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Weimar 2.0. Do it faggots.
Yea I don't see that happening. Or if it does well its going to be a lot smaller than you think. Judging by this map. So looking forward to the State of Jefferson finally becoming a state.
Remember what happened last time someone tried to secede from the Union?
Prepare to be raped
no Water
Isn't Commiefornia like, completely bankrupt?
What the fuck do they plan to do about drinking when the US stops providing them water from their neighboring states that voted for Trump?
>he fell for the "no water" meme
what is desalination
pick one.
They already said no to desalination because its not 'environmentally friendly'. Plus if they did go through with it they would probably die of dehydration before the plants where complete, what with Cali building regulations and all.
Fuck that gay bullshit.
We're removing them from the land.
You faggots need to quit trying to cede clay.
>center of the tech industry
Apple and Google would abandon California and move to NY in a heartbeat.
Lol, let's let the faggots do it the declare war on them.
I don't know if I want you all to leave to watch you slowly descend into chaos or if I want you to leave so i can join the Union army and slaughter you all like animals
But do it Commiefornia it'll be fun either way:)
>California secedes from the union
>US refuses to do any trade with them
>Also blocks ports but no other military action
>California begins to starve
>California runs out of water
>They come crawling back
>Throw them in the gulag for being disloyal
Let them break off so we can invade and take the land by force.
You can have:
San Francisco
Los Angeles
We will build walls around you, too.
It will be fun watching liberals die of thirst and starvation.
Implying it wouldn't join Mexico completing the reconquista
Where will they get their water from? They are in a drought every couple of weeks. Just fuck off already, take Scotland with you please, be good to watch you liberal shitholes fry. Decent Scots can have the bit of England that is beyond the wall and we'll call it even.
we benefit because it will only serve to dicide the left more.
Imagine when we say "ok bernouts, you get to run your social experiment now" and give them cali to fuck over?
1: normal people with jobs will leave thus making neighboring states more red
2: we get to see them fail horribly and meme it until the end of time
Gosh Portland sucks right now srsly
Don't they have huge drought problems, and all that 5th largest economy is just because it is backed by the US? Also Hollywood will just go away to NY.
They wont last desu.
>that arbitrary line through Nevada
What reason is there to cut Nevada in half? Don't want Great Basin National Park?
>let's secede from the worlds most powerful country while they have a fuckton of military bases in our land
real smart
LOL for all the people that forget how shit works.
You would have to be Annexed to Mexico, China, or Russia. Before Independence could ever happen.
Learn 2 Swim
Fuck that. Why give them so much red zone?
NW aren't like them.
Give them the I-5 corridor from Sacramento south.
So fucking energy extensive
Good, let them leave. The best filmmakers are the ones who hate Hollywood. Prepare for an age of new Orson Welles'
Fuck you, you can't have Oregon.
This. There is still prime farmland for our settlers, once we "accidentally" gas all of commiefornia in an extremely unlikely nerve gas spill, killing 99% of the population
Those filthy fucking Californians can fuck off if thry think they can drag Oregon into their shit
Let me fix that for you.
Cool. We here in Arizona hold the Colorado river.
Have fun growing anything without water you drought-ridden faggots.
yeah i bet "fair share" tax would be 50%-75%
>be connected to amurica
>say no to a bunch of amurica's requests
>get gunned down and re assimilated
Nothing would make me happier than to watch the libtards try and our armies go in and mop up the ghettos of LA and SF to prove a point.
California uses water at a rate > what could be made.
They also use more energy > a rate than they can generate.
It's literally impossible, we would charge them up the fucking ass. I mean taking the b8 here, but hypothetically if California did leave.
>No more government funding
>Loss of 50% of jobs (majority of Cali jobs were put there by U.S. government)
>They retake all of their debt via the bankruptcy
>Companies left over move out of California on their own
These faggots literally think that big money would choose their shitty politics over making money.
No, just no.
No corporation would risk losing everything to help California become its own nation.
Add in small stuff like heavy trade tax and complete embargo on certain goods. California would be fucking itself in its own ass.
Also U.S.A would never give up its western sea border.
It would openly slaughter millions before giving up that ocean user.
>Agricultural Power House
Until we halt the Colorado River's flow of water in their direction.
Overall, I'm in favor.
If this happens, I'm going to be a stay behind super secret terry agent for the right.
