Shaun King Calls for Resistance
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Tired of seeing that faggot cuck on my FB. Such a giant wuss.
literally who
What a fucking cuck. I just hope he gets shot in the process.
What the actual fuck? Are a bunch of wheelchair bound retards gonna take up arms against Trump supporters?
This poser is going to fuck around and get got
>53% of white women vote for Trump
>This Cuck
>"Hey women, let's revolt!"
Please, for the ever loving fuck, and a psychopath just kill him please
Mentally ill cretin.
has this guy been doxxed recently? where does he live?
Can people call this cracka out now please?
>Are a bunch of wheelchair bound retards gonna take up arms against Trump supporters?
>take up arms
>be anti-gun
>want to resist against people with 4-5 pieces of firearms each
How did he figure that will end up?
Bullet his head
to my fellow Sup Forums anons:
Please, protect yourselves. The day is coming, you will need to defend your life. Start to concealed carry. If you dont know anything about guns, learn. If you dont own a firearm, buy one.
we will soon need to defend ourselves. prepare now.
Lots of dead niggers.
A winwin for both sides really. Legitimizes his movement, and we delete a couple of nigs.
>people still listen to Talcum X
Shaun King is a white dude who exploits black people more than any slave owner ever did.
Brown people need to get off the Shaun King plantation.
This fucking guy.
how has he not been dropped by BLM yet? hasn't he been proven to be white like 10 times now?
>Resist the most right wing supporters who literally own more guns than people who voted for Hillary
Made me think
Does he love all Muslims, Immigrants, Women, Disabled and All People of Color who voted Trump tho? :^)
This makes normies like Trump more. I'm pretty sure normal apathetic citizens think blue lives matter.
One drop rule. There are hordes of Sup Forumsacks that literally agree with this rule.
Talcum X
Him and what army?
They'll probably blame it on >muh internalized misogyny/ableism/racism/whateverthefuckism
Shit this one gets me everytime.
>"I will help us organise our resistance"
>"I have several announcements to make"
I love this idea Talcum X has that he's this great revolutionary leader like the great black revolutionaries of days gone by, King must be looking down and smilin.
About a thousand negroes wielding steel pipes and going from shop to shop, engaging in rapid item retrieval. That's his army, basically.
The moment they do anything other than twitter barking they'll be in guantanamo.
Hes fully white though. Having a haircut likw that doesnt make you black
Why are they so mentally ill Sup Forums?
That dude, fucking legend.
Im lucky to have been in the thread where it was first said, fuck me that was some funny shit first time i heard it.
I know, it is shit like this that keeps me up at night, user.
Personally, I blame our education system.
>Talcum -X
My nigga
Oh nooo that sucks
Kek Talcum X talkin' shit
I hate to plug reddit but r/ar15 and r/gundeals are great sources of information. At minimum get in shape and buy a handgun you can conceal easily. Happy Revolution Goys!
oh shit what are we going to do now that Shaun 'wewuz' King is mad
Hold me.
And here I am, wielding a butter knife.
>Shaun 'wewuz' King
Talcum X got caught stealing from 2 different charities and still SJWs wont tell him to fuck off. It's hilarious.
Do not underestimate the crippled
unless he is advocating actual attacks, this nation has seen too many protests about nothing, another protest is just going to piss off more people than swing them to their cause.
We should join in.
Then when they gather up, rwds them.
When will niggers finally turn on him? I can't wait for that day
Some white guy in blackface.
Good. Hopefully his ass gets taken out.
someone please reply him with images of that cuck saying "YOU ARE A WHITE MALE"
they certainly can't take up legs
I think they misinterpreted what "mechanized infantry" actually means
They wouldn't have a leg to stand on.
You lucky fuck
Meanwhile the rightful heir of the King surname supports Trump
He claims that the white guy on his birth certificate isn't his real dad.
If he's so sure, why doesn't he take a DNA test and prove us wrong? I'll tell you why. Because he's afraid he won't actually be black. His whole life will have been a lie.
