Why do you think voter turnout is generally so low? Why was it was particularly low this election?
Why do you think voter turnout is generally so low? Why was it was particularly low this election?
Compare turnout from past elections, please.
It wasn't low, also MSNBC doesn't know wtf they're talking about you dumb faggot OP
Liberals and blacks are generally lazy, the overconfident liberal media predicted a landslide for Hillary which also kept people at home. It really does seem like you can't get millennials excited unless their candidate is unelectably radical or black.
Whao, didn't vote won the popular vote.
is that supposed to put the US in a better light?
The battle is won but the war rages on
“I absolutely reject the nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump and will work to shield our community from this movement as best as I can,” Maloney wrote about Trump’s supporters.
rev up those socks
You know what to do faggots
I hope grubhub isn't DDoSed into the stone age
The coolest thing this election was seeing the media report shit about Sup Forums without realizing that
[spoiler]Sup Forums is satire
White, flyover, conservative, male here. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Everybody I know voted.
>and it shows
We fought the memetic war against each other. And it was hilarious.
Because blacks and hispanics didn't want to vote for an old white bitch or a rich, kek-fueled business man
thats not that low OP
plus if most blacks/hispanics are junked up all day how they going to get to polling station
here's the map
Plenty of people live in states where their vote wouldn't count I guess.
I vote in the UK, but it's meaningless because I live in a safe seat.
It's always low. It's actually pretty typically.
People don't vote, cause they don't trust any of them.
Hillary "lost" some of the votes user
Interesting that blacks and women couldn't vote in the 19th century, and voter turn out is really high.
Makes you think who isn't voting after it was legal.
This. I live in fucking Arkansas and don't matter at all for Trump
the fuck happened in 1820?
your graph shows that it wasn't particularly low this election.
>Hillary Clinton
>25.6 %
B-but she won the popular vote!
>White, flyover, conservative, male showing off his knowledge of statistics
ebin meme
Turnout is always generally pretty low, but the back-and-forth attacks between Hillary and Trump (regardless of merit) wore just about everybody down. Trump won because he promised the moon and stars to some really desperate people in need of work (whom he will promptly stab in the back anyway), and because he didn't have a 30+-year-long smear campaign against him.
Some times it's important to demonstrate that your vote can be withdrawn. Politicians only view people in voting "blocks" meaning white male vote black vote woman vote etc. If you belong to a voting block that always votes for one party and one party only, you don't matter.
That's the mistake people who say "if you don't vote you have no right to complain" make. If they demonstrate that they aren't willing to withdraw their support under any circumstance, they are just another "base voter" who would have voted for Mitt Romney if he ran again.
Nigs only turn out for a nog president
>25.5 %
B-but he won the election!
Will you vote for a black president?
>Why do you think voter turnout is generally so low?
part of the reason is probably because a big chunk of the population live in states that are solid blue or solid red, so they know in advance that voting against their state's majority doesn't matter.
>do nothing
>expect change
compared to the embarassingly low numbers in the US maybe
and even then it was a decline from the previous two
Yes, he won the election because he won the electoral college. Any problems?
Turnout was huge, but fraud was bigger
sweden btfo
Niggers didn't turn out this time around because their candidate isn't black.
Okay, how about the pro life vote? Why is it that they elected GWB who ran on a pro life campaign, and had a republican controlled senate and congress, yet still didn't get their way? Because the Republicans knew that their vote is guaranteed, all that's needed for it is lip service. If pro lifers were willing to withdraw their support for candidates that flaked on that promise, their votes would actually matter.
Only one person ran and he got every electoral vote except 1
>showing off his knowledge of statistics
Nope, just making a statement based on personal experience
Keep being judgemental tho
>ebin meme
Most people I know, especially libs, didn't vote. I'm assuming most people in states that are predetermined just don't bother.
Because most people don't have anything invested in the nation and don't care.
Don't forget, it was never intended that everyone should vote. The founding fathers made it so that only white, land-owning males who actually gave a shit about the future could vote for a reason.
They were all told for months and months that Hillary had a literal 99% chance of victory and felt they didn't need to bother with the effort of going out and voting. The retarded liberal media unwillingly killed Hillary's chances with all their lies about how Trump had no chance.
i dunno why americans don't vote as much, maybe...
we just don't talk about politics in normal conversation, that's generally considered a rude or taboo topic, like your sex life
the electoral college is structured to make people feel like their vote doesn't matter
prevalence of mass media dominating the culture means that federal politics get way more exposure than local politics despite having less relevancy to day to day life (which compounds the problem of the electoral college)
Clinton supporters didn't show up because there was only a 9% chance Trump would win.
