WWI killed the most vigorous and brave French young people
WWI killed the most vigorous and brave French young people
No doubt WWI and WWII were the greatest genetic tragedies in European history.
All the bravest and strongest men sacrificed themselves, and deprived us of their genetic legacy.
According to Swedish video game makers France wasn't involved in WW1.
FPBP, now europe is full of cuck's, liberals and nu males, but the right will rise again.
Thought the same thing when I saw the earlier frenchman thread.
hear, hear.
C'mon man, the dlc will come soon, the game is fun.
France without Napoleon is shit tier desu
Can you explain the picture?
Especially when both wars were fought by the Allies for economic reasons, i.e. crush Germany's economy (inb4 retards who don't realize this)... and look at today, they still got the result they feared since 1871 (Germany dominating Europes economy) but crushed it's spirit so hard that the one's in power are globalist-marxist traitors.
WW1 AND WW2 were completely useless, unnecessary and retarded. Millions dead, empires destroyed, monarchies removed and Europe no longer dominating.
But we know who was behind it... after all, Princip met with Trotsky in Lausanne/Switzerland before the assassination which creates a possible direct link to wallstreet/schiff....
Stupid pun.
-Cod Le Pen (Morue=cod)
-Jean Luc hake-lechon (Merlu=hake)
I have no idea what you are trying to say.
I just hoped for a bit of a local information regarding France contemporary politics.
>splitting threads
OY fucking vey
>WWI killed the most vigorous and brave French young people
>But we know who was behind it... after all, Princip met with Trotsky in Lausanne/Switzerland before the assassination which creates a possible direct link to wallstreet/schiff....
I'm not ready for this redpill.
Not on remembrance day.
Marine Le Pen is the leader of the Front National, far-right party.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon is the leader of the Parti de Gauche, far-left party (but a bit nationalist, anti-UE and stuff).
2017 is the year for next presidential's election
Vive La France
Vive Le FN
>I'm not ready for this redpill.
Oh it will come trust me. Once you realized that it all starts around 1690 with the first private central bank in Britain... the ones with lots of money (not always jews) pushed for more liberalism... not for human rights, but for them to do with their money as they please. They were behind it all, pushing their money abroad to finance wars etc...
Without the wealthy non-aristocrats being able to push their money/resources around as they saw fit, barely any major wars could have been fought... and especially without an institution which can just shit out money from nothing. 30 years war would have still happened, but Napoleon, Franco-Prussian War, WW1 and WW2... nope. Even the "big strong Nazis" is just post war propaganda to make them look like evil world conquerors, when in reality they would have barely defeated Poland without the US and USSR shoveling resources into Nazi Germany.
It is just like Hitler said, it is a small international clique that watches as peoples fight... and supports both sides wo kill as much as possible.
>Jean-Luc Mélenchon
Screw him
>Marine Le Pen
Details please. Do they have an established agenda?
Im sure most of them had kids at a young age
Yeah I've heard that before, top kek.
What is the fucking point anymore hans?
I asked in a thread earlier but not reply.. Does your country honour the dead? I've seen 0 German posters or threads talking about it.
You should specify your question... the point of WHAT exactly?
The point of opposing the wealthy globalists? Making a point about the Wars? ?!!?
The point of even trying
They can cause hundreds of millions of European deaths all for money.
How can a human do such a thing?
This shit fucked up your country, and after all whole Europe
iirc the french executed more soldiers for cowardice than any other country.
really makes you think
>all for money.
It's not about money, it's about power. You don't have to gain anything if you can make the others lose everything. And their road leads to a one world government which will be a non-elected socialist shithole with whites becoming less and less in their own countries over time. It needs to be opposed at all costs and right now, with Trump elected, it might become relevant again. Especially if Trump is able to strengthen Russia, which opposes the globalist shills.
If Europe votes Right wing too in the next 1-2 years, then their plans for the one world government, which started actually between 1890 and 1900, can be dismantled in record time... and with it, maybe even the cancerous banking system.
They all look Ottoman
Fuck em
Glad they learned from that in WW1 because if they repeated that in WW2, they would have purged their entire military.
Wait, what's the link between Trotsky and Wall Street?
We are coming, brothers. We will liberate Europe from Globalism.
