Rate my Cabinet List

Suggestions welcome.

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Ben Carson made me kek

Ron Paul's a good man but I don't think he'd be a good SoS, he's not got the teeth or the shrewdness.

>Department of Energy:
>Jeb Bush

ATF Director

autistic millenial/10

>no Jeff Sessions

I agree but I was focusing on getting a cabinet list finalized.

>Ron Paul

No, Rand should be Sec. of State. Ron needs to be the Treasury Sec.

- Billy Bush... Press Secretary.

>Jeff Sessions

>one of nine Senators who voted against a Senate amendment to a House bill that prohibited cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment or punishment of individuals in the custody or under the physical control of the United States Government.

Get fucked.

I'm not an expert on how important the DoD is but Flynn needs an important position somewhere.

Rand could maybe handle it with some guidance from Trump. I'm not sure Ron could handle a war with the Fed, or Trump for that matter. That might be more of a second term thing.

I'd also consider putting Jim Webb in somewhere relevant.

Jeff Sessions was mentioned as potential secretary of defense.

Sarah Palin might have a cabinet position.

underrated pussy grabbing.

Fuck off, he's from Alabama.
Wouldn't Flynn make a better SecDef?

Sarah Palin.. Homeland Security?

Department of Delegates: Ted Cruz

Sherrif Clarke homeland security

Jim Webb is a democrat and I didn't feel that it would be appropriate to appoint any Dem but Tammy Duckworth to VA.

She's qualified and lost both her legs in combat. She also ran the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs effectively.

On the list as exactly that.

One could be head of the CIA and the other SecDef.

>Leaf posting Trump cabinet ideas

Not even knowing who Trey Gowdy is, gtfo

General mattis for god commander if armed forces

Trump is gonna bring in a change in foreign policy. Wants to make friends with Russia.

A lot of people working for Obama might leave since there probably won't be a hot war in Syria or shit like that.

Flynn, Sessions... Trump needs people inside that will work to avoid WW3.

He was on the previous list as Attorney General but it looks like Trump essentially promised that to Rudy Giuliani.


I'm really having a hard time coming up with a labor candidate.

She sounds like a good pick for VA, yeah, but there's no reason to limit it to one democrat in the cabinet.

He's still every bit as fiery as 2012. He isn't showing his age because he's infused with the spirit of liberty.

My reasoning is that VA has some of the least political overlap with other departments.

I'm just not convinced he'd be able to do the dirty work necessary as SoS, I worry he'd nobly refuse to do his job. Can you imagine Ron Paul giving the go-ahead for an important drone strike?

> Can you imagine Ron Paul giving the go-ahead for an important drone strike?

He's been very clear that he would be okay with that if there was a letters of Marque and Reprisal.


You wrote Rand Paul twice, you want to suck his dick or something?

Not sure were to put him.

As much as I love based black sheriff guy, I don't know if that's enough experience to be in charge of the entire countries security.

There's actually alot of chatter in the news about him becoming Secretary of Homeland Security.