Trump is picking members for his cabinet. Wouldn't it be great if we could put Ron Paul into the Role of Secretary of Treasury? Sign this petition so we can make America Great Again! PETITION: Why stop there give me your best Ron Paul memes!
Also like and share us on Facebook! /Ron-Paul-for-Secretary-of-the-Treasury-224013991366744/
Is this real life? Let's spread this news on Twitter as well. PEOPLE TO GET ON BOARD: @RogerJStoneJr @RealAlexJones @PrisonPlanet @ThomasEWoods @lewrockwell @RealDonaldTrump HASHTAGS: #RonPaulForTreasury #EndTheFed #DrainTheSwamp RON'S TWEET, RETWEET, LIKE,REPLY FAVOURITE
Zachary Cox
Connor Russell
Ron Paul is essential to bringing back the American Dream. Once we destroy the fed you will have more money in your pocket. No more IRS, no more national debt, and now with that extra cash you'll be able to work 40 hours a week and be able to support a family. Add in Trump's plan to deport illegal immigrants, who are bringing the wage of your blue collar worker down, and you have a match made in heaven.
Robert Adams
Some asked this in other thread delivering.
Grayson Gray
Ron Paul's an idiot.
Nathaniel Martinez
Well Trump said he believed the Dollar should be backed by Gold... But who knows if we even have as much gold as we say we do Paul would definitely ask alot of questions
Kevin Sanchez
Thanks for delivering, user.
Jayden Ortiz
Did someone just post in twitter my "Ron Paul will make anime real"?
Aaron White
Hey guys I will go out in a few hours, better tell me what do you want before i'm gone. Want to make more oc for Ron Paul
David Williams
Wasn't me. You said you make images? I was thinking of making a picture of Ron Paul as Prometheus. Except the fire he steals from the Fed is Gold, and he gives it to humanity.