Alright, be real with me Sup Forums, do you actually, seriously, want to kill or remove any non white person, and erode the rights of gays of women? Or has this election been more about the loss of control of government and removing of political corruption? Do you really muslims and gays dragged out in the street for real? No satire or joking this time, serious question.
Alright, be real with me Sup Forums, do you actually, seriously, want to kill or remove any non white person...
The ones who need to be removed are actually doing a pretty fair job themselves. Whether it's the sky high suicide rates for trannies or good bois not doin' nuffin and forcing the police to shoot them, the ones who absolutely cannot fit into society are taking themselves out of the equation.
There's a reason Western civilization is currently on top of the pile.
Well, working class whites have been taught to hate everything pro white since at least the 1960's.
The anti white movement worked as long as mass media was controlled by the (((Elite))) and as long as most whites could not see real life diversity.
Those two conditions have changed so dramatically that it only takes a few Race and Crime red pills to wake up your average white these days.
If white's can not be allowed to have exclusive white communities and a media that advocates for their interests, then I am for full blow White Imperialism and militant enforcement of the white ethno state.
It is a question of survival or destruction. I pick Team White. Your move.
Beingwhite is just albinism. Youre destroying yourselves. Basically albino inbreeding. Terrible genetic choices. Hempohilia. exoma. Blindness. Youve been tricked. Wool pooled over your eyes. Its just albinism, a disease. Recessive genetics missing proteins and melanin. Race is a lie, youre all related.
>>Kill or remove Non-hWhites
>>Erode the rights of gays?
What rights? Fag marriage isn`t real
Like what? Abortion? Free birthcontrol? Voting?
Yes on voting btw
Mudshits should all be killed
Faggots need to go into the oven but non degenerate gays may live.
Under euroep si africa and the middle east, where your ancestors came from. As albinos. Your freckles and birthmarks come from your dark skinned ancestors who mated with your albino ancestors.
God exists and now that you know the truth you will have no excuse when he asks why you caused so much pain and suffering on your brothers and sisters.
I have a question, what rights do people think they're going to lose under Trump exactly? The right not to be offended? The right to free speech for me and none for you?
The latter
Hillary and the DNC were corrupt as fuck and even the media was colluding with them to blind everyone to the truths
#Avenge Seth Rich
wow thats pretty cool, i mean, god is pretty cool guy then, like he gave us white people white skin and ability to live in northern part of eurasia and ability to leave your shitheads and build the best civilisation and conquer the best continets of this planet. proves evolution is real. we evolved and you stayed niggers ayyyy
Muslims and Africans? Unironically yes.
Decent people need not apply, but savages must be met with equal savagery.
>Its just albinism, a disease.
i like this disease and bad genetic choice, niggers cant leave without africa or india aount of sun, we can. niggers and indians didnt build everything what is cool in this world, white people did. i wishh we will stay 'sick' and keep repoducing :^)
naw, I just want them sent back to africa/mexico and gays should be given mental health care.
I would answer that honestly , but I don't want to be on any lists.
>kill or remove any non white person
> erode the rights of gays of women
gay marriage is its own punishment; their hookup culture is so rampant and toxic that its made monogamy almost impossible for them. They can keep it, because it's already obvious that very few gay couples get married and when they do, it doesn't last long. As for Women, bringing back the time when they were housewives is a necessary evil, otherwise our catastrophic birthrates will never improve and we'll just have to import muslims who actually breed and don't share Western feminist values
> has this election been more about the loss of control of government and removing of political corruption?
For the vast majority of Trump supporters, it was about that plus creating jobs, reducing crime, improving the economy, getting better trade deals etc.
> Do you really muslims and gays dragged out in the street for real?
I want muslims to go back to their country and fix it. I want gays to stop having retarded parades celebrating their degeneracy (and a lot of other gays do as well)
One right they'll lose or at least have curtailed under Trump might be the one that is really meant with "civil rights": the right to access to white people.
B-but peanut butter and sheit
mutataion is not evolution. Youre still african. You have that DNA.
