What happens if the Electoral College selects Clinton over Trump?
What happens if the Electoral College selects Clinton over Trump?
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Civil war and lynching the EC. I'm not even memeing.
You see more riots, but unlike the ones done by these pussies, we have guns and quite a few of us have military experience.
(((Elijah Berg)))
nothing because williamhill already paid me so I have no reason to interfere in these affairs
t h i s f a m
>Military correction...better than a civil war
...unlike trump being president, this will not happen.
I got your six, to be honest family. Nothing illegal about protecting our system. If they want to cheat, they'll die.
won 4 grand myself, you?
What happens if JFK never got assassinated? What happens if Jon Benet Ramsey was never murdered?
Obama already said we need a peaceful transition of power, and Clinton conceded. The electors know full well that if they do this they will be signing their death warrant. The snowflakes are going to stamp and scream but in the end they look worse and we look better. My sister voted Clinton and she told me that she is disgusted by the way these rioters are acting, the thing that really got to her was the burning of the American flag.
They hang
They'd have to have a death wish to do something that stupid. I would hope that petition doesn't cause them to do it.
>Civil war
My wheat side says: it will never happen; she has conceded, the transition has begun, petitions are worthless, and a majority of the democratic vote doesn't get wiped away because libtard faggots want a "do over".
>Electors are voting
>One thought in all of their minds
>"What if I defect and Trump still wins?"
>They feel the fear flow through them
>They vote Trump like good little boys
A petition isn't gonna change a decision that was made by the majority of the country. If it did, it'd basically be like they voted twice.
Clinton already conceded, the media accepted Trump as President-elect, and Obongo didn't cancel his meeting with Trump at the White House yesterday.
If theoretically it happened, though the chances are literally zero, and Hillary or whoever else is chosen the electors accepts it, the military would like form a coup d'etat. State governments would deploy National Guard units, and you'd widespread panic across the country.
I don't think those electors want the blood of Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo on their hands.
The will of the people being recognised.
Madame WON the popular vote.
>here's your recount, Dump.
Hillary made a concession speech, she forefitted the presidency.
>Madame WON the popular vote.
no she didnt uneducated fucking moron kill yourself
> I'm sorry, but did Hillary already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only the primaries. Does not having the lead at the primaries count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Hillary is still campaigning right now and she has been the best candidate in the USA for how many years now? She's fighting one of the worst candidates in the republican party who just happens to have a lead because he's feeding off the energy of being Donald Trump in 2016. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Hillary is one of the best fucking candidates in the democrat party, she almost won last time and would of won if Obama wasn't black. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Hillary wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Trump just stepped out of bounds when talking about immigrants, just like Bernie did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Hillary topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the candidate because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll this fucking candidate on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing..
>implying petitions even work
It's not going to happen. The winner-take-all system ensures that the electors from each state Trump won will be Republicans. Plus, President Obama has already given Trump confidential information to begin the transition process, if that turn of events was possible he wouldn't be so quick to start grooming him as it could compromise national security.
This. The cops wouldn't do anything about it either, they would be on our side.
I would assume there would be huge outrage about the integrity of voting and a re-election would somehow happen, focusing on the popular vote.
Would be hilarious if Trump won the election again. The left wouldn't have anything to complain about anymore.
comfy civil war
Wants freedom of speech unless it goes against agenda then freedom of speech doesn't exist anymore. Liberals need to be exterminated like the Jewish were. Or at least make an attempt. These mongoloids are so fucking stupid they're literally against the exact thing they claim to fight for.
They're LITERALLY Nazis. It's okay to be a Hillary Clinton supporter (Aryan), but God forbid you're a Donald J. Trump supporter (Jew).
This will literally do nothing. Just like their riots. President Trump won. President Trump will be with us for four years, maybe even eight. Deal with it, fucktard commies.
Military would never stage a coup for the left user.
Assuming that did happen, just assuming.
There are enough Trump supporters in the military that we would shoot every soldier in the back.
You would not be able to keep discipline or control of the military.
>military guy who voted Trump
>would most assuredly shoot anyone in my unit who approved of such an order
a happening
people who do more than stand around in the streets burning trash cans start acting up
They won't. They will choose someone with a proven conservative record.
It would be legitimate civil war if it isn't somehow corrected, but we would be in a lot better position for the war than if we tried to trigger in the event of a Clinton election night victory.
i love mini-wheats
Why are people who voted for Shillary that fucking retarded?
They literally can't
Trump will also have way too much dirt by then. He has a lot more briefings lined up.
Won't happen. We'd kill the electors.
War were declared.
Yeah Obama and pretty much anyone who isn't an unintelligent liberal has accepted what happened
you will probably see a proper white people chimpout. Russia will retract their desire to rebuild a relationship with us, NAFTA will continue on as usual, jobs will continue to leave the country while our largest import quickly becomes refugees.
and we will go to war with russia.
it will also embolden these protestors to attack trump supporters even harder and would definitely result in martial law.
What are the grey zones? Why are there no red zones? Can someone explain me this map?
Ghost had a Bong on during the midnight broadcast that was set to make €10k
the EC wont do that
they know the military is with Trump
Civil War
The day of rope ensues.
They won't.
blue counties are where 50% of the population lives
Cue the Music
If that happens I would legit take up arms
Civil war 2.0
finally that shit shoah hoax of "democracy" will wane away.
never again will the right form any mutual government with the left.
it's like trying to negotiate with bandits and terrorists.
only with a gun do you get anywhere when dealing with the left radicals.
Oklahoma was totally red though?
The entire legitimacy of the US government collapses and we see armed riots, leading to military correction and/or civil war. Dead serious here.
On the serious happenings scale, the EC playing kingmaker is about equivalent to a seated president declaring themself dictator-for-life.
WTF that's Rosas why are you stealing our heroes?
They all die, duh?
The american people reach for their muskets. She already conceded.
Civil war obviously.
You forget your f
>Civil War
It'll be like using a hack-saw for something that requires pliers to deal with.
And I'll be all for that.