Lets talk about that,what do you think?We would be stronger and not as irelavent as now.
United Baltic States
fuck off kike
fuck you and your Unions
>European Union
>Nordic Union
>Baltic Union
>North American Union
We know what you're up to, fuck off globalist
Retarded idea
Gay flag
the fuq is Kaliningrad doing in that map?
Five steps to make Baltics great again
1)create Baltic Union
2)expel Russians, jews and non-whites; introduce racial laws
3)ban non-whites from the Union
4)create 80, 000 strong professional Union Army, enrich uranium
5)enjoy Nordic uncucked settlers, booming native birthrate and prosperity
this, usa should be individual states too
>A strong and united nation
Not a chance.
No, thanks.
>Expel Russians
wow never thought i would hear something like that from a russian.
Flag looks like some sami or gypsy shit
Gayest flag ive ver seen. Rainbow fag colors and a fucking gay cat? Fuck cats
they are Soviet tibia. As much enemy of Balts as of Russians themselve. Try to ship them to Turkey or China first
Gay as flag get this one instead.
Baltic union would never happen
We can't even fucking agree on Rail Baltic
best we could do is a common market or something
Already in us
That's all you really want anyway
A common market, and maybe a common military. You still should stay separate people's however, unlike the US model.
I think this is the same all over Europe. It shouldn't be a single unified blob, the different countries should share an economy but maintain separate cultures and populations
what are you talking about Vlad?
t. ''''''''''UNITED'''''''''' STATES OF AMERICA
Fuck you, cats are cool
I could see a Lithuania-Latvia alliance but i don't see Estonia in it. Our cultures have grown quite different. Culture dictates politics, not the other way around.
Wanting to replace this with a rainbow cat. Just no.
Dogs are better.
You would still be irrelevant.
Nobody cares about what happens east of Germany.
cool and ebin idea tbgfamlam, appreciate and support
But the languages are really different. Especially Estonia. Just look at this mess: kuumtöödeldud
We would either have to agree on English as a state language, keep two state languages or find one inbetween.
I would be fine with this desu,
BUT, it can only happen if we all expel ALL russians,
otherwise the russians will outnumber the estonians.
If there's one thing that we hate more than Latvia is Lithuania.
Plus we hate ourselfs so what the fuck are you even on about some union?
OP is autistic.
thats exactly what the califags thought too before the elections, beware the memes
What the fuck is that flag.
Please, have some self respect.
fuck off kike
fuck you and your Union
>United STATES of America
We know what you're up to, fuck off globalist
No, that's stupid, multi-national country is a failed concept as proven by history many times.
>squats on a bottle
the Livonian Order was a mistake, give back Riga to germany you cucks
When will Rus Fed finally balkanize then? It has to die
How about 3 state languagess?Instead of Obligatic English and russian we would teach childred Estonian and lithuanian?and to you Latvian and etonian and to Eestie,s Lithuanian and Latvian?
wow dude realy?You hate us and Lithuanians?We thought we are frends ,everyone that i know can only say posotive things about Estonians,weshare similar history and are neighbors.
Just speak Russian
Should have taken the chance when Chechnya wanted to separate and let all who wanted go. And built a wall now that it's socially acceptable.
>defeating the purpose of the union
R u high? 3 languages? Especially considering how Estonian is nothing like ours?
learn ukranian instead you fools
Inflanty come home
proof this plan is aggression to invade Russian territory
fuck off, you federalist cock gobblers
break the world down if anything, not make retarded constructs
just get the kike money out of here and NATO fuck off
I generally like the sound of that.