Does the rest of the world give a shit Trump won?
Does the rest of the world give a shit Trump won?
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the moment it was announced that trump won i heard car horns going crazy and people cheering, music blasting, etc in my suburb.
Nobody here (outside of the media, obviously,) gives a shit.
Yes. Because now that that pussy spineless shit flinging chimpanzee is out of office, my president isn't angry at America anymore.
Yes, its what we all needed.
media are in "endoftheworld" mode, sjws are being retarded as usual, other people either laugh or don't give a shit..
I want to believe this was real
Newspapers were kinda worried that he might get out of CAFTA. Since I hate globalism this is good news for me, though.
My friends are all in panic mode. Naturally when all you learn about him are from fucking AJ+ you would expect this.
Then again I'm in a university.
Most of the UK really doesn't get Republicanism. My geography teacher at school literally told us they were, "the bad guys, like the Empire from Star Wars." Nor is there any attempt to understand them.
The only information we got in the media was how fucking ridiculous Trump was and people here don't know anything about Hilary Clinton. And I mean nothing. She's not even a remotely controversial figure and was pitched as basically a boring version of Obama that was 100% guaranteed to win.
When Trump won everyone seemed to be losing their shit crying about it. Despite the fact they're not American and couldn't be less informed about what goes on in the USA.
Then you had a few Brexit faggots that were excited about being put at, 'the front of the queue', and how our 'special relationship' was rekindled and then we were the ninth people in the queue behind Australia and Ireland and once again the Americans have to embarrassingly pretend they even know what 'the special relationship' is or who it's with this week.
Pic related.
Not really.
Newspapers write about military stocks rocketing, wall, pollster failure, newt gingrich as future secretary of the state, removing bank regulations, 10 trillion new debt, etc.
Yes. 99% of Sweden is butthurt af.
People are laughing at the shitshow.
Mexico Gets Its People Back
None of the Mexicans are rapists or murderers, so now Mexico gets 12 million Dreamers
Good Luck, Pancho
Yeah. I'm moderately fluent in German, and it's a constant stream of Buttschmerz in their media. Well, Spiegel and Zeit are beside themselves with impotent rage, featuring editorials with headlines like DEMOCRACY IS DEAD AND FASCISM HAS TRIUMPHED IN THE WEST. Some of the dumber tabloid stuff like Bild and Focus act like it's some joke. I have to confess I was impressed by some of the more sober reporting and editorializing. The expression „Weckruf“ (wake-up call) is used frequently, and increasing numbers of German political and media elite are confessing they're out of touch with average people, especially those whose lives have been most adversely impacted by globalization.
American economy has a HUGE impact worldwide.
America is like a dad, it leads economy and we follow it, so there's a huge possibility to follow america in nationalism
hopefully we will have less wars in the middle east, less refugees.
stop being a idiot
> Britain obsessed with their place in queue.
God can we just fucking sink this shithole
Belgium Can Keep Its Waffles
Oh, and there was a victory car tour in Dresden, but when they drove through Altstadt, a dozen Antifa faggots blocked the road. Since there were a hundred cops present, they weren't run over.
>worlds #1 superpower
>why the world cares?
Our media is still trying to find excuses.
Melbourne checking in. Shit's fucked. There's a protest scheduled for tomorrow
it will influence to put the right in the power
lol what
Canadians seem to have started shutting the fuck up already.
A few isolated cases of horseshit on Facebook here and there. But like, I have one friend who was assblasted about Trump's victory who was then bemoaning the people making that electoral college petition.
yes we care
are you a newfaggot?
Yeah, sadly
Actually we just had a talk show speak about how our media is full of shit and how they should change the way they report things, because there are massive underlying biases going on and everyone knows it.
Trump's politically incorrect rhetoric is already starting to change this planet, including our nation.
Also many people are scared shitless of him pulling the NATO support from Europe, they talked about this too.
It was basically a bunch of people convincing themselves that he simply can't pull any troops from Europe and that things are going to continue just like they used to be.
Honest response, a lot of Canadians are privately worried about where this is all going. But some things that I find comforting: Trudeau said he'd work with Trump, didn't go full SJW retard. The markets are up on both sides of the border. If the left can settle down and give a Trump a fair handshake, I think it will be fine. Canada's job is pretty straight forward, in that we export our natural resources at a huge discount. It doesn't make any sense for anything to change between Canada and America, because we aren't the country doing all the low paid work (stealing the jobs). We are barely the size of a large American state, so it's not actually going to impact much of anything.
I'm just glad that the world will never run out of salt.
American liberals will produce a surplus of salt unlike any before.
Here they made a big deal that Trump's business associate in my country is appointed by Duterte as a trade envoy BEFORE Trump even won. Speculations from Duterte is an absolutely genius madman to PH-US will be friends like they were before again. Nevertheless, I'm just happy WW3 isn't as likely as it was before due to the witch dying.
Iran released the second batch of sailors, this time without a plane full of unmarked non-sequential bills.
1 day of
>why us
>stupid amerifats
...And bend the knee the next day
where was this m8
>Is a Rusi
>Didn't post this
These people would have cleaned up Clintoon's mess.
