I was born in 1993 am I a millenial?
I was born in 1993 am I a millenial?
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i was born in 199x am i a Y
maybe? There's no official government body that defines what age range a millennial is.
Why do the media mix up generation Z as Millennials? I know I shouldn't be this annoyed by it but it does bother me.
the only age range up for debate is 80s.
we either fall into either Y or millennials.
you can pretty much assume anyone who is a regular user of Sup Forums is a millennial though.
gen x here nigger. born in 81
GEN Z here fags. The most conservative generation ever.
X is the 70's and earlier. You're in hardcore denial Y bro.
oi how aboout this, you're either a cunt or not ey?
Nah I was born 85. married with kids and a house. I ain't no millennial.
You are Y.
Gen Y is 80 to 96
spreading lies on the internet. shame on you.
Many people disagree on all of the "gen whatever" things.
Here are the birth years for each generation:
>iGen, Gen Z or Centennials: Born 1977 to 1995
>Millennials or Gen Y: Born 1965 to 1976
>Generation X: Born 1946 to 1964
>Baby Boomers: Born 1905 to 1945.
Traditionalists or Silent Generation: Born 1890 and before.
>X is the 70's and earlier. You're in hardcore denial Y bro.
I am a "Gen X" who was born in the earliest of 1980s, and was raised by a conservative family. I never "adopted" the X style of life. I relate more to people 10-15 years older than me. Hard work is a reward.
Date of birth does not dictate thought process. External conditioning does.
Absolutely you are one
Yep, deal with it
Yes you are, but you can be a generation traitor like many others and fight the good fight.
>Tfw 88 and still lumped in with these faggots
you're literally beyond millennial you roody-poo
Underage b&
What the fuck this couldn't be more wrong
But what about '81?
I was born in 1995. Am I a Millennial or Z.
>>Tfw 88 and still lumped in with these faggots
Same here.
This is just incorrect.
Gen Z: 1995-present
Millenials: 1980-1994
Sup Forums regular since 2006, born in 88.
>I was born in 1993 am I a millenial?
and a faggot
If you were born in the mid-90s, you're pretty much Gen Z.
The defining factor of Gen Z is growing up in an internet world.