Not the place to post but Sup Forums shunned me and said whats the use since their all pedos there, but this guy is a pedo. He's been sending sick things to my little sister and even stalks us and her when we go out, Im tired and I;m hoping to get some help here because you people know more than I do. His name is Joel Eisiminger and he lives with his parents still, his number is (520) 887-3334. Please any help would mean the world, the dude is a creep and I'm worried something might happen to my sister. This is my last resort guys
Not the place to post but Sup Forums shunned me and said whats the use since their all pedos there...
If this is true, go to baph.
We fdon't want this shit here.
Wheres baph?
Inform your local police and don't waste your time on the internet dumdum
We will only help if you are a white supremacist
I have, but theyve done nothing. They cant get all the proof they need online and Im resorting to scaring him to stop because he's a pussy in real life. Im not the one to go get hood thugs, id rather have people bombard his parents tot hey can do something about it it
We're not your personal army. Fuck off.
pic of little sister or it didnt happen
Not your personal army you fucking fag. Handle it yourself and go fight him you little bitch.
Fuck off
Why don't you just beat the holy hell out of him and make sure he knows if he ever comes around or contacts your sister again you will kill him?
This. Just gather up a few of the lads and give him a quiet 'talking' to. Old justice.
Not your personal army
Except if he's a nigger...
Sup Forums is not your personal army. Fuck off. We do not know the reality of the situation so we are unfit to pass judgment. Call the police if he has actually done something illegal. So far you've been the only faggot here.
We dont believe your bullshit lies
Fuck you OP
I hate newfags with a passion, but Trump's election is making me generous.
go to 8ch /baph/
lot of script kiddies and some hackers that are willing to fuck up pedos
You're not going to convince anyone to harass this guy with a photo and telephone number alone. We can't verify he isn't just some guy at work/school you're trying to bully. You're going to need hard proof and even then most of Sup Forums will be apathetic towards you.
Your best bet is giving him a good talking to yourself. I'm sure your Dad and other male relatives would back you up with your sister at stake.
Thats as unblurred im putting but shes on the left im on the right, hes bigger than me and have tried to fight him with knoves but he just almost ran me over with his truck.
you're not getting help here. go to
I'm bored, so I'll call him. Anything particular you want me to say?
I'm not lying, this is my last resort. I even went to Sup Forums like the tard I am. I just want help guys. Point me somewhere where people can help if you guys cant
She is a teenager, that's not pedophilia retard.
Be an older brother and fight this faggot you pussy.
Let me like this girl and he is dating her and you are too much of a coward to do anything so you go at this from another angle.
I don't believe you that he is a pedophile. If he was sending "sick things to my little sister" how do you know? If you knew and didn't go to the police then you are a coward.
It is clear you hate him for some reason. Either you are an ex-gf or a beta faggot who is going after him and hoping someone else will clear him out of the way for you to get "your" girl.
You are a poltroon and I hope Joel Eisiminger gets the IP address of you and sues you for slander.
He has the pedo smile alright.
1) Take bat
2) Swing bat at his head from behind, fuck fighting fair
3)bust out his windows with bat
4)Leave note on the seat, leave X alone you sick fuck
so dont fight him head on then. if he's really a pedophile then there's no shame in caving his head in with a baseball bat when he isn't looking. just take a weapon and fuck him up
go to baph on 4*2chan please
Then how about you go and do something about it, you fucking loser.
No Im a guy and hes saying sick shit ti my sister and sending snaps, Police cant do shit according to them but thell keep an eye out. I hate him because hes maniplulating my sister when hes much over the legal age for her. I have tried to fight him but hes bigger than me and I dont have friends that can back me up (big whoop im a beta). Ill take this to baph on 8 then
How old is he, how old is your sister?
Confirmed troll.
We gave you an answer. There are people who can fuck him up much better.
You want attention here, faggot
>Buy reliable firearm with adequate stopping power
>Remove kiddy poker
Don't get caught, OP
stop being a fag just beat his ass
if there was literally ANY proof the cops could stop it.
Getting no contact orders is seriously a 30 minute process.
probably making this up
Is your sister underage? Is he over 18? If yes then the police will get involved.
I know this because one of my friends brother is in prison now for sending nude pics to a 16 year old.
If what you are saying is true get your parents to go to the local district attorney's office. They have legal standing. You do not. I can't imagine the police saying they won't intervene because crimes like this give the local district attorney a boner
if cops dont help a big fat criminal lawyer is your best hope. And I mean a CRIMINAL lawyer
haha no kidding i think i met this guy at a bar called champs in gilbert az, not too far fetched considering he has a tucson area code. is his name joel, or joe or something??
yes it is, i absolutely met this guy last night. sorry i didnt read through your post all the way. was a complete drunken asshole to the girl i took out.