Seattle, Bay Area/Silicon Valley and LA are the only areas with real industry and good growth prospects. Why would they want to band together with a bunch of rednecks from Eastern WA, useless hippies in Oregon, Mexico Jr. in San Diego, and anyone in the rest of California or Nevada?
>califags caring about the environment
Choose one
>western sea border.
I'm fucking retarded, corrected myself in the very next sentence and didn't even proofread.
Western ocean border*
I'm all for it, do the same with most of the North East's major cities. But we get the water and highway rights, bit of sanctions. Give it 6 months, Plenty of living space after that.
I thought you guys were anti-globalist?
why are you cheering for caliexit? it would weaken the union and represent an important step towards the dissolution of the united states
I trust you see how such an outcome would appeal to post nationalist wannabe "citizens of the world". they would like nothing more than to see the death of the nation state
Here are the true final borders.
You gunna feed people movies and silicon?
> Pacifica somehow secedes
> US declares war instantly
> Pacifica doesn'tz control Pacific fleets, they are in Hawaii, Guam, Japan or Korea
> Pacifica doesn't have ground troops because liberal techland
All those hillbilly guys in the central US would be drafted and release their anger on the west coast while Trump watches from Washington.
Good luck Califaggot.
This is a subversion of the Calexit being attempted by communist faggots.
The real memetic attacks are focused on breaking Jefferson off to stay in the Union, with the rest of California fucking off out of the country. No Oregon. No Washington. No slice of Nevada.
CA's economy is inflated because all their debts are covered by the feds. If CA had to pay for its own entitlements it'd go bankrupt immediately.
I hope the San Andreas fault makes the decision for the faggots and they sink into the sea
As a Catalan I understand Californians and I fully support CaliExit
You mean Liberalshitholia, right? And we won't have to declare war. The majority of that land is red. Hell, there are only two blue counties in Nevada. There would be civil war. The cops and any potential military force would defect to the rebels and the nogun liberals would get fucking destroyed.
yeah then they would have to budget, crime would go up as services are cut and the retards would go full circle and end up with conservative ideals and firearms
would jefferson make for a good state in our union?
Alrighty here, motherfucker, you draw out Las Vegas right fucking now. I don't want to live in some faggot ass cuck-state with liberals as far as the eye can see. Vegas is owned by DA BILLIONAIRE CLAUSSS, and you don't want them do you?
>west coast gets flooded
>only the red counties remain
>nature makes California great again
God speed, fuckos.
I'm stuck on Illinois Island :(
Literally all that has to happen is LA and San Francisco fuck out of out California and it goes red until the end of time.
Part of the GDP numbers are from Hollywood.
>movie makes $300 million
>add it to California's GDP!!!
>movie loses $50 million
>no affect on GDP...
Meanwhile there are more people on some sort of government welfare/assistance than are employed in California.
>Trump puts tariff on tech industry
>Trump puts tariff on entertainment industry
>economy wrecked
million people
>all illegals
th largest economy
>doesn't grow
>>Center of the tech industry
>leaves for lower taxes
>>Center of the entertainment industry
>finally a mea culpa
>>Vast natural resources
>can't exploit them, thanks sierra club
>>Agricultural power house
>no water
>>Progressive 21st century lawmaking
>prostitution still illegal
Yes, and it would be much more open to voting for conservative policies, breaking up California's 55 vote bloc for the Democrats. If they can flood California with spics to permanently break the Republican domination of that state, then we can carve it up to give them a taste of their own medicine.
>The nation of pacifier
sounds about right
Oregon isn't joining your stupid little nation you limp-wristed faggot.
definitely good marketing naming it Jefferson
we wouldnt consider the idea if it had an ugly name
trump add tariff to water
Kek. A lot of you seem pretty mad about the rich blue states wanting to leave.
How dare we be tired of subsidizing poorfag redstate shitholes. Red states are trash and they knoe they need us, thats why theyre mad.
Fuck off. The Sierras belong the the high desert people! We could do without LV but Northern Nevada is based.
>Just LA and San Francisco
No. The whole of Southern California is a non-White shit hole.
Fuck of you piece of shit Californian. No self respecting Oregonian would ever join a union with you pieces of filth. We fucking hate you here. Californians are literally a meme for shit people. When a car drives like a dick he is called a Californian.
Also you tried to divert our rivers, from the ocean, down to your shitty state.
Die of thirst you sack of feces.