You should join your new army when it gets built again. Japan will be fearsome once again friend.
Cunt I might go in, see what it's all about, laugh at some fags
Japan's took the worst parts of what the MSN and sources like HuffPo said as fact and played them on their major news networks.
I had people in Japan telling me straight up that Trump was a white supremacist, as well as that he would be bad for Japan. That he would want to go to war immediately and that we would increase our presence there.
Another case of the language barrier. Japanese people can't speak English worth shit, and they've convinced themselves they can so hard, that they misinterpret about everything at this point.
>I'm half Japanese.
And I have to go back to Japan again soon...
melbourne, northern suburbs.
was probably indians.
I thought your people were smarter than that, to believe our MSM.
I mean you guys have Hard Gay who openly mocks American homofaggots as a mainstream comedian, right? I thought Japan hated communists. Your people over there DO realize Clinton and her backers are communists, right?
What the fuck?
at first normies were shitposting on twitter at first, but only politcians and journalists are really nervous
What is it with Europe and derailing trains?
Russia is pretty positive about it, we don't like Hillary here.
Hopefully all the provinces will get representation present during NAFTA renegotiation.
The Brexiteers are having parties.
This is a great day for freedom. The MSM and the Billions of pay for play... amounted to fuck all.
All it took was a guy with the balls the size of Texas to walk in and tell the rest of them to get fucked.
They will never recover.
No, the average American's understanding of Japan is wildly off the mark. A majority of Japanese people do not speak English, so they just copy shit poorly from online articles and report it as ""fact"".
Political education is also pretty poor. I really doubt people even know what communism is in Japan.
Most people don't even watch the news and get random tidibts of information that come from friends and friends of friends, or sources that summarize the news in a few sentences...
Japanese people are probably the least aware out of anyone I know of what's going on in the rest of the world.
enjoy. i assume itll be a shitfest like the black lives matter cunts, likely the same crew
The reaction here in Taiwan is pretty hilarious. Most of us don't know much about Trump. We don't know what his foreign policy is. What's is his stance on Taiwan, on China, on Japan? Is he going to pull the US out of Asia and force us all to fend for ourselves?
But I'm here everyday. I know all about it. I know that nobody knows. Not you. Not him. Trump has no idea what the fuck he's doing. You voted for memes. How do I explain that to Taiwanese people who think you voted for an actual leader? It doesn't translate.
The best I can tell is he's probably a Russian shill. He was put in place to weaken and divide your country, and he has. Now Russia AND China are going to make you their bitch.
You care so much about >muh nationalism that you didn't even bother to try to understand how the globalism works. Now you're going to get killed by the next two superpowers.
Then why are they so good at keeping riffraff out of Japan?
Aww fuck. We don't want those centroamericans and cholos either. Use them as target practice, we won't miss them.
Even if there was no wars in the middle east or Africa they'd still keep coming and claiming some other shit like oppression or shit like that. They won't stop coming until Europe is broke and can't pay benefits anymore or simply goes on full Festung Europa -mode.
Lower tension with Russia can stop the EU trying to build a army just to throw it at Russia
some retards in vancouver were protesting trump the other day. Protesting an AMERICAN president in CANADA. fuck this shit country.
Our media is on meltdown mode. even published a 10 step manual how to fight Trump now.
For the germans (i don't bother to translate):
The whole comment section about trump is realising since he won, that Trump is not literally Hitler and the media have been massively overreacting and their obvious bias in other things.
The opinion of Trump in Goymoney is better than i expected.
Goddammit they actually believe the bullshit Muslim stories on kikebook and twitter. Many of my family members unironically tweet them to me.
The media here has been and still is outraged.. They still spam an article more or less every other hour about how Trump will be the end of the world.
90% of the comments however are how the media's credibility is nonexistent anymore and that they should shut up.
Practically all of Denmark is going nuts over this (at least based on how MSM and facebook fags react).
why are aussies protesting an american president elect in fucking australia
Because the world needs America to have a strong leader and you voted for a weak one.
Short answer: Because they're xenophobic.
Long answer: Honestly as of late, they're doing a TERRIBLE job of keeping the riffraff out of Japan. The only reason why more people aren't going over is because the Japanese companies/individuals are the ones becoming the filter. I'll explain in a second.
The Japanese government has recently lessened the requirements in order to come to Japan and work. It's also the first year their total population has taken a drop (no one's having kids). As a result, the number of Koreans and Chinese coming into the country has increased over the past few years, accompanied by a large spike in crime. There also is a lot of crime by Africans who have started to immigrate over in Tokyo.
The Japanese populace only likes to deal with other Japanese people. This is mostly a cultural/language issue, because foreigners can't speak Japanese worth shit, and don't know all the unspoken cultural rules, which pisses everyone off. So, a lot of apartment complexes refuse to work with foreigners. A lot of jobs won't hire. A lot of people discriminate. And conditions are pretty bad for some foreigners. That means the people who currently do come over are some of the worst of the worst. Literally beta cucks who have ridiculous dreams that will never come true, poor education, and little desire or capability of learning Japanese. I know a guy who's been there for 10 years with the vocab of an 8 year old (actual test confirmed). And a bunch of weird cases where kids are abandoned in Japan and/or abused.
