Really makes you think.
Californian have lower IQ than Fucking Alabama
Gotta keep those masses dumbed down if you wanna control them
average iq mexico: 88
That explains why everyone here is so fucking stupid.
Why is Texas so average?
I love that a board full of people who are literally retarded is so obsessed with IQ
You all just elected a science-denialist and a creationist to the white house.
So many bumpkins, mexians, and californians, yet based Texans keep the average higher
Kek, are you guys working for free now?
>Nevada is no longer second dumbest state
Too bad this won't last long.
We need to spam this shit to liberals who smuggishly pretend to be more (((educated)))
Indeed. Education only makes you more indoctrinated, not smarter.
>but muh shills!
yes, because it's definitely the people who understand science that are shilling. Not the people whose main skeptics are funded by multi-billion dollar fossil fuel industries. All those rich non-profits and scientists!
Did you check out the past temperature charts? Oh butthurt Commiefornian
So it's been confirmed that the colder it gets the smarter people are?
now it REALLY makes me think...
IQ doesn't matter
Says a fucking leaf
Texas' schooling infrastructure is pretty top notch, so I bet they were used as the control for this study.
New England should be an independent nation.
What chart, the unsourced and factually inaccurate chart you posted? The one that continues to push the fake "medieval warm period" myth despite the fact that that warming was regional, not global?
We're talking about GLOBAL warming, not North-Atlantic warming
But... M-muh silicone valley.. Tech geniuses..
OMG you really are pic related
>multi-billion dollar fossil fuel industries
This type of audacity blows my mind.
California has like 39 million people, millions of barely educated spics, niggers, and shitlib hippies.
Of course their average IQ is going to be poor.
Make Trees Pine Again
Here's a more accurate chart, you can see the "medieval warm period" is just a bump compared to modern warming.
If you'd like to read more about how fucking retarded you are:
>Average IQ of the whitest states is 103
Are American whites somehow smarter than the whites who stayed behind in Europe?
c-can nj come too
Being dumb and happy is much better than smart and depressed.
Kek, freeze to death when the ice age arrives.
Not really, we're on par with other white nations like Norway.
>that graph
Now what if I told you only the red line is factual data? Everything before that is estimated based on different theories.
At least pretend to know the shit you are peddling, dumb ass nigger.
>Wanting to leave the Imperium
Kill yourself
Daily reminder that global warming is a hoax and leftists are just brainwashed.
>Are American whites somehow smarter than the whites who stayed behind in Europe?
They were smart enough to get the fuck out of the old world.
The South isn't that dumb, I thought it was full of niggers, hillbillies and religious.
Like we really need a chart to tell us how retarded Cali is....
But it's not the right kind of growth. It's the kind of growth that makes smug, condescending, liberals sad. So it doesn't count.
No. South Jersey has more in common with the South and North Jersey is essentially NYC.
The graph shows a clear trend that the further south you go, the dumber you get on average.
>be white supremacist
>be fucking retarded
literally every fucking time. At this point you're literally just saying "scientists are wrong because I don't understand it"
Wow. Not to be racist but it seems like there is a direct correlation between percentage of minority population and lower average IQ. Really cooks my noggin
we'll take the part that borders NY and use that as the Frankfurt of the China of New England
>white states have the highest IQ
wow really makes you think
I wonder why they want us to import so many 3rd worlders
Leafs like you are always welcome in Trump's kingdom when the ice age cometh :)
How do you accurately measure IQ? Are the people in these states being forced to take these tests? I've never seen such a thing.
But the (((media))) keeps telling us the opposite, that leftists are intelligent and educated, why is scientific data showing they're drooling retards.
The south is held down entirely by blacks.
dude south jersey is the fucking pine barrens, only thing it's got in common with the south is a fuckton of undocumenteds
the chink/poo parts like trump, i'm in the town that had the Hindus for trump rally
All the Asians and Jews in New York cancel out all the blacks and Puerto Ricans.
