White male liberal here. Trump is going to fail and we will get even with all of you

White male liberal here. Trump is going to fail and we will get even with all of you.
Love Trumps Hate.

Other urls found in this thread:



>he is going to fail and we are going to "get even"
>but this is a message of love peace and tolerance lol!

you sound pretty hateful

it's why you lost, even by your own logic


>Love Trump's Hate
we all do

and try us, pussy

you think the left really wants to go to war?

your faggot ass will sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up one way or another

I have been apologizing for people like you for a week now. FUCK ALL OF YOU.THIS IS NOT YOUR COUNTRY

cry more bitch nigger



Checked and Rekt

White male liberal here. You aren't a liberal, you're a disgusting lefist

kill yourself faggot

Come at us brah



Curious, did Dave support Trump?

He seems like the more rational minded black guy. I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

> white male liberal
> post cattle

At least you're self aware.

check your flag you're not canadian

Go ahead libtards keep rioting. Not only do you make us look better but by your stupidity will make our resolve iron. We will destroy the left of it wants to keep going. Stand the fuck by.

>we will get even with all of you
We already won, but m8 cheer up you get a free helicopter ride.

What kind of "Love" are you even talking about? Saw this shit on twitter all day

Several celebrities calling for riots in the streets

Michael Moore posting creepy step-by-step guides for fascist coups

Get fucked


>Love Trumps Hate.

Hate Trump's love.
Now we understand you.

>love Trump's hate
Alright if you say so

I want to be a girl.

Please help me