> WWI killed the most vigorous and brave French young people
>brave french
Somewhere before 1910, Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin were expelled from Russia for their revolutionary activities... and then continued their plotting in London (government was Ok with this). Then for various reasons they separated and Lenin and Trotsky were in Switzerland when WW1 stared (+- 2 or 3 months). From there Lenin was send by the (((Germans))) to Russia in a sealed train (it was Max Warburg, chief of german military intelligence who plotted most of it, his brother, Paul Warburg, is seen as the "mastermind" of the federal reserve etc, long story).
So before WW1, trotsky was in the US where even hundreds of revolutionaries were trained. They were send via Canada and Finland into Russia, but were arrested in Canada and set free under "orders" (signed letter by US president Wilson) to get to Russia. To fund the revolution in 1917, the bolsheviks got money from (mostly) Jacob Schiff of Kuhn & Loeb... most of the money for the Revolution came from Wallstreet.
So, Trotsky/Lenin is directly linked to Wallstreet. The Gold lenin got was also mostly shoveld through the (((German))) bank of Max Warburg (great when you are a rich banker and chief of intelligence...............).
t. hasn't been to war in two centuries
The French generals killed their own men by the millions. They were fighting modern Germans using Napoleonic tactics.
The best way to win sometimes is not to play.
Then, they sailed from New York on the S.S. Kristianiafjord, chartered by Schi, who also supplied Trotsky
with $20 million in gold. It was a paltry sum to acquire control of Russia and her vast
natural resources. Rockefeller gave Trotsky $10,000 for traveling expenses and arranged
a special passport for him with President Woodrow Wilson.
Trotsky joined Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Lazar Kaganovich, and Maxim Litvinov
(Meyer H. Wallakh) for a strategy meeting in Switzerland before going to Russia. At
the Congress of Vienna, ocials guaranteed perpetual neutrality, to Switzerland, in the
heart of Europe, due to the Rothschild's meticulous long-range planning. Industrialists,
bankers, and politicians supported the Bolsheviks. On April, 2, 1917, President Wilson
said . . . Assurance has been added to our hope for the future peace of the world by
the wonderful and heartening things that have been happening in the last few weeks in
Russia . . . Here is a t partner for a League of Honor. US State Department records
document that National City Bank, controlled by Stillman and Rockefeller interests, and
the Guaranty Trust, controlled by Morgan interests, both provided substantial loans to
belligerent Russia before America entered World War I on April 6, 1917. The State
Department told the banks that the loans were contrary to international law. However,
they conducted the loan negotiations through ocial US government communications
facilities, and the State Department allowed the message transference.
>(inb4 retards who don't realize this)
I didn't know your superior economy was why German troops were in Belgium.
On April 13, 1917, ocials waylaid the ship in Halifax and they arrested Trotsky. People
had warned Canadian ocials that Trotsky would halt Russia's participation in the war, which would free up the German armies who would then attack Canadian troops on the
Western Front. Prime Minister David Lloyd George (1916-1922) cabled them and ordered
the immediate release of Trotsky. They ignored him. John D. Rockefeller then directed
Canadian Minister Mackenzie King to intervene, and he maneuvered Trotsky's release.
In April 1917, after nine years, Lenin was returning to Russia to join Trotsky, the person
with the connections to the bankers. Germany did not anticipate that Lenin, with perhaps
200 followers, could challenge their enemy, Russia. Lenin arrived at the Russian frontier
in a sealed train from Switzerland. Trotsky arrived from the United States a while later.
Kurt Riezler was the conduit for German subsidies to the Bolsheviks and negotiated with
Lenin's agents, Karl Radek, and Alexander Parvus. Riezler later claimed that it was his
idea to transport Lenin in the sealed train from Zurich, through Germany to Russia.
To allay the fears of his colleagues, Alexander Kerensky claimed that Lenin was a German
agent to discredit him. The patriots in the Duma said, The very fact that Lenin came
back via Germany will harm his prestige to such an extent that there will be nothing more
to fear from him. Lenin expected such an indictment and so, before boarding the German
train, he asked others to attest to his credentials. Paul Levi, a Jewish political leader, a
member of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), along with Rosa Luxemburg, who kept
kosher, and Karl Liebknecht veried Lenin's legitimacy as a Marxist. One person wrote,
The Russian internationalists who are now leaving for Russia to serve the revolution will
be helping us by fostering uprisings among the proletarians of other countries, particularly
those of Germany and Austria, against their own governments. Lenin requested the writer
of that endorsement to add the reference to Germany and Austria to refute the claim
that he was a German agent.