I've recently been to Canada and it struck me how stupid people are. It doesn't show right away, but slowly you realize they're just a little slower on the uptake than usual. Got the same feeling in Midwest America. On the East Coast of America you at least got decently intelligent people, even if they are brainwashed libtards by and large.
t. verified 156 IQ Ivy League graduate
Old Maine flag is pic related. I wish we would change back to it.
found the mad califag. don't strain your little brain too hard arguing with smarter people bud
`Will this movie happen then?
It all fits the narrative.
Have one group of useful idiots push the social agenda, simultaneously try to make them appear to be superior and enlightened to lend credence to their opinions.
That's a nice flag. I'd hang a better artwork cloth version of pic related.
IQ is only relevant to children, as it's a measure of your intelligence relative to the children in your age group from the standardizing sample.
So having an IQ of 100 means that you are as intelligent as the average person your age.
Data beyond the age of 18 isn't as solid, and probably never will be because once you have already been educated a measure of your IQ is just a dick measuring contest
Well people from South Jersey are not Yankees, that's for damn sure.
>the red states all have high iqs
>blue states are mostly >100
>b-but muh college degrees!
They can't stop lol
This is actually pretty Acurate, it's the same with tobacco companies and the lobbying they did before the facts came out.
>the people who understand science that are shilling
Yeah, I remember when I was in high school and thought I knew everything, too.
You realize that if we don't achieve energy independence as quickly as possible short term that world war 3 is inevitable, right?
The entire reason we're even involved overseas isn't democracy, "terra", it's to keep oil trade in dollars, forcing countries to do trade with us in order to have the dollars to buy their oil. Once that's gone, the Dollar becomes worthless as a reserve currency, the OPEC nations selling oil to the world will have us by the nuts because we aren't energy independent, and our $20 trillion in debt and weakened military become very large problems.
Everything over there is an intricate house of cards keeping our currency worth a damn, but as soon as we have to start manipulating and conning Russia - a country with actual military strength (nukes), it becomes exceptionally dangerous. Not only for us, but the globe.
This is so much deeper than opinions on whether or not global warming is right or wrong, or whether or not clean energy is good. I don't think anyone would say having cleaner air and water is a bad thing. But in terms of become energy independent as quickly as possible it's not going to cut it in the short term.
IQ measures a very specific kind of intelligence. Basically how quickly you can recognize patterns, solve (relatively easy) problems, and memorize/learn things to some degree. It does not measure deep thinking, innovation or creativity. Many of the best scientists don't have the absolute highest IQ (though they are usually very high), but are creative and original thinkers. These are the types of people that really advance society, not Mensatards.
Typical purple haired freak obese liberals are usually school drop-outs or working in retails because of that "muh freedom muh intelligent life choice"
These people were usually considered to be bums and failed low end losers. Now they're online warriors who want to save the world
Oh I come from Alabama with a banjo on my knees...
Alabama bro here, former northerner. It's because of darkies our IQs are low. The schooling in the white parts are actually pretty good. Kinda high student/teacher ratios, but I've been impressed with the education my kids are getting. The nig schools in the cities are literally like prisons full of illiterate retards though
>suck dicks off of craigslist for $5 a pop to get by because they have no real skills
>start a blog and call themselves "sex workers"
This is a real thing now
I'm honestly not surprised. I did a report on this in uni back in the late 2000's. One-third of students in California's public school system cannot speak English. I grew up in a pretty low-income area. (East-side San Jose represent?) There were people who did not know how to read an analog clock, in senior year of high school.
I don't think people really understand the level of these immigrants/immigrant families coming in. People are having trouble doing addition/multiplication (also in high school). First generation Hispanics are incredibly poorly educated due to Spanish being the first language spoken in the home, and a lack of enthusiasm for education. Now, not everyone's like this, but when you're in a sub-community where everyone speaks Spanish in your specific geographical region, what incentive do you have to try?
This isn't a small city either. We're talking millions of people in the surrounding areas. And a million people in the city proper. It's gotten to the point where there are riots every year on Cinco de Mayo, including the flying of the Mexican flag, almost everywhere. The shutting down of traffic far worse than the Trump riots. There was a movement to fly the Mexican flag above the American one on the City Hall building, which only narrowly was defeated.
