sedate themselves with light entertainment, gaudi musik and spritzer.

>light entertainment, gaudi musik and spritzer.
Sounds like a whore house.

yeah it's pretty bad.
And I suck at drawing stuff. I can only distribute dank austria memes but I can't make them.

I have read that report, it doesn't change the fact that the calculation is based on wrong assumptions (that only the districts mentioned in the court report could have been rigged)

no they're not redone just cause, there have been alot of irregularities, and enough to anull the election, but none of them were major and there was no fraud.
even the court that decided to cancel the election said so, but there was the chance for fraud, so they gave by to the wishes of the FPÖ.
To say that there were dumped and uncounted ballots or any other manipulation is still just wrong.

>but none of them were major and there was no fraud.
>even the court that decided to cancel the election said so

Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence.

What are the FPO policies and are they actually far-right or is it just the media and lefties labelling right wing parties far-right again?

We can meme the brits and english speaking countries but i think non english cuck countries have a high meme magic resistance. We can try.

so you're ok with the decision to redo the poll but believe the court did their investigation wrong (that lead to this decision)?

Don't listen to the weedcuck in this thread, he's assblasted his senile grandpa didn't get to invite more rapefugees.

They're right wing, but not even close to far right

They're not what we really need but they're sadly the best we got right now, similar to how it is in other european countries and with Trump

To the (((media))), only leftists are the true grain. All others are rightists, if you are an actual rightist, you are labeled far right, or even right wing extremist.

I think they didn't do their investigation all the way, because they didn't want to incriminate anyone involved in getting their weedgrandpa votes.

So they went the "well it was kinda rigged but not really so we'll try it again in a year" route

Do you feel it brothers? The tides of nationalism and cultural pride rising in all the world's peoples. God is on our side brothers, this is something beautiful.

You are rejecting our meme magic? Then maybe we should meme the other candidate into office, AUSTRIA YES! OPEN THE BORDERS TO MORE KEBABS!

> he doesn't vote hofer
> he loves rapefugees
are you guys dumb?
hofer is just an idiot that has no plan for austria, as well as strache, all they can do is chant "ausländer raus".
i'm not happy with VdB but he at least has some common sense and political understanding, whereas FPÖ is just about sucking the dick of the guy who hates foreigners the most at the moment

FPÖ are socialists too, though.

>i'm not happy with VdB but he at least has some common sense and political understanding
I see, you are a retard, how old are you? have you ever seen or heard an Interview of VdB when he was still in Politics?

obviously not, he just got senile and old, nothing more, he's still a planless cuck who changes his stance and opinion with the weather.

Read the FPÖ party program chum. It's not THAT hard.

Unfortunately, after Brexit and Trump we can't be the underdogs anymore because they finally realised that they can't underestimate us. And with >we I mean all right movements in general.

Please kill yourself

I'm not just saying this half jokingly like it is said usually here, I'm completely serious, please, kill yourself

Get a wig, put on some make up, wear a skirt and a tight shirt and then visit traiskirchen

King Cuck in 1998:

Nach van der Bellens Plänen soll das österreichische Bundesheer dem Kommando der UNO übertragen werden. Van der Bellen: "Dafür würde es reichen, die Friedensstärke des Bundesheers von aktuell 55.000 Mann innerhalb von fünf bis zehn Jahren zu halbieren."

He wanted the Austrian military to be put under UN command, and it's strength halfed

why does everyone think that adapting your opinion with the change of situations is a bad thing?
do you know what politics is about? finding compromisses,
if you're not able to at least bend a bit into the direction of the other partys no compromiss will be found, no politics can be made and the land is damned to stagnate.
VdB was pro TTIP, he saw that the people aren't, he wants to be the president of austria so he adapts to what the people want to support them best, whats wrong here?
on questions like these i can't find a fault, that's what's done at the parlament on a daily basis.

No need of memeing, he's already president elect as of right now.

Austrians fell let down by their grand coalition and each day the friendly refugees lack to adjust their bitterness flashes out brighter.

>being this retarded

shut up faggot. the power of kek is direly needed.

>no plan for austria
>ausländer raus
pick one

We will do it my friends.

It will happen.


>What will it take to get him elected

there is a hurdle right now and that is the election day being postponed yet again.

it's not even certain it's gonna be 4th of December right now because of Passport codes getting abused/being wrong so faggots receive absentee ballots in non-rightful ways.

praise kek

oh shit whatever non-nation you are nice get fag

Machen Österreich Wieder Groß!


you guys are really that narrow minded to think that i like having all these refugees in austria just because i don't support the FPÖ.

jesus you wannabe americans are decent checked

don't be mean. ;_;


good luck eastern reich
regards norge>norrige>nordrige=northern reich

so austria versus poland

Who's more based

nice doublez

>narrow minded to think that i like having all these refugees in austria just because i don't support the FPÖ.

so you support the greens instead? that means you support having refugees wether you accept it or not.

You either vote Hofer or you are a cuck, there's no third option.

>no plan

Souns like a plant to me friendo.


