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Why do you shitstains only spend
on defense?
you are literally right between Russia and germany. You morons deserve to be wiped off the map.
this one works still
Because we are poor
They talk shit about poland but poland have fellowship with eachother a lot more than some others might have and that's more valuable than gold.. people live in europe far from eachother and let others vote against their interest.
Keep movin' the goalposts, negroid.
>doesn't understand percentages
>polish education
4th partition soon, those rapefugees need some lebensaurum
>anti-abortion posters
you're right m8,im hopeful for the future
Damn, I thought you were just baiting, but you're plainly a dumb, dindu fucktard, aren't you?
>beating guy when he is laying down
Ok big guy were it not for trump saving your ass you wouldn't look too good either!
Nothing as distasteful as arrogance that comes from nation that was almost destroyed but saved by grace of god... Or does it make you feel better? I hope it was atleast good for something..
OP wypierdalaj na marsz >:OOOOOO
>muh qt grills
it will all come tumbling down
>lying down
Brexit, trump, ogolnie wszystko skreca na prawo, lewica w polsce slaba jak nigdy, ogolnie bardzo /comfy.
Thread theme
Can you retards learn to stop responding to baby's first bait?
too comfy here desu
nice trips
it just seems like they deserve a bit better on their independence day..
We're just getting back up, once our economy is stable then we can proceed with increasing the military spendings
Congratz, mah balls. Stop sucking murica's dick and you'll be safe. I promise.
Don't the kielbasaniggers have an "independence" every 50 years going back through the past millennium?
He's an upset Shillery supporter, he has to let out his anger somehow now that he lost.
This should be our national anthem.
And this one should be for intermarium:
I thought CTR got disbanded?
uwaga, miś na dwójce
You are just being stupid, Poland is based.
>he doesn't understand relative costs and sticky prices
Happy Independence Day, based Poland bros.
hillary byłaby lepszą prezydentką bo zachował by się obecny układ geopolityczny
a nikt nie wie co zrobi trump, co chwile mówi co innego
>obecny układ geopolityczny
Układ w którym jesteśmy w głębokiej dupie, tak?
Fug. I don't have a TV. Still have to pay 1500 pln rtv tax.
I'm so happy to be descended from Poles.
Obecny układ gdzie obce państwa duszą Amerykę, Chiny stają się coraz większą potegą a Polska jest w czarnej dupie?
Having electric socket is enough, which is bullshit.
układ który jest... w porządku
I Like poloand, I really do. I think it is a very very nice place, I have tremendous respects for that region, Just like the rest of Russia. Poland is without a doubt, one of the nicest place in whole of Russia. Most definitely among top 3 place of Russia.
dlaczego niby w czarnej dupie?
Poland is the basest country of Europe by far, prove me wrong.
>be sandwiched by germans, russians and swedes( when they were not faggots) for centuries
>be attacked every fucking year
>be crashed and uprising everytime
>being wiped out for 127 years from the maps, they suddenly reappear and crash the red army
>based husars saving Europe from muslims in Viena
>XXI century: nationalistic as fuck and only white, proud country left in Europe.
May I continue?
Bo angażujemy się w zagraniczną politykę która nie przynosi nam żadnych korzyści czytaj (Rosja, Ukraina, Unia Europejska, Bliski Wschód)?
You don't deserve these digits.
Current geopolitical situation is terrible.
China is growing in power more than ever.
America was getting destroyed from within by corruption and foreign powers.
Poland was stuck in 12 years of liberal, Merkel controlled puppet state shithole.
No thanks son.
I'll take Donald "Wild Card" Trump over a witch criminal that should be sent straight to electric chair for all the crimes against her nation that she committed.
if poland is so great why do they flock here en-masse to scrub toilets and open shitty sandwich shops
>and only white, proud country left in Europe.
I think our Magyar brothers deserve a mention as well.
It's not fair to ignore them like this.
