Cry more trumpet.
>Reminder that Trump won
hahahaha loving all this salt
Trump's still gonna win the popular vote.
CNN projected it, pretty sure FOX projected it. There's millions of uncounted votes and Arizona just went to Trump today.
He's gonna be at 306 electoral votes in a belated landslide victory.
Reminder that Trump received as many votes as romney
They serious need to stop announcing who won until all the votes are counted for. How the fuck does CNN and Fox project it tho? Everything could be wrong at this point, who fucking knows?
they haven't addressed all the fraud yet
Who fucking cares
Popular vote is irrelevant
More liberal tears.
I'm never satisfied
Exit polls.
>they haven't addressed all the fraud yet
Which, if found, I think some will, will almost be entirely for clinton.
I already saw enough footage on election night of voting machines locking votes in for Clinton to know there was definitely some fishy shit going on.
My fucking sides. How shit does your campaign have to be to fall 100 electoral votes under with the popular vote?
Fucking blue state normies got BTFO so hard by a bunch of flyover states.
Maaan, fuck Exit polls.
No and it doesn't matter.
CA has 4.5m votes left to count of the 9m left.
WA has a nearly a million.
Heavily blue leaning, he of course lost the popular vote.
Does it matter?
No, fucking Gore v Bush and Bush only won because the supreme court didn't let FL recount.
Trump has even more legitimacy than Bush did. These anarchist college students who want to see the country literally ruled by a monolithic oligarchy will they don't get there way will tremble one day when it's far worse and they once again didn't get their way and the outlook is far worse for them.
Just like Trey Gowdy said to Obama, you weaken the law now and you will regret it when you aren't the one in power anymore.
What are liberals going to do when the remaining 7% is fully counted and Trump dominates her in the popular vote, too? Most of the remaining votes are from rural red counties and military.
Reminder that Trump winged on Twitter about Obama winning the electoral college but not the popular vote in 2012 (even though he actually did win the popular vote)
No, we don't need the popular vote. The Electoral College exists so that the interests of states with smaller populations are not run over roughshod, by a few states with large populations.
Take, for example NYC. They do not give a shit about the interests of farmers. To them, food magically appears on their supermarket shelves. Just because agricultural states have a smaller population does not mean that NYC should just be able to impose its will without any check or balance.
The Electoral College acts as this check.
Who fucking cares? She could beat him by a billion votes, but it wouldn't matter at all if they all came from Commiefornia, which she won handily. They should secede and fuck off from the union.
Popular vote means shit, USA is a Republic of States
Trump could lose by over 50 million votes & still win, because NYC & CA are not allowed to control 48 other states
Yeah that was dumb, I watched the documentery of our founding fathers deciding our system as a democratic republic over a democracy because the falls off Rome and how states differ from culture, I've always been pro our system.
just another reason why I didn't vote
and people STILL tell me voting isn't a waste of time
bring on the chaos, nothing I can do to stop it, for Kek wills it
>These anarchist college students who want to see the country literally ruled by a monolithic oligarchy will they don't get there way will tremble one day when it's far worse and they once again didn't get their way and the outlook is far worse for them
new pasta?
What is the popular vote. I don't understand it. Did she get more actual votes but he won because of the system?
CNN took back their projection. They can't get anything right.
Let her win popular vote. Trump will open a investigations and will find hundreds of thousands of her votes were dead people and democrats were throwing away paper ballots.
Yeah & Hillary was anti Gay Marriage & shes painted as a hero for LGBT people
He had to win the electoral college, not the popular vote
you left out 2 million illegals voting
>Trump hates the electoral college
>Comes up with a way to make his enemies think it's THEIR idea to disband it
You are like a little baby, Sup Forums...
Constant reminder that Hillary got less than 50%, and Trump and libertarian Gary Johnson have more than 50% between them.
>Hey let's decide who of us will be president using this system
>I won using this system
basically the gist of it. If the popular vote counted Trump would have won also since he would have concentrated on the big populace states like california also instead of just ignoring them since they go 100% to hillary.
Also a lot of republicans in Cali etc can't be assed to vote since it doesn't matter. If popular vote was what was needed to win we'd see extremely different voting turnout and patterns, it's not like we can just take the current popular vote and convert it and say "Hillary would've won on popular vote system".
who gives a fuck
>trusting any projections from the same people who predicted a >90% Clinton landslide
the remaining numbers and remaining electoral votes stand, regardless of who says who won.
I predict Trump wins the popular vote, at a loss he comes within 100K votes.
The media is going to be wrong again just like every other fucking time they have for the past 18 months.
It's like this:
>Congressional seats are awarded based (in part) on population
>The # of congressional seats determine the # of congressmen you get. The total # of representatives is capped at 435, in order to keep the size of congress reasonable.
>On top of this, each state gets 2 senators
The reason there are two houses of congress, is because one house gives states power in proportion to their population, the other gives them power in equal proportion. This was the compromise the Founders reached to placate the smaller states and ensure they got their voices heard in government.