Google image ehtiopians. They areclassifid a caucacions. Of course they are. Black skin with white features. You dont even know why your lips are thin and your nose narrow. Its because when yur afrcan ancestors ventued into the ancient cold north, natural selection took place. thin ips as to not get frostbite. Narrow nose to heat up the air. I am a proud human being. I am not even black lol. I am justwaking you up to the truth. Its just albinism. And they are controling you over it. Google khoisan trbe while youe at it. Its all connected. The blood in every human being.
This "right" comes at the expense of loss of the rights of freedom of association and freedom of contract for white people.
Jesus you guys. The internet has collectively been freaking out for nearly a week.
How do yuo think this country has always worked?
We make some progress for a while and then it freaks everyone out near the 10 year mark and we flip over to some conservative guy who is going to do nothing for 4-8 years while we re-calibrate.
The Left is projecting their hate onto white Americans. What you just described is what they want to do openly to white Americans, specifically white males.
None of them will denounce the hate speech being directed at white Americans.
They called for and applauded cries for white male extinction.
I will not forget or forgive them for this.
We will not be violent, but we will be heard and equally respected.
Under Russia is turkmeniSTAN, uzebekiSTAN, KhazakSTAN. Azeraijan. Where your ancestors came from. As albinos.
no it was all ironic, i actually think all races are equal
evolution is mutation you stupid biology classes skipping nigger :^)
>Youre still african. You have that DNA.
like something bad, but niggers cant live in europe, they didnt adopt, while 'albino mutants' did and came back thousand years after and kicked the shit out of africans and asians ayyyy
>Youre still african. You have that DNA.
wow, like something bad, wtf, are you nazi? wtf do you hate albinos?
#albinoandproud XD
fuck you nazi, white are cool mutants and there is nothing you can do about it
These are the khoisan, where asians come from. Straigh hair comes from misssing proteins which happens with albinism.
>turkmeniSTAN, uzebekiSTAN, KhazakSTAN. Azeraijan
yeah and russian kicked shit out of them and formed their current states and countries lmao
>Where your ancestors came from.
probably, or probably not, you didnt bring any sources of your statements, but does it change something? northerners are the most 'mutant', therefore most adopted to live here, therefore the best people to settle here
I have a white gf but I will get me a dark skinned woman for a wife. I know the truth of the world now. I will have strong children who get power from the Sun. Why do you think the negroes beat you in your own sports. Stronger bones. Calcium. Its why we albinos drink milk and calcium fortified orange juice.
Ideally, we'd deal with the problem of savagery without becoming savages ourselves.
Police should be "militarized" to some extent in urban areas and dissent/rioting should be crushed.
I mean, the dream is that there would be no reason to be racist. Of course, we're not near a point where we could view certain minorities as equal.
My personal philosophy is to be aware of statistical realities and to support nationalistic policies, but in everyday life I withhold any "prejudices" until I've gotten to know someone. Blacks can be decent people and there's no reason to be racist to a good black person at an interpersonal level, but since the majority of blacks are violent, dangerous and dumb, you're perfectly justified in supporting pro-white policies.
tl;dr There would be no reason to be racist if minorities weren't usually so shitty, but blatant racism at an interpersonal level is also shitty. The best outcome would be if minorities became decent people, which could possibly be achieved with ruthless but pragmatic policies targeting crime and degeneracy, as well as a strong push for assimilation.
Its okay, Ive broke the barrier. Youknow the truth now. Thats all there is to it. You cant unsee or know the reality. Many of you just dont know but I am armed to with knowledge of humanity. There isa bigger picture. Youre being used. This site belongs to the zionists. Its existence is for destroying your soul.
>Why do you think the negroes beat you in your own sports.
thank god we beat them and chinks in agriculture, science and military for 1000 years here :^) thank god niggers cant live in northern parts of the world because they are not adopted to it, no vitamin D no bones
god is cool guys if he is real, nature is pretty cool too, feels good to be the most adopted 'mutant albino' ayyyy
>white people end up coming from a tribe of Albino Indians
I wouldn't mind that plot twist, who actually be kinda cool. The deep lore of the Indians is pretty interesting.
ayy we are brothers desu
Pedos, POS thugs black and white need to be culled. Also the crack and meth babies that are now in their teens-20's, they aren't productive and won't be fixed. They're all just a drain on our resources.
