Why do so many Americans cling so desperately to Irish "heritage?" Isn't being American enough? I could understand taking an interest in it, but people who decide they are "Irish" over being "American" when nobody in their family has visited Ireland or NI decades seems silly.
Nothing makes me cringe more than some yank telling me "You're from Ulster? Up the IRA my celtic brother!!!!"
Joshua Wilson
Blame the SJWs.
Nathan Lopez
>inb4 nice flag >inb4 ulster is British
Yes, it is. It has been for some time. I have dual citizenship, both with ROI and NI, and traced my family back as far as 1700 and have found a majority came from the south, with the next largest number coming from north Ulster and the next largest group coming from Shetland, of all places.
I guess this can be a /muhheritage/ thread if that isn't a bit /his/ for Sup Forums
Connor Watson
SJWs killed the republican movement here.
I call myself Irish because I am Irish, but will continue to vote Unionist until a not-cucked republican party shows up.
Republicans who call me cucked or a traitor or retards, because I'll take keep my little corner of Ireland non-blacked over bankrupting us all and getting culturally enriched for the sake of "muh unity"
Henry Williams
Its just to get smashed on St. Patrick's day.
Austin Reyes
some actually have all Irish parents, grandparents, etc. Others, like me, have some Irish and that's the only European ancestry they're aware that they have. I don't have an Irish name, but I'm Catholic because one side of my family is Irish Catholic
Brandon Torres
A lot of ignorance, but also when their families came over it was one of the few things they could cling to - Irish working class neighborhoods were a very real part of urban America for a very long time. Past that people held onto it even after losing any significant ties because the US is a young country without roots as firm.
But it's also an exaggeration. Very few talk like that, and the few that do get a lot of negative attention for it. Unfortunately those types are also likely to travel to Ireland as well.
Samuel Nelson
I have to admit, plastic paddy's get to me after a while. Most of them have more in common with native Americans than actual Irish. And if you're ulster Irish then you're likely Anglo but most of the times they're too stupid to know that. As for wanting to be Irish I can understand that, certainly much better than being British :p
Joshua Edwards
I feel the same way m8.
I used to be a republican, until I learned to read.
Anthony Brooks
That sucks to hear, I've stayed out of politics for the most part around NI, generally just vote SDLP and gtfo.
Anthony Young
All my mick friends used to make fun of yankees for the whole "muh irish blood" thing. We've got a similar thing here in Canada with both scottish and irish blood. I think it's white-people wanting a cultural identity to cling to after being told by liberals that they can't just be proud of being white.
Cooper Wilson
Colonies hated England; Irish hate England. Irish immigrants bring hate from Ireland to America after they lose their potatoes.
We collectively BTFO England; more Irish come over; become law enforcement and establish entertainment for rest of America.
We're OG buds. Don't hate, Mick.
Jason Russell
>likely anglo
More likely Scot, depending on where you are.
As for >better than being British
Fuck off, nigger.
The anti-british sentiment ended after the Troubles when British troops fucked off and England apologised for being cunts.
Ulster Loyalists are the enemy now, except they're not really because Unionist parties are superior in every single way to literally every single relevant republican party.
When a republican party shows up that isn't cucked and has a single clue about economics, I'll happily vote for them.
Till then, Unionist all the way.
I don't mind that at all. Again; I'm from Ulster and so are my parents but I call myself Irish because a majority of our family have been from Ireland whether north or south.
I'll go republican when a good party shows up. I would like to see a United Ireland, but a United Ireland as a new non-shit entity with close ties to Britain, instead of just "Ulster in the ROI."
I wouldn't call myself very British at all, I don't wear a poppy because I don't support what the Brits did here but I do donate to veteran charities because only a retard would wish harm upon British soldiers today. I don't care much for the monarchy or take much pride in Britain beyond the sort of relation Brits have with France.
I don't call the IRA pre late troubles/GFA terrorists, but do call the post-50s loyalist paras terrorists, as well as today's IRA and all 15 quintillion splinters of it.
But being American is the ultimate "lol fuck off Brits" because you actually beat them. Ireland is free because we memeraided them hard and they REEEE'd hard enough back to spur a nation-wide hatred strong enough to warrant independence.
England would re-occupy and pacify is in half an hour. Why take Irish over American?
