Why are you racist? Have you had traumatic experiences, have any of them fucked with you? If yes, how can you generalize a whole race because of a few bad apples.
Lets take niggers for example. They are like 3/4 of the inmates. They commit most of the violent killings assaults and rapes. The vast majority are thugs, i get it, and because they were born in the us they get a pass.
Mudslimes have the burden that terrorists are of the same dumb religion so by association theyre vilified all over. Is this ok? It doesn't even make sense.
My question is, whats the hate with hispanics/latinos/mexicans? Is it really because they took jer jobs? I dont see white ppl working in the fields or cleaning houses.
Ryder Morris
Fuck off beaner
Caleb Bailey
You think you are better...
Luis Anderson
>white people working in the fields
They probably paid for the experience
Joshua Kelly
>le people dont want the crappy jobs rhetoric
can you just fuck off? if nothing else is available, everyone will want to scrub a crapped for money. stop acting like we need immigration for these type of jobs, because i'd gladly take a shit job over no job.
theres no shortage of un- skilled workers
Sebastian Taylor
you are doing exactly what you are asking about by generalizing whites as categorically disliking hispanics. also get ready to pay for that wall
Camden Sanders
That wall? It just got 10 feet higher.
Ian Long
>Want a county with an actual border >WAHHHH HATE
Go home spic.
Matthew Richardson
Statistics. Nuff said.
Michael Powell
I went to an inner city school. I was one of the only 3 white people there. I learned well the difference between Niggers and Blacks. It's really a cultural thing.
As far as Mexicans go? On the whole, I found them to be loyal to a fault but not very educated. Like big dogs.
Gavin Parker
>tfw no field working /fit/ white gf
Nicholas Williams
I live in south carolina. 99.999999999999% of anything bad that happens is caused by niggers. There is zero benefit to living in a society with black and white people. At their absolute best, blacks MIGHT be equal to whites but the average black man is nowhere near that level.
Adrian Thompson
I live in California
I can't even describe the horror spics cause here
Thomas Thomas
id rather have robots picking lettuce than you retarded fucks.
fuck off taco.
Jaxson Harris
Do you know what you're defending, Mexico?
Jordan Allen
I have gotten robbed by niggers at least five times, so I have seen it personally. Every time someone steals something it's a nigger.
Anthony Nguyen
I just think white countries should be for white people and black countries for black people etc.
Adam Fisher
There are some places in Italy where this actually happens. These are not intensive plantations obviously, but still. Liberals and their stupid "muh experience" fetishes, I swear.
Blake Diaz
>Why are you racist? >use racist thing for denounce racism
Self hate manlet: the post
Aaron Campbell
There are already 1000x more mexicans than we need to do farm work. Cant wait for Trump to slash the fucking shit out of welfare so you all leave.
Justin Taylor
Because they threaten the white majority.
Noah Thomas
I want all brown people to get out of my country, that's all.
Angel Gomez
>shitskins dead Is there a more a more pleasure photo?
Nathan Cox
Because niggers have a higher crime rate
Muslims have a high crime rate + they're almost 100% of all recent terror attack statistics
Hispanics are generally better than those 2 groups but they still have a higher crime rate and they are generally more loyal to their own culture and ethnicity rather than America.
Now, Asians do this too but they just work and stick to Chinatown and never pretend like America is "theirs" apart from a few Elliot Rodger-tier autists.
Jayden Allen
The ones that cam in illegally are criminals. They did not respect the law..
Any immigrants that com in legally are immigrants that become american citizens later. These people respect the law.
Eli Lewis
i would actually love to work on a farm. i love the outdoors. but the pay is horseshit. not busting my ass for $10 an hour in a field all day.
Lucas Green
>white people working in the field >acts suprised Have you ever been in Eastern-Europe huenigger?
Luke Mitchell
This looks like a pick yourself strawberry field. These are pretty common where I live. Basically, you enter through a gate, can bring your own containers and pick all you want. When you go out they get weighed and you pay. It's usually very cheap and you can eat all fucking day if you want, as nobody weighs what you eat while there.
Isaiah Wood
i don't hate hispanics i'm married to a qt 3.14 boricua (she doesn't even fluent in spanish)
fuck illegals though, i'd be fine with illegals if we didn't have massive welfare and medicaid fraud. come here and work under teh table fine but don't use our social service that are for our citizens you cunts.
i work with a lot of mexicans too (southeast) and most are bro-tier
Xavier Thompson
You confirm my point
Nathaniel Russell
>picking fruit is below a white person why are shitlibs so racist?