And the elite (e.g. Google, Apple) doesn't understand either. They live in their gated communities in Mountain View, Palo Alto. Never spending any time to walk over to these area that are completely run down and take a closer look. Literally, the attitude of most Mexican immigrants in the area is that they're going to make San Jose into a "Mexican city". And I'm not just an outsider looking in. My sister was raped by one of these guys. The guy ended up going to jail, and we were intimately involved with the schools in the area.
I guess I'm done ranting, but hopefully this gives some people a bit of perspective on just how fucked up California (the Bay Area) really is.
>tfw that picture actually happened
Is this reality?
>he doesn't know big oil is shilling for climate change and its "solutions"
Global warming is NOT a hard science, it is by definition pseudoscience as it knowingly fails to account for all of the factors that could potentially effect global temperature.
You fucking morons are destroying the word science by attaching it to every manner of thing that doesn't stand up to the scientific method or peer review.
looks like only morons voted for Hillary...
I already knew that
I think it may have had better artwork as I have seen several images of it online and they all look different. I am unclear as to whether or not there are any existing originals.
Trumps IQ is one of the highest and we all know it you fucking cuck
Smart Cali-bro here. Can confirm. I'm literally surrounded by drones.
Scandinavian turf are like the only place where you have tripple digit iqs?
Really makes you think. Donnit?
It's stacked with shitskins.
Neither of them are fucking scientists, FUCK
Only way to fix it is to nuke it
also checked
As in, from the 1770s?
The flag concept is a tree and some words, so there are a million better versions.
The hero of Gettysburg was a college professor from Maine. New Englanders have always been a cut above.
literally the whitest states are also the smartest
> massholes
>tfw to smart for Texas
I'm glad we successfully launched this coup on a CA thread, gentlemen. Today Sup Forums, tomorrow the world.
Finally, someone fucking said it.
>states that switched to trump have highest iqs. >based
That is fucking hideous I can't believe the us war office seal is that fucking bad.
But the stormfag makes a point. How do you account for the fact that, only until recently, we were unable to actually measure temperature.
The warming period of hundred of years ago could have been a 5 degree spike, we don't actually know for certain.
Mexicans confirmed worse than nogs
>A bunch of idiots with liberal arts degrees. Need to reason to live. So they pretend the humans have a strong force over the fucking giant self sustaining ego system with a nuclear core.
>Yeah, I remember when I was in high school and thought I knew everything, too.
Already got my BS in environmental science. But thanks for playing.
>You realize that if we don't achieve energy independence as quickly as possible short term that world war 3 is inevitable, right?
Which has nothing to do with whether or not science is real
>The entire reason we're even involved overseas isn't democracy, "terra", it's to keep oil trade in dollars, forcing countries to do trade with us in order to have the dollars to buy their oil. Once that's gone, the Dollar becomes worthless as a reserve currency, the OPEC nations selling oil to the world will have us by the nuts because we aren't energy independent, and our $20 trillion in debt and weakened military become very large problems
Again, nothing to do with whether or not science is a hoax
>Everything over there is an intricate house of cards keeping our currency worth a damn, but as soon as we have to start manipulating and conning Russia - a country with actual military strength (nukes), it becomes exceptionally dangerous. Not only for us, but the globe.
Please explain how this relates to the question of "is science a hoax?"
>This is so much deeper than opinions on whether or not global warming is right or wrong
it's not really opinions, it's just facts
>But in terms of become energy independent as quickly as possible it's not going to cut it in the short term.
that's a good policy debate. But it has nothing to do with the science itself, which is where Trump and other conservative retards stand. It's one thing to say "yes science is real but we can't cut fossil fuels because [reasons]". It's another to say "I'm too fucking retarded to understand how science works" which is what's happening
>My head is permanently lodged in my ass.
Lemme guess the earth is flat too because satellite images are hoaxes right? Fucking idiot.
Shit yeah ND represent
I know, it looks like a suit of "epic" armor in WoW. Here's more excellent flag design.
China has most high iq
Literally not an argument.
Can't wait till Trump defunds you worthless shills, the panic is already evident in you.