Cameron Nelson
When a 200 year heritage just isn't enough
Jason Davis
>Fuck off, nigger.
And the truth comes out. You say your nationalist yet you see Irish as "Nigers". Here is another classic example of an Ulster Unionist pretending to be Irish. Orange Nigger detected!
Landon Torres
Good lad.
I'd rather a Republic of Northern Ireland than unity.
They had their chance and they fucked it up. I want nothing to do with them anymore. They'll wreck our gene pool if we let them.
Charles Cruz
>When no one in their family has visited Ireland
But I have user. I even kissed the blarney stone.
Ryan Evans
Please tell me you didn't. I know people who pissed on that stone.
John Myers
UK, you're not using your head. A lot of Americans, myself included identify with our nations of ancestors for 2 reasons. >American as a race only applies to natives >Most Americans here are probably only 3-4 generation. My grandpa came in 1958, and my grandma came here in 1959. Reguardless of whether you identify with it or not. ANGLOS ARE JUST DANISH
John Carter
>But being American is the ultimate "lol fuck off Brits" because you actually beat them.
Yes, with a large portion of our farmer army being Irish settlers.
>England would re-occupy and pacify is in half an hour. >Why take Irish over American?
I don't think they're "taking" Irish over American. They still love to breathe the sweet, sweet air of freedom. I think it's more of an honorary thing. In a sports context: America scores with the assist from Ireland!
Blake Watson
My family has maintained a lot of Irish traditions through the generations since immigrating over. We like the food, the music, and have visited several times, as well as have taken an active interest in our ancestry. Mostly, though, my family is friends with a lot of other families of Irish heritage and lives in an area with a lot of Irish heritage folks. We have our own unique cultural idiosyncrasies and quirks as Irish Americans, but none of us would say it's like we're actually practicing Irish culture. Ultimately whether actually Irish people care or not doesn't cross any of our minds, they can be mad if they want to. As white Americans we're used to insignificant groups claiming we're culturally appropriating them, and we're not about to start caring now
Elijah Miller
>implying I'm not an Orange subhuman.
I vote Unionist because the republican parties are shit.
SF is refugees-welcome tier and SDLP is an absolute shambles. The cross community parties are either irrelevant or want to tax everyone for everything.
So I'm left with Unionist parties.
>thinking muh united ireland is more important than continued economical stability of the two states contained with Ireland
Absolutely fucking retarded.
>republic of northern ireland Eh. I don't care too much about "muh gene pool" within reason but ROI is reaching the beyond the reasonable stage.
Like I said, if a decent party emerges that wants a capable, not-broke, not-cucked United Ireland, I'm all over it.
nigger people piss on that stone every single day
I guess that makes sense. There are similarities between our REEEE'ing over home rule and your "muh representation" stuff. Still, though. Irish-American is an identity for someone with close ties to Ireland, not someone who's family came over decades ago who hasn't left the USA in their lives.
>late 1900s That's grand.
In my OP I spoke of people who have had shit all relation to Ireland for decades/reach desperately to find relation to it for the sake of it.
But if you're going to be "Irish-American" you ought to as a bare minimum know enough about Ireland to know that the IRA are no longer someone to cheer on, or that anti-british sentiment is a bit retarded now.
Jackson Gutierrez
>american heritage
fucking what? coke and burgers, killing natives?
Jaxson Cooper
theres nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage
>"You're from Ulster? Up the IRA my celtic brother!!!!"
only retarded faggots act like this
Adrian Gray
that's the attitude people refer to when they say American anglo/eirephiles are cringeworthy.
Jordan Young
Nigger America has existed longer than the Republic of Ireland has. People who say "being america is a non-heritage" are absolute faggots.
Although it's a bit rich coming from a Finn, who's history consists of being next to relevant Scandinavians and getting cucked by Russia.
You're the Wales of Northern Europe, except not as interesting.
There are a lot of retarded faggots.
Jason Rogers
The "No hyphenated Americans" meme is cultural marxism
>hey goys, abandon thousands of years of your ancestors traditions, you're an American! Replace it with consumerism and chicken tendies
Blake Morgan
Plastic Paddys are funny and ultimately are a good thing for Ireland. It's literally only shoneens who complain about them.