I hope you leave so we don't have to take all you fuckers moving here.
>california leaves
>No water resources have to buy from other states
>All its power comes from hoover dam and other out of state resources
>can't keep the lights on, no food production
>Overrun by Mexicans
>High taxes
>all industry flees
>Commiefornia becomes a former-soviet shithole but filled with minorities.
Please Please Caliexit best day of my life
Import food. It'll be fine. Works for places like Singapore.
I'm talking about what needs to happen for it to become a red state. Most of the democrat voters are concentrated there.
wont that get them death by injection for treason?
Import food while at war with and blockaded by the US? Think again
honestly the name 'Jefferson' is what had me sold from the start
also from the wiki page
>As of January 2016, 21 northern California counties have sent a declaration or have approved to send a declaration to the State of California with their intent of leaving the state and forming the State of Jefferson.
i'm not too smart with politics yet when it comes to this, so maybe im just a dumbass, but it sounds like it's got some real hope if this kinda stuff keeps up.
Yeah, and I'm telling you that's not just about Republican or Democrat.
>embargo a former state
>a state that has a drought problem
ok see you later, calicucks
Deep behind enemy lines here.
If general kety perry tries shit i may go for the french resistance route and fuck shit up.
>Meanwhile there are more people on some sort of government welfare/assistance than are employed in California.
Didn't know that. Still, is there a state that could really secede? Even Texas would have huge troubles.
>builds wall on Calexit border
fuck i need to move out of california
Why don't they want eastern Nevada?
Nuke LA, bay area, Portland, Seattle, Las Vegas.
Calexit btfo.
Not with all the embargoes DC will put in place.
Will have none of this. You will be met with a rope or with lead.
>California leaves
>yfw 55 less electoral votes for the democrats every election
>Have almost carte blanche to do what you want in your state
>Insist every other state be as "progressive" as yours
>threaten to secede
It literally dosen't make sense
that is so great
Imagine all the Mexicans coming to L.A
It would be a decent state but it would always vote red as much as CA is blue now.
It's gun central CA and actually really nice scenery but people from the lower counties basically call them CA hicks.
>Texas will finally destroy Caliphornia.
>Texas will go down in history as the state that saved the Union.
Praise KEK
>One of the major blue states, totally deluded leftist headquarters
>Leaves USA
>Becomes socialist immeditately
>limitless immigration
>Inflation means it can't buy from USA at a good rate
>Centralisation destroys agricultre and technology realms instantly
>Barely able to maintain huge electric consumption and huge need for water
>Socialism in the desert, just when you thought you'd seen it all
>Cultural marxism instantly defeated due to the destruction of Hollywood and the entertainment industry
>Welcome to Amexico
This is the best thing anyone has ever suggested.
(except Seattle and Portland)
And California is not leftists excluding the southernmost counties, LA, San Francisco, and Sacramento.
Where's the water though?
so basically venezuela2.0
>tfw you want to move to Oregon because it's beautiful but don't even want to be in the same time zone as the never-ending dumpster fire that Portland has become
feels fucking bad man
>but it would always vote red as much as CA is blue now
That's a feature not a bug.
Democrat here.
Pacific Northwest.
You're a fool if you think progressives aren't armed. Shit man a lot of us served. Those of us who haven't have family who have, family in law enforcement, and so on.
I've hunted and gutted deer. I've slaughtered squirrel in potato fields. I've fought. I've wrestled. I used to skate and I've broken so many bones I've literally lost count and walked half of them off.
And there's nothing special or exceptional about me.
You're a fool if you don't think progressives are formidable. For every straw man pic you have of a faggy liberal I have a pic of a fat virgin beta orbiter with a weak stance who still flinches when he fires.
I don't presume that the alt right is not formidable. I grew up surrounded by the tea party before they became the tea party. I know what they can do. I've hunted with them.
But that's what's funny about these neolibertarian pseudofascists. They assume they're the toughest guys in the world and everyone else is soft. That's why they keep losing wars.
The south loses. Every time they flex. Progressives are ruthless when cornered. We burned Atlanta to the ground and used rape as a weapon of mass psychological operation, disrupted troops and marched right up to Jefferson Davis front door. We designed a bomb that destroyed entire cities, then we upgraded it. We invented remote control flying guns and remote control bombers.
Don't fuck with us. The south will rise again? Fine. We'll put em down again.
tasty pasta