>by cos zrobila
Sprzedala wiecej uranu do Rosji i podpisala jakas chujowa umowe zabijajac wolny rynek.
Wiecej zasilkow i wiecej wladzy dla rzadu. Komunizm juz za zakretem a tobie sie nie podoba ze
koles potrafi zmienic zdanie zamiask ciagle klamac.
>nikt nie wiem co zrobi Trump
Byle cos innego niz byly rzad.
oh shti guys the antiracists are coming
Because you have retarded immigration policies and we are a post-soviet country? I mean what the fuck do you expect with policies like this.
Hey, don't knock the sandwich shops
That said we have an oversupply of Polelings and should turn the ones with criminal records into Soylent Slav
he only got those digits because Kek doesn't understand the polish language
You are an idiot.
Toppest of lels.
I used to know (online) this German Antifa cuck that went by the name JaSK, he had no personal hygiene and looked like a hippie version of Shaggy from scooby doo.
>create taco benders empire
>no.1 illegal immigrants for years
Thank you guys for wishing us good!
Wow, rude.
Because 1 GBP = 5/6 PLN you retard. You earn in the UK and your family live like kings in Poland for that money.
I don't mind if you put the uneducated thieving bydło to forced labour or something. We don't really want them either.
Unfortunately many immigrants that left the country are also scum that didn't even finish high school and are quite fucking uneducated.
I won't blame you if you hate them cause we hate them too, literal bydło.
na ukrainie nic nie robimy, tylko jestesmy przeciwko ruskim
>China is growing in power more than ever.
No i? Oni będą próbować dogadać się ze swiatem drogą handlową bo wiedzą że nie mają takiej siły przebicia, musiały by jakies panstwa sąsiednie na pacyfiku zmienic wobec nich nastawienie
>America was getting destroyed from within by corruption and foreign powers.
ameryka będzie trwać, chociażby dlatego ze mają najlepsze na swiecie umiejscowienie geograficzne.
a jesli chcesz zobaczyć wplyw obcych potęg, to obserwuj rządy trumpa - koles bedzie w ich rękach marionetką, z resztą ubiegał się tylko o tytuł, nie o obowiązki
>all the crimes against her nation that she committed.
gówno mnie obchodzą jej krzywdy wobec amerykanów, mnie obchodzi tylko dobro polski
They are so fucking dead. I want to see how they get wrecked live.
>Byle cos innego
>I'll take Donald "Wild Card"
no i taki to jest problem
no ale nic, najwyzej będą jakies happenings
W glebokiej dupie to bedziemy jak sie nato rozpadnie a stany zakumpluja sie z ruskimi.
"The Winged Hussars were one of the most effective military forces in the world. They lost only a fraction of their battles and they were undefeated for 125 years. Today, they are still remembered for their outstanding courage as well as their remarkable armor and clever military tactics."
Also one of the most based military uniforms period..
They mock you because you are now after defending europe against evil of islam many times. whilst others sleep in safety of their bed you were part of frontline.. now due to circumstance and these things.. it's not easy.. It does not mean you are not great! it's for some to mock. But i don't mock i have great respect for poland and it's people and it's culture and values and GOD BLESS POLAND!
If you cared abotu good of Poland you wouldn't support a woman that wanted to bait Russia into World War 3 with her insane policies, drafting 16 year olds men and women alike and sending them to Syria on a "peace mission" while also implementing a strict "no fly zone" that America would be exempt from.
Truly not a bait for WW3, nuh uh.
Don't even get me started on how awful globalization is for us you literal szKODnik.
I bet you creamed yourself when EU signed CETA, fucking traitorous scum. Choke on your GMO poison please, clearly that's your fetish.
And like typical bydło you can't even speak English language on a fucking international imageboard.
