
When and how did you get redpilled about women?

>literal whores, some are just better at hiding it
>literal nation wreckers, they will sleep with the literal fucking enemy (Dutch women with Nazi occupiers, Swedish with Arabs and nigs, etc)
>if left alone, they will spread their degeneracy to kids
>if allowed, they divorce their husband, take his kids away from him, force money from him, and marry the state
>almost all have degenerate fetishes like rape and bestiality
>constant psychological warfare against her man
>even brainwashes the kids against their father

Other urls found in this thread:


>this is someone's daughter
>this is someone's wife/gf
>this is gonna be someone's mother

rough divorce huh

>this is empowering in today's world

When? 19 or so. 21, worried for the future desu.

I need to focus on becoming so successful AND working from home that a wife couldn't do better than me e.g. wouldn't leave. I just want a family is that too much to ask these days?

>I just want a family is that too much to ask these days?
it is in the current state of western society. You can thank the jews for that.


Honestly that all mostly goes away if you meet women with high IQs.

I work in a female dominated STEM field and the women I meet on a daily basis think, talk and act almost exactly like shy males. The low IQ women in the general population are so different from them it is like night and day.

At around 16, I'd say. My then fuck-buddy began demanding favors and shit out of me, when I refused to comply she threatened me with rape accusations.

The shit I've seen at clubs and having seen girls from my elementary school days turn in to Dubai porta potties just strengthened my already underlying sentiments on women.

Feminism and the sexual revolution was a mistake.


>if you meet women with high IQs.
they'll just use the extra IQ to more cleverly get their way and ruin you and the society around you.

Intelligence is not everything, morality is. Women lack that.

>think, talk and act almost exactly like shy males.
>falling for the act
>thinking is their true self
I pity you, you will find out the hard way.

>female dominated STEM field

What happens if you find an amazing wife for a decade but when your kid is like 8 years old she goes completely downhill and unliveable. Do situations like that happen? I DIDN'T HAVE A DAD

As someone who grew in Rio, this has always been a massive problem around here.

With each passing each the girls become more and more degenerate. You cant keep the good ones because they believe they must find the meaning of life/prince charming (why not both?) at the end of a long list of cocks and fucked her.

Their inability to compromise, their lack of empathy, their selfiness, their shortsightedness, their victimization, etc.


back to /rk9/, faggot. I don't care about whores, neither your feelings. Go to the world and get laid for fucks sake, or just kill yourself, it doesn't matter.

Sup Forums is for politics and cool stuff like Trump posting, you beta gaylord, and not for virgin tears.

>Do situations like that happen?
yes they do. Women are inherently unstable beings. They can go batshit crazy (if they weren't already) just like that.

>pic related
Browsing this board, reading philosophy and just observing the world around me. I am honestly convinced that the average woman is very simple, this doesn't mean that they're bad but still men are in my book superior to them in many ways.

>get laid
hello projector. This thread is about men who HAVE much experience with women. Not the ones who haven't experienced shit.

go back to your shitty pasta response and take it elsewhere.

Stop white knighting for cunts that would give you aids and charge you child support after claiming they got raped by you


You arnt wrong my Ex is a 4.0 student and goes to a good college now, no clue what her IQ is but id assume relatively high because she could hold her own in some conversations I thought she woudlnt be able to understand.

However, the entire relationship she used her smarts to always try and manipulate me because she knew how much I cared about her.

Alcohol truly will make any woman turn absolutely whoreish. My gf gives half hearted blowjobs when sober but the other week she had a few drinks and sucked my dick clean off, even deep throated it. I'd also like to point out she was a 22 yr old virgin when I met her and was "saving herself for marriage."

>"saving herself for marriage"
Women are idealistic creatures.

Let's say a woman knows she's a certain way, but doesn't WANT to be that way, she will try very hard to SEEM the way she WANTED to be. She doesn't only fool others, but herself too. She fools herself especially.

When i started to learn more about evolution and human biology. In fact, just a half of human population are actually reacher a height of a human, and all our problems come from us forgetting about it.

This is why you date trannies.

Feminism broke women.


