Is it fair to say that these two are the only remotely uncucked countries?
Is it fair to say that these two are the only remotely uncucked countries?
Russia. Hungary.
wtf I hate Alaska
fucking Alaskan polar gooks
You're missing two states you fucking pillock
no sjw, no feminism, no muslims/nigger etc, where4 is our red?
Add China and Russia to that list.
Russia nigga
Who cares. They're shitholes.
The two red ones are the only uncucked ones worth living in
Britain, and by extension his wife's son the USA, are the main characters of the world.
>No Philippines
Poland, Hungary, and much of eastern Europe
C'mon now
yeah thats fair
I like watching my GF getting fucked by other men
>Worth living
Get a life, bin that knife
>USA and UK
>The SJW factories of the world
Not until you remove the marxist brainwashers from your schools, political institutions and news channels/papers.
Soon, Hungary and maybe France too even.
Remember that they elected Duterte and he is literally mowing down degenerates and the whole nation is applauding him as the bodies pile up in the thousands.
Philippines beat us... For now...
For now.
>the 2 biggest zionist countries
>together they have more niggers living in their country than the rest of Europe combined
wew lad
I almost lost a family member to heroin addiction. This dude is my fucking hero desu
as it stands today. Maybe France and the Netherlands can join soon.
>the 2 biggest supporters of the jews in human history
nice try anglojew
Yes America?
>Muh electoral college & muh majority
I'd say Brazil is looking pretty uncucked ever since we impeached Dilma
Quit it with the anti semitism. Seriously, grow up.
Brexit and Trump are good signs of a shift but both nations still remain the epicentres of global judaism and general cuckery.
That's why I said remotely.
They're both pretty far down on the list m8
No. Educate yourself.
>Quit it with the anti semitism
Now why would I do that? Zionism and marxism (economical and cultural) are our enemies.
Pack your bags, Schlomo, or better yet pic related.
Your spicy ass is about to be the biggest cuck in the world. Soon you will be paying us to fuck you over.
muh 60 perceny
muh 60 percent got trump elected
Why the fuck is that titled gladiators
Are you a retard
fuck off we're all in this together
First fix your shit with Scotland. IF you do not leave the e.u. you will be the most cucked nation of the fucking universe.
Do we poos count? We hate mudslimes & desert kike worshipers.
fuck off amazonigger Brazil will never be more than a pseudo-african country rife with violence.
Oh italy
We have a long way to go before we can call ourselves uncucked.
>France standing any chance of getting uncucked
m8 have you been anywhere in Ile-de-France recently? Granted, the rest of France is mostly alright but fucking hell, that place looks like the Middle East crossed with Nigeria.
Nope, shitskins don't count. Poo in the loo.
lol at the newfag
60% white top cuck