Middle School Kids Chant "BUILD THE WALL"


>muh false flags!

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god speed you little angels

We bash millennials but they are more right wing than any 18-24 age bracket in the past.

>the next generation of combatants in the meme war: children

Generation Z is looking good.

Stupid leaf

>This was on DAY ONE after Trump was elected President.

This nigger says that like it's a bad thing. Had they burned down the cafeteria in protest, this race-baiting niglet woulda praised their patriotism.

Trump isn't even in office yet and the next generation is ready to make this country great again.

They look younger than 16 which doesn't make them Millenials

Second grade teacher here. Can confirm on my way to elementary. Second graders are based as fuck. The entire class was chanting "Trump" day before election. Half the class is second gen Mexican, too.

>le ebin "walls are racist" meme

They're not millenials... they're whatever generation comes after. Nu-millenials.
They've seen the degeneracy adopted by twenty-thirty year-olds and can't stand it.

>tfw the Millennials on Sup Forums will be the Beer Hall Putsch and freikorps men while Gen Z will be the soldiers of WWII and the Hitler Youth

Admire them, because they will save this nation.

I'm pretty sure they're not millenials leaf




poor children, they probably read Sup Forums or other Sup Forums influenced media and think that we are full serious here and not being ironic.

told ya guys long time ago, we need to take off those meme masks off, children lurk this place.

They're Gen Z, which according to two recent studies hold the most conservative views since The Greatest Generation.

They're going to rebel hard against the SJW faggotry of their Gen X parents and millenial siblings. Really hard.

I thought millenials voted for Hillary 100% NATE SILVER TOLD ME THIS WTF WAS HE WRONG ????

I seriously want them to build the wall, ironically.

plot twist: they're in masonry class

Generation Z will soon be voting.


kids just like to banter for shits and giggles

They're Gen Z, Pierre.


Cause saying build the wall is inherently racist, right?

>wanting to build a wall to prevent illegal immigrants, rapes, drugs, guns etc. from spreading is racist
>locking your car doors when going to market in case car thieves is racist
>locking your front door at night in case of robbers is racist
>not bending over and having your butt lubed ready for Ahmed and Jamal is racist

>Shaun King

Pick one.



That's literally the slogan (besides MAGA) that Trumps campaign was built on.

>This nigger
pls don't call Talcum X a nigger. It's like calling a male to female transgender "she". It only reinforce their beliefs.

Those kids are considered white in the US.

No wonder Trump uses fake tan.


he's as much of a nigger as obama. if it talks like a nigger, and walks like a nigger, it's a nigger, folks.

What the fuck is wrong with chanting build the wal???

>post-millenial students will be based right wing death squads

it's part of the presidential program, what's the problem?

I've pretty much started my nephews on the path. It's a slow and steady process to ensure they have proper protection against the liberal brainwashing that public schools have turned into


Does that mean we're going to get liquidated now that Trump has ascended to ruler of the Normies?

This is good! I am beginning to have a little faith in the younger generation!

>Implying Talcum X is black

The future is bright

>grow up with faggot cuck weak father
>grow up with retarded airhead liberal mother
>forced to lead yourself and get redpilled

That's basically what's happening with this generation.

I have to confirm, anecdotally, that thr children I see at the tail end of high school now are way more sand and normal than the 14 - 18 year olds of just 5 years ago.

The SJW, identity politics pushing, progressive hugbox movement truly has crested and begun to recede. It doesn't have the same capacity to corrupt impressionable college freshman as it did 10 years ago, when it was subtle enough to turn slowly. It lost its appeal. The movement has become so insanely confrontational and rabid towards regular decent people that its hypocrisy and degeneracy is too overt to ignore.

When I as a Gen Y-er (I hate the term Millennial btw, and refuse to self-identify with it) was a college freshman, the SJW movement seemed more rational because it was still spearheaded in larger part by better spoken, well intentioned, more easily digestible professors and intellectuals. Occupy Wallstreet brought the rabid metamorphosis of trans issues and overtly anti-white rhetoric to the fore and it exploded in the next few years. But 2014-2015 was it. That was the most influential their movement will ever be. It's done. They're fractured, self-cannibalizing and have lost the ability to draw in even semi-rational youths, whose susceptiblity was the only way their ranks could grow.

They're like fucking leftie Shakers, in a way; they cannot have traditional families due to their ideology and rely on conversion. What's happened is the logical conclusion for their movement.


..."The future is orange"
>old UK cellular network slogan

Fuck I love Gen Z. Our pepejugend.

Here comes the backlash libtards, it's gonna really sting.

>poor children, they probably read Sup Forums or other Sup Forums influenced media and think that we are full serious here and not being ironic.
jidf pls go

Who are they trying to fool?

>walls are rassis
fuck off.
meanwhile the niggers in the block are beating old white people senseless

Imagine being on your deathbed, the news that the last alien rebels on Kepler-186f, dubbed "New Earth" have been wiped out and that colonisation can commence immediately. Hearing the door open, you turn your head to see your right-wing nationalist Human supremacist son coming to pay his respects before being deployed to go tear ET a new arsehole on the other side of the galaxy. For humanity.

It's all possible because the left have long since been gassed or converted.

The future is bright.

Trump Youth program seems to be working. Praise kek

wtf I hate Trump now!
Time to be a HillMissile.

Those aren't millennials
That's generation Z

Millenials are the ones in college from 20+

As a gen Z can confirm that liberal bullshit is looked down upon by many of us.
Been browsing pol since 8th grade I've got redpilled and have redpilled many of my freinds around me. I do it by Meming about how Jews control everything

Who here like early 20s? Imma wait 8 years to get a wife from this generation. Serious.

fuck you guys being born in 1992 doesnt make me a liberal

The future is secured.

Soldiers of KEK