Don't give a fuck about the gays, unless they're out looking for special treatment. Then they should be culled. Women, they want equality, give it to them. Make them register for draft like men. They want double standard? Cull them too. No more feminism bullshit.
Depends on which you voted for if it was a right issue or corruption issue. Obviously left doesn't have issues with corruption, only rights when it's convenient.
you are not my bor black ass(((, but you are pretty cool guy. confirmed aryan meme lmao
we waz aryanz n shit
I am fine with LGB when they act like normal people. It's when they become faggots and dykes that I hate them.
I am proud of my culture, and cultures that are similar in core values - most European and NA. I don't think we are perfect, but ours is a helm of slot better than many of the others in the world.
There is a gay couple that I know. Great guys, part f my regular pub crowd. They are fine with and I will actively defend their right to love each other. In contrast, there is a lesbian couple that I know that make everything about themselves, slobber all over each other and can't go 5 minutes without mentioning they are lesbians. They need a bullet in the brain.
As for racial, the sooner we can slaughtered Africans, Turks, arabs, pakis, and deport Indians and unemployed and unskilled foreigners the better.
I also think that liberals need killing to, regardless of race.
Oh its very cool. Its the answer to all this hate. Understandig first and foremost we are a family. The teacher is silent during the test. Dont you get it. "POC" history is now your history. Be a proud human being. Delve into your ancient past. Your roots. The countless interactions that happened to bring you into existence.
The gangbangers, cartels and jihadis all need to be executed. And anyone who supports them. That would be a good start. Imagine how much that would change a city like Chicago.
i just want jewish influence out of politics. Russia bannes soros, we can do it too.
Lesbians are annoying but "bullet in the brain" makes you sound 14.
I don't hate gays. They can't help they have a mental disorder. It'd be like hating autistic people.
>Understandig first and foremost we are a family.
you niggers like to kill albinos in africa, thats probably why albinos left india too((( fucking hateful fags get what yo u deserver rrreeee
not my family fucking minority hateful bigots, probably were so mad at albinos made them leave your shitty south and settle in cold europe, thank nature albinos adopted to survive there
Come spend a week in Paris and then ask yourself that question. Of course there are decent shitskins that just want to live their lives peacefully and there even are, though an extreme minority, who work hard. But the reality is that a crushing majority of shitskins are just making the country shit and the (((peacefull))) minority approves it and secretely wishes to participate.
The biggest problem is that white people are becoming a minority and everyone knows what happens when white people are a minority. I'd say that the end justifies the means in this case. If you want civilization, virtue, social and technological progress, mankind to go forward and conquer the stars to be a reality you have to make sacrifices.
Though I wouldn't outright execute them, I would just send them back to africa and justify it with science, saying that to be european you need to ethnically be caucasian and non caucasian genes uncontrolled introduction is a threat to europe and it's future and it is nothing personal.
albinos n whitez confirmed for hardcore elite unity against opressing brown people((( fucken racis bigots, pay reparations for albino exile
That is what happaned. Ppl are stupid. Evil exists in the hearts of men. Im not black but those africans likely found albinos useless. They couldnt hunt, uldnt go ut in the sun. They likely ostracized them. It was in India that the tides turned. Where albinos turned the tide using the caste system. You whites are indian. You just dont know it. Your "white supremacy" it comes from the caste system you learned about in history class.
If you want to war against your brothers and sisters, go ahead. But you know the truth now and that is whats most important. How can so many of you be so unbelievably blind and unawre. albinism is the biggest in your face secret of the 21st century. It is your face. The world is not ready. But it will be.
Human history they are too afraid to teach you in schools. Better to divide and conquer you and use you as they see fit.
>If you want to war against your brothers and sisters
yes, this planet should belong to albinos, its the price borwn people should pay us for their crimes((( not my fucking family yo ufags
>Your "white supremacy" it comes from the caste system you learned about in history class.
my supremacy comes from result of hundred years of hard work of my ancestrors you nog licking traitor. white are cool and supreme, history proves it
Just because you guys cant get girls in a diverse country, nothing will cghange ina white only ethnostate. Learn how to dance. Ppl will be like wtf this white guy knows how to dance? Damn he is the fucking man. If you can dance, you can be the ugliest guy in the world and still get chicks. Or be rich.
