Although I have to wonder, is this legal?
Grubhub BTFO's Trump and his supporters
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Yes, it's legal.
We need to meme the CEO's resignation.
They aren't straight up firing them, so yes it is legal. just like how some businesses will move employees they want to fire into a small uncomfortable office and give them shit work, that way they quit on their own and don't get a severance check. if they just straight up asked the employees who they support and fired all of the trump supporters it would be illegal in most states.
Looks like your typical passive aggressive liberal beta bitch.
Their site is down top kek. Shame I wanted to troll the chat support
That's a great way to get Trump's federal government all up in said businesses' licenses and legal status.
This is highly illegal, and these employees should seek litigation immediately.
It is legal because he's not firing them due to their political views.
Would it be okay if he had said black, instead of trump supporters? How about Jewish?
This was covered on Fox Business today, framed as an outrage. Shit was fun to watch.
He probably will be forced to resign since he tanked the stocks and sold off his shares before tanking them. I can see a lot of people being pissed at him and him actually being jailed.
wow that is one punchable face if i've ever seen one
There is a difference between supporting Trump and supporting his rhetoric.
Really? how odd
I hope they're not being DDoSed into the stone ages or anything.
That's legal in the US?
It is legal since he didn't actually fire anyone
I agree with his right to say that and run his business as he sees fit
I also believe in Sup Forums's right to smear him and grubhub everywhere on the internet and destroy his company and life
Very illegal, even in a Right to Work state he's still obviously creating a hostile work environment.
If any of them feel like cashing in some free settlement bux the guy is fucked.
That's literally a Seinfeld episode
Let's do it.
No. Theres a difference between what Trump said and the twisted version the leftists and MSM spewed out.
This cunt has lapped up the "Trump is a racist, xenophobic pussygrabber" meme by the bucketful.
I'm an HR consultant at a Big 4 firm.
This is INCREDIBLY risky as a company because I can guarantee there are going to be some state courts that would look at this pressure to quit that the boss is pushing and the company creating an environment like this as a form of harassment and there is definitely a noninsignificant chance of a judge agreeing.
Just because there are explicit laws that do prevent discrimination based on sex, race, religion etc., does not mean because there isn't one for political beliefs means it's fair game. Any form of bullying/harassment by a company's leadership is begging for a civil suit.
>Sup Forums is working human resources
There's a word for that user
Kill yourself
It is employment at will doctrine. You can fire an employee for refusing to laugh at your nigger joke. Employment only covers agism/sexism/racism/ and religious beliefs. If you fire someone for being a mudslime thenit is not covered. You can dump your entire work force if you want, but you will go under. Grubhub is done.
He's not an autist, he's a high-functioning autist
>Let's do it.
this one is tailor made for us really
This is why polls were just wrong.
If you live in a blue state you basically have to be an in the closet Trump supporter.
Put out a Trump sign and your house is vandalized
Put Trump sticker on car and it will be vandalized
Wear Trump gear in public and some jackass will pick fight or cold cock you
If people at work find out then they will make life hell for you until you leave.
>reply to his email, CC all
>i voted trump
>he cant fire you for it and looks srupid
>This is why polls were just wrong.If you live in a blue state you basically have to be an in the closet Trump supporter.Put out a Trump sign and your house is vandalized Put Trump sticker on car and it will be vandalized Wear Trump gear in public and some jackass will pick fight or cold cock youIf people at work find out then they will make life hell for you until you leave.
and this is why we need to destroy grubhub
as a lesson
All you faggots saying it's legal don't know the law very well, discrimination at this level cam have them completely shut down and I hope they are
>Cuckhub website is down after hostile, anti Trump statement
>CEO sold his shares prior to his shit posting
>Cuckhub stock plummets
Cuckhub is so fucked, I doubt even immunity cat can save them at this point
>that would look at this pressure to quit
but how could they prove they are trying to pressure them to quit? someone has to do all of the shit work that no one wants to do. are they going to go to court and say " before i was doing these fun projects at work but now i am being forced to do work that i don't like and i don't want to quit" and expect the court to be on their side?
>Immunity cat
Take your 9cuck meme and get out
how is it not legal? he said "should resign" not that he is going to fire them.
immunity cat is older than Sup Forums, /r9k/ and you kiddo.
why the fuck do you mega retards talk about law when you have no fucking clue
We should still destroy them
This is the kind of fight that is tailor made for us