Yeah I don't think this one will go over too well. Soros and Co would shut that shit down like we've never seen before.

Does he still want to join V4? This would be glorious


South tyrol will get annexed first, then bavaria.

It has to be done.

>then bavaria.
How about you go and fuck yourself with a broom, sir?

it's the information he got from the kurier.

The FPÖ has more policies than immigration, and it resonates with a large portion of the population, especially the working class. But his cuck mind can't comprehend that a politician would ever put his own countries needs above the needs of gibsmedats.

isn't he pro-unification with Germany?

We'll only hold custody until AfD-chan wins, then you can have it back.

Dream on, Gernot.
But peaceful seperation, that's the way to go.

Fair deal.

no, no austrian patriot is ever pro-unification.

a microscopic minority of turbo nazis may be, but no one on the general right wing in austria wants anything to do with Germany.

you think the fpö gives a flying fuck about the people of austria?
they are against everything that'd help the people (increasing the money for people with lesser incomes, decreasing taxes for the same people, increasing money for children, increasing time off if you get children, building more cheap flats, reducing the prices of public transport and so on and so on),
they only think that if you'd throw out every shitskin austria would be dinsey land and everyone is happy, srsly they will not do shit for austria, remember the time they were in charge

everything you mentioned primarily helps shitskins milk the system dry. what we have to really do is not increase the welfare state, but create economic growth and incentives.

Incentives for native people to have kids, not solve it with workforce importation.

But I give up, obviously you are a learned academic who knows what's best for the working class, better than 80% of the Workin Class themself, because they so foolishly voted for Hofer, instead of the Guy who thinks "there shouldn't be a limit to how many refugees Austria takes"

Look what SPÖ and Grüne do now that they are in power, look at what the ÖVP does now that it has been in Power? The FPÖ may not be perfect, but it's the best option we got as a nation to secure a continued existance.

wow boys, i lived in Austria in 2013 and the shitskins were starting to show up then, can only imagine how it is now, don't think i will be back until you sort it out.

a last time, i don't like refugees, but i also don't like the FPÖ, this is possible.

but you're probably right, lets leave it at that.
have had a nice conversation and even if we have different opinions you havn't told me to kill myself,
i wish you a nice weekend,
stay save!

top kek just like everyone said before the 2nd round, nice try van der kike
we have to channel kek's energy

Not really, he visited Israel and the FPO has ties with our nationalistic ruling party.
Like pretty much the rest of the nationalist parties in Europe.

>Working and keeping their money does not help the people

good work cuck

Also it is not easy even now. I'm an EU citizen and my wife is Austrian. We are trying right now to build a life here but the government is making it hard as fuck.

In example we can't afford the German courses. And I can't get them for free because it's full. Full of refugees obviously. So if an EU citizen is getting shat on. Refugees shouldn't be treated better. I hope FPÖ wins this.

Care to further your case?
What is your country of origin and are you a rural dweller or Statuarstadt, or even a bigger city?
Don't have to drop the name though.

Seems like you lack basic thinking abilities.
The effect "refugees" or in other words an Islamic/African invasion have on a country are so overwhelming that they trump anything else.

See it doesn't matter how much your economy improves now if in 20 years you'll be living in an African ghetto and in 40 the left would be able to appoint pretty much anyone in office through the tribalistic black/Muslim voters.

Look at California. It used to be a red state, believe it or not. Reagan was the governor and they voted for the Republicans.
By now the very foundations of the state are shaking. Industries are moving out, high tech companies are leaving, taxes are sky rocketing and public debt is crippling. The country is turning dehydrated hell hole.
And the current riots are not going to make it any better.

This is the future you want for your country?
Sounds like it.

Furthermore, I have a feeling that the "no policy" is as much as lie as Trump having no policies is.

>VdB was pro TTIP, he saw that the people aren't, he wants to be the president of austria so he adapts to what the people want to support them best, whats wrong here?

He doesn't understand what are election promises.
How could you elect a man that was EVER pro TTIP? Do you understand what that deal would have meant for your country?

Well, it's either you support having your country invaded and your people replaced.
Or don't understand what's wrong with getting your country invaded and your people getting outbred.

Which is it?

> Thx Chaim, you truly are from a chosen people.

To get you into the jist.

The FPÖ has wrecked state finances with ordoliberalism last time they held office in Austria.
Nothing out of the ordinary, given the time it was popular all across the West.
Still makes people jumpy, that and original Austrian corruption, which is basically as genuine as Austrian Apfelstrudel.

Since then beloved Haider has bitten the dust and the party has reshaped.
Shifted more to the right, whilst slashing the social services and being business friendly.

Astonishingly enough their voter base thinks of them as "soziale Heimatpartei" and the refugee situation anulls the need for programatic consistency.

Thank you based Frenchman for talking about Norbert Hofer.

Norbert Hofer doesn't care about the old non-German geographical relics of the Hapsburg regime.

He does however, express pan-germanism subtly. If the 2017 German General Elections go poorly and Neighboring Hofer is in power, you can bet there will be a movement for succession.

In other words, Hofer will annex Bavaria.

One day soon.