Who is doing this?
Are white people really chimping out?
Portland is full of communist
Also only white people can afford to live there
popular vote numbers were relatively close and coupled with the decisive propoganda from both sides, things like this are expected.
also expected is the emboldening of WN elements and sympathisers.
both will fade away in a few weeks.
>Media lies that Trump is literally hitler and "ist" as fuck
>Liberals chimp out with self-righteous rage, appealed that white America would elect a RACIST as President
>add George Soros funded crazies to the mix to get the party REALLY started
I really hope they can calm down
WN elements?
We haven't even started yet.
In the same way that conservatives claim that conservatism cannot fail, it can only be failed by insufficiently conservative politicians, white people cannot chimpout. Well, maybe if some midwest college does well at handegg or some new england college wins a hockey tournament, some of our more immodest youth may indulge in shenanigans
soros backed coordinated professional activists mixed with people who are caught up in the air of activism
A great opportunity for extreme virtue signaling
>progressives pillage their own cities
The question is who cares?
Obviously this is Soros' doing but it is pretty funny seeing these people destroy their own homes and businesses in a fit of impotent rage
its gonna get worse, i was hoping this wouldnt last till the weekend.
the worst has yet to come boys.
ITS FRIDAY FRIDAY gonna get down on friday.
If Trump lost, do you think we'd see angry Trump protestors on the streets?
I don't think so. It's mainly been these crazy anti-Trump PAID protestors on the streets and I haven't heard of one case of retaliation by Trump supporters.
Guys trust me they are cowards we could easily route them if we gathered enough troops. any Sup Forumsacks want to counter protest? I bet we could set up a much more effective and organized group that wasnt full of women and numales.
Just watch out for the mexicans and niggers. No doubt they are armed
its already been confirmed to be Soros
President Trump has to declare him an enemy of the state
You stupid? There are a shit load of googles here.
we'll see. post-brexit reaction was pretty similar but faded quickly enough.
the long term is far more interesting: imo WN will fail to capitalise on the realtive inaction of political actors. however, this inaction will present them/you(?) with your best opportunity to penetrate the mainstream theyyou have been afforded in a generation - that much is undeniable.
it's fascinating to watch if you're not particularly invested.
we should meme them into attacking militarily so they all get gunned down and america is made great again
Yeah because they moved
Make them feel welcome.
Isn't portland liberal as fuck? They're destroying their own shit.
The media spent the entire election campaign telling everyone that trump was the anti-christ, super-racist, jew killing, mexican stomping super bad guy, and now he won.
Didn't Oregon vote democrat? Liberals truly are retarded.
They are the whores of Soros, a man denied of his dream
That's the irony
The left eating itself
No thanks. I'm outtie
>Liberals tell Trump to accept the result of the election if he loses
>Trump wins
>Liberals refuse to accept result of the election
Flashbangs - Achievement Unlocked!
Tear Gas - Achievement Unlocked!
Rubber Bullets -
Real Bullets -
The Police don't want four years of this. They are going to clamp down hard, soon.
>mfw it's mostly fat dykes and 18 year-old lefties
He even looks like Sheev. When will he reveal the true power of the dark side?
Good thing our Christmas present will be him dying in his sleep because of a gas leak in his house.
If things got really out of hand, how would the police feel about armed citizens taking their side?
>who is doing this
go join the crowd, yell antiwhite racist crap, act hysterical and stir them up.
what have you got to lose?
They are not going to do anything; these are paid protestors they dont have the fire that real ones have. Its only there to make it seem this way.
>don't like election outcome
>destroys property belonging to someone who has absolutely nothing to do with politics
Typical anarchist/antifa scum behavior.
No. OREGON did NOT vote democrat. Portland voted Democrat. Portland owns us because of the population weight it holds. However most of the state was red red red including where I live. We're just laughing at Portland devouring itself right now but it is a bit depressing that no matter how red our state votes Portland fucks it up for everyone.
my point is lets exacerbate it, go join them, make them seem absurd, now is perfect timing media and everyone is watching.
They wouldn't like that. Be smart user. Let them do their jobs. If they fail, which they fucking won't, then worry about your LARPing adventure.
>mfw living comfy in the suburbs
>Who is doing this?
>It Looks Like George Soros is Funding the Trump Protests Just Like He Funded the Ferguson Riots
>mfw living comfy in Rhode Island where no chimpouts happen
Why we russians haven't assasinated him yet?
I live in the center of Denver. FML hearing "FUCK DONALD TRUMP" last night out my window. The burbs have never looked so good.
Why do yo memeing neckbeards say Soros?
Any reason? Any evidence?
Obviously he invested in Clinton and want his profits.