“We saw it…. the hussars let loose their horses. God, what power! They ran through the smoke and the sound was like that of a thousand blacksmiths beating with a thousand hammers. We saw it…Jezus Maria! The elite’s lances bent forward like stalks of rye, driven by a great storm, bent on glory! The fire of the guns before them glitters! They rush on to the Swedes! They crash into the Swedish reiters (cavalry)…. Overwhelming them! They crash into the second regiment – Overwhelmed! Resistance collapses, dissolves, they move forward as easily as if they were parading on a grand boulevard. They sliced without effort through the whole army…” from Potop (“The Deluge”), by Henry Sienkievich
This breathless account of a 17th century battle captures well the furious charge of the famed Polish “Winged Hussars”. For roughly a century (1576-1683) they were the premiere cavalry in Europe (if not the world). In battle-after-battle, their crushing charge dealt the coup-de-grace to every enemy they faced. While suffering the occasional (even crushing) defeat, their century-long record of success is unsurpassed in the annals of cavalry warfare.
These people don't know what power is inside polish people.. that mock you and don't know you, GOD BLESS POLAND..
Funny how close it is to 4 of november which is in some way our day of liberation from Poland.
>mnie obchodzi tylko dobro polski
napisał z małej...
Still mad over 1655-1660, huh Swedecuck?
It's okay to be butthurt, feel free to fight us again, we'll gladly bash your skulls in again.
>not a muslim shithole
>Stany zakumplują się z ruskimi
Yeah and maybe with China and Best Korea as well?
It's ok Sverige, we understand your pain.
We increasing spending year by year.
Sorry for that, it hould never happened.
Yup, we should've taken over then and there. :^)
Sorry for that, it should never happened.
Didn't register anything and wasn't checked once.
I'm not going to pay but don't want to bother with right now.
>grasz gre w ktorej przegrywasz
>moze podjac ryzyko teraz lub przeciagac gre w nadziejy ze cos sie zmieni
>przeciagasz i przegrales
Gdybys wiedzial cos o grze w karty to bys rozumial ze trzeba zaczac aktywnie grac i podejmowac ryzyko.
Ta sama filozofia z Brexitem. Daj sie jebac powoli albo zrob cos. Nie bedzie wygodnie ale warto.
Kolejna sprawa to moze sobie go nazywac "wild card'em" czy czym tam chcesz.
Face w brew pozorom nie mial biznesu zostac prezydentem a dostal sie tam dzieki szczerosci i woli ludu.
Musi zrozumiec jaka deperacja istnieje tam dla zmian a on nie zaproponowal nic nierozsadnego.
nie jestem za kodem, cetą ani za ttip. fajny argument na chochoła.
clinton nie była by głupia zwalczając rosję na bliskim wschodzie, ale jestes naiwny jesli wierzysz że to by wywolalo III wś.
zresztą trump mówi o zabieraniu całej ropy podbitym krajom na bliskim wschodzie a jego wice mówi zupełnie co innego
happy independence day poland! it makes me so happy to see you guys celebrating and being proud of your history. the rest of europe should take notes.
No problems, you conquered us, we conquered you, just a friendly banter.
ale wiesz ze my tamtą wojnę przegralismy?
I agree, It's just good slavic banter to get some wars going.
>geopolityka to gra w karty
o ja pierdole
a dla nas to ryzyko jest dużo większe niż potencjalne zyski.
trump ma wyjebane na sojusz z europą bardziej niż jakikolwiek prezydent przed nim
dla nas najlepszym położeniem byłaby zimna wojna z ruskimi, tyle że tym razem jestesmy po dobrej stronie
>tyle że tym razem jestesmy po dobrej stronie
Ty głupi. Clinton i zachód in general by nas sprzedały na pniu. Trump przynajmniej nas nie ojebie jak zapłacimy hajs. A deal is a deal.
>robi prownanie do kart
>omg zrobiles to samo
>dla nas
Wyjebane to on ma na takie sojusze ktore ekstraktuja pieniadze z Ameryki na korzysc innych.
Nie potrzebuje pierdolonego zasilku i placimy nasza czesc dla NATO. Panikujesz bez sensu.
