Although Trump won the electoral college votes, he lost to Hillary in the popular vote. Why is it that more American people voted for Hillary yet Trump gets to be president because of the Electoral College system? Do you think we should keep this system?
Why should we keep the Electoral College
Yes. It forces the politicians to do things to appeal to Americans in those states. If there was no electoral college they will all go to LA and New York and do things that will appeal to them. Voices of population centers would be the only voices that matter. Also we are not a democracy and anyone that claims we are is wrong. We are a constitutional republic.
The popular vote under an electoral college system isn't necessarily representative of the popular vote under a popular vote system. In hardcore Republican/Democrat states, turnout from the minority side don't bother voting because it really doesn't matter.
Were the system a popular vote system, Trump may have seen a rise in turnout in New York and California. We just don't know if the result would have been the same under that system.
Regardless, the electoral college gives power to rural areas and prevents a tyranny by majority for highly dense city populations. Is it a perfect system? No, but it's fairer than a pure popular vote system.
So many times everyday we have to explain this shit. Getting real tired of it user.
The STATES elect the president, not the PEOPLE. Electing the president is the States' right.
It is never going to change because the states would never ratify an amendment to remove the only real power they have.
90 million people didnt vote
this is a moot point and argument and is literally leftist cucks clutching at imaginary straws to change the rules after they lost
i imagine every faggot was underage when bush beat gore in 2000, this is babies first election and their feelings are hurt
please grow or shut the fuck up
Because then Cali, Penn, NY and Texas decide everything. This way individual tiny states have power.
It wouldnt be a mproblem to anyone if it wasn't that your federal government try to control everything. Give back the power to the state
Get over it, crybaby.
Educate yourself
Because small states don't want the country to be dominated by a handful of huge states any more than the colonies wanted to be dominated by the British Empire when the constitution was ratified.
he won the popular vote in most states
california doesn't rule
Because it's callued United STATES you faggot.
This is spam at this point.
Oh no did the liberals get the result they didn't like? Now they must change the system until they get what they want.
This is because we do not exist on 'planet do as we please'
Instead we live on Earth otherwise known as 'planet how things actually are'
If you can't grasp the reality that USA state elections are decided via the electoral college you will just suffer more later on when things stay the same. How terribly sorry I feel for you.
So that cities don't have tyranny over the rural areas.
>she cheated
>votes are still not counted
>yes, let a rat pit of dindus dictate how working class people should live there lives.
if you dont want electoral college then you also dont want the senate and want just a bigger congress where democrats dominate on population size and vote cheating
because it doesn't matter how many casual morons are crammed into one prosperous city, when on the other side of the country the stuation is disastrous and they have no real concept of it.
Deal with it you fucking cuck.
Because i don't want the future of this country to depend on what NY and CA think.
>Although Trump won the electoral college votes, he lost to Hillary in the popular vote.
Votes aren't done being counted and he is projected to win the popular vote as well
Stay cucked faggot
In The Federalist Papers, James Madison explained his views on the selection of the president and the Constitution. In Federalist No. 39, Madison argued the Constitution was designed to be a mixture of state-based and population-based government. Congress would have two houses: the state-based Senate and the population-based House of Representatives. Meanwhile, the president would be elected by a mixture of the two modes.[21] Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 68 laid out the key advantages to the Electoral College. The electors come directly from the people and them alone for that purpose only, and for that time only. This avoided a party-run legislature, or a permanent body that could be influenced by foreign interests before each election.[2
Every state like Nebraska and Maine did, can distribute their delegates anyway they want. if the democrats want proportional delegates, they can start with california
OP here, just to clear things up I'm not a leftist or even Hillary supporter. I supported Trump but I just started getting into politics this July. I live in Southern California and I was wondering because a lot of liberals ask me this and I don't really have an explanation for it so I wanted to get a more vivid perspective on it.
Because producing an unfavorable result for 50.XX% of voters every once in a while is not a reason to just throw something out. That's what we call having a fit.
The real thing HRC supporters should be thinking about is overdetermination. There are thousands of "Hilary didn't lose because x, but because of y" and "Trump didn't win because of a, but because of b". These statements are all highly politically charged and motivated by agendas, but ultimately every single one of them is true.
There are 5,000 reasons why the election didn't turn out the way you wanted, which is why pointing at any 1 of those looks remarkably stupid and shortsighted.
