Hillary won the popular vote.
Trump was not democratically elected.
Leaders who aren't democratically elected end up like the guy in the picture.
This is what's going to happen to Trump and his entire family.
Hillary won the popular vote.
Trump was not democratically elected.
Leaders who aren't democratically elected end up like the guy in the picture.
This is what's going to happen to Trump and his entire family.
Other urls found in this thread:
wew lad
Most people live in big cities, so allowing cities to control 90% of the land is silly.
This is what happens to leaders who aren't elected democratically.
Murdered because of Hillary Clinton?
really makes u think xD
did that happen to Bush 43?
Rutherford B. Hayes?
Andrew Jackson?
the answer is no, no it did not
>This is what's going to happen to Trump and his entire family
cool story
Yep. He's a one and done for sure.
More like this is what happens to leaders that refuse central banks.
This is what happens to people who aren't democratically elected.
1.delet this
2.delet this
3.delet this
they literally did nothing wrong
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAA FUCKING TORONTO.........HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAA KEEP CRYING. Just wait until the equalization payments stop, you'll really be crying then.....
yea CTR full corce
can we ban these lobby groups and their bullshit?
ok so how did that work out with W Bush? how was his family after not winning the popular vote?
oh right snorting cocaine and getting drunk same as usual
fuck off and keep your eyes open for another 9/11 scam
The Votes are still being counted, you leaf.
>4 years of impotent leaf tears
I'm lovin' it so much.
thats because we're a republic
68 Year Old Dictators hate this 1 weird trick discovered by Hillary Clinton.
Man you are a fucking super autist. It's been hours of this. What even motivates you
Good thing America isn't a democracy.
I'm more worried that CTR will never leave.
This is what happens to leaders who aren't democratically elected. This is what's going to happen to Trump and his wife.
but he already won canada
>Hillary won the popular vote.
>Leaders who aren't democratically elected end up like Gaddafi.
You need to think harder.
OP is a sore loser and a fascist.
We're a constitutional republic, not a democracy. We simply use representative democracy as a form of governance. It's not the why of our system, it's the how.
States rights are not less important than the federal government, so the electoral college is necessary. This president affects us all, so it shouldn't be determined solely by California
>this retard thinks Gadaffi wasn't one of the most beloved leaders to ever walk the earth
It's Obama leaf
Same fag who ran the Hillary generals and made Hillary pepes
Oh, so crazy muslims are going to attack him while Hillary Clinton destroys the country?
This fucking canacuck is getting me on my nerves already, fuck off and stop spamming your shit
You fucking retarded leaf! If you are too fucking stupid to understand that the USA has never, ever been a democracy then you should go eat a shit sandwich and then hang yourself.
The USA is a representative republic. You are a fucking shill and a first class cuck. After you hang yourself, your woman if you have one will be sucking the cock of one of the millions of immigrants your boy king will bring in.
is this you op?
Pic related was not democratically elected.
Anyone wants to guess what happened to him?
>I washed by butt hole with leaf after shitting on streets today.
>Feels good
>the electoral college is only a prediction, it can still change!!1
>the popular vote is final, trump lost.
don't worry we'll have voter ID in California and new York so you wont be able to scam your way into presidency using illegals fucking fag
Reminder that it is really naive to think if Soros is still paying protesters that ctr still isn't functional. Im gonna miss you though, you were hilarious.
Fuck off.
Jason Bourne calling for civil disobedience
Here Toronto, have a look at this.......
they'll use this argument for years
Nothing syrup nigger, what will happen is some of our shit stain citizenry will pollute your country.
We have had other presidents elected via electoral college. Just because you don't understand how it works doesn't mean it's not legitimate.
So how did George Bush get 2 whole terms and still be alive today? He lost the popular vote by %0.5,while donald lost only by %0.2
It's a great thing we are a republic then.
Fuck off, you lost. Stop crying already.
Trudeau was elected with 33% of the vote. The Canadian electoral system is way worse than the US electoral college on that matter, retard. Does it means what you said will happens to Trudeau?
Amazing stupidity. Also, check these
If you'd go with 100% democratic vote, then only the big states would ever get represented.
If any of the states feels like it's being oppressed by the others, then it's only option is to adopt a policy where it's maximizing population growth to unsustainable levels because otherwise it's vote doesn't matter.
All right.
I hope Trump is comfortable with that idea.
I hope he's comfortable knowing that even though he wasn't democratically elected, he still won thanks to some convoluted fucktard system.
I hope he's comfortable knowing that he and his entire family may end up in the streets, raped in the ass with knives by pissed off rebels.
Obama lost the popular vote in 2012.
Romney won the popular vote.
Be careful, shill.
Fuck off shill
>convoluted fucktard system.