>just a half of human population are actually reacher a height of a human, and all our problems come from us forgetting about it.
that post doesn't make any sense. try to word it differently

At least women can spell ayy

> implying being dumped by whores and reading butthurting bullshit in a mongolian camel trading forum count as valuable experience.

I live with a woman, I work around women, I ate more pussy than you ever will and I am defending no cunt whatsoever. I'm criticizing this beta attitude of yours, bastard.

Maybe you should stop crying and do something in your life, shithead. You are behaving like a whale in her thirties repeating that no men is worthy because had no enough dick in her life.

>being dumped
where did you pull that out of your ass?
>still projecting
>still making up your own case to argue against

typical cuck

>Vibrator QA Engineer
Checks out

There is nothing redpilled about becoming a faggot that stoops to gays and trannies as a replacement for women.

You either make the best out of what you have or kill yourself like the homo you are.

Its because they're ugly. Any remotely pretty or nonfat girl knows her shit don't stink no matter how nerdy or shy she is. She sees guy staring all day every day, guys getting nervous and stutter when she's around, guys online offering cock every 3 seconds from everything from Arab princes offering 30 grand just for a handy to rich sugar daddies who want to fly them to venice to tattooed bikers with rock solid abs.

Every girl you know gets this. Its their life.

>Falling for the vaginal kike in 2016

Never, some lower class turbo sluts hardly represent all women. As a matter of fact, I've been in a wonderful relationship for 8 months now and things couldn't be better. I'm 26 btw, so don't lose hope yet, the ballpark changes a lot when you get older.

>redpilled about women
fuck off homo

>Itt: pathetic nerd virgins try to justify the fact that they can't get a good girlfriend so they try to generalize all women. I've had a girlfriend for 2 years now, she's a virgin and we both love each other very much, also she's studying at a top school to become a chemical engineer and will make more money herself than everyone in this thread. Thanks

So? You got lucky. Few men do.

>superior brain
>superior hobbies
>won't fuck kilometers of dick before she's even 20

anons pls help. The woman I love fucked a google. She has several other problems that could bother me, but her good qualities and the fact that I love her overshadow all of those. Except the fact that she fucked a google. I want to puke whenever I think about the idea.

Am I just too incredibly petty? How fix?

>she's a virgin
Dude what
remove hymen immediately

Is she still a virgin? You're a fucking idiot if it's been 2 years.

>mostly goes away if you meet women with high IQs
Wrong. It increases, because they rationalize it as okay. You are a cuck.

>There is nothing redpilled about becoming a faggot that stoops to gays and trannies as a replacement for women.
agreed but that is not the topic of this thread at all. ignore the faggots and tranny posters.

>8 months
hahahha come back when you grow up

she fucked a black guy after she was with you?

" bu..bu..but muh STEM girlfriend isn't like all the other girls"

I give up

wow there are some butthurt fags on Sup Forums

yeah most chicks are complete bitches but as long as you've got some draw cards you can literally just sit in a corner and girlfriend material will eventually walk up to you, as long as you're not too much of an autist to scare them off


You can't be serious. 2016 - being in love- being this bluepilled.

But seriously man, I know you think you love her- you need to date or at least meet a range of girls and pick the best.

>dat webm
I think I just died a little inside.

>as long as you're not too much of an autist to scare them off
where the fuck do you think you are

i'm probably a complete fucking autist but so far it hasn't scared any of the attractive ones off

That's actually pretty amusing, Klaas
I think it might be mocking people who actually think like that (i.e. Western millennials)

It's weird to explain, and I'll probably get called a cuck for it. She was with me, and then we split. While we were apart she dated and fucked him. Now we're at this part of the year and I'm trying to talk to her again, and things are looking... better. It's just that the fact that she burnt coal is having at least a quarter of my consciousness scream and fight against me for trying.

just to show how autistic i am i completely misread your post fml

Sorry, Sven, I can't date someone with a bigger dick than me. I just can't do it.

Not lucky, but you faggot going to the bars doing the exact same shit women do is embarrassing. Maybe if you tried to meet women, you'd actually find one.
No, that's her choice and I respect it
You're right, there's literally no good women, good thing youre a faggot

or become a priest

I only date women as smart or smarter than me. Good looking low iq women are ok for one night only.

