As a Catholic,
POPE FRANCIS: “it’s the communists who think like Christians.”
it is true though, what's your point?
liberation theology
We are fucking doomed
He's right though, Christianity is a cuck religion
Holy fuck this guy is stupid. Communists wanted to ban Christianity.
isnt disagreeing the pope sin?
as a left-winger I can confirm he is our pope
But he isn't a Pope. Benedict is still alive.
Since it's a cuck religion since Vatican II, you can deny him, I'm serious
I just want to take this opportunity to mention that the majority of Catholics in America voted for Trump. And that's a number that's skewed bigly by all the nominally catholic mestizos. White catholics had a greater margin of support than that.
This kind of thinking implies Europe was never Christian before the 20th century.
No. The pope is only infallible in matters of faith and it has to be said through official papal documents, not in random interviews.
It is explicitly written in these documents written by other popes that you don't have to agree with the current pope on political views.
>He's right though, Christianity is a cuck religion
pope is post-christiantiy as most of 20th century christians. humanist with a cross, nothing more.
Yes closing down churches and having witch hunts on monks is very Christian thing
Orthodoxy or death
I want a european pope again. Right NOW!
>Christ cucks
Top Kek!
What will it take for you guys to stop worshiping sand nigger gods? Does the Pope need to rape your kids personally?
It's time to go back to your European pagan roots white man.
Fuck this dude, he ain't my pope.
I still consider Darth Sidious the pope, I don't give a fuck.
Good. Maybe modernism and post Vatican-II progressivism will implode with this pope. I'm eagerly awaitin his further outbursts of vile idiocy. The Sedevacantists mustt ne nuilding new semminars already.
Let the collapse of liberal Catholicism begin.
Popes from outside the Old World should be banned desu
removing papal temporal power was a mistake, the Borgias did nothing wrong, Enrico Dendolo is a saint. Napoleon cucked the catholic church forever
>Orthodoxy or death
but orthodoxy is the most cucked. both morally and historically by muslims. its mostly a pro-russian meme version of christianity but produced good literature.
actual Vatican Catholicism has always been theologically authoritarian left-wing. This goes beyond the current pope into the past. Can see this in their writings.
Fucking anti-pope cunt.
He is a traitor jesuit.
They are all crypto jews. Just look at his nose.
Bullshit. That italian atheist journalist fuck constantly lies about what the Pope says. Francis has backed up the teachings against communism multiple times. It's fucking doctrine.
Everything he says about migrants is true too. He's not saying to let them rape your children or anything, just that people should be kind to each other.
I find no foul.
Pius XII is turning on his grave right now.
How would he know? Seriously, he is at best apostate and possibly the false prophet. Catholics are lost. Lose the Pope and read your bible. You don't need ANY man between you and God. No man can absolve you, excommunicate you, etc. Stop praying to Mary and kneeling to a man already.
You are so right guys we should go back to the days where the Pope had orgies in the Vatican can told all the whites of Europe to go the middle east to conquer a rock in an attempt to steal some gold.
While were at it what European city should we sacrifice next to Islam? We gave them Constantinople. Lets give them a bigger prize like Berlin.
there's nothing more Christian than starving 7 million people to death and demolishing churches
Such a smart and nice man.
I'd prefer to be kind to them with a sea between us and them
>actual Vatican Catholicism has always been theologically authoritarian left-wing.
good observation.
>Bullshit. That italian atheist journalist fuck constantly lies about what the Pope says. Francis has backed up the teachings against communism multiple times.
its not spin. catholic church has been tied havily with communism in south america - look up liberation theology.,
>You are so right guys we should go back to the days where the Pope had orgies in the Vatican can told all the whites of Europe to go the middle east to conquer a rock in an attempt to steal some gold.
nope. we should go back to protestantism.
It just works.
Hopefully the cathofags of Sup Forums will stop, now.