Na EU to wszyscy powinni miec wyjebane. Organizacja darmozjadow niszczaca wolny rynek.
Rosjanie to nie jest jakis boogieman ktorym sie ludzi powinno straszysc.
Wy kurwa nawet jednolici nie jestescie z ta swoja propaganda.
Rosjanie sa slabi! Cienka armia! Sankcjie ich zniszczyly! Rubel upada!
A podobno sa rosnacym zagrozenie. Zagrozenie to oni sa ale dla zydowskie dominacji nad swiatem bo sie ich nosy coraz blizej moskwy podsuwaja.
>Trump przynajmniej nas nie ojebie jak zapłacimy hajs. A deal is a deal.
gówno prawda. nigdy nie był politykiem, na każdym wiecu i wywiadzie obiecywał co innego. nie miał zadnych postulatów oprócz pustych ogólników i paru memów, jak ten jego mur.
nikt nie wie czego się spodziewać ale podejrzewam ze będzie podejmował decyzje na których najlepiej wyjdzie wizerunkowo
w najlepszym wypadku będzie rządzić za niego pence i republikańskie elity w jego rządzie
nasza sytuacja obecna za obamy jest dosyć niepewna sama w sobie a jak dorzucisz tu jeszcze trumpa to wszystko sie zatrzesie
Godd bless poland
It seems the spirit of sobieski is alive and well poland will never surrender to islam. the polish who saved germans and many others for the invasion of the terrible turks.. (ottomans) the 2nd siege of vienna
Whilst people who mock you were sleeping in their beds you were defending european liberty at the frontline.
Atleast their ancestors.. were sleeping in beds ofcourse not themselves, but perhaps they would prefer to sleep themselves instead of standing up but would gladly mock those who have been on frontline of several such battles whilst they were in safety..
based poland
I wish the west was more like you guys ;_;
fucking cuckhold Libs/commies
Happy birthday Poland!
Please accept these 200.000 refugees as a birthday present.
ironic isn't it, they defend us all against islam now they just walk right in and claim "human rights let us stay and call for islam" the very islam that tried to onslaught europe for 1000+ years.. but the youth today don't know and think it's cute and funny, they won't be laughing long.. if this keeps going..
safe zone in syria please, and many of them aren't even from conflict area.. they just muslim migrants wanting to call for islam here..
looks like novosibirsk or something
You have to think how ironic it is how many lives eastern europe ancestors gave both as slaves and in war to defend, against islam, only for the rest of us assholes to invite them in.. they have every right to be PISSED OFF.. going WHAT THE FUCK DID OUR ANCESTORS DIE FOR TO DEFEND US AND YOU FROM ISLAM, IF YOU JUST LET THEM IN FUCKING ASSHOLES..
There's nothing about islam that has changed, only the stupid idiot youth that don't know about what horror it brings..
And the stupid politicians ofcourse who similarly don't have a clue.
"oh look you kill eachother in middle east, please come here, won't that be great"..
>Wy kurwa nawet jednolici nie jestescie z ta swoja propaganda.
>jak sie ze mną nie zgadza to znaczy ze oplacony troll
>Na EU to wszyscy powinni miec wyjebane. Organizacja darmozjadow niszczaca wolny rynek.
no mi sie nie podoba obecna unia ale nic lepszego nie mamy
rosyjski imperializm tak predko nie umrze, a dla nas stanowi wystarczające zagrozenie by sie obawiac, chociaz nas nie będą ruszac bezposrednio
to ze są słabi to oznacza ze trzeba sie ich pozbyc bo to od zawsze był nowotwór na europie wschodniej
teraz tak jest ale przeciez putin tylko czeka az europa sie oslabi od srodka bo nadal postrzega swiat jak to zawsze ruscy mieli w zwyczaju. dlatego np. wspiera le pen finansowo. tak naprawde ten caly uklad jest dosyc kruchy i dlatego sie tym martwie