For me and the MAGA support I know IRL
It's purely about draining the swamp...
removing Obamacare...
and fixing our fucked up economy in the proccess
Its okay senpai, tell me where it hurts I am listning.
>implying whites are ugly
>implying ability to dance makes you real man
ayyyy lmeo fucking nog tand his baiting but i will bite
>the loss of control of government and removing of political corruption
This one.
I don't have a problem with gays or non-whites.
t. Alabama resident.
We want all of this , Trump is the first step .
Just albinism senpai. You can be loud. But I will find my black queen and be happy.
This to an extent. I don't hate anyone though.
its albinism senpai im glad you see that now.
So basically you just don't want people to openly be gay and they should keep it in the closet, because you're such a sensitive bitch.
>Its okay senpai, tell me where it hurts I am listning.
the only thing that hurts is realising my mutant genes are younger and recessive which means i need to procreate with albinos only if i want to make more albino babies, feels bad, wish i could make albinos with nogs and asians too man
Just. Albinism.
>its albinism senpai im glad you see that now.
wow thats rude how dare you talking from supreme like position having 'pity', racist bigot kys my mang)))
I wouldn't object to removing those that claimed that they would move out of the country if Trump won the election, by force, if necessary
>let me post combat pics
ay lmao, typical hateful bigot)00
stop hating albinos you stupid cunt( ill report you to cyber bolis
Is this guy for real?
You sit here and proudly shit on your ancestors, culture, heritage, race and country. You are a race traitor and worse than niggers themselves.
i'm a white nationalist. if killing niggers is the only way they'll leave my country, then the purge must begin. Jews must be eliminated from the earth. women are inferior and should not vote and should only be expected to work if they really want to. I know most women can't handle the stress. My mom and sister are very unhappy, and I would want my future wife to homeschool my kids. muslims can stay in their own fucking country or die trying to get here. gays are sexual degenerates by choice. there is no gay gene. personally it's an affront to nature but I cant stop them from pozzing their own buttholes in their own homes. fucking faggots are disgusting though
he is race baiting nigger but i find his theory very interesting, like white can play victim card too xd
I do not wish to kill or remove everh non-white person.
It is a question of compatibility with our society.
If only 1% of them are compatible, then those are the ones whose rignts we must defend over the majority of them.
I do not wish to erode the rights of gays. I just do not believe that marriage should be a religious thing, not a govermental thing.
I wish only to remove muslims because they have time and time again proven themselves to be opposed to our way of life and incompatible with our society.
If they wish to not act according to the rules of our society, they should move into the muslim countries which are not at war.
How do you go about removing white muslims eh ? Answer me that ? White converts to Islam are literally the worst of the worst as they have something to prove.
New thread faggots!
What I want does not matter because the scenario you are proposing won't happen anytime soon.
I was playinh football today with a secular Tunisian who was totally bro-tier and was happy about the Trump election, mind you that this is Paris where people were giving me ironic Hitler salutes because they thought the world was going down the drain with such a "fascist racist misogynist" as Trump.
>Do you actually, seriously, want to kill or remove any non white person, and erode the rights of gays of women?
No and No.
>Or has this election been more about the loss of control of government and removing of political corruption?
Modern Liberalism is a cancer that needs to be removed. They actually compared Trump, a wealthy businessman, to Hitler, a man who was responsible for the degradation of European Culture and millions of dead soldiers and civilians.
>Do you really muslims and gays dragged out in the street for real?
Fundamental Muslims, yes. Anyone who honestly believes in Sharia Law need to be removed.
Gays, no. Gay isn't the problem, Liberalism is.
>Kill or remove any non white person
>Erode rights of gays
>Muslims dragged out in the streets
No. But I want muslim immigration stopped, period. Muslim "refugee" intake stopped. Period.
I would like for Sweden to be 100% white and 100% heterosexual. I don't believe killing anyone not up to these standards is right, but maybe build a wall, deport them all so kebab will fall.
Also end the welfare state.