German bankers, through their agents, gave Lenin money before he boarded the train.
Lenin exploited everyone for his own objectives, one of which was to destroy imperial
Germany, after he had seized power in Russia. In September 1917, Schi gave Trotsky
funds through the Warburg Bank, his correspondent in Stockholm, which managed Trotsky's
account. While the bankers invested in Lenin and Trotsky's revolutionary activities,
they did not anticipate getting revolutions in their own countries. If certain German and
Jewish bankers had not given Lenin millions of dollars, his revolution and plans for world
subversion would have failed. With Lenin, it was always the ends justify the means. Max
Warburg, the head of the German Secret Service, allowed Lenin's train with $20 million
in gold to cross the border on its way to Russia. The bankers and industrialists did not
espouse the Marxist ideology but recognized that it is the ultimate monopoly for controlling
the government.
Of course it is the eternal anglo thinking Britain went to war because of Belgium...
>British balance of power policy needed to weaken/destroy Germany
>Germany BTFO's everyone with economy (made in Germany printed by the Brits on products)
>France was in the same boat, long term they would have become just vasal states
>Germany allied with Ottoman empire, the region where oil was to be found
>Oil very important for new ships, switching from coal to oil (5 times the range)
>Oil extremely important to keep the empire together... without oil, somebody else might build far superior ships
>Economic BTFO's in all other areas and Germany taking over trade markets.
I don't want to go further into detail, but WW1 and WW2 were both for economic reasons while in WW2, the US played all sides and successfully destroyed the British empire.
Holy shit hans....
What does this all mean?
>Mfw I've learnt another redpill
sum it up
So what, Britain had reason to go to war. It was Germany that gave us the chance, its on you.
> the ship in Halifax and they arrested Trotsky.
Mfw a FUCKING LEAF could have made WWI end sooner and prevent a communist revolution in Russia
>It was Germany that gave us the chance
True, but you see... you knew that this exact chance was coming up while being the only one able to prevent the war from happening with minimal effort.
The Germany will march through Belgium was basically known/expected, but it was Britain knowing from the start that they will support France/Russia, but refused to say so publicly. If they had said to Russia "yo we will help you guys in case war starts" then Germany would have stopped support to Austria-Hungary. And the British Government just sat by and watched, knowing the war will start.
Maybe pic related shows a bit more light on this about British foreign Policy.
When your country has the means to stop a world war by uttering a few words, knows this, and then doesn't do it, you can't say "it's all on you".
But I don't blame the Brits, the democracies were undermined by high finance at that point anyway, they barely had a say in the matter.
WW2 finished the job
>hurr durr why is half the country numale cucks
>but it was Britain knowing from the start that they will support France/Russia
The support of France and Russia was known by pretty much everyone. France and Russia were allies, if Germany went to war with France and invaded Belgium then Britain would be on side with FR/RU.
Germany invaded Belgium knowing that Britain backed it and knowing that Britain would respond. Punching someone and getting punched back is not some grand conspiracy.
>buying (((dlc)))
Bullshit, the best of the french died in 1812, getting their asses handed to them by Based Russia.
WW1 just finished off those that had any fighting spirit left
>The support of France and Russia was known by pretty much everyone.
That's where you are completely wrong. Your foreign minister Grey made it look like your parliament was still debating on that issue to not order military support and the other countries also did not know that they get military support. Britain made specifically sure to let nobody know anything about their military plans, not even their "allies".
>Germany invaded Belgium knowing that Britain backed it and knowing that Britain would respond.
That's where one problem comes in: One british monarch promised the German kaiser that Britain will stay out in any case. Of course the british monarch wasn't important anymore but the thought processes back then were different than today.
But seeing you are resistant to facts and don't grasp the entire concept, I won't bother further. The "Britain went to war because of Belgium" is just the propaganda story told to the masses to make it justified, but when the international bankers have a hand in the assissination in the arch duke.... and these bankers already subverted the democracies, there is not much to be said.