Leo Ortiz
>hurr durr muslims and blacks kill people >Mexico is murder capital of the world >Most of the top murder cities are hispanic or are nigger cities
Juan Roberts
im not racist. im just against immigration/migrants/refugees.
why? because in both world wars my forefathers fought for that right for my bloodline to be citizens and to be free.
why the FUCK, would i just let some motherfucker from bangldesh or Nigeria or Afganistan or anywhere Come Here, For free, Pay for them and become their bitch. Fuck No.
I'm not a racist. That meme is for the braindead/ mentally handicapped/ burgers.
Jaxon Foster
They fuck our country
William Howard
>there are no poor white people WRONG
Brody Harris
>whats the hate with hispanics/latinos/mexicans? I grew up around (illegal) mexicans. I've worked along side mexicans. I know all your vices and shit behaviors. I know how fucked a people you are. I didn't hate Mexicans at first, because having faults and failures is fine as long as you work on them.
Mexicans don't. They get bitter and offended if I even hint that there is anything wrong with them. They swap between insulting, cursing, and hating Americans, then claiming themselves innocent victims that don't deserve any hate at all.
You are ultimately a poisonous people with a fucking horrible culture that rots any place you infest.
No, being better than Allah Akbars and Tyrones doesn't make you okay or acceptable. No, white people not wanting to work seasonal or extremely low wage jobs doesn't mean we want you to infest our cities.
I don't like you or your country. I don't care what you look like, I care about what your behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs/morals are. This is the opposite of Mexican culture, in which you're more likely to be insulted for having brown skin, than for being a trash person.
Jayden Scott
>Have you had traumatic experiences, have any of them fucked with you? No, never. I'm just realistic and see that Whites are being wiped out from OUR countries, in each and every single white country. Period.
William Sullivan
Mira pedazo de Taco, la razón por la que los latinos tienen mala reputación es porque algunos son unos pendejos y tienen como 30 años viviendo en los Estados y nunca sacan la visa. Que mierda? Un abogado de migra te saca como 5 mil y de alli te aprendes las preguntas y ya. El proceso no durará ni 2 años.
Y Trump solo quiere deportar a los ilegales con record criminal y a los narcos.
Y nadie odia a los latinos documentados, de hecho son la minoría más respetada porque todo el mundo sabe que podemos tener hasta 5 trabajos al mismo tiempo para mantener a la family mientras que los negros no consiguen ni uno solo.
Asher Wright
How about millions of whites go to mexico and replace your population? Would you say, that they might take over?
Grayson Carter
Mexican is like nigger but proud of it
Josiah White
We should send all our white trash to Mexico, as well as all our niggers.
Caleb Peterson
Are u going to eat your computer?
Jonathan Harris
millions of whites going somewhere >all of them will get raped
Leo Wright
The amount of Mexicans working in the field is rather small. Pretty much all of them have a special visa to work here, and therefore not illegal.
Ethan Morales
My country was a beautiful and moral place until our culture was destroyed in the post-war period.
Immigrants were are large part (but by no means the entirety) of that destruction.
To make my country, nation, and civilisation great again, the non-whites will have to go.
That's why I'm racist. They stand in the way of our destiny.
That and I don't like how niggers smell.
Jason Hall
Easton Richardson
Europe never morally came back from WWI, it literally broke Europe
Isaac Roberts
I've been told by my democrat parents since the 90's that Mexicans come here don't learn English and put all their kids in public schools they don't pay for.
Ryan Rivera
>Waaaah, I'm to good to pick vegetables
This generation needs to fuck off
Luke Cox
>Why are you racist? Because there are so many rude, unfriendly brown and black people in my country that I can't stand it anymore.
They need to fucking leave. Now.
Owen Taylor
>That's why I'm racist. They stand in the way of our destiny.
Nolan Cooper
>To make my country, nation, and civilisation great again, the non-whites will have to go.
i disagree, that meme isn't real my friend. Chinese/east Asians aren't white but are smarter, we need professional Immigrants. Not Un-skilled migrant workers.
we Import what we need, and whatever/whoever we dont need ( i.e. we need doctors but not bin men.) we just say no to
Jackson Bell
I'm not racist but I probably started hating anti-racists subconsciously years ago when a Mexican called me a racist for not wanting to dance during a party. The guy was mad at me for no fucking valid reason, started called me names and then dropped that "you are racist".
I hope this guy is on suicide watch now.
Evan Jackson
I only hate illegals. I'm married to a legal European immigrant. We just want the illegals to get the fuck out.