Gabriel Davis
It started with JFK. The Irish up turned nose was seen as a sign of ugly but when the kennedys were a well to do and considered Irish family it marked the first publicly acknowledged positive that the Irish brought with them. When it became fashionable soon others in America started to brag and do some background history into what the fuck the Irish actually accomplished unnoticed. The Irish worked with the chinks on the rail ways. The irish were cheaper slaves than the blacks. The Irish brought over halloween and St.Patricks day as extra holidays and..well basicly it meant that if you were white you could also play the victim card, the immigrant card with the addition that being Irish meant you had made no enemies of other countries.
tl;dr. Being an Irish American is like what Original Sin is to Christians but in a positive way.
Ryan Kelly
And what makes you think that N.I and R.O.I wouldn't benefit. Cork has one of the largest ports in Europe for exporting and Belfast has one of the largest ports for importing. Having those linked via Highway would make Ireland one of the largest handlers of foreign goods in the world. You've been blue pilled to believe that it has anything to do with religion. When in actual fact it's Britain trying to retain to it's own economic reliance. It's a divide and conquer meme and you fell for it.
Aiden Bell
Seems confined to the older generation. White millenials aren't proud of their heritage, whatever it may be.
Aaron Price
Like I give a fuck? Its supposed to be symbolic. Thankfully i'm 25 percent german so I have nationalism in my blood and am not full on potato nigger.
Nolan Harris
Nobody in NI is religious. Being Protestant or Catholic just determines what side of the riots you're on during the 12th, and whether you support rangers or cetlic.
As for economics, sentiments of "but what if we did this, this would happen" do not undo the fact that that the ROI in particular does not have the economy to support the 6 counties of Ulster joining, along with everything that will bring.
If a day comes when the ROI is ready and both states will benefit under a political party that isn't shite, I'm all for it.
But for now, nah.
Julian Reed
That's nice Goldberg, now run along.
Mason Kelly
Not an argument
Josiah Taylor
>Why do so many Americans cling so >desperately to Irish "heritage?"
Its an excuse to get pissed all the time
Juan Kelly
>Irish-American is an identity for someone with close ties to Ireland, not someone who's family came over decades ago who hasn't left the USA in their lives.
Oh I definitely agree. Anyone here with the last name of "Brien," or "Malley," or "Sullivan," et. Irish. try to slap an "O" in front of it in certain social settings that could slightly wax Irish and suddenly they're full blooded when they've never left their hometown.
I think it's because insecure white people here in the States feel left out of the "cool" hyphenated double identity hugbox that the shitskins engage in on a regular basis, so they do it to make themselves into snowflakes as well.
Dominic Sullivan
75 percent Irish and a quarter german lol.
I fucking hate jews I dont know what you are getting on about.
Oliver Jones
Why would anyone be proud of being Irish, anyway? They're the niggers of Western Europe.
Isaac Kelly
Aaron Perry
Its desporia friend, same reason why the second and third generation pakis show their pride by trying to turn parts of england into sharia zones.
Dylan Brown
I imagine the same reason so many Brits cling to delusions of imperial grandeur.
Cameron Edwards
I enjoy feeling close with my past and I've been there twice now. I've met actual family members over there and have done enough research to qualify for a passport if I felt like it.
You have a nice country :3
Parker Collins
Ive literally never seen that happen. Theres a bit of cringy shit with this "kiss me im irish" crap around st patrics day.
The "muh heritage" stuff comes from it being our ethnicity. "american" isnt a race, well to anyone that isnt a melting pot kike globalist.
Adrian Nguyen
Actually it's one of the few countries in Europe that's growing massively in Economy. We play it down for tax reasons. We could easily handle six more counties even without making any difference to infrastructure. It's not just a case of what if. Loads of projects like this have been tried and shut down, because Britain has a vested interest in making sure it doesn't happen.
Charles Parker
>tfw rich, Texan heritage
Carter Price
I really miss living in the greatest state in the Union... :(
Samuel Scott
america has no ethnicity and many communities are made up of the idea of an ethnic heritage, they grew up this way because someone from your paddy ass place told them about the glory of being Irish and being with other Irish people in an Irish community that was nestled in Boston.
They grew up thinking "I am ethnically Irish" from day 1.