Change comes from within, so it starts with myself and my family. After that we'll see what happens. If civil war I will defend my folk and my family.
this board is pozzed beyond belief
Sup Forums is a board of peace
Its also why your scientist do test on ALBINO lab rats. Asians like whites are albinos, but whites came from arabs, where as asians came from blacks. Why thre nose shape is the same in many asian countries. Google image searchkoisan tribe. Race is a lie. Your countries are a lie.Human farms for the human cattle. More profitable than oil. Borders are man made. Your laws are fake and meant to control you. The truth of albinism will save your soul from the satanic regime which has made it so easy for your to literally "Hate thy neighbor"
>I would like for Sweden to be 100% white and 100% heterosexual
That isn't ever going to happen, Sven. Keep entertaining that wetdream of yours. The only realistic course of action can be one where you stop ALL immigration from non-white countires.
Fascist Authoritarianism is the last hope of humanity, OP.
no, your a fucking idiot
this election was about getting rid of political corruption and nationalism over globalism
DESU I only voted for Trump because his pure hatred for globalization and love of nationalism, killing trade deals and keeping jobs here and promoting more industries in the US is the best thing right now.
His cabinet and Mike Pence fucking terrify me, I can only hope none of them have any effect on policy, but I have to maintain hope that Trump will be good economically and foreign-policy wise. The right countries already like him and the wrong ones already hate him, which is good.
why the fuck do brown people come to my albino country if their lifestyle, nature and state is better?
why the fuck blacks of africa keep reproducing even if they cant feed their offsping?
checkmate, evolved albinos are on the right side of history, nogs arent
Islam is the one true relgion. Its why saudia arabia Dubai is the richest place on earth. Its why your illuminati masters practice islam in secret. Google image search Illuminati mason hats. Star sabre moon. Islam.
To get the secret ending, you have to play on HARD MODE. Islam is the strictest religion.
>blacks in moscow: prostitutes and drug dealers
>albino russians in africa: pilots, scientists, top paid contract workers, elite of the continet
concidence? i dont think so
This is why.
Ill be on the right side of human history for informing so many of you of the truth in the attempt to save your souls from Satan.
I don't mind non whites and I don't mind gays (I'm a bit poofy so there is my bias).
What I being told to hate myself and everybody like me, that we don't matter and should cheer our own demise and celebrate the existence of those who hate our guts and want us to die.
No, absolutely not.
It saddening because I've met so many non whites that I get along with on a personal level, but I feel like there must be an understood barrier that is not crossed between our groups. You have your place and I have mine, the other guy has theirs and we're all respectful to eachother.
Break that understanding and there's problems....look at Europe.
but your pic only proves albino mutant women are better than nog women, also we trreat our 'supreme' immigrant brown workers here like shit, there is nothing even close to pic they expirience here everyday
I don't want anyone to die, and I don't want anyone to have less rights than I do.
I want minorities and women to have the same expectations of themselves that I do.
I want the leaders of my country to put my country first.
I want my government to respect the will of the people, not the will of Soros.
I want muslims to abide by American culture and norms when they come to America.
I want illegal immigrants to stop pretending they aren't criminals.
I want to stop paying for other countries' defense, food, and infrastructure for no gain.
I want whites to be respected like every race, not derided and called trash.
I want to be able to publicly hold these beliefs without being condemned a *ist and a *phobe and potentially lose my job.
I want to make America great again.
Hello FBI can I have employment without college education? J edgar wont mind
No. I want a country that is the powerhouse it once was, with everyone treated equally, all people identify as Americans, rather than the fractured disgrace it is now.
Im not black so im not really sure what your point is in attempting to smear our perfect brother/father that we all came from. I will find a dark skinned black/brown wife. I will fix my albino genetics.
Black women are perfect.
I refuse to believe I have african genes. Fuck off with that shit chaim
Don't really have much of a problem with nonwhites who behave themselves. Women need to be kept on a leash, however. People ignore how severely they affect political policy by supporting leftist policies and manipulating betas into taking their position/
I dont care. You are my brother and I forgive you. I hope you find love. We all deserve love. Even on the days when we arent our best. We all suck, but love can make us suck less. We all deserve love. Its the very best part of being alive.