Anyone else miss the old days when you could just sexually assault women and they didn't have any rights, TFW I should have been born a muslim.


What the fuck sort of degenerate, propagandising bullshit is that?


>that's her choice
This indicates failure on your part, honestly.
Of course now you're just sounding more like a shitposter so I'm gonna leave you to it, Godspeed.

I have witnessed things like that happen at college

Watching how """feminists""" acted in the classroom versus how they acted at bars and clubs

There are good women out there, 95% are trash tier though, you are using your personal situation to white knight for womyn.

>I work in a female dominated STEM field
No you don't...

>All girls are SLUTS
>Whoa you're dating a girl who's not a slut? Haha almost got me, must be a shitposter
She's just Catholic and was raised that way.

I'm white, pro-trump, hate degeneracy, not a cuck etc and this webm makes me hard as hell. Can someone diagnosis this for me?

Dutchbro you're completely right and the redpill is only part of it. The other part is figuring out how to fix women. If women keep doing what they're doing, the white race is simply going to die off and unable to compete with the other conservative high birthrate races.

>hahahha come back when you grow up
I'll make sure call you up right away when I'm ready to become a complete and utter faggot.

I feel you, women without any intelligence or ambition are a major turn off.

Women who dress like this are hoping to be "discovered" and become rich and famous.

Idk about you but the only hot webm here is this

You've got some shit running in the background that you're unaware of. Might want to run a thorough scan and figure out what to quarantine and or delete.

>How fix
Find a master race woman who hates gibsmedats more than you do, and will be obedient.

Cut him some slack, guys. English isn't his native language. What he is trying to say is that we have forgotten the basic fundamentals of what it is to be human and women have forgotten where there place lies in the world. And so, they have indulged in degeneracy and it is getting worse and worse as time goes on and humans go further and further up the tower of Babel. How close was I, Ruskie bro?

How does that disgusting pig get that awesome looking sex slave on a leash.

you have a penis. diagnosis done. now give me your life savings in medical bills amerikkkan

>95% of women are shit
So 1 in 20 women are good? I disagree. Maybe not every woman is right for you, but a lot are good. Remember 56% of white women voted Trump

We don't fix women, we dominate them like the muslims do, beat them, rape them into submission, it makes perfect sense if you actually think about it.

>they're literally

Tumblr: The Post

lol don't put words in my mouth
premarital sex =/= sluttiness

>y-yes good women exist hehe :

Stop this meme already.

When all the good attributes belong to 1% of women it's fair to say most = all women are like that.

Who the fuck is this?

never go back to an ex, ever.

if things were so fragile that you couldn't or didn't want to work on the problem, it's just not gonna happen between you. Get another one.

>yeah bro, she may be a virgin, but she's a total slut.

If it helps, she doesn't own a pair of yoga pants, short shorts or uggs.

no but truckloads of hot steamy premarital sex = sluttiness

You fucking idiot. They are ugly ducklings, they were nerdy and awkward growing up but have grown into beautiful women. They are almost the best type.

Rules of Attraction is a good movie.

One of the main characters is the younger brother of Patrick Bateman from American Psycho.

Had some good editing too.

8/10 movie.

she makes them feel welcome, but not voluntarily, otherwise they wouldn't be rapefugees

Didnt 53% of white women just vote for Trump?

And didnt a majority of White women also vote for Brexit?

I doubt SA has anti-male divorce laws like in the typical country in the West.

>kanker hoer

>hey user i know things didn't work out well before but now after riding the shit out of tyrone till he busted nuts everywhere i want to work things out with you

what scene is this and what movie?

That goes against the laws here, how are we ever going to be able to change the laws.

This. All these fucktards claiming #notallwomen "but user not all women are like that, there is still 1% that are fine" How is only 1% of women reproducing fine? How is it fucking possible for the average guy to get a gf let alone one in an even narrower category. It means only 2% of men will be fine, what about the other 98% of men?

Thank god I was born gay

They are older women though, I only know one girl who is in her 20's who voted Trump.

That was never the case. All Abrahamic religions gave severe penalties (usually death) for rapists.