Yes shes underage, it was all over snapchat thats why the local pd said they couldnt do anything without physical things. Parents know but its the while proof thing. I'll try what you said but scaring him away from her is my best bet at this point. Thanks for the help for those who did.
Nice finding someone that knows who he is here. I hate his guts
explain your situation, maybe i can help. i think he is involved in his church and thats how the girl i took out last night knew him when we bumped into him. is there a possibility he is in gilbert? his social media and phone number say tucson but there is no way i didnt meet this guy last night.
Your sister probably has been flashing this guy her pre pubescent tits dude.
No shit, hes manipulative.
Hes from Tucson, he went to the same HS I did, maybe hes up there right now but I wouldnt know. Biggest douche alive. Anything else for you to help since you know him (probably) Ill say
Is your sister hot? Post her tits or gtfo
Dude in pic just KEKED user. Post screenshots of her phone with his number or I'm literally reporting you
fuck off cunt. deal with your own shit. we influence elections and ruin the lives of Jewish media people. Deal with the pedo yourself. Why hasn't your sister blocked him anyway? Don't your parents care?
so the girl and friends i went out with all know him through a church or mutual church events. i am screen capping this and sending it to them as we speak.
Sack up and beat the shit out of him.
We're over here trying to MAGA, I suggest you do your part.
Also nypa and thus guy obviously stole your qt3.14159etc, you immense faggot.
Duuude....this shit is b8. You met him last night wit OPS grill. I'm sure he is a pos, but a pedo. Let's get some proof.
Op you Jed to post the creepy pics he's been sending OF course. At you new?
im just curious as to this guys behavior. we are not the type of people to just ruin some guys life based on an internet post. but if there is a pattern of this weird behavior, if so maybe someone can step in at his church or something. i agree OP should sack up and beat the shit out of him but thats obviously not going to happen so if i can improve my community by exposing one pedo at a time i will.
Oh fuck you. Call the police and get the hell out of here with that shit.
Not going to fight him but will plaster everything he sends to my sister ever again and make her tell me and screenshot it for proof. He's even in a relationship.
We have absolutely 0 proof he is even remotely a ped or even attracted to choldren.
>Pedo sexts minor
>police told you to fuck off
>no proofs or evidence
>even Sup Forums knows you're a high school fag and banned you
>To be this much of a newfag
You don't even have a sister, do you?
You can trust me, kid.
He cucked your girlfriend, didn't he?
Don't take the bait, lads. I just looked into Joel. He's still in High School. Probably a junior or senior this year. Not able to qualify as a pedo. Seems like OP is trying to put a hit on someone who probably alpha'd him at school and his feelings are hurt now.
I already posted proof of my sister, I'm in college and have a girlfriend of 2 years that I trust and love and that he barely knows about, maybe from highschool. So you're wrong, cuck
As long as shes under 18, his age does not matter here in the states.
Wrong. 16 and 17 is age of concent in some states.
Get outta here faggot.
Go tell his parents that you'll go to the police if they don't make him stop.
It's 18 in my state
nvm... he's out of hs now and maybe first year of college... not sure... posted his prom pics 6 mths ago
Not going for it. This guy is barely 18 himself if he even is. Dude loves his dad and was in ROTC too. American flags. Drives a pickup truck. Probably a cool guy. (pic from 2 years ago, definately not a pedo)
The anonymous hacker known as Sup Forums now tells you to fuck off, OP.
Hope you used a VPN for this faggot.
Go to /k/ and get a gun. Then call cops.
Sorry, we don't catch small fry.
Go shoot him if he's such a fucking maniac.
Kek. OP better delete his System32 folder before I start posting pics of his mom.
Also someone send the phone number in OP a txt to this link asking if there is anyone who might have it out for him.
post my phone # on pastebin
Yeah. We should call Joel and warn him that some faggot is trying to cause problems for him on the internet. He'll probably know exactly who it is too. It's probably his ex-girlfriends edgy lil brother from tumblr.
Post some fucking proof if you want anyone to believe you retard.
This, they took out my stalker who I had for 10 years. Some really good hackers there.
Wtf is baph
My thoughts exactly. I'm on my work phone so some other faggot will have to try to MAGA.
People asked for a pic of my sis and I and I posted it, the snaps he sent i cant for obvious reasons but I posted proof. Too late too the show as I deleted it just incase some nutcase recognized it
Fight your own battles. If you can't fight someone fucking with your sister: then you're the true villain in this situation. Shame on you. Nut up or shut the fuck up.
You make me sick OP. Your slander falls on deaf ears. If someone was seriously "trying to ((((rape)))) one ofy family members I would buy a plane ticket to go beat the fuckers ass.
Man up pussy bitches faggot. I hope you get doxxedawg.
Seems like a cool dude.
Hope he fucks your little sister in the ass.
Sup Forums isn't your personal army faggot!
I just warned, Joel, OP. Get ready to get your ass kicked.