We backed the right horse, right guys?

We backed the right horse, right guys?

Like, we didn't just doom all of humanity for the sake of memes, right?


we elected the right choice.

who gives a fuck

Yes, yes, well done Sup Forums


Yes Obama and Bush were both fucking retards and Trump will be decent

Stop spazzin out mate.

You chose wisely. I mean, you nearly got a woman....A WOMAN, I MEAN.... HOW RIDICULOUS IS THAT?


No, Harambe only got 15,000 votes

Hillary wanted to start a fucking world war with Russia for no reason.

We backed the right horse.

>shut up CTR

Of course we did. Don't be such a dramatic faggot

The fire rises

>Like, we didn't just doom all of humanity for the sake of memes, right?

We did. And we did it for the lels.

100% for the lulz.



The other choice was to keep Hillary and her crew at the top. Already hearing a ton of good news.

are you even american?

>we didn't just doom all of humanity
Humanity was already doomed. Whether or not Trump can save humanity from the course it was on, is a moot point.
He was the right choice either way.

i think we did the right thing in the end

now we just gotta keep the trump train rolling or meme the lefty split into reality and weaken our enemies from within while we still have power

Make no mistake. It was to prevent Hillary from a reign of darkness and cause the salt mines to open permanently for libs. Everything else is secondary.

You got taken for a ride by a guy who probably just rubs his hands and says "loooool, can't believe these idiot, you can kiss their ass a bit telling them they are special and they become your footsoldiers".

And who is now going to proceed enriching himself (through gov contracts or just tax cuts to himself) and then just fly to Dubai to do coke lines with Putin or something.

But, no point explaining stuff to populists/collectivists who always call others special snowflakes but in reality are desperate for themselves to be so. ("red-pilled" etc). They will understand in a few years or so when their life will still be as much shit as it is now. Much like Obama's supporters understood as well.


Let meme chaos destroy the Us

sacred 7s confirm

I'm only worried he might do something stupid with internet censorship

fuck off ISIS you're not welcome in our secret club, don't you know sand niggers are banned from using meme magick

>while we still have power
Are you saying Kek could leave?

i like you

Could you imagiene how much worse it would be if Hillary won? We made the right choice.

Fuck off redditor

I was thinking of moving to the US to make it more diverse, do you guys think it is the right time for me to offer the US my cultural illumination?

It was either the slow poison or the surprise elixir which might accidentally fuck you over. We made the right choice.

>we didn't just doom all of humanity for the sake of memes

now, that's a legacy for Sup Forums I can get behind

No body wants you here Muhammad, I mean after all you do fuck little boys.

what if i told you I had an american passport and i'm coming in regardless if you like it

Fuck OFF nigger. At least we won't have to listen to uppity entitled shit skins anymore.


Its win win really

I did it for the lulz niggers

I love how long this guy holds a grudge. He plotted for YEARS to take dems out of office when Obama insulted him. talk about focus. no one will fuck with the president now. they know if you make fun of him, he will undo your work and remove all traces of your existence.

>its now common practice to find liberal broadcasting locations and ridicule/disrupt their broadcast
>cnn bent over in full damage control, ratings in the toilet, all credibility gone
>saudi arabia shitting themselves
>russia excited to restore ties
>hillary cant even face her drones, probably seizing out hourly
>obama learned his lesson making "sick burns", now going to go porchmonkey somewhere and be completely forgotten
>bill clinton quit being coherent a while ago and just shut up

serious the democrats are going to spend the next 2 months in their office with thousand yard stares as they think about how hard they got cucked.

things are changing around here!

I've had a boner since we won. The last two days at work I've been getting a ton of looks but I can't help it. Even my co worker was ok dude you still have a boner. I can't help it. There's liberal tears and Obama ate his fucking words. I might fuck a hooker tonight since I'm off. Idk I'm burning some bud right now watching people react to the results. It's literally porn.

Fuck I forgot about Jeb.

s l o w a n d s t e a d y


Hillary would have been a low downwards trajectory of neoliberal warmongering and poz, with an economy either barely growing or slowly shrinking. At least with Trump we get a fucking dice roll. Trump was the mystery box candidate, HIllary was the "limp handshake, wilting flower, and cab fare home" candidate. We picked the mystery box. We can hope for more, we can volunteer to serve our country, we can just be good white people and contribute by not being lazy degenerate fags. At this stage, he's more a rallying symbol than a leader. To quote another user,
>Trump is a celebrity, not a politician. he has mythical value, not practical value. which means he’ll do whatever we do with him.
>God didn’t give israel to the jewish people; they went out and took it themselves. at the same time, if god hadn’t given israel to the jewish people, they wouldn’t have gone out and taken it, and if they’d tried, they would’ve had a much harder time of it. so god gave israel to the jewish people.
>is it true or false that god gave israel to the jewish people? wrong. myths aren’t true or false. they happen.
>donald trump will make america great again if u try hard

While this analogy might be a bit jewish for some Sup Forumslacks, it's fundamentally true. People throughout history have relied on transcendent, aspirational culture-hero to strive towards in the service of their people. These impossible figures are often more important than real, historical people in terms of impact.


So you burgers just vote for the one who is the least held by the establishment without really knowing where they stand politically?

If we destroyed humanity over memes, then we will know we have created the ultimate meme.

Don't let the paid protests discourage you, that's what they're trying to do.