>This election is a loss for people who believe in science
What the hell does this mean? Isn't science supposed to be apolitical?
>This election is a loss for people who believe in science
What the hell does this mean? Isn't science supposed to be apolitical?
Nothing is apolitical.
>What the hell does this mean?
Libcucks on suicide watch.
This is what liberals actually believe
They even admit: Science is a belief.
It is, unless you want more funding for your climate studies.
you don't have to believe in science, you can test it for yourself
and what they really believe in is whatever the kike media tells them
Apparently these people think that because Trump is defunding climate change and Pence is a Creationist, all scientific research will now suddenly stop for the next four or eight years.
It means people who follow Neil Degrasse Tyson and Bill Nye on twitter
*defunding climate change research
>fucking idiots don't realize that science is a method of investigation, not a belief system
They confused social sciences as a legitimate discipline. :3
It's simple, if you vote for Trump you aren't educated enough to believe in science.
>tfw homo and proud Trump supporter
That means the person is an absolute fucking retard crybaby.
Like this post
>muh passport
Who gives a fuck? Trump won, deal with it, MAGA.
>"""believing""" in science
you don't
t. scientist
To a liberal, science is Neil deGrasse Tyson and watching Carl Sagan while on weed. They know that pop sci figures hate Trump, so they just imitate them, and call themselves scientists because they're "researching" some sociological bullshit in a nonsense university course.
To us, science is actual advancement of technology, and furthering our understanding of the universe. We have ten times the chance of putting a man on Mars under Trump than under Hillary.
You can still "believe in" a method of investigation in the sense that you believe it is productive and fruitful.
>too many votes are repressed
It's almost as if the EC was established to prevent deliberate concentration of power in urban centers (otherwise known as tyranny). Imagine that.
How else are they going to rake in those delicious tax dollars for murdering babies?
believe in science
>what a joke
Trump is anti-science. You do the math.
Trump denies global warming. Global warming is a scientific fact
Scientism destroys science desu. Nowadays science is just a tool to obligate people to accept your political preferences.
Yup. Unfortunately the cult of sciencism has taken over the progressive mind.
It's because Trump doesn't believe climate change is real, and they think that all trump supporters deny science, which is so far from the truth, lots of democrats voted trump as well, the left is the most disorganized contradictory thing in existence
nope, is a loss for fake science (ie, pollsters)
why arent the scientists criticizing pollsters?
why arent they happy that the international space station will get a boost now from renewed us-russia cooperation?
why dont they make a climate prediction model that fucking works instead of bitching about those that call the actual "predictions" to be fake?
oh, and i forgot:
why dont they bitch about leftists saying that "everyone is equal" and taking about "races" (a 19th century concept) but ignoring the effects of belonging to one or the other haplogroup?
this election has been a defeat for lazyass scientists and im happy for it
scientists need money to survive. And i guess they depend on the government to fund them. The private sector can fund medicine but they will not fund risky and probably not so fast returns as spacial research, that is something good for the humanity but not in a short period of time. but its too early to say trump is cutting science investment.
Where are proofs?
There's no need for science when Kek is on your side.
Going to be using a lot of science to build the wall and get a shit ton of oil.
All current main-stream science has an agenda and a form of political involvement.
A lot of "science" isn't really science. It's just a bunch of people who puts their stamp on someone elses opinion.
Because his running mate pence doesnt believe in evolution and he and trump both are anti-vaxxers.
They are scientific neanderthals.
But you shoulöd still support them. Its more fun to watch americans die from simple diseases.
Tissue engineering Ph.D here.
Voted for Trump.
Fuck your feelings!
>all these 'science is the answer and end-all to everything' fags
They mean global warming research and abortion. How is abortion science? Fuck if I know I am just a chemist. Also Environmental science isn't science.
And Trump said he is going to increase funding to NASA and work with Space X and private firms so retards can go fuck themselves.
You're right
>the answers to all questions in life can be answered through rigorous science or philosophy
Much better
They're basically mad because they believe Pence's scientific ignorance will translate to policy (it won't as long as he's VP) and that trump doesn't believe global warming is man made.
The Irony is Clinton would have done jack shit from that angle either because neither dems or conservatives really gives a fuck about environmentalism, a concept that takes sacrifice of interest in order to support.
The best trump will do is replace the EPA with something more effective and unabusable, which may actually help the environment.
I appreciate your picture, but you're actually a moron.
>I don't understand something why something is science, so it can't be science
Holy moly
These people have no idea what the fuck they're talking about.