>In the electoral college, the # of electors your state gets is proportional to the # of seats it has in congress (representatives + Senators). The smallest # a state can have is 3
>Washington DC gets 3 electors as well, bringing the total to 538. Which means 270 is a majority
If you win a plurality in a state, you get ALL the electors from that state. Except for two states, Maine and Nebraska, who divide up their electors by district instead.
There were many reasons the founders did this. The primary one is that the states at that time were seen as sovereign. The Federal government was a creation of the states, sort of like a mutual trade/defense agreement. Thus, a candidate should have to win states, rather than just people.
The second reason is that the southern slave states would only join the union if they got their slaves counted as population in the apportionment of house seats (the compromise was that each slave counted as 3/5ths of a person). Thus, this system allowed them to have more electors than their voting population, a boost which they readily needed given they were rural farmers with low population density. Today, this means that illegal immigrants count towards electors, even though they aren't citizens (which is why california has so many).
I'm sure there were other reasons they decided to do it this way.
I honestly don't know what I want more (and what will make liberals rage more):
Trump loses the popular vote but is still the winner
Trump actually wins the popular vote
The popular vote is the direct democratic vote, which usually the winner gets, but not always. In fact, this situation with the loser getting more votes has only happened 4 times.
If the popular vote was what mattered, Trump and Clinton both would have pursued a very different strategy. These were the rules of the game they played by.
This. People don't understand that all of Trump's visits to blue states recently were made specifically so that he could win the electoral college. If both candidates knew it would be based on popular vote he would have visited California, Washington, etc. instead and still won.
>11,000 for harambe
maybe not
"haha trump won't run, you guys are crazy"
"haha trump won't win the primary, you guys are crazy"
"haha this scandal is going to ruin his campaign, you guys are crazy"
"haha he won't win the election, you guys are crazy"
"b-but muh popularity vote."
it's irrelevant in the current system because republicans don't vote in Cali or NY, dems don't vote as much in Kentucky or Texas etc. Only ignorant sore losers will bring it up. Maybe the electoral college is fucked up, i don't really have an opinion on this but if the election was with the popular vote only, the election would have been different, and there is no way to tell who would have won. Participation would be higher and Trump would have campaigned in California and other deep blue states, same for Clinton the other way around.
It's intellectual dishonesty to complain about this shit. Of course Clinton will get more popular votes in the current system since the deep blue states are big cities with lots of people. If republicans don't bother to vote in these areas, it will make a huge difference. On the other hand, republicans have more states but each one of these states is rural and less populated. It's also easier to vote in these states if you can't be bothered, i assume that the waiting lines are shorter.
I honestly wish most states moved to system where each district could vote for their elector, as opposed to the winner-take-all there is in most states. If Democrats didn't get 104 votes from California, New York, and Illinois every fucking time they wouldn't even have a chance.
exactly...ffs, I almost blew off voting, because I know damn well that my state is going blue, and there's nothing I can do about it, my vote won't make a difference...imagine how many people thought like me, but took it one step further, and just stayed in bed that day, and I'm talking about people on both sides...the butthurts might want to do away with the electoral college, but I'm not so sure things would turn out the way they want them to
Trump has even more legitimacy than Bush did. These anarchist college students who want to see the country literally ruled by a monolithic oligarchy will they don't get there way will tremble one day when it's far worse and they once again didn't get their way and the outlook is far worse for them.
Obama won fair and square twice. I've been defending the electoral college since 2000 im not a hypocrite lol.
Trump will win by one vote.
But the electoral college IS shit. It's an ancient meme that suppresses voter turnout and it needs to go.
Voter turnout should be supressed
The qualification to vote should be more than having a pulse and the ability to show up somewhere. You should be able to at minimum, pass a basic civics test and prove that your are an established citizen; and upstanding member of society.
People who receive a government paycheck, whether that's a government contractor or a welfarite, should not get to vote. It's a conflict of interest. They receive a direct financial benefit as a result of getting their way at the ballot box. They do not have the interest of the country or the people at large in their hearts.
It doesn't need to go, just updated. You have to remember that we also have the Congress in a form of checks and balances and that fucker went red too. The taxpayers/working people got fed up with the no jobs and SJW media. I'm a pretty liberal person from CA but getting a job to pay off my loans, controlling who comes into the country and keeping guns was more important than a bunch of fucking retards' feelings.
I had a 25 yr old white male from Pittsburgh tell me yesterday that the riots were justified because of this.
>Latest popular vote results
>Illegals voting after the election is over
>Voter fraud
>Dead voters
And it's still only 400k.
Was this the plan all along?
What the fuck is taking so long? it's three days past the election and they don't have the votes counted? This is some rigged bullshit.
Did you learn nothing from all this?Really?
You're a fucking retard. It's there so states are at least a little bit equally represented. This is the united STATES of america, not the federal democracy of america.
>dead people
>multiple votes per person
>illegal immigrant votes
I'm surprised that it's only 400K
Why are Americans so obsessed with the concept of popular vote when it is completely pointless in their system? Whoever convinces the swing states win. It doesn't matter how many trillion votes you get in fucking California or Texas.