German Newspaper Cover

Title says : End of the world as we knows it

Trump is the fucking sun

meme it into something positive

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Already looks pretty positive to me. Look at our high energy sun emperor god.

My dad just texted me this shit, I told him the liberals were mentally ill. This shit is fucking stupid.

and I feel fine.

My American cousin has lived in Berlin for the last 15 years and she emailed our family "I'm so ashamed for the USA, come to Germany". What does the German media like Der Spiegel say about Trump?

(((SPIEGEL))) =D
dass du dir noch überhaupt lügenpresse reinziehst , respekt mir dreht sich mein magen wenn ich jedesmal zu rewe gehe und schlagzeilen kurz durchlese.

english version : our media is a bunch of globalist zionists fullblown retards.

Praise the Sun!

Funny thing is that the only thing ending soon is the german nation and people.

whats wrong with it? its absolutely true
the ((world)) needs to be vaporized

Tell her you'd rather been torn in half by horses.

Someone turn the Earth into a David's star.

Trump destroying globe(alism).

Spiegel is the Kampfblatt of the leftists.
I don't even have to read that to know it says nothing positive nor anything remotely realistic.


>mfw 3 years from now when everyone realizes that he isn't orange hitler and is actually a really good president

The german media is parasitic on the US liberal media when it comes to reporting on Trump they got no mind on their own.

kek, reminded me of this.

>Trump is the fucking sun
>meme it into something positive
Already done famalam

Do they know that kek is the good of the rising sun. Or was this just an accident?

It is now Day 3 and the liberals are still freaking the fuck out. It was all worth it, folks.

shit that's a good one

The corrupt world as we know will end and a new dawn awakens.

Sun god is usually the top diety in all pantheons.

It's good.

also i'd argue that trump is a meteor in the image. but Sun feels better.



Its the NYT but for really really dumb people who want to feel smart.

End of the NWO and globalist elite!.... For now...

Do not stop the good fight.

Victory can bring complacency, thats how we ended up in this situation to begin with.

Keep your guard up. Stay woke.

If Trump starts showing NWO tendencies, let him know we will not sit by quietly!

Just say no to NWO

Can't say since im back in the US, but
i lived in germany for about 2 years, and i can assure you they imply that he is a nazi.
back when i lived there i was more or less on board with the notion that nationalism = racism = nazism because it didnt work out for germany. Im pretty sure he is portrayed as just this evil dude who hates minorities, gays, and women. Same talking points as in the US, except there it would be even more frowned upon to support him. He is like their Petry who along with the AfD are not just conflated with... but actually viewed as nazi fascists.
Norms in germany conflate anything that isnt liberalism with nazism.

the night is always darkest before the dawn..

but the sun has risen user. the sun has risen.

Guilt is a helluva drug



Just a friendly reminder that the german government supported the Clinton campaign with 5 million Euros through a full state-sponsored proxy called Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit.

German buisnesses supported almost exclusively to the Trump campaign though.


The saltiness of the german elites over Trumps election is even bigger than the one of the SJW in USofA.

pretty great how it's literally called "the mirror"
confirmation bias symbolism.


MEGA - Make Earth Great Again

iirc there was a "madame president" cover for a german newspaper.

anyone got it?


"German" newspaper.

Spiegel is the biggest kike paper in Germany and that says a lot.


>female refugees


> Dat ogre in the middle

The only places you see a Spiegel Magazin is in a Doctor’s Office, they have lost their credibility since the death of the former owner Rudolf Augstein. Rudolf Augstein is known publicly as a cuckold.
pic related his "son" Jakob Augstein. His wife was banged by the conservative writer and Nazi Party member Martin Walser.


i hate germans so damn much.

>tfw soon there won't be state known as germany anymore
>Only backwards savages who will be easy to remove

haha, (((we)))


i love poles tho.

Every German pay for this shity propaganda not sure to laugh or cry.

>german propaganda machine still hammer a rejected narrative
nice, its like you want right wing extremists to sweep the next election

> Trump will succeed where Hitler failed
Plz Kek

be careful!

>tfw no Polish government
>tfw only Polish-speaking one

Czechs and Polacks are like Niggs and Spiggs

tfw no qt polish bf to cuddle with

hard to find when they dont exist

Sorry what about that isn't positive? It already looks like a Sup Forums meme

tfw no qt german bf to cuddle with

I like how they didn't draw a Hitler moustache.


>meme it into something positive
Looks fine as it is.

Germany is pathetic. Honestly, truly pathetic. They are single handedly destroying Western Civilization.

And finally, one of their own comes along and wins the Presidency - and they're bashing him. But if he was a muslim they'd be celebrating.

Piss off Germany

>Der Spiegel
The only thing that Käseblatt is good for is kindling for your oven.
Can't even wipe your ass with it.


it does say it's the end of the world as we know it..

How fantastic that germany is becoming germanistan, i have some family in germany and they are not fucking happy at all and they don't even live in mid or south germany.. and the notion is that germans are REALLY pissed off with merkel..

But spiegel keeps up appearance, might aswell nickname itself salon at this point.. That's how out of touch it is..

Trump is the sun, what else do you want?

I guess you could change earth for ISIS banner

OP is full of shit.

The end of the world.
But it also says: AS WE KNOW IT

They are right about that. That's why we wanted Trump. So he can fix things.

Fucking German propaganda. It's like i'm in high school history class again.

If you think germans are still happy about the situation in general, from my experience the little i have from having some family there (sister and 2 nephews) her hubby which is full german is NOT HAPPY AT ALL!.. and he's the most relaxed and calm and nice dude if he's not happy things are not going well i tell you that!

oh my god, how can i get a copy of this?

Come on Amerifat, if ur ancients hasnt stopped us removing jews, queers and other mind-crippled, it wouldnt be so bad right now

Who's ready to make Space Great Again?

Just hop over your local border fence to a German newsagents, they'll give it to you for free.
If you walk in shouting Allah Akbar they'll give you an Aryan rapeslave and an apartment too.

to my fellow germanons
is faz still good? or has it ever been? i'd like to hear your opinions

>literally shaking with fear
Seems to be the mode of whoever designed that picture..

Oh no donald don't eat my babies and kill everybody.. oh wait..

go save ur neighbours and vote Wilders, Vla-Head

Frankfurter Allgemeine is the worst

Wie komisch, Dankeschön!

yfw Der Spiegel turns your Trump meme into their magazine cover