If Shaun King took a DNA test and found out he was white, I'm guessing there's a 20% chance he goes insane, and a 10% chance he becomes a full blown white nationalist.
>4-5 pieces of firearms
found the eurocuck
the government will prote-oh, wait a minute now.
Fringe movements are prone to scam artists hijacking their cause for personal gain. This goes for the alt-"""""""right"""""" too, with shitheads like David Duke and Milo scamming their followers.
>stand up to Trump
White guy who LARPs as an oppressed negro. Likely the most mentally cucked man in America.
>a cripple popping crips
Talcum X looks like he's gonna snap.
You brits are wielding too many weapons already!
Yeah, avoid /k/. No good advice there and a buncha tripfags in dresses calling everyone else poorfags and circle jerking to israeli fals because they can shoot a dime at 600 yards and deposit it in a bank.
>muslims,immigrants,women,disabled and all people of color
what a dreadful enemy. its like boys vs girls in PE. go easy on em.
Brave British policemen recovering dangerous aboriginal technology
He must be imprisoned for extremism.
The guy literally says that his white dad got cucked by a nigger, and that's why he is half-black. It's obviously false as he refuses to do a DNA test.
Hey muslims are not that much of a pussies, they'll never fight for commie gays and women though.
Talcum X's idea of resistance is blocking roads and getting run over doing it.
we should ban assault dildos pre-emptively
So that's where the disabled come in.
Crybully liberals wanna take everyones guns and are too afraid of owning them them selves.
Crybully liberals have complete temper tantrum they lose
Crybully liberals threaten to take up arms, that the don't have, and stage violent resistance, that they are too cucked for against the rest of the country that did embrace their second ammendment....
>black man needing to shake a white mans hand
Did not know that. That makes it even worse. God, how cucked does one have to be to LARP as another race?
>I hate to plug reddit
Fucking Americans. How can an entire nation be so retarded?
If anyone hears any of these shitbag liberals make threats of violence do not hesitate to report them.
Nothing soothes butt hurt like a visit from the FBI.
He's a nobody. Troll the fuck out of him anyway tho
It's a safeguard against ">plebbit" replies, emu slave
>discounting objective information because of where it comes from
sounds like a leftie to me!
Shh, they're just pellet guns.
Post your reaction when this loser gets Vanned
Its fuckin nothin
>Look him up
>All he does on facebook is share peoples stories about being assaulted by trump supporters
>With no proof
>Completely disregards the fact that many of these stories are being debunked by police
>People still listen to this idiot
Might as well make a story on faceboo on how a group wearing trump hats pinned me down and gave me the goofballs
Looks like it didn't work.
>being so mentally fucking challenged that you rely on information aggregation sites because you can't just google "AR15 manual" and get one of the bajillion pdfs off Google
Furthermore, we have our own weapons board. Did they laugh at the painted MLP stock on your slavshit or something?
> "Hahahah TRUMPets are gonna riot like fags when Hillary win 'cause they can't handle losing!
> Trump wins
Top tier democracy, Greatest Ally.
Ironically, spreading fear and hate seems to be his primary objective.
Nice quads.
You are forgetting these protestors are payed by the people who pay the cops and fbi to drop investigations or prosecute white hispanics for defending themselves within restraints of the law.
Daily reminder that in Burgerland if your intentions are trying to kill the POTUS, police and military legitimately MUST use LETHAL FORCE.
This guy didn't even read his constitution.
Quads of action. Do this. Report these dindu threats.
Holy shit I had never seen that thing before. I never expected it to be uglier than its """"(((art)))"""" Maybe it will blow its brains out in the next 4 years.
Who is that semen demon?
Women don't love you you big bender
Why do beta nu males meme themselves into thinking women want anything to do with them or share anything other than low testosterone levels with them?
>we have our own weapons board
Have you been on /k/ recently? Its a bunch of touhou crossplayers, dragon dildo collectors, and no guns shitposters.
Well nothing has changed except touhou crossplayers.