Candidate lumps Jewish state in with other countries that benefit from US security assistance, says they can pay ‘big league’
>mfw trump hits the ZOG where it hurts-- their wallets
Candidate lumps Jewish state in with other countries that benefit from US security assistance, says they can pay ‘big league’
>mfw trump hits the ZOG where it hurts-- their wallets
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>B-but he is a top ultra mega zionist
can you make it before /pol and after /pol
I fucking hate bongs
I got you senpai.
nice thanks!!!
as long as it means that we will repair our relations, so be it
But will he halt the many forms of aid they receive? And will we develop our own drone and information technology rather than rely on a country of snakes?
>March 22nd
He has since flip flopped on that position and became a staunch supporter for more aid to Israel.
What browser are you using? I installed coincidence detector multiple times and (((Google))) Chrome kept deleting it.
Well he's dead now RIP
WOW that is awesome!
Jews are the richest people in the world...
They can afford it!
Time to start paying for that blood with your own money muther fuckers!
He will recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, making him more pro-Israel than Bush and Clinton.
He will sanction Iran - the only country standing against Israel because they support Hezbollah and Hamas.
I was waiting for this. I didn't realize it would happen on day -69 of his Presidency!
this is the one thing that pisses me off, but i really, really hope that's part just talk.
did not expect Serbia to support sandniggers
Old news.
Now he became more pro-ZOG than any other relevant candidate.
Even a sandnigger is better than a shekelnigger
they really aren't though.
Unlike them, we don't burn people alive, explode and behead others.
When exactly have your relations been damaged...?
I dont, but that song is fire and flame...
Are you running it in dev mode?
tru, joints and blunts are better
post it on reddit to make leftists more accepting of Trump. They hate Israel.
kek, but you sure as hell pay for them to do it for you
>When exactly have your relations been damaged...?
since Bibi started to leech money from them.
why would Israel pay them? I get why Globalist Jews would, but why Israel?
pls be tru
>tfw Sup Forums is the president of the US
Don't get me wrong: I'm no fan of Islam in any way, shape, or form, but I think if you really want to do something about terrorism, you should find common ground with Iran and BTFO Saudi Arabia and Qatar: the greatest funders and supporters of wahhabism and international terrorism. If you look at who's behind the terror attacks from 9/11 to bataclan and the Islamization of Europe and the USA, it is these countries. Sadly as you saw with Clinton: they can even own a presidential candidate whose largest donors were also Jewish and as far as I see it, Israel has much better relations with Saudi Terroristia than Iran.
Don't get your hopes up Goy
facebook com/IsraeliPM/videos/1470205026327571/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED
I fucking wish our government would have not given point six billion dollars to the rotten Clinton Foundation and invested in our defence instead.
as they should, a nation should be responsible for their own wellbeing. It is shameful Judaea has to depend on foreign handouts to keep themselves secure
both the US and Israel have relations with SA.
If it was up to me, ill wipe them off the map.
I keep getting an error when trying to Load Unpacked Extenstion, any tips?
Fucking nu/pol/ is retarded as fuck
>both the US and Israel have relations with SA.
And that's exactly the problem.
Historically the US (and probably Israel, I am not certain of it) have supported Islamism and jihadis against pan-Arabism and secular states, because they were pro Soviet or simply independent.
When you look for the source of the Islamization and terrorism, sooner or later the face of the West itself comes up. And now they struggle with the demon they helped create.
ISIS is a mix of what? Old Iraqi generals, officers and unemployed soldiers of Saddam and al-Quaede. Both of which were once supported and funded by the CIA and the US government. And al-Nusrae and the FSA, which was taken over by ISIS at least two years ago, is STILL funded by the USA. And it was always Assad first, ISIS second.
If Trump actually delivers to find a solution, we will see.
hopefully he will find one also
Why isn't Japan on this?
Oyyy veyyyyyy
you're retarded as fuck you swedish shithouse self-sucking dickbreath
"Looks like we have a challenger, folks!" -JFK
Holy shit, how can any man be so based?
I think I'd be pretty happy with Israel if this happened. This is pretty much my only grievance with Israel.
Serious question - since they bombed the living fuck out of Niggashima, they gave a /lot/ of money to Japan. Aren't Japan sufficient enough to be independent at the technology forefront of the world now?
Oh, forgot to mention, ignore the flag, I'm an American.
Completly reinstall it. If it still doesn't work try running it through tampermonkey. I forgot how I fucked with mine to make it work, but I know dev mode was involved.
Too every faggot who trolled about Trump being a secret Zionist.......BWAAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!