France is correct. Benedict, and every other pope for quite some time have been the same way. You can see this in their writings, from the vatican site, or the catechism. For whatever reason, Francis just seems to want his public persona to be about politics.
pope up in his ivory tower doesn't know a thing about communism
Burke for Pope, though
A good summary:
>A Christian cannot close his heart to a true refugee, this is an absolute principle, there's no question about it, but it should be done with prudence and true charity. Charity is always intelligent; it demands to know: Exactly who are these immigrants? Are they really refugees, and what communities can sustain them?
>As a Catholic
Since when you're a catholic? You don't even understand what that is. Just shut the fuck up and fuck off.
Ive been point this shit for years. Sup Forums keeps doing this bullshit. Jesus christ was the first marxist, or making it sound less crazy : Marx created a fucking religion. Its not that uncommon for an atheist to insta pick cultural marxism as his new religion, and Marx or the state as his god. Read some Nietzsche it will make it easyer to understand. Christianity will not save the west. Put that into your minds, Nor marxism will.
For my life I will never understand the concept of a pope
am I supposed to believe that some cunt is elected to represent the will of god of the religion? Doesn't each person holds a different version of god?
Being marxist and (truly) left-wing requires you to demonize tradition, hierarchy and the family. Jesus was nothing like this. It's not just about economics.
It's not charity when it's done at gunpoint.
True christians are so easy to manipulate :
Remeber #spiritcooking
Okay faggots, last warning.
Communists =/= tumblr communists.
We've been trying to recover actual hardline, unethical communism for years and now you're making us look like SJWs and anarchists.
Please don't do this.
t. non-american cammuniz
Popes and clergymen are human and, hence, sinners as well.
Fucking College of Cardinals, they dun goofed big times
Do you think Pope Francis has ties to the Spirit Cooking?
Can we meme the next pope elections bros?
The Vatican has been infiltrated, we're living in revelations be prepared bruhs
Seriously, do people still take this shitfag old communist as "pope"?
Taking away other people's stuff by force, as well as coveting other people's wealth in the first place, is not Christian.
Okay before I supported him, but now I'm pretty sure he's a fucking communist plant out to destroy western society. What the fuck was I thinking before?
remember jesus when he saw the people selling shit on the doorstep of the church ? he grabbed a fucking sword and destroyed the merchandise. He was trying to make a poing that the temple was the representation of god. The SJW tactics are the same. Of course they are not the same. But they are strategies of controll of the masses. Both are ideological. The advantage of reading Nietzsche is that you might identify those strategies easily. The pope is saying : Socialists are like christians. They want everyone to be happy, and have schools and education. The pope is from argentina. And in south america the churge were run by gommie priests. They usually hid the gommies inside the church to not let them get arrested by the right dictatorship. You see? Christianity is a easy pray for the gommie agenda. I know thats hard to see, but its the truth. As a Nietzschean im not telling you what you should pick instead, but i have to show you that its a mechanism of control of the masses.
feels good to finally realize protestants were right
No, They've always been essentially National Socialism without the racial purism
Bella Dodd warned us and we didn't listen. A peronist pope, puppet of globalism. I miss pope John Paul II so much.
John paul was CIA. kek. every pope serves a men.
Go fuck yourself.
>The Vatican has been infiltrated, we're living in revelations be prepared bruhs
this. our last real pope was forced out, and they brought in this new "pope" who has a homosexual best friend, constantly espouses humanist doctrine while Catholicism falls to the wayside. His Easter message was about earth day ffs.
He's half-right. Catholics and Communists do think similarly. Actual Christians and Communists do not.
Reminder that it has been the Catholic voting bloc, both Hispanic and White, that has granted the Democrats every single electoral victory they have had.
Reminder that it is the Evangelicals in the United States that are responsible for Trump's victory, who consistently vote Republican/right-wing.
Reminder that a majority of Catholics vote Labour in the UK.
Reminder that this trend continues in most other nations.
Controlling the masses is a good and necessary thing. I don't even necessarily believe in God but I'm still christian.
Can catholics switch to another religion without going to hell?
If you denounce catholicism then you don't believe that it will send you to hell, I'm guessing
>Marx created a fucking religion. Its not that uncommon for an atheist to insta pick cultural marxism as his new religion, and Marx or the state as his god.