Austin Parker
Subtract weight when entering from weight leaving, have no bathrooms, and don't let in Indians.
Dylan Perez
fuck even in the midwest all of our farmers are white.
Kevin White
Fucking disgusting! Which country is it?This is fucking worse that these ISIS animals are doing! Fuck!
Gavin King
Europe had a chance in the inter-war years, especially in England our identity was never stronger.
WWI was a serious, but recoverable injury. WWII was the death blow that put us in a coma. The 60s unplugged the life support.
The presence of ANY non-white in our nations undermines our common identity and leaves us open to ideas of cosmopolitanism and tolerance. Whites will never uncuck themselves if they are faced with these walking talking white guilt reminders on the street and their screens every day.
Anyway Europe is more than capable of producing its own skilled people.
Noah Davis
>what is automation holy shit mexican intellectuals blew us the fuck out
Xavier Scott
It's not forbidden to eat while you're there. It's just expected that you only enter when you actually pay. I've never seen anyone disrespect that. Also, I've never seen any non-white people there. There may be a connection.
Hunter Lewis
I hate mexicans as a white hispanic, because of your people entering illegally to the States, you made the immigration system really hard for those who want to be legal proper citizents. I really hate your accent too, you guys made spanish into a beaner language, with your dumb words: GUEY and PINCHE. Also i hate that you always blame the GRINGOS for every problem you guys have. Sincerely you guys are just plain annoying fucks and many other latinos hate you guys and your dumb mariachis, 5 de mayo and dia de los muertos.
Carter Gutierrez
>Why are you racist? >Lets take niggers for example. >Mudslimes
John Ortiz
Why am I racist? because every single violent thug that has attacked me or my family, that has insulted us, that has begged for money they didnt earn, that acted like a fucking chimp, etc has been a brown piece of shit like you op, while white people have been civilized, friendly and helpful. Argentina is like half white, if race was not real then how come I dont see white people stealing, thugging, being uncivilized, being loud, being rude?
Joshua Diaz
We can educate our own people, thanks.
Evan Howard
>I dont see white ppl working in the fields or cleaning houses. because people pay beaner wages for that. white people did those jobs before you dirty spics came along
Christopher Lewis
>Brazilian surprised at white people working the fields You never been south of sao pablo I take.
Christian White
It's doubtful there's actually many that "hate" Mexicans. Simply put, America is a white European country, while Mexico is an Iberian-Indigenous country. They are ethnically and culturally different; but the two can exist discretely side by side, and can enjoy the fruits of economic and cultural exchange.
What the supposed "racists" don't want is to be demographically replaced in their own country. There's a Mexico, and there's a USA, and Americans don't want the USA to become a second Mexico - anymore than Mexicans want Mexico to become a second USA (culturally).
Ryan Wright
The result of drug cartels.
It reached a point of showing who has more balls to do something more fucked up to your enemies.This goes back and forth until it ends up like what you see in that pic.
Jack Parker
if thats the case then why dont we produce the skilled people? i disagree with you on the grounds of reality, i like your principle but its not economically or logistically viable.
im sure Europe can produce man intellectuals, but not ALL of the worlds intellectuals are Europeans. we can have the intellectuals, but we need the BEST intellectuals, Merit not Creed. this is pretty basic logic i hope you can agree whit me on that.
Elijah Bell
I'm not racist, per se, I just don't care about non-whites.
Cooper White
Well by that logic your country did exploit them to reach the level of richness it is currently are it. Plus, in case of India, we raised one of the largest if not the largest voluntary army for you guys in both the world wars
I do understand your sentiment though
Aaron Ortiz
Dejen de ser pobres.
Dominic Gomez
>He thinks Mexico is murderous >He has never heard of Columbia
Connor Ross
Let me state it again. Most of us don't dislike mexicans or immigrants in general. What we despise, and what we are determined to stop to as great a degree as we can, is ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. You want to come to America? Fine. Just do it legally through the proper channels and procedures. That's all we ask.
Let me check the counter, and it looks like we're up to 67,259 times we've stressed this point on Sup Forums.
Jackson King
This, arm the civilians NOW.
Christopher Flores
I used to enjoy taunting lefies on reddit. Here's an excerpt...
I know that in the world hard-working, decent black people exist. I know many black people are just trying their hardest to survive, be happy, and do right by their friends and family. And while all those attributes are praise worthy, I still dismiss blacks based on their skin. I could quote/link a bunch of relevant stats and factual data like many rational-minded racists choose to do; But I'm not going to. Because I make no justification for my hate. Humans are animals. And my visceral, instant reaction to the presence of blacks is that of repulsion, disgust, and hate. No one calls a cat racist for toying with a mouse before eating it. No one feels compelled to force a dog to justify why it chased the cat. And it's for the same reason I make no apologies or justification for my racism. tl;dr Niggers.