Because we have no American Ethnicity and are made up of anywhere from 1st to 5th generation immigrants many American's cling to old Ethnic Identities.
Charles Nguyen
>He couldn't even make it to the 4th sentance
lmao fucking yanks
Christopher Morris
America seen it's German population grow by 4 million during the 2nd world war. They were all jews fleeing the nationalist uprising. When did your parents move to America might I ask?
Leo Ramirez
Probably they only started doing it after JFK got in.
Nathaniel Gray
the diaspora were always our greatest asset, they sent millions over here to fund the cause being upset because the descendants or people claiming to be the descendants of Irish who went to America saying that they're Irish/Irish-American is retarded, you should be proud that people care about us or take any interest in us at all since we're a relatively tiny Nation with zero clout or relevancy internationally
Evan Hill
>voting sdlp
James Gray
People like to have an identity.
Being American is different than being British. We are American first, not identified by genetics, but by accepted cultural identities.
So what gets forgotten is our genetic and older cultural heritage. People enjoy learning where they came from and who their ancestors were.
Bentley Howard
They want some history and identity to cling to. What's particularly funny is how many go there on holiday expecting it to be magical but end up getting rained on for a week instead.
More people need to understand basic genetics. You have 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 great great grandparents, 32 great great great grandparents, 64 great great great great grandparents, etc. Of course you've related to every major European ethnicity if you're white. And of course you're related to Genghis fucking Kahn and the Roman Emperors. And even if you send off for one of those DNA testing kits, the results are imprecise and are in terms of whole regions, so you might have Scandinavian genes, but fuck knows if they're specifically Norwegian or Swedish.
Logan Ortiz
>rich austin culture
Josiah Torres
Because success inspires imitation
Justin King
My German grandparents emigrated from Bremen in the 20s. Does that mean anything?
David Wood
because the american media tells them from the moment they are born that being an american is "lame/boring" so people try to make themselves appear more interesting.
William Carter
>success Pretending to be a victim offers a lot of power in America. You'll never run into an English-American
Nathan Anderson
scots-irsh is a massive influence on american culture u dumbass.
Justin Rogers
They were born in America. I've got blonde hair and blue/green eyes and am as pale as fuck. I now live during a Trump presidency. My ancestors moved here during the potato famine, I am related to francis scott key and daniel boone. Nothing you can say will rustle me you full on potato nigger, unlike you my ancestors were smart enough to seek opportunity.
Adrian Roberts
there are retarded fags here too except saying they are native american because some bullshit like 1/32 native blood
Mason Reyes
what do think WASP means you stupid nigger
Owen Garcia
I'm 63/64ths Cherokee, but one of my great great great great grandparents was Irish and my surname is O'Malley. I'm Oirish, up the IRA, Cork lmao.
Time to buy some Irish dirt kekeke
Dominic Nguyen
The German depression was likely the cause of their migration, which actually makes the victims of the jew destruction on Germany. So yeah, hatred for jews is well placed.
Matthew Cruz
Witnesseth These Quads!
t. Englomerican
Kayden Perez
A term only used in a derogatory way because they're seen as elite. Literally proving my point
Benjamin White
>You'll never run into an English-American
We have a specific phrase for that one: Benedict Arnold.
Zachary Taylor
The thing I hate most is when they say Gaelic to mean Irish, especially when they treat Scottish and Irish as one thing. Whenever I hear the word Gaelic, I think football.
Jeremiah White
Irish immigrants played a large roll in American history, and is probably the only one that all whites feel universally proud of.
>Built Railroads >Large numbers of irish in police and fire departments >Fought for the Union in the Civil War >Fought for the Rebs in the Civil War >Bred like rabbits, and are probably most responsible for keeping America as white as it is (lel)
Plus their folk music is pretty well-loved for some reason.
David Rodriguez
Speaking of which, I've always wondered if colonists back then would have had British accents.
Cooper Thomas
you european fags dont understand. it has nothing to do with "le motherland" it's about american culture.. havent u queers seen gangs of new york the Appalachians are vastly different culturally than say Louisiana only scots-irish give a fuck about le motherland
Blake Butler
My mother is British but my father is American
I was born in America and am a duel citizen so suck my colonial cock
Cooper Taylor
Due to microaggression in their ancestors' lifes, a.k.a. the Irish Famine, they rationalize overeating as a form of civil disobedience and a valid strategy against governmental transgressions.
tl;dr: Claiming to be a potatonigger makes obesity a-ok. Big gulps against muh government.