Speaking as an atheist, I don't know a single atheist that I'd describe as a cultural marxist. They're about as far-removed from that shit as you can get.
>Reminder that it is the Evangelicals in the United States that are responsible for Trump's victory, who consistently vote Republican/right-wing.
based protestants.
Fun fact: many Christian churches were turned into public bathrooms and warehouses during the USSR. Religion was extremely frowned upon and discouraged in general.
i disagree. you can call me crazy but if there is such thing as evolution, the next man should be his own master. those mass control mechanisms are bad. In a perfect society you should know that killing a man is wrong, by logic, not because a god told you not to.
It is not obvious to me that giving people fish instead of fishing rod and then also disrupting successeful fishermen is good for anyone long-term. I can potentially see how high taxes can help a society by redirecting investment from luxury market to other markets, but communists have no idea about policy, all they know is that someone else is successful and they are very envious. That doesn't exactly fit with Jesus message.
Hurray for comrade Pope.
You're a rational thinker and so independent from the ludicrous religious these feeble humans adhere too, right? If so, stop treating the degenerate Nietzsche like a God.
Marxism was a secular replacement to Christianity
i know plenty. i was one myself. Mabe because Cultural marxism was rampant in brazil.
But he isn't wrong
Communist ideology goes almost hand and hand with Catholicism
You're blind if you don't see it
You don't know what you're talking about. Peronism is nationalist by nature.
The thing is not all nationalism is the retarded chauvinism you guys take for nationalism. You're not nationalists, you're just red necks.
Vatican is build on sins. Nobody gives a shit anymore. Youve got the hardcore-conservatice catholics, thew cucktholics (like the pope) and those, who just give no fuck anymore.
We atheists have been telling you silly goy christians that this is the case for years.
Now even your leader tells you. He's in a position to know. He talks directly to god himself.
Either suck his cock like a good little christian or reject that cuck religion and save the west.
>christianity is communist
>it's a "forcible taxation and seizure of property is the same thing as charity" episode
The fuck are you talking about Christianity has always been a cuck religion
The dictatorships in both Portugal and Spain in the 20th century were based on Catholic Social Teaching. They were some of the most fervent anti-communist regimes out there. They enjoyed large popular support until they started being undermined by the "communist spring" of the 60s.
I have no clue what you're on about.
Acts 4:32-35
>All the believers were united in heart and mind. And they felt that what they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had. 33The apostles testified powerfully to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and God’s great blessing was upon them all. 34There were no needy people among them, because those who owned land or houses would sell them 35and bring the money to the apostles to give to those in need.
Wish it wasn't true but it's literally in the Bible
you are implying that not me. On the contrarie, i learned from him that every single god is used as a crutch. he did not show us how to live. He did not preach. he did now had commandments. But a hammer to destroy every single stone that was made to controll people. I cannot belive in a god when i know that truths are built.
>The fuck are you talking about Christianity has always been a cuck religion
you are misinformed, fundamental protestantism is what created the WASP identity and kept it away from racemixing while creating an anglo empire
>wanting all the wealth and benefits of living in a collective while doing nothing to maintain said collective
>muh communism
When you think Vactican was the one who BTFO the commies with based John Paul II, it fucking anger me.
Time to convert to Orthodoxy
Only if he speak Ex Cathedra.
>Implying anyone other than Cucktholics listen to the pope
Tip that fedora a little harder next time.
Then why didn't he win Massachusetts you fuck?
All those Catholics in Boston fucked us over
m8, you're thinking like a marxist
Seriously, read Foucault and you will get it.
*tips fedora*
This isn't the same because those people were giving freely instead of having their property and belongings seized and redistributed.
It's true.
If Communism actually worked like it did on paper, which it never would, that would be the most Christian community.
Problem is greed and the acceptance of non-Christian values, which is something that cannot be changed.
I hate this asshole
Around jesuits, never relex
i read him. thanks. "vigiar e punir" "historia da loucura" "historia da sexualidade". But beliving the truth is built isnt Foucault, but nietzsche.