If we had a 2nd election today, Clinton supports would show up and she'd win in a landslide.
The blame is solely on, ironically, the mass media.
Rewind back to a couple days before the election. What was every fucking Clinton shill Mass Media outlet saying?
>Polls in! Clinton to win in a land slide!
>Look at this U.S. Map of projected electoral vote outcomes! You couldn't find an ocean with more blue than that!
>Trump popularity on the decline!
>You see this 7 year old? She picked a picture of Hillary over Trump!
Guess what this equates to in the minds of your already media brainwashed #ImWithHer faggot?
>They're right. There's no way Trump will win. This is going to be an absolute landslide for Hillary.
What happens?
Clinton loses by a fucking RAZOR MARGIN in nearly all the swing states.
I love seeing all the fucking asspain on social media about FUCK YOU THIRD PARTY VOTERS IF YOU DIDN'T THROW YOUR FUCKING VOTE AWAY HE WOULDN'T HAVE WON.
When in reality, HillShills thought this was going to be a "David and Goliath" and forgot how the story ended.
Serves them right, dumb fucks.
>Why was it was particularly low this election?
political fatigue after a year and a half of the shrill media hammering the same points
>My perennial candidate, Nobody, scored another stunning victory. The majority of citizens simply ignored The Machine, and "voted for Nobody," i.e. didn't vote at all. Unlike alienated artists of the past, I belong to the majority party -- the millions who looked over the candidates and decided they trusted Nobody. — Robert Anton Wilson
>this going unchecked
>Why do you think voter turnout is generally so low?
People don't give a shit. They just want to bitch.
...I mean, voter ID laws, obviously.
>Why was it was particularly low this election?
voting should be compulsory, like poztralia
Lazy Shillarie's thought had it in the bag, and didn't get off their asses to go vote. Lazy non-Shillarie's thought that she had it in the bag, and didn't get off their asses to go vote. This election was decided by the hardcore folks on both sides, which is really sad. I'm already looking into helping with the local voter reg groups for 2018.
A republican in California and a democrat in Alabama might as well not vote. There's always electoral safety in the 2 party system. Although contested states sometimes change.
Who knows what would happen in an actual popular vote.
>believing any polling service after this election.
actually commit to a third party then, otherwise politicians will happily cling to their base, even if it shrinks.
Tump won 30 states. Clinton won 20
You can do math can't you leaf?
Era of Good Feelings
The election only had one candidate: Trump. You either voted for him or against him.
Of course the election will have lower turnout if people have fewer real choices. Nobody voted FOR Clinton.
Committing is the problem. If you also demonstrate that your vote is unattainable, then it's just as worthless as the vote that's guaranteed. You should vote in the primaries for a candidate that pushes the party in the right direction for you, and if you get the opposite, withdraw your vote in the federal election, whether it's for a 3rd party or nobody at all.
Hillary is not an exciting candidate. If the country is shit, and your platform is "more of the same" you can bet your ass you're not gonna get elected.
That being said, i don't think choosing Kanye or miss queen nigger, would be a winning bet for the next election.
The media demonized Trump and Clinton's entire identity was "four more years of Obama"/"I'm not trump". Both depressed voter turnout.
I'm willing to bet that most people just don't give a fuck anymore.
Because most people don't give a shit and realize the government is designed to fuck them over no matter what.
The system is rigged, corporations always win they have the money and they will make it work out no matter what.
>The majority of Americans voted and Trump won
Someone should tell people that don't vote that I blame them %100 for my taxes going up to fund worthless programs.
You get an opportunity every two years to tell the gov't you don't want them taking more money from you and these lazy shits don't care.
I really hate this attitude of "they just didn't vote" it makes people think they are entitled to a re vote & go sign petttions by the millions asking for said re vote
No, you Abstained
Say it with me now ABSTAINED
isn't this the romney vs obama 538 chart from 2012?
>mfw libtards got ass blasted at people who didn't vote
Because too many retards buy into the media telling them they're vote won't matter
>Media: Drumpf has no fucking chance of winning hahahahaha don't bother
>Average retarded citizen: Gee why even bother voting then
I actually know a guy like this and no matter what I said he refused to take 5 fucking minutes out of his day to vote, saying it doesn't matter because ((((They)))) would never let Trump win