Republicans generally allocate more money to scientific endeavors/advancement.
After all, what was it Black Science Guy said? "Science = Money, and no Republican wants to die poor."
>not giving out free abortions is anti science
you what mate?
And environmental science is literally a social science. Plus knowing people in that retarded field, you literally cant put the bar any lower on their research when you consider they fucking tell companies when they test them and say fracking is good
I'm tired of these liberals and this pseudo science, people like Bill Maher try to act like they everything yet they know nothing.
Science doesn't support more than half the shit they believe, hell im a undergrad Chemical Engineering student and I know more than all of these liberal talking heads know.
Hate to break your reality but for those who did test it ourselves we realized it's just a shifty religion. Science is dead.
>watch thunderbolts of the gods
>there's a reason it makes so much sense
Intelligent people on Trump's side absolutely one sided the election in his favor.
I bet i know science better than that asshole and i set off some fires that i bet took hundreds of thousands of votes from hillary.
....and LoLocaust was real in my mind
>believe in science
You're a fucking idiot. Science doesn't require belief, it require proof and a repeatable methodology.
already watched it, made some good points. not sure if I believe it 100% though
watch carl Munck the code, and secrets in plain sight
Why believe in science? The whole point of science is knowing for certain and not having to believe. God these faggots are stupid...
Politics and region has been holding science back for a millennia. The German approach of "fuck the consequences lets do it" was the best for science but had many side effects.
At least the Chinese have that approach now.
thank you for engineering tissues, I will thank you next time I sneeze
>Pence's scientific ignorance
on faggots?
>the vast majority of racists support a conservative candidate
must be the first time in history!
More specifically on evolution, though zapping people with electricity doesn't fix their brain of any problems, it's one of those archaic beliefs that electricity is godly magic that just werks.
Zapping people does fix their brains. We still do that.
Choose one.
Republicans disrupt science because their big industry donors ask them to, and they attack education because they don't want people catching on that facts go against everything they stand for.
>oy vey, it was a miracle, instead of the gas, water came down
it's very difficult to prove if evolution is 100% natural, or if some entity helped it along. we can do genetic engineering, it's possible that someone else did some genetic engineering on us and the other species
one question I would like answered is why do humans have 23 chromosome pairs, but the other great apes have 24. what kind of event or mutation could have happened to make that change, and did it happen simultaneously in one male and one female at the exact same time? interspecies crosses with different numbers of chromosomes(e.g. the donkey) are always(?) infertile. Whilst interspecies crosses with the same number of chromosomes are often fertile
>believing in science
bitch, what about evidence and data?
This touchy feely bullshit is why you lost
Maybe he is talking about trump's lack of faith in their model of global warming.
oh, and personally I'd just zap gays for shits and giggles
>believe in science
When will this meme fucking die already
My gf is christian and works at a reasearch institute, has a masters, worked 10 years as a nurse.
But the liberals are absolutely right. We hate science and dont believe in it and dont practice medicine we pray and yeah like omg can you believe how dumb we are with our magical imaginary sky friend.
proofs? The brain is a very complex organ, the cause of mental illness is difficult to trace though advances in neurology are getting us closer and closer to the causes. If you're looking for an example of electricity having a positive effect well there was one successful procedure done where power powered node was attached to a part of the brain that triggered the release of dopamine when stimulated. This was done on people with chronic depression to force them to be happy, a literal happy button.
Indiscriminate zapping? Who knows what the fuck you're doing. It's like a lobotomy, you're just ripping out parts of the brain to make someone complacent even though you've fucked their perception and made them practically inhuman.
If you wanted to make a gay person straight, we'd first have to find the exact physical reason in their brain.
The reason humans have 23 instead of 24 is because two chromosomes merged. Chromosomes can do that via mutation, as they are but packets of genetic information separated solely for the purpose of mitosis and meiosis, like special folders. All the contents eventually return to one big wade of code within a cell. So over time that "assortment" can change.
Some genetic disorders clearly display this, like fragile X syndrome in which the x chromosome is elongated and carries additional dna, essentially a different chromosome from normal X chromosomes.
>What about infertile hybrids like muels
Barriers of a species aren't all uniform. There are around eight barriers and in the end what defines a species is just that, a definition. This is why you have those threads where people criticize how two nearly identical parrots are a different species while human races are not. In nature you can get two 99.9% related sea urchins as different species because a protein difference in their sperm and eggs prevent copulation, or two species that can produce fertile young that can also produce fertile young but are separated by continents (lamas and camels).
