What's this guy's name again? He's Trump's VP or something.
What's this guy's name again? He's Trump's VP or something
Other urls found in this thread:
Mike Penis or something
Mike ''you like it in the ass, try some of this gas'' Pence
Mike ''in my defense, you cant get around my fence'' Pence
Mike ''I emptied a mag into a fag'' pence
Mike "you like cock, you get shock" Pence
Mike "One Man Homocaust" Pence
Mike "fruits to vegetables" Pence or
Mike "like it in the crapper, ya get the zapper" Pence?
Mike "Mag in every fag" Pence
Mike Fence
EDIT: sorry auto correct
last edited: 17:10
Mike "Zap the fags, race war now" Pence
Mike "liking dick makes me sick" Pence
Mike "The Wienie Man Now Following Trump's Plan" Pence
Mike 'Wojak' Pence
>tfw you will never suck Mike Prince's dick while he calls you a faggot and says "here's your therapy, fuckboi"
Mike "Ride The Lightning" Pence
Mike ''Take it from behind and you will receive a shock till you die'' Pence
Mike "Zap the gay away" Pence
Mike "niggers against the fence" Pence
Tim jones.
Mike "All fags dead hence" Pence
Mike "send me a fruit and I'll make him a vegetable" Pence
Mike *ZZZAP* Pence
Such a handsome man
Michael "Put all the fags behind a fence" Pence
Mike "Kill a gay everyday" Pence
Mike "Domo Arigatou Mr. No-Homo" Pence
Mike "White Flight stops Tonight" Pence
Mike "Dykes deserve Zyk" Pence
Mike "pray the gay away" Pence
Mike "like to suck chodes? you get electrodes" Pence
Mike "kill a queer and I'll cheer" Pence
Mike "guys give you an erection? lethal injection" Pence
Mike ''If you like traps, i will murder your ass'' Pence
Mike *throw a dike over the fence* Pence
Mike "Taking a Blender to the Homosexual Agenda" Pence
Mike "I Throw Hand Grenades at People with AIDS" Pence
more like "if you're a trap, i'll murder your ass"
Mike Pennsylvania from Indiana
Mike Pence's theme song
Mike "Shock the Dyke" Pence
>mfw there are faggots in my board
Mike Pences's brother put braces on my teeth when I was 13. I'm now 41 and still have perfect, straight teeth. I'm very optimistic about our future VP for this reason alone.
>Mike "sodomy is an offense" Pence
Mike "fruity-ass will not last" Pence
Mike Pence will be seen as a Saint in 2116 for his help in founding the Kingdom of America
Mike *taking the fruits out of the basket* Pence
Mike *never trust a kike* Pence
Mike *put a fag on a spike* Pence
there is nothing gay about appreciating a mans looks
Mike "They call it queer, they call it gay, I call it a lack of Michael Faraday" Pence
Mike *If you looked you'll get cooked* Pence
Mike "no kikes as dykes and no yids with GRIDS" Pence
Mike "putting fairies on death squad itineraries" Pence
Mike "Stomping queers just makes sense" Pence
4th reich mike
Mike "Thousands of pictures of dicks on USB sticks hidden behind the electric sockets" Pence
Mike "If you wanna suck off Milo, I'm calling the Silo" Pence
Mike "Silver Bullet" Pence
Mike "all the queers will disappear" Pence
Mike "AR's for gay bars" Pence
Race Bannon
Mike "Feminine penis is no match for teslas genius"
Mike" Turning fruits into vegetables" Pence
Mike "Take it in the ass you get the gas" Pence
Mike "10,000 amperes running through all the queers" Pence
Mike " One watt for every impure thought" Pence
Mike "Thundershock if you like cock" Pence
>Turning fruits into vegetables
>Feminine penis is no match for teslas genius
Lost it
Mike "Hit those gays with with gamma rays" Pence
>people still think liking traps is gay
Found the fag, take em away Mr. Pence.
Mike "Gas the fags" Pence
Mike "Electrocute the Fruit" Pence
Mike "Limp Wrists Burnt to a Crisp" Pence
Mike ''turn the fruit into a vegtable soup'' pence
Mike "Six" Pence
Mike "if you're a queer your time is near" Pence
Mike "my favorite generation is electricity generation" Pence
Michael Richard "Mike" Pence
Mike "your flattery won't drain the battery" Pence
Michale Pince
Is it normal to wait till the end of a victory speech to somberly thank your VP? At the end of the speech Trump looked at Pence and quickly said thanks Mike as if he just forgot about him.
Trump hates Pence.
Mike "Extreme vetting for anal peggings" Pence
Mike "no defense like an electric fence" Pence
Mike "Take the bender to the blender" Pence
Mike "Drone strikes will find ya when you log into
Grindr" Pence
Obviously Race Bannon
Race banning
Mike "Sodomy means Lobotomy" Pence.
Mike "AC/DC for the LGBT" Pence
Mike "Bottoms and Toppers get free rides in a chopper" Pence
Mike "Electrical powers for faggy flowers" Ponce
Mike “Auschwitz for fags" Pence
Mike "Time to die, George Takei" Pence
Mike "Turn your dick into a power pylon" Pence
The left is insane. VP's have almost always been a warm bucket of spit, without the bucket.
Name one thing Joe Biden did.
Mike "if you shoot Trump your rights go to the dump" Pence
Mike 'killing commies without conscience' Pence
Mike "Building the Pillory for Crooked Hillary" Pence
Mike "Sending Obama Back to His Mama" Pence
Mike "Slegdehammer Splatter Black Lives Matter" Pence
Mike "Turning Jihadis into Dead Muslim Bodies" Pence
Mike "Use some Sense, build that Fence" Pence
Mike "Crashing this Plane on CIA Kaine" Pence
Mike "Bringing the Chinese Down to Their Knees" Pence
Mike "Saving Those Babies from Feminists with Rabies" Pence
Mike "Shooting Binge Shall Not Be Infringed" Pence
Mike "Spooky Ghost Haunts the Huffington Post" Pence
Mike "Nationalist Horror to Evil George Soros" Pence
Mike "Feeding Huma to a Hungry Puma" Pence
Mike "Training El Rato for the Ultimate Battle" Pence
Mike "Being the Best since Jonny Quest" Pence
Mike "Race Bannon Arming the Cannon" Pence
Mike "CTR's Starving Because he's Lee Marvin" Pence
Mike "Enemies of Trump Better Learn to Jump" Pence
Mike "Last Hope for the Day of the Rope" Pence
Mike "The Indiana Lion You Can Rely On" Pence
Mike "I Like Mike You Shrill Fat Dyke" Pence
Mike "10 megawatts a day keeps the homo away" Pence
Mike "If you're Queer pack your gear" Pence
Mike "Like It in the Crapper? You Get the Zapper" Pence
Mike "Mister thinks he's a sister, become a human resistor" Pence
Mike "If you enjoy cock, you're in for a shock" Pence
Mike "Deus Volt" Pence
Mike "like to suck chodes? you get electrodes" Pence
Mike "kill a queer and I'll cheer" Pence
Mike "guys give you an erection? lethal injection" Pence
Mike "isn't Orlando beautiful in June" Pence