This is getting sad.
This is getting sad
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He is defeated.
Does he think coal miners still dig with physical labour?
Huh that's kind of how I feel about Sup Forums right now, but with an oven instead of coal mines and steel factories.
losing a lot of respect for some celebs I thought were cool
But the libshits burned all the coal.
What's wrong with working in a steel factory?
cool I need a job anyway
that would be awsome as they are well paying jobs
i made 150k a year in a mine here in manitoba
Kinda like seeing a guy who's entire routine is "lol XD so random" actually thinking his political opinion is worth something to people?
A retarded faux elitist piece of shit refusing to change guaranteeing another Trump term.
oh no, work is available
>fuck vital industry its better to have people living on government dole
Why are liberals so hyperbolic?
I'm already in the saltmines and it's lovely.
this lol
I would love a job! Been rough with so many businesses being closed and boarded up here.
underrated post
fuck, I thought Tim was smarter than that.
In some way I feel this too
Better a hard job than no job.
I can't wait to see all these fuckers get employed and contribute to society hahahaha
It won't be us though. Once these jobs are available we'll send women because equality.
>jew comic
>thinks he's more valuable than coal and steel workers
That's why these faggots lost.
Both are respectable jobs.
the saddest part is that tim has lost all relevancy. Once upon a time, me and all my conservative friends loved tom goes to the mayor and tim and eric, but they're digging their own graves now. honestly upsetting for me things have gotten this bad, even though i have never met tim, he was an important person to me for many years throughout high school and college
I mean... I'd be down with that.
How is this a bad thing?
Are these people so detached that they think industrial jobs are like a prison sentence?
>"p-people will have to work hard now!"
>"this is a bad thing!"
this election truly destroyed these people. their souls are crushed into dust.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? I can't wait.
>having a job is bad
wow. Didn't think this guy could sink any lower.
They are snobs and look down on that sort of work.
Seriously, what the fuck is Tim's problem?
Tim was always the unfunnier one. Eric is based and I'm sure he hasn't said anything. You could tell Tim was sad on the inside, but Eric was just a big goof having fun.
>Let's see how smug you are when there's actually jobs to apply for.
It's just whining. What do you expect from fags and SJWs?
underrated post
>producing is bad
We have too many Jewish comedians
Just gas them all
This.. I was offered a coal mining job in WV starting at 125k. Too bad I already make close to that sitting on my ass or I would have taken it.
>there will be jobs available now
Could you imagine the horror of people actually having opportunities to better themselves instead of being attached to the governmenr teat? Liberals are absolutely shitting themselves.
I work in a factory. It's pretty fun. Lots of free time to think while your body is on autopilot watching machines
It's fulfilling to , the pleasurable of feeling personally fulfilled by work and productivity is something a lazy, shiftless jew will never understand - in the same way that a virus or cancer cell would never feel if it could, the health of a body
I'm sorry what's wrong with an honest job at a steel factory? I get it's not IBM but why the fuck are liberals so smug about honest work. I'd rather work in a steel factory than be a leech on fucking welfare. It's usually white liberals or niggers who think they're too good for that type of work.
t. triggered Asian
Pretty solid jab at young internet guys desu
>implying we're not mining salt already
Can I come work at your mine please
>This guy actually thinks more factories and a larger work force is bad
man it's gonna suck being paid $20-30 an hour
do you know what coal miners and steel workers get FUCKING PAID?!
Who the fuck is this guy? I don't know shit about celebrities, haven't watched TV in 5 years.
These people are too detached from reality which is why they should stay the fuck away from politics. Celebrities are supposed to provide entertainment, nothing more.
>mocking physical labor
The effete cuck reveals himself again
>hehe look at all these losers working with their hands
As a chemical engineering major, it's literally my dream to work in a steel mill.
No joke, I would infinitely rather work in a coal mine or steel mill than the shit tier WalMart and McDonalds jobs that are livable nowdays.
i love the bantz in blue collar jobs.
>what's wrong with an honest job at a steel factory?
Enjoy dat cancer from heavy metals
Tim Heidecker hasn't actually worked in his life, so all forms of manual labor are beneath him.
>getting an actual well paying job
Yes please
Fuck celebrities anyway, all they are is propaganda tools
he was a relevant "alternative" comedian a few years ago, had a couple shows on adult swim, but now he's just another liberal twitter cuckold
The camera and attention gives them a false sense of importance, I bet trained circus monkeys feel the same thing when audiences applaud
I don't know why people are mad, that was really funny.
Especially comedians. You can't disagree with them because they always hide behind the "DUDE ITS JOKE YOU'RE TOTALLY LAME BRO" excuse.
How is having a good job funny?
OP would literally rather be a manservant cuck in the service industry, than a badass steel worker.
What a fucking faggot.
Working in steel factory is kinda nice :3 But this person wouldn't do anykind of work. Rat is rat.
>implying miners don't get paid well
Beats McDonalds and other scrub jobs anytime.
>pompous jackass mocks working-class peasants
I had no idea who this retard even was. I had to look him up.
Maybe he should look for a job in a factory too, then he'd at least be useful.
i am fond of coal miners
Almost like your sex life. I'm still laughing 2bh
Lots of small businesses in my area were shuttered when the local steel mill had massive layoffs, so I've gotta agree
b-but each individual is a special star, twinkling with its peculiar light. We are all so precious that we must aim higher! Be what you want to be! (those who work at factories, they don't realize how unique they are, it's a pity)
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enjoy dat government check you lazy nigger. Rather risk getting cancer st my job than being a cancer to society.
I think he's suggesting that skinnyfat video game players wouldn't be able to physically or emotionally handle that type of work.
Kekt chekt and rekt
Where do these pricks think we already are? Do they think we're all just twats sitting about smoking pot and getting drunk? Fuck these dicks. They don't know what waking up after a shit nights sleep to do a shit ass job to provide for people other than yourself and all you seem to accumulate is debt through one way or another to then have them degrade you and treat you like shit while demanding you find a way to provide for their lazy asses. They have no clue. None at all. They are so detached from the working classes and the average Joe it is near on unfathomable as to how they ended up there.
I'm 45 min from Birmingham, Alabama
I would gladly go work in the steel factories when they come back full force.
If I was unemployed, damn straight I would go marching into a new coal mine or steel factory to secure a job.
coal mine and steel factory work sounds manly as fuck.
here have an old kodachrome from when americans had an industry.
I wish I had a manufacturing or mining job. Just go there for 8 hours go back to your home and live your life. Instead I am preoccupied with work every single hours I am awake incuding the weekends
Celebrities are just normies who lucked out and wandered straight into getting used by the Jews
anyone can adjust to heavy labor in a few weeks. I went from being a lazy fat piece of shit, to pretty damn strong after like a month of heavy duty landscaping work.
I don't think that should be much of a problem in CURRENT YEAR.
>indirectly insulting americans who want or worked those jobs
the libcucks will never understand
their entire platform is based around some sort of petty and malicious harassment against anyone who doesn't fall in line
granted, it polarizes people, it forces people to take sides, it makes people adopt (or reject) identities, it works as a divide and conquer tactic for (((them))) so who knows.
>Do they think we're all just twats sitting about smoking pot and getting drunk?
yes, that's all most of these twitterlibs do
>more jobs for Americans
>oh noooo, this sucks
The fuck?
>will be funny seeing all these people get well paying jobs that fund families and give pensions
Huh, thanks Tim!
What a shame. I used to love this guy, but he can't even hide behind 20 layers of irony that he's butthurt.
you have to go back
sparwood is the best place now
actually yeah, i'd love a job in the energy industry. thanks, trump for trying to bring back coal mining