If you're asking how the chromosomes merged in humans and managed to propagate when chromosome count differences typically cause sterility in hybrids, well it's pretty damn obvious incest could have easily led to the propagation of an entire tribe of hominids with 23 chromosomes instead of 24.
>All the contents eventually return to one big wade of code within a cell. So over time that "assortment" can change
>If you're asking how the chromosomes merged in humans and managed to propagate when chromosome count differences typically cause sterility in hybrids, well it's pretty damn obvious incest could have easily led to the propagation of an entire tribe of hominids with 23 chromosomes instead of 24.
hmm, but what you are saying is that the mutation happened simultaneously in a male and female at the same time?
what are the 8 boundaries?
Science has been watered down recently in these liberal times.
>holding science back
Holding it back from what? There has to be a destination for restraint to even be coherent.
Good thing that isn't a position anyone being discussed in this thread has held.
The fun thing is that they always forget the history of the church, where it was funding all the scientists and all the scientists were Christians. Although faith and science are certainly different, they run parallel to each other.
You cant believe in science it just is.
You have to believe and faith in man made global warming because a consensus is politics not science.
>Are you saying the mutation can occur in males and females at the same time
I'm saying that, as with other genetic disorders, the pairing of a male and a female who resulted in a child with one less chromosome may have a chance to produce such a mutation again.
>What are the eight boundaries
When species live in completely different habitats and are restricted to them, they can't meet and reproduce unless an abnormal instance occurs
Animals with different breeding seasons won't mate, meaning two closely releated things that could produce fertile hybrids won't because their females and males breed at different periods
If two species can't communicate and depend on communication (dance, song, ritual) to reproduce, they won't be able to reproduce under normal circumstances (I.E a lot of birds)
If your genitalia can't work together, it doesn't matter if you can produce fertile hybrids because you can't get the sperm to the egg. A lot of plants spectate this way
Like the sea urchin example, if the sperm and egg can't combine because of chemical differences you can't reproduce.
>Reduced Hybrid Viability
When your hybrid may be able to reproduce but is too weak and sickly to make it to reproductive age
>Reduced hybrid fertility
When your hybrid is sterile or too infertile, like mules.
>Hybrid Break down
When your hybrid are fertile but their children are sterile. This is more of a plant thing because plant genetics can do some weird shit.
The more of these barriers are unbroken, the more scientific ground you can justify a different species.
>well it's pretty damn obvious incest could have easily led to the propagation of an entire tribe of hominids with 23 chromosomes instead of 24.
explain this
>The more of these barriers are unbroken, the more scientific ground you can justify a different species.
interesting user
I learned something, do I get a trophy?
do you personally believe negroids and caucasoids are separate species?
also, what is the branch of biology I would earch for to learn things like the 8 barriers?
>hillary isn't the megalomaniac
I do not understand how these people develop these views
what the fuck is sitting in the car with her?
Climate change really. Which is a moot point because we're way past the point of no return on that issue. If the US doesnt pollute, China will, Russia wil, South Africa will. We'd need multiple generations to actually convince THE ENTIRE WORLD to go for renewables.
Shit, we haven't even convinced everyone that smoking causes cancer yet we expect there to be global action to stop climate change? Laughable. We're fucked either way, we might as well give people jobs with steady incomes instead of hoping that the climate gods will be appeased by our frugleness.
The only science that matters to a liberal is politicized climate science. Regular engineers and scientists will just shrug their shoulders and get back to work.
>believe in science
>in science
>the cause of mental illness is difficult to trace though advances in neurology are getting us closer and closer to the causes.
t. no-knower
"Advances in """"neurology"""" are a meme, and restraining crazies is still the only thing we know how to do. With drugs, physical restraints or zapping of the brain, the basic principle hasn't changed in centuries.
>They can't meet and reproduce unless an abnormal instance occurs
I meant to say they can't meet with other closely related species and reproduce.
Camals and Lamas are like this, they have the same chromosome count and the Cama hybrid is healthy and fertile, but being from different continents and being adapted to different climates means they would never reproduce in the wild without human influence.
A lot of genetic disorders result from how your parents genes fit together. Think hemophilia and the likes, with doctors constantly asking about your family history.
a genetic disorder causing two chromosomes to merge occurred and occurred again in such a frequency that a whole group of fertile apes with one less chromosome were reproducing as a result.
