Trumps daughter everyone.
Trumps daughter everyone
not politics
Wait, he doesn't like fat virgins that make trump memes in their basements and adore a frog god called kek?
Is she bidding on him?
his answer is the only answer he could give. true or not, it is the answer with less trouble attached
she's just having fun. my waifu would never betray me.
wtf I love black people now
>and i would love that
i dont like the sound of that
Nobody can resist BBC
> the ugly one
Also I'm sure you've seen worse out of prior presidents children
Yeah. And?
His other daughter married a Jew. This guy is NOT on point.
Well, there's a reason they don't talk about her.
>£0.01 has been deposited into your account by Courrect the Recourd.
Are you memeing? There's literally, objectively, unironically nothing wrong with that.
1. Trump doesnt hate blacks
2. the media spun it that way
3. he only hates the illegal ones
also nice politics
No but she'd marry a kike along with the rest of her siblings.
top kuk, that's her boyfriend
All four are seeing jews.
>Sup Forums still thinks Trump is a champion for racist assholes
If not for Hillarity sabotaging her own campaign you idiots would have ruined Trump's.
I haven't been on here in weeks but judging by all the newfags I won't be back.
I wonder how much of my Jew fetish I owe to movies like Casino Royale.
Why does he have the hair from the back of his head combed around his forehead?
What did you expect him to say?
>Fuck no. My daughter won't associate with niggers in any way.
At least it's the ugly one
This is quite a popular style actually, I don't know why. Typical cuck/nu-male hair.
Tiffany is the most NPC type Trump.
he's balding like every other IT guy
It would be stupid for Trump to go full Donald (((Tokowitz))) Sterling
i find it ironic the ones sitting in their mums basements covered in cum crust and dorito dust who post on Sup Forums and worship an Egyptian frog god are the ones calling other people cucks.
At a concert and not topless or visibly on drugs.
Literally nothing wrong with this.
She's clearly on MDMA. I have that face while staring at inanimate objects while on pingers.
yet here we are
to baldly go where no Jew has gone before
This is a scientific fact
I am sitting in my flat, I don't fap, I haven't eaten a dorito in about 4 years, and I find kek an amusing meme but have never worshipped him.
However I do post on Sup Forums and call people cucks.
To hide his receding hairline.
>German humor
Tiffany was raised by her mother and is a degenerate. They drag her along to be inclusive, but (((they))) got to her when she was young,
lel, there is no substantive free speech in America. What else could he have said without having his reputation ruined?
What did he mean by this?
Need proof
Thats fucking hilarious actually
I usually get laughs for that on other boards. You are too serious. It's not my fault your media is controlled by (((them))) kek
Some brits are just butthurt jewposters trying to troll Sup Forums
Er most brits actually
Looks like a poor man's Eli Manning with a Justin Bieber haircut.
Go to her Instagram, there's a pic of her kissing a black guy on the head
So this is why Donald says Tiffany hasn't made him proud compared to his other children and why both are considered to be "distant" from one another and Ivanka is his favourite and Barron is the "Little Donald" and being raised as such.
Based Donald.
that looks like Chelsea?
I feel like the whole 'everyone on Sup Forums is a fat neckbearded basement-dwelling virgin anime fan' meme is an anachronism that just won't go away.
Many men do this. Receding hair has become very common in the last 15 years.
I just shaved mine off,lifted weights and grew a beard. Works very well. I guess it'd be wierd if you were a manlet though.
You dare defy the will of Kek?
May He bring wrath upon you user.
Wow, what a cuck.
The judgement of Lord Kek is swift and merciless.
Shadilay !
of course the ugly one is a coal burner. no wonder Trump treats her last and she gets no respect. Tiffany WTF
There is literally nothing wrong with lust. You can't single out ONE woman for craving stronger, bigger, more alpha black men when I'd say at least 90% of white women feel the same way. It's time to let natural selection take its course, white boys. Our women crave primal massive BBC now.
By that means Indian men are the most alpha.
10/10 breddy good
has he actually said this before? genuinely curious
still would
Hahah, true damage control, quickly take charge of convo before she says what she really thinks.
look at this dudes hair cut. wtf is going on there?
hehe, come on are you le sad that le reddit army is here?
My feet are sore from spamming CENTIPEDE over there so I came to the Sup Forums pool to kick back with my fellow maga buddies.
toppest of top keks
>raised by her mother
you mean "raised" because women can't raise shit.
well you have to have a gf or waifu to be a cuck, so i don't think it's ironic.
yeah precisely, because if a nigger gets to hear how fucking disgusting he is he start a fucking riot lol.
that guy wanted to steal some white off his skin
Its funny
Just roll with it
It keeps away narcissistic useful idiots who care about projecting an image
id smash
>cuckposting in 2016
It's getting old now
Glenn Beck even endorses cuckoldry after covering his face in cheetos
Here he's trying to ride a black kid.
every 4chin browser guaranteed has an anime profile pic on atleast 1 social media profile (i.e. Youtube comments). also, most are neo-nazis, so they are called the white power weeaboos.
the only people who come here are degenerates. am i going to argue im not? no im not. im sad. but so are you.
>master race
Thats jewish bullshit retard
You cant be a cuck if youre single
your president is a living meme, got anymore?
>projecting this hard
I respect anime as japanese culture but I watch none of it
Just stop with whatever you are trying to push and become a stronger man
Neo nazis are useful idiots to the jew(line 3)
Trump handled it like a boss
gets me every time
but i thought they be racists and literally hitler and shiet
White women being whores what else is new?
but you do have an anime profile pic, if you respect it and stuff?
and you do hold the Alt-right viewpoint, aligned with neo-nazism?
i'm not trying to push anything friendo, im just asking questions.
tiffany dates a hillary supporter democrat named ross mechanic
not sure if that's him, but if it really is, he's living up to the cucked democrat image.
not really
quit projecting, i feel like a lot of people on here are just normal, big guys that appreciate the board, the good parts of the culture, and the fun that comes with being anonymously one of the guys
don't get me wrong, there's plenty of nazifags and edgelords and shit
i get i might be projecting a little but that's how i see it
there is a reason why she didn't appear in the election cycle
I dont have accounts anywhere so no I dont have anime profile pictures
I dont like neo-nazis nor do I respect them
I respect the original nazis even though they failed, similar to the Japanese
I think anime is fine for those that wish to enjoy it even though that isnt my preference
Sup Forums is diverse and of course it has some trash in it but dont oversimplify a worldwide community. Any other questions?
Here he's trying to ride DUDE WEED's daughter.