Cooper Powell
Fucking this
Irish are a fucking cancer
Alexander Bennett
mafags are liberal cucks, they don't represent america
Lucas Ortiz
This. Checked and kekd.
David Davis
your accent has changed not ours. brits from 17th century sounded more like americans than they do now
Evan Long
ya most americans who say they're irish are like 10% at most just saying it for "muh saint patrick's day"
Parker Gutierrez
People want be considered Irish badly here. Even some blacks I know think they have Irish "ancestry"...Its ridiculous.
Zachary Price
Based quads of truth. No two things define an Irishman more than being a drunk with a victim complex.
Chase Cook
Cause fuck being American.
Benjamin Gutierrez
Legit question, during the time of the famine, why did the irish not go fishing?
Jack Gutierrez
Dear Anglo, they are proud because the {{{Irish}}} control over the USA.
Daniel Perry
I will not
Oliver Lewis
This, dumbfuck Americans on Sup Forums are the only Americans I know who do this. The concept of having no ethnic identity is from the manifesto itself.
Ayden Williams
This, dumbfuck Americans on Sup Forums are the only Americans I know who do this. The concept of having no ethnic identity is from the manifesto itself.
Thomas Anderson
>why do people cling to their ethnic heritage in a multicult cosmopolitian babylon well, obviously, because its programmed into us to strongly identify with our genetic heritage. How do you live in the UK and not appreciate that? Are you some faggot on a proxy?
Tyler Gomez
also hardcore hillbillies from Appalachia sound like irish ppl. they even have a lot of the same dialect.
theres a reason for that ya dum cunt
Nathaniel Hernandez
>only scots-irish give a fuck about le motherland lol, they're the same ones that don't know they're Anglo. They were part of a colonial project from Britain that tried to use Scottish royalists(Anglo sottish settlers) to colonize Donegal. But we burnt them out and to hide their mark of exile they called themselves Scot-Irish.
Eli Brooks
>Basing your denomination on your ancestry
Cancer that killed America.
Christopher Butler
You can pretty much triangulate if an American is going to be obsessed about their heritage based on if that group had to earn its place and how well they were able to fit in when they got here.
British people were first, and fought a war with other British people not to be British anymore, so that establishes the precedent that its not in American culture to care about where you're from.
Lots of Germans already in the country or French people coming over to check out wtf after the revolutionary war.
Eventually we start taking on immigrants on a huge scale, and some of them had communities to go to, some of them quickly picked up the idea "you are an American now"
Some groups are like the Irish and they didn't ever really want to come here but they did and they insisted "fuck you I'm Irish" and it became a meme.
Ayden Garcia
Brits from the 17th century sounded like modern day brits from south west England. west country/cornish sounding accent
You honestly don't believe they sound like modern day Americans do you lmao
Christopher Peterson
>you will never be Texan >you will never be Japanese >you will always be Ecuadorian
Jonathan Russell
This fucking thread again.
Is this all you care about? We just affected the course of world history and you're still banging on about this Plastic Paddy shit. Grow the fuck up and direct your energies elsewhere. Anyone reading this board would think the Irish are some kind of Autist-Nigger hybrid based on the content of most of our posts - muh IRA, muh Plastic Paddies and, of course, muh What do you think of us guys?
>inb4 you're being autistic and caring what people think.
Kek enlighten these fuckers.
Jacob Harris
Christopher Green
There was never anything to really bring together immigrants sharing a common culture/ethnicity from England Irish were reviled a lot by other communities for a variety of reasons, the main one normally being religion, plus the hardships that brought about their emigration (famine, poverty, whatever) and a sense of severance from a homeland all wrapped up in a sense of being strangers in a strange land contributed to the solidarity seen and the emergence of Irish-American identity, the formation of societies like Clan na Gael and the encouragement of Irishness within those communities
Michael Rivera
What do you consider Irish food?
Austin Parker
Both changed, silly. American and British accents of today sound very little like those of 100 years ago, even.