Pic related
And yea, I'm sure he is happy, being the next president and all that.
Didn't Obama have record numbers in 2012?
EC is democratic, syrup faggot.
>democratically elected
According to your standards. There is almost no single democracy on this planet.
Just kill yourself retard.
which also has it's share of flaws btw.
>Obama lost the popular vote in 2012.
I don't know who told you that but it's completely wrong.
There are 3 states still uncounted/unreleased you fuckwit.
I really wanted to believe the shitposting leaf thing was just a meme
so true kek
Man, you're just gonna whine and cry and wring your little hands for the next four years, aren't you? Change your diapers, soothe the rash.
I'm not saying I'm butthurt I'm just showing you what happens to leaders who aren't democratically elected.
Trump won the popular vote there leafy green
Why don't facts matter to you stupid fuckin' people?
Oh boy
He would be SURROUNDED by gun carrying patriots in about 2 seconds. What would the liberals do? Throw rocks? A wall of gunfire would stop that real quick.
I can tell by the way you type you're not just a Canadian, you're a fucking refuge, your opinion is worthless, he won using the same system it's been used before.
>waaah it's only fair when my candidate wins
I bet you wouldn't be crying your ass off if (and mark my words he'll get it) he won by popular vote and lost the electoral college vote.
Neck yourself, fucking waste of life.
>Trump won the popular vote there leafy green
This is what happens to leaders of other countries, when you elect scum like Clinton
You realize more people would vote of our elections cared about the popular vote right?
He was democratically elected.
However, each state has limited number of electoral votes.
The point of this system is not to make sure what the millions living in big cities think, but rather what is the overall opinion of each state.
Each STATE gives their vote to the candidate with the most support.
The number of electoral votes your state gets is determined by the amount of congress members your state is entitled to have.
This is to ensure that United States of America doesn't become the Empire of America, where one state or a small league of states just ruthlessly exploits all the lesser states simply because it's got the benefit of having 51% of the votes at one point in time.
You realize candidates wouldn't give a shit about the midwest / iron range / south if we had popular vote, right?
A candidate would be literally laughed at for even wasting time visiting a state like Wyoming or Alaska even once during their entire tour.
oh yes he did.
>He was democratically elected.
There may be some sort of fucked up, weird system in place that allows him to be the president even though he wasn't democratically elected.
But he wasn't democratically elected.
Election was tainted by heavy democrat advertisement and hate against Trump and he still won.
If not for social pressure, Trump would've probably won by 80% to 20%.
>who aren't democratically elected
Based on your views of what the ideal electoral system should be.
The electoral college is a system of democracy to ensure equivalent value
Obama lost the popular vote so?
That may be true, but Trump was not democratically elected.
Looks like he won the electoral vote,
The fucking election machines were rigged. Trump won the pop vote. Fucking Soros machines need to be shut down.
How is it not democratic election if every state democratically elects how to cast their vote?
You're acting like US is a single superstate, rather than a union of states.
This is far more democratic than what you've got going around in EU, where people don't even have the right to vote for the people who make up their laws.
So, it means that Hillary supporters are even more pissed off now because this is the second time they've been denied their democratic choice.
He was.
He was democratically elected via the electoral college.
CTR confirmed.
The electoral college is necessary to ensure that cities don't have too much influence over so much geographical area. It's something that people love when it goes there way and want to repeal when it doesn't
>hurr durr 40 people at a party should be able to negate a noise complaint leveraged by a dozen people living in different houses
>this is what retards actually believe
point and laugh at the tard
>Ignoring how American voting works.
Most states were 80-90% red, with areas with large cities being blue. The outcome was almost always 50/50. Trump won the deciding areas with a lot of electoral votes.
Fucking leaf.
Trump won the popular vote.
If you remove the dead and illegals, Trump won by a landslide.
The blue shit is like a virus
Be careful leaf, the ballot aren't finished to count he will probably win by at least 500.000 popular votes.
Each state democratically chose how to use the votes their state has.
I hope that helps Trump sleep at night, knowing that at any moment, he and his family may end up naked in the street with knives up their ass like Qaddafi.
God damn you are pathetic. You are literally everything you said the Trump people would be after their expected loss. Impotent rage and threats.
You will do NOTHING, libshits will do NOTHING, they will throw a tantrum for a week or two, then they realize that nothing will happen and they go back to their normal, comfortable lives. Most libshits are normies too, they have friends and family, so they won't do shit. Only no life neckbeard agitators like you will care a week from now.
This guy is right. No Canadian or white person would care to use Qaddafi as an example.
Good thing we don't live in a direct Democracy
We live in a Democratic Republic, not a true democracy.
there were massive protest about that too except 9/11 happened and it united the country