Electoral College is there to make sure Jew York, Cuckifornia and Tejas don't rule the U.S.
>Trump wins entire rustbelt
>hurr durr its time to abolsh the electoral college
No if anything this cycle highlighted its efficacy totally. If anything Florida, California, Texas and Newyork should get increasingly less electoral votes. There should be an upperbound.
The popular vote doesn't mean shit when voters are under the assumption that it doesn't matter. Republicans didn't show up to vote in Blue states and vice versa.
Georgia and North Carolina are taking a few of Michigan's votes next time things are realigned.
Anyone who wants Los Angeles and New York to pick all of the national candidates is insane.
Because the electorial college allows rural states/states with a small population have more of a say in the election. If it was purely about the popular vote candidates would just go to the major cities and say fuck you (for example) oklahoma
The battle is won but the war rages on
“I absolutely reject the nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump and will work to shield our community from this movement as best as I can,” Maloney wrote about Trump’s supporters.
rev up those socks
You know what to do faggots
I hope grubhub isn't DDoSed into the stone age
>spics and niggers from CA/NY should decide what happens to the farms that make up 85% of America
>Anyone who wants Los Angeles and New York to pick all of the national candidates is insane.
The whole idea of the Electoral College is so that the cities don't get to boss the food producing areas around -- which leads to problems if the food producing areas feel disenfranchised and withhold the food. Cities think they are all that, but can't feed themselves.
The EC ensures a fair representation between states. Do you really think states would have agreed to join the union if states with a higher population could overrule them?
There is an upper limit.
Its 55
If you are not a demoracy then why the fuck do you murder Arabs in the name of Democracy and force them to establish Democracy in their countries?
that's still too much evidentally. If the spics take Texas and the boomers keep flooding into Florida then it will be a single party state.
If the objective is to listen to the different territories which have different necessities, why aren't more states assigning their great elector is like Maine and Nebraska? they seem to be the ones that respect the more that principle
Cause we want to, and we can. You gonna stop us?
You're saying it as if cities vote unanimously with one candidate, which is NOT THE CASE.
That's how you control people.
>Why is it that more American people voted for Hillary yet Trump gets to be president because of the Electoral College system?
Because Trump outsmarted Killary.
He learned the system and put in the work on the critical states.
If you Killdawgs have a problem with it, you could always try to secede: but good luck with that.
If you remember, it was a presidential election just like this one that caused Lincoln to win the election, which then enraged the South to the degree that they tried to secede. Lincoln lost the pop vote but won the electoral votes.
We all know how that worked out.
You leftist faggots will neither secede or succeed.
We won. Your days of anti-white rhetoric and action are numbered.
>Do you think we should keep this system?
Of course!
Where else will electricians learn about wiring and stuff?
>709,090.909 people per electoral vote in California
>195,333.333 people per electoral vote in Wyoming
>Sup Forums will argue that the electoral college is a fair system because it singlehandedly won their guy the election
The system needed reform back in 2000.
Get fucked.
Well for starters, I am in favor of a popular vote election. I mean if it got proposed and looked like the electoral college might really go away, I would support it.
But the dumbasses acting like Hillary barely scraping by Trump in this popular vote means jack shit are deluding themselves. As others have said, if the popular vote were what matters, candidates would campaign differently and spend their money differently. And voters in locked states would be more likely to go vote. So the end result is very hard to project. You can't say Hillary wins the popular vote if that were what actually mattered. You can't say she'd lose it either. You just don't know.
It's not a fair system, but it's a system you took responsibility for. So accept the outcome.
>Do you think we should keep this system?
I think if you want to change it, you better amend the Constitution. Until then, fuck off.
Like 0.1% more. Fuck off. The EC is there to prevent NY and CA from deciding every election you dumb twat.
States used to split up their elector vote, but that made the smaller states get ignored by the candidates. So they passed laws in their state legislature so they became winner take all contests. That got them attention from the campaigns, and since modern communication came along, more money from the campaigns (ad buys, events, etc).
Democrats had the opportunity to change it when Obama got elected in 2008. At that time, they had total control of the House, Senate, and White House. They didn't. Why? Because the Democrats have been working on stacking the electorial deck for their party for the past 60 years. It is much, much easier for the Democrats to win the WH then their opponents. So they won't change this system when the pendulum finally swings back to them.