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Can we ban him from the UK as well
>trump ban on muslims
>implying trump has ever said "all muslims"
why perpetuate media lies that obviously didn't work on the electorate?
Also, Khan can go fuck a goat
Trump already went back on that and said it was a suggestion and not an actual policy.
Good fucking job
Hive mind
Thank God.
Well, to be honest, this guy is probably a Saudi operative anyway. He's actively trying to suppress British national pride and calls for an independent foreign policy.
So fuck him.
I thought he was Pakistani ...which isn't any better.
Banned from immigrating here, maybe, but not from entering the country.
Didin't the UK parliament discussed banning Trump?
They probably look really foolish right now, don't they.
Can we build a nice big wall around London and keep him there?
Why the fuck do we care whether or not the Mayor of London can visit the US?
He meddled in an election he and jorge ramos should be banned
That was Scotland.
Good. MAGA is truly becoming a reality. Is this the best timeline?
This Khan guy is the mayor of Pakist.. I mean London. The ban will obviously not apply to officials.
Ban all Khans
Genghis was the only good Khan
>international politician
what did they mean by this
huffhuff post
Please. We need another good "Escape from ______" movie.
Fucking diesel tax cunt
Kill yourself shit mayor.
>>linking to Huff post
>>kill yourself
Pick two.
Scotland has a hard on for Trump since he cause a shitstorm with his new golf course.
Basically, the scottish gub love windfarms. Ive got 12 of them in my 6'x6' garden, fucking things are everywhere. And they wanted to build one off shore to Trumps golf course. Now, Trump had bout the land for the views, as you do with a golf course. So theyve had run ins going back and forth.
And that cow Sturgeon said "its not the outcome we wanted" when he won. What kind of salty, unprofessional bitch says that? Shes an absolute fucking boot.
>Try to ban trump from the UK
>he bans you from his country
>Their first meeting
>EVER opening a huffingshit link
So? He's a fucking douchebag Islamist who hates Britain.
He should be banned.
From running for office in any christian country.
ps: who cares
News media loves to spin things specially american ones...
he never said all muslims he said illegal ones
deporting all muslims or any minorty would never work. would literally be a civil war
I despise Khan, he symbolizes how a divided white British people, are now able to be democratically voted against when our self hating brainwashed whites and subhuman immigrants combine in voting power.
expect a brain dead coon as the next mayor.
He's already banned from the US under current law for giving aid to terrorist groups. But it's not law that would get enforced.
Good. All Mohammedans shouldn't be let into the US.
Funny isn't?
>misquoting the next president just to push your agenda after being BTFO
Trump clearly stated, and its in his voter contract, that he will stop muslims from warzones coming to the US until they are security checked
It was never a banning muslims plan.
It was a vetting plan, to block immigration from countries of choice, which is part of the constitutional power of the president.
If any country conflicts with the interests of the United States, it is within the power of the President to block all incoming persons from entering the country for designated time.
with that said; good.
Fuck the sand nigger.
>linking HuffPost
I don't think Trumps going to follow through with banning mooslims
Could you ban him from London too?
> Thank you
Bye Kinky Licks.
He said from muslims countries.
That includes UK, Germany. France and Sweden.
Yup. They had a fucking 3 hour debate. Albeit they were legally forced to because a petition got loads of signatures.
"For good reasons the Government does not routinely comment on individual immigration and exclusion decisions.
The Home Secretary may exclude a non-European Economic Area national from the UK if she considers their presence in the UK to be non-conducive to the public good.
The Home Secretary has said that coming to the UK is a privilege and not a right and she will continue to use the powers available to prevent from entering the UK those who seek to harm our society and who do not share our basic values.
Exclusion powers are very serious and are not used lightly. The Home Secretary will use these powers when justified and based on all available evidence.
The Prime Minister has made clear that he completely disagrees with Donald Trump’s remarks. The Home Secretary has said that Donald Trump’s remarks in relation to Muslims are divisive, unhelpful and wrong.
The Government recognises the strength of feeling against the remarks and will continue to speak out against comments which have the potential to divide our communities, regardless of who makes them. We reject any attempts to create division and marginalisation amongst those we endeavour to protect."
The PM here refers to David Cameron and the Home Sec current PM Teresa May.
just build a wall and nuke the fucking city