That is to say, the chromosomal merge was likely not some very freak genetic disorder that occurred in one ape, otherwise he'd have none to reproduce with.
Also, while different chromosomal counts can cause reduced hybrid viability or hybrid fertility, it is not a set in stone law for all life. Some things could circumvent it depending on how there genes are ordered.
No, but it's arbitrary. Humans only had one barrier, geographical. You can argue culture could count as "behavior" yet here we are with people mixing regardless of staunch cultural and behavioral differences.
At the same time other separate species hybridize constantly with a limited number of barriers retained, such as ducks, showing how arbitrary it is (Mallard ducks in America hybridize with other species all the time, they maintain their existence because the hybrid population is always smaller).
college level bio 101, no joke.
It means I think the earth is 4000 years old, hate my mother and gay fried and want to lynch my black Roomate
At least Facebook is telling me so
What a cuck
>I fee like I need to apologize
How do you become such a fucking weak faggy pussy
based dad.
>their personal beliefs have anything to do with vaccines and science research
Go le fuck your set
No it is not. Earth is currently cooling, and has been for over 20 years. Current science predicts that the Earth will continue cooling for at least the next 25 years with a very high probability, and is likely to keep cooling for the next 100 years. This is all due to solar activity. Solar scientists have been explaining this for the past 8 years or so.
Don't talk out your ass about science like that. Makes you look like an uneducated moron or paid shill.
Hopefully they get all the fucking gender theorists pressuring researchers to support their male/female brain tranny agenda out of science once and for all.
No one in this thread is allowed to have antibiotics anymore.
>What the hell does this mean? Isn't science supposed to be apolitical?
Stalin denied genetic theory in favor of behaviorism because of ideology.
The same ideology before science thinking has overtaken western science and ruined it.
science is not apolitical
it becomes political if leftists ignore it
marxists pride themselves in being scientifically, ironically they are the group most in opposition to it. Why? Because they believe in the human mind's fabrication of equality which is in total opposition to everything observed in nature. They believe the basis of life, inheritence can be deduced to a social construct.
Dr. McHugh, who is the author of six books and at least 125 peer-reviewed medical articles, made his remarks in an article in the Wall Street Journal titled “Transgender Surgery Isn’t the Solution”, in which he explained that transgender surgery is not the solution for people who suffer a “disorder of ‘assumption’”—the notion that their maleness or femaleness is different than what nature assigned to them biologically.
>people think science requires belief
I hate these fucking morons so much
In support of his opinion, he pointed to a recent study which showed that the suicide rate among “transgendered” people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among normal people.
Dr. McHugh also pointed out studies from Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic of children who had expressed transgender feelings but for whom, over time, 70–80 percent “spontaneously lost those feelings”—implying that a lot of this “transgenderism” was in fact twisted adults projecting these feelings onto children.
“While the Obama administration, Hollywood, and major media such as Time magazine promote transgenderism as normal,” said Dr. McHugh, these “policy makers and the media are doing no favors either to the public or the transgendered by treating their confusions as a right in need of defending rather than as a mental disorder that deserves understanding, treatment and prevention.”
READ Chinese Government Funds $1.5 Billion Drive to Discover Genetic Basis of IQ
“This intensely felt sense of being transgendered constitutes a mental disorder in two respects. The first is that the idea of sex misalignment is simply mistaken—it does not correspond with physical reality. The second is that it can lead to grim psychological outcomes.”
The transgendered person’s disorder, said Dr. McHugh, is in the person’s “assumption” that they are different than the physical reality of their body, their maleness or femaleness, as assigned by nature.
>we haven't even convinced everyone that smoking causes cancer yet
you haven't convinced me that the radioactive fallout from all the atom bombs we've tested is not a major factor
also, none of the IPCC models successfully predicted reality, so they don't know what the fuck they are talking about
>Camals and Lamas are like this, they have the same chromosome count and the Cama hybrid is healthy and fertile
hmm, this is getting back to my query about how a 23 and 24 human/ape hybrid can reproduce
>a genetic disorder causing two chromosomes to merge occurred and occurred again in such a frequency that a whole group of fertile apes with one less chromosome were reproducing as a result.
ok, that sounds plausible
could this also be done artificially?
>No, but it's arbitrary.
it is true though that negroids lack neanderthal DNA, whilst the other major groups have 1-4%?
>college level bio 101, no joke.
do you know much about junk DNA?
have you watched "everything you know is wrong - lloyd pie" on YT?