John Edwards
Yep that's us. We need leadership that tackles that right now.
Camden Young
>I know Mexico and
But trump said the worst come over,which is a pc way of saying the most brown Indian blood ones
Dylan Diaz
>why dont we produce the skilled people?
There are thousands of people in this country who could achieve great things, but our country is in such a state that these people will never be found, or encouraged to find themselves.
Our culture celebrates mediocrity, femininity, venality, and increasingly outright insanity. How can you expect a culture such as this to produce great men?
Britain once produced people of such a calibre that we out competed the entire world in scientific, military, cultural and economic achievements. We were untouchable in every way, and this strength lay entirely in those men who made up Britain.
But what of the men of today's Britain? A sorry sight indeed.
If we wish to make a nation of kings we must have a country fit for kings to come in to!
And such a country is not multiracial one.
John King
But is it in Souh America or in Mexico? I can't believe this shit could happen in America.
It is fucking disgusting, they should put this kind of images in drug prevention!
When Inthink about all these assholes in high school telling me to try drug because it's fun! I would have loved to show them this
Jace Gomez
im not against Legal immigration mate, if you have a Degree, are one of the best in your field, speak fluent English, accept British values i dont care what your race is.
Jaxon Taylor
You're just nigger-lites.
Hudson Phillips
No es racista querer expulsar a los narcos de tu país, idiota
Mexico will benefit from the wall too since your multiple mafias won't be able to make money from the USA
James Ramirez
>Peruano quejandose de inmigrantes ilegales
Camden Bailey
How about educate your own people before looking out for immigrants
Hunter Gutierrez
I ain't watching that. Thumbnail looks like she's about to be hamburger meat.
Anthony Miller
Gavin Smith
I don't hate anyone for the race they belong to. I recognize that some races have the proclivity for violence or they may be less capable of abstract thinking but that doesn't mean I hate them. I hate certain cultures. I am a cultural supremacist and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. This egalitarian idea that we're all equal defeats itself when you recognize reality.
Eli Bennett
Mexicans and central americans are the ones giving latinos a bad image, before in the narco golden age it was the people from my country. Mexicans are a bit too extreme btw.
Cooper King
Juan Rodriguez
>But trump said the worst come over,which is a pc way of saying the most brown Indian blood ones No, it's pc for saying it's all the poorest people with tons of problems. Don't put words in his mouth, beaner.
Christian Williams
Nathaniel Cox
Farming is literally my job. And I'm white. So fuck you. What she's doing is a great job for anyone, including whites. I'm sick of the ignorant liberal fantasy that the only people in this nation picking crops are poor immigrants.
Blake Perry
Parker Ward
If true, then nice. I respect you farmers. I am so sorry liberals have to stoop so low to make fun of farmers for doing their jobs.
Bentley Carter
También te vamos a construir la muralla a ti come palomas :^)
Hudson Price
Nothing is wrong with being a racist or have racist thought or even expressing them. I havent even kill anyone in my life and i'm a racist. stfu. not even white here.
Samuel Howard
The great Men of britain arose due to many other factors, it was mainly due to wealth. the aristocracy produced men such as isaac newton etc.
The problem is, in today's sociecty people no longer wish to take the role of being a pleb. wages have increased, wealth is decentralized and our science funding has become more of a second thought.
back then, we controlled half of the world and in turn, half of its wealth. that's why, comfort, peace and wealth, lead to an age of progress and enlightenment.
but in this age? we are in wars 24/7 one ends another starts, its hard to fund military (war), science and social welfare all at once.
Right now, i get it, alot of potential scientists never made it because of our education system, but that doesn't mean we can just focus on them now. we Need the BEST, we can get rid of all un-skilled migrant workers, and give whites a decent income again by which they can step up to the task.
but until that happens, im afraid its impossible to just get rid of our professionals on grounds of melanin in skin.
Thomas Lopez
Colombians are pretty bad too, during the election coverage here I got tired of interviews with Colombians who could not speak without screaming,talking as fast as they could and being massive stereotypes. And the Argentine girl the interviewed was a fucking Bolivian lul, kill me pham.
Ian Carter
I'd prefer it if we got quick bursts of labour while we are in decline of professional workers.
Maybe, People shouldnt pick degrees in Fucking useless shit like the Humanities and focus on Science and Math