Saint Joan of Trump. executioner of cuckolds and media. destroyer on the pale horse. patron saint of unfed children the world over. battle queen of Sup Forums.
"no, cuckold. you don't get my name. you get a 'fuck you'."
Saint Joan of Trump. executioner of cuckolds and media. destroyer on the pale horse. patron saint of unfed children the world over. battle queen of Sup Forums.
"no, cuckold. you don't get my name. you get a 'fuck you'."
She's either high on drugs on mentally ill desu
You can just tell
She's still right though
those are the best
she's a little bit thin but 10/10 wife material
nope. discernment is required, user.
she is on the red-pill. she was transfigured into a righteous destroyer, overtaken by the Holy Ghost. Pentecost was real. The Almighty LORD lives.
My god, she stares right into his soul and shatters it. Glorious
>implying 90% of Sup Forums could even tame that
I'll like a drunk gf like that ;_;
>those pupils
holy kek shes on some serious shit
"You don't get a name, you get a fuck you"
My god, its the perfect response to a SJW when they demand your name.
this chick is fucking insane right?
That's a relative term nowadays.
She's wasted
Been around enough coked up people to be able to spot them a mile away.
I'm in love tbqhwy my fellow lads.
Fuck all ya'll, she my waifu now!
name? any info?
Stay away from her! She's mine and I love her!
If she weren't a foaming-at-the-mouth Trumpite, she'd be a foaming-at-the-mouth Hilldog. Cranky junkie is cranky
We have the best junkies, don't we folks?
yes, but in a good way
Fuck off. My bet is that she has been bullied over Trump several times in the last few minutes, and is taking out her frustrations.
I would make sweet, sweet love to that darling maniac. I would have many children and full gunsades with her, and maybe buy a farm big enough for sniper drills.
I always knew Winona Ryder was a based celeb. Think she took her method a little far with that new crack head role though
She doesn't look nothing like that oven dodger.
The only negative about her is being brown eyed.
She should be included in Trump's Cabinet.
Christ, she looks like she's been staying up for 4 days straight. No makeup, completely unpampered, barely resembling a lady.
Yet this is the kind of woman I'd want protecting and raising my kids. That fucking fury.
What's her name again?
She's.... beautiful
redpill a Spanish or an Italian girl.
And learn to not get angry when she throws dishes at your head.
I don't care if she is high, mentally ill, or just white trash. (She might not be any of those things, just happy cucks are BTFO)
She is what we fought for. We fought for the common citizen, the person who wants to fight for what is right. For the person who wants freedom and not communism. For the person who wants to Make America Great Again instead of giving away our wealth to every third world shithole and (((banker))) while letting in these wretched foreign hordes who are changing our 1st world Western culture founded on European Enlightenment.
>She is doing her part in the fight against the (((Media))) the (((Shills))) the (((Cucks))) and (((Soros))). Will you?
MAGA and then we help make the world great again!
Don't tarnish her name over some memes fucking burger, she's a saint
Maybe also the fact that she's unhinged, shrill, and teeming over with nervous excitement?
>tfw Sup Forums can't identify obvious crazy pussy
she's as high as a fucking kite, damn
still based
I have no idea to what she was referring but hahahah fucking awesome rant
Personally I'm a huge fan of crazy pussy, they let you fuck them raw and the sex is insane. And when they're not being crazy they're actually really interesting. But only redpilled ones. Crazy liberal ones (ALL LIBS ARE CRAZY) turn into Hillary
She ain't going to Spain, she wants to MAGA!
More white women voted for Trump than Hillary
I just remembered why i love white women.
What you gotta do... you grab em by the pussy!
But I can go there!
(Here is going bad and our (((populist))) party is a lefty communist cockmomglers, so I have nothing to lose.
I can't stop watching this.
>Fuck you, motherfucker.
>t-thank you
I really like it. I'd waifu desu senpai.
>tfw no crazy Trump loving gf
She's high on patriotism
>tfw no Trump loving charmingly crazy gf, and neither will you get an awesome president so people will be unnapreciatibe motherfuckers
Just end it my dude
>head swinging around
>wide open eyes
>trembling voice
She is batshit crazy
Judging from her weight she is probably on drugs/ medication too
So yes
The trick is to jump into one of the dishes and try and place it somewhere that wont hurt. I've found that after first contact the tears, apologies, and hot latin doin-it usher forth.
Dont make that mistake with knives though, if she grabs a knife go sleep on a friend's couch. Trust me, stab wounds are horrible.
I'm a former junkie
>3 years clean now
She wasn't high or strung out, she may have had a few drinks though
She is just a high school educated working class woman who took the red pill and is tired of the libcuck's shit
We created her, now we must fight for her. She was right about every fucking thing she said
>She's probably too skinny because she has to work 2 part time jobs in Obonga's economy to get by
Add her to media cabinet Trump!
>mfw she is high on red pills
Damn, that's some high energy right there.
The cucks just went all silent on her aswell, kek'd.
>tfw no redpilled gf to do bathsalts with
>ywn have a conservative gf who gets beligerent drunk and bitches out fuckbois
not sure if based or insane or meth
ima go with all 3
>this is what all future white women will be in the future.
I am convinced I died and I am now in heaven.
As long as you'll help the Right Wing Death Squads
She overdosed on redpills.
Where do I find women like this
So this is what it's like when Anita Sarkeesian takes the red pill.
This is so cringy
When the world has gone mad, the sane ones are called crazy.
Even the insane have a place in this war.
All women are mentally ill
She's the good kind
She's not red pilled she's just dumb.
People like this do more harm than good.
Same with retarded stormfags.
>the only white woman openly supporting Trump is mentally ill
Really makes you think huh?
Sage advice, friend-o
pls be my gf
>hates NatSoc
>hates based white women
You are a cuck
I dont think she was high or insane.
Shes is a hero and the QUEEN OF Sup Forums
this user knows what is up.
>implying clinton voter women are sane
say one bad thing about her to my face, you little cunt.
This is the most blatant case of "Don't stick your dick in crazy." I have ever seen.
Get it together Sup Forums.
ALL women are crazy.
At least with her there's a possibility she could redpill the shit out of your kids (if she doesn't cook them in the oven)
>Hating stormfag autists means you hate Natsoc
I think it means he hates socially-repulsive hicks that have grown the movement a total of -3 people since 1991. If you associate yourself with Mantra-spamming sotrmfags you should probably go patrol 8/pol/ for "JIDF".
she turns me the fuck on she looks like a Celtic warrior that would run at romans naked
>Honey, where are the kids?
when you`re a woman and accidentally take super male vitality instead of super female vitality..
good awesome hart ....lmao this girl sounds Canadian where the fuck is this filmed
She comes off like a character on SNL.
>Fuck off. My bet is that she has been bullied over Trump several times in the last few minutes, and is taking out her frustrations.
Mfw >mexican intellectual is actually right on this one
You infinite madman
pls be my redpilled gf
poor girl you know all she needs is to be held down hard and fucked rough
this thread dies and no one sees my get. sad!
a real woman! awesome!
democrat women are huge turnoff
trips trips
My top place to meet chicks
This guy dated an Italian or Greek girl i can vouch for that.
Especially the knife part
Based meth head is based.
>tfw no Spanish gf to yell at me in EspaƱol during siesta sensual time
why even live lads?