We /civilwar/ now
Punished Sanders back with a vengence
What about just muslims?
>senate minority doing anything
Biggest nightmare my ass
>worst nightmare
How? They can't stop it, they threw away all legal power, they have no firearms.
I think he means (((we))).
Jew here
Please don't kill me Goyim I voted Trump
Same with one third of Latinos and most Asians
Here's an (((idea))) I can offer you
When we purge the Lefties, we should do so in racial solidarity.
Left Leaning Latinos are executed by Right Leaning Asians
Rebellious Asians are hung by Redpilled Latinos
And for Stephen Colbert, Seth Myers, and Samantha Bee? You know, those white (((people))) who got angry at white men and women for voting Trump?
We televise their executions. It'll be hosted by Jimmy Fallon, of course, but it'll be carried out by proud black women of color. Diamond and Silk, maybe
Just, er... no soap or lampshades plz. I wanna be on the right side of history
how the fuck can this faggot still show his face to the world now that's it known he was a fucking Hillary plant the entire time?
no refunds!
yes yes, so lets focus ALL of our anger on whites
Because whites are just rounding up muslims
fucking jew cuck
All part of Madame's plan... See you in the streets, Drumpfkins!
Is CTR still pretending Hillary actually got 50 million votes as a pretense for their fear mongering about a rebellion?
i see his followers asking him to run in 2020, or to set up already a fund for his campaign so they can give him money.
how? he sold them out, he gave no refunds, he endorsed hillary, all of this in front of their eyes. oh he is asking for money for the dem party too, but people still want him, literally how?
Stupid cuck won't disavow Hillary.
hillary lost she is going to die in two weeks
can someone explain how he has a shred of credibility left?
>leftists riot in streets
>cuck sanders tries to turn riots into his fault
Suck my dick colonol sanders.
Your chicken sucks.
she went innawoods and hasnt been seen since. Probably storing her satanic powers for the final climactic fight.
"That sanders guy is fucking scary" - said no politician ever
Bring it my kike friend.
>hugs and safe spaces
>occasional brick maybe
Bring it on Berncuck
>the least able bodied part of the population will be a nightmare
They don't have the President, Senate, House or Supreme court..
What exactly is the left going to do?
They already cry and riot..
They ain't gonna pick up a rifle..
They ain't even got KEK or memes..
I love the fact that the next 4 years are going to be filled with seething impotent rage from the left..
You did good burgers..
You did good.
>Elections are over
>Influential people still chimping out and planting seeds of discord inside the citizens minds instead of dealing with it wishing the best for their new leader, as his success means a better future for americans
Something similar happened here in Brazil when we impeached our commie president but it wasn't to this extent.
Sorry, they have to go back.
What are you going to do you old crooked Jew?
Throw tapioca pudding at me from your lazyboy?
get fucked faggot.
Why are people still following him? He betrayed everything he stood for by supporting the Clintons.
Of health complications to medical issues she bravely tried to keep hidden from the public during her campaign right before an important hearing on her treason?
>...Muslims, Hispanics, African Americans and women, we will be his worst nightmare
Last time I checked Bernie wasn't any of those.
Or does he just assume that Der Ewinge Jude is automatically included on these lists?
Fuck off faggot ctr the left is dead
The adults on both sides have been trying to calm things down
Then you get trump tweeting that protests are unfair. it was a fucking JV move and its bad politics
Get ready for the crazy!
>diamond and silk executing left wing media puppets and traitors
That would be a show for the ages.
He should be shopping for a coffin not trying to incite people.
>religious fundamentalists are ruining our country
>but if you hate even worse religious fundamentalists I will be angry
Who cares what this pickled communist thinks. Wikileaks outed him as a sell-out and the GOP runs everything now. The fire rises.
No kidding--she's going to be off'd for being unable to provide return on all thise foreign bribes.
>nobody checked his Twitter
>he didn't even fucking tweet this
>this is the umpteenth thread in 2 days
Fuck you Sup Forums
>Wikileaks outed him as a sell-out
Can I get a source? It's not like I don't believe you, just want to be sure about him myself.
Why do women, African-Americans and legal Mexicans feel threatened?
I can understand why illegals are scared, but why is everyone else?
How stop use google
It's over, guys. There's just no way we can defeat them, they're too strong.
well shit
they got joker's abortion survivor sister
were done for good
bernie the tough guy, who had his own rally stolen by a bunch of girls, and got threatened to withdraw by a satanic woman
>Why do women, African-Americans and legal Mexicans feel threatened?
The language he used was beyond what is considered polite and acceptable civil discourse in america.
Instead of border security it was build a wall
Instead of immigration reform it was deport the rapist mexicans
He spoke in a way that ignored the rules and people don't know if it was just dog whistles turned up to 11 or serious discussion
How do i kill libtards and niggers without getting arrested? wait for martial law?
Your move Bernie.
>get a gun
>get your CCW if you need one
>wear Trump clothes
>wait for someone to inevitably flip shit and attack you
This war will never end, we have entered into an era of eternal memewarfare. The war never ends brothers!
Jews are already my worst nightmare
Just hearing the old kike talk is nightmarish enough.
nice bb guns.
They have been told to feel that way at this time. Lefists don't often have original thoughts.
He always seems to me like just a bait to get more left-leaning liberals to vote for shillary in a switcheroo where he gets out and tells everyone to vote for her instead.
Apparently they did not learn their lesson and are setting the stage for Trump 2: Electric Boogaloo
Err, I don't think 1 seat even counts as a minority pham
Oh boy, I get to post it again.
Fuck you. There are only two .22 rifles in that picture.
Low energy bodyguards
Le filibuster face.
That's really funny because it's Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks, and stronk independent wumyns who are rioting in the streets.
I love Diamond and Silk
I'd watch it.
either bait or stupid user who hasnt ever seen a firearm
>It'll be hosted by Jimmy Fallon
Oh God how delightfully degenerate!
I love this idea!
>kuck talking about kuck things
What this WE nonsense?
Billions of dollars of special interest and foreign cash, $41 billion deleted from the fortunes of the world's richest elites, national currencies plummeting by double-digit percentages.
A lot of people with a lot of money are very angry right now.
>turns it against Muslims, Hispanics, African Americans, and women
What planet are these morons living on? So much staying on the issues, Bernie.
I can't wait for the civil war to begin.
You'll be fine, based Jew. Remember, Hitler had thousands of half and quarter Jews in the Wehrmacht!
So we get the Asians, then?
Get gassed
He spoke in a manner that caught peoples' attention and hit hard on the issues. He's a blow-hard narcissist, but he knows how to gauge an audience and tell them what they want to hear.
>Implying all Hispanics are illegal
What a racist generalization Sanders just made.
Fuck you Bernie I'm on Trump's side
Don't you dare speak for me
Fucking jew cunt
Hasn't he already proved his irrelevance?
says the guy who sold out for a house.
what a commie.
He's a muslim afro-mexican woman?
Cant trust a political jew not to be subversive.