But with the new governmental policies on tourism and immigration, I think we're going to start seeing a larger shift in the demographics in large cities.
we are as puzzled as you are mate
taiwan trying to explain australia
>hillary, strong
she couldn't even come out to talk to her guests because she was bawling and throwing a temper tantrum
If Japan starts letting in a brown horde, they're finished.
I'm telling you now. They're done. Here in the US you can fight the fucks. Guns are easy enough to get and there's lots of space to dump bodies.
Japan can't pull it off. If you think chinamen and koreans are bad, wait until the nigs and muslims come in to play. I knew the Japanese were very formal and strict, but the problem is they're not badasses. They haven't dealt with an actual threat like Apefricans and if they get stupid and start letting that rabble in, they're finished.
You need to inform as many people there as you can just how bad these "people" are.
my family is acting like Hitler got elected.
the one with everything erased is a friend of the family, the one with the crossed out avatar is my aunt (Dutch immigrant) and the weeabo is me.
My dad actually called me to retract my comment because it might cost me a future job or some shit.
Maybe both of you candidates were bad?
At least Hillary didn't bend over for you enemy before she even had a chance to be elected.
Only teens whining on facebook
Im not poor so no and my family there is legal cus muh college
Yeah, I agree with you.
You know, I've actually heard that the police is scared to confront the Africans in Tokyo.
I can only imagine what's going to happen when more of them come in... Pretty much everyone knows to avoid certain areas in Tokyo at this point.
Honestly, I think Japan is fucked. It's hard to tell how bad a culture or religion is when you've never seen or heard about it before.
I know some Japanese women who went to marry guys in the Middle East, literally knowing nothing about Islam. And people never heard from them again. "It sounds like a nice place."
People think that South America is part of the United States because in Japanese you call the US "ameirka". I know a girl that almost got tricked to go to Chile for obvious trafficking. She thought it was a state in the US.
The level of ignorance about other cultures/countries is pretty atrocious.
yes we are happy cause if hillary won then she would have installed another corrupt asshole in power in my country
with trump in power,all those corrupt fucks are royally screwed and hopefully be sent to life in prison
>chinese understanding of US politics
I spent at least 1,000hrs shilling on yahoo, reddit and a few sites. I donated probably 1/10th of my inheritance to altright and pro trump people. I did it partly for America the country I love and partly for Canada the country I love.
same here.
I'm on employee disability so a big american multinational I won't name that kinda implied Trump was bad paid me to shitpost all day. I still have 4 months left on disability and am super bored now :( wish I could relive the last year 50 times over.
media over here is really happy trump won
No one where I work cares. They don't even like him either. It's just the really far left states where shits going off.
Quiz me. I went to college in the US. I took courses on US government, US relations with Asia, and US relations with Latin America. I know more than 99% of Americans.
>Quiz me.
We're on the internet mate.
EU is now putting together a military since Trump won, Mexico is scared shitless and their economy tanked, Punisher said he's not gonna fuck with the US, etc.
Can confirm
Everyone here going insane.
pretty delicious butthurt
espcially because they can never use the hitler card after Trump turns out to be a good president
Canadafag reportin
yes , every one is butthurt but no one has reason beside "he's a racist"
there was even riots in Vancouver...
how easy is it to scam an american?
>Melania got into the white house, woooo we love you Melania
I heard a version of that 3 times.
The majority don't really care though. And the only people buttblasted ware commies, the westaboos, and philosophy students, go figure.
they were protesting *
on a slightly different topic, I've never understood why the Japanese government has continued to blindly follow the Keynsian economic strategy to solve the economic stagnation that has been going on for decades now.
Is it that hard to rock-the-boat over there that no free-market politicians can get into power?
Yes, as usual its the young ones who are protesting against trump. fucking idiots can't see the bigger picture and just want to immigrate instead of improving the country with their bare hands.
After this election, everybody knows that answer.
>90% of the comments however are how the media's credibility is nonexistent anymore and that they should shut up.
Don't even support Trump, but kek.
WW3 has been averted, so some do, some are too stupid to care.
Me and three others chose to wear our MAGA hats for work wednesday. We didn't gloat, we didn't really comment on anything, and we were bombarded with comments about how we were supporting nazies. Kek.
The mirror is a pleb rag
I'm not too knowledgeable about that part of Japanese politics, but the feeling I get is that politicians in Japan are far more corrupt than the ones in America. People get into power by making secret deals, and having other people take the fall. Actual policy seems to come second. I'm not even sure if a lot of these people are actually working for their bases. It's a lot of ceremony with little substance.
>Russia is the big scary enemy
Do you unquestioningly believe everything you hear on TV?
What are taxes like? I know that in big cities it is expensive as fuck, but is that puely a demand issue or is there government chicanery involved like NYC?
Damn... thats a lot of ice cream wasted...
Makes me want to go and grab some. Later.