What is he thinking right about now?
What is he thinking right about now?
>I should start masturbating to anime, senpai
Salty af
More importantly: was he right?
>these are not people who matter in the overall course of humanity
neither are you with that attitude.
media on full damage control mode.
Jokes on him, I'm a childless single white man who masturbates to furry
Must be pissed knowing Eggfart McMuffin did nothing in Utah.
Fact: Anime masturbators are the most powerful race in the world
Yes we are, bow down to us cuck
We are the law now
Boku no Pico
Hes thinking "they aren't real political players like Romney and Kristol"
>tfw gonna masturbate to anime tonight
Feels good, normies finally got what was coming to them, hope they all die.
Honestly, I only ever wanted to prove this guy wrong specifically. When I heard this, I knew that Trump would be the hammer required to smash the normies.
he got cucked by his own daughter
The rope.
Correction: childless single men who masturbate to anime and live in Florida so their vote matters way more than yours
I want a shinobu :(
As long as whatever it is isn't my waifu.
Is masturbating to anime degenerate?
That they just showed evidence for this:
There's no Alt-right, they just needed a fancy name connected to Trump to attack,
because "'dozens of internet virgins' who support Trump hurt my feelings today" weren't a good headline.
Literally my only complaint about Trump.
No its just deplorable.
Goddamn that glorious
Post all your americanime everyone!
Mikasa's butt
Don't mess with anime girls
>Is spilling my seed to japanese images of women instead of even fucking real women degenerate?
Fucking idiot, of course it is.
Jerking off at all is technically degenerate.
Doing it to anything besides pristine, white, american or european pussy is just compounding the degeneracy.
>if he's gonna need that 2nd mortgage
>what his career will be now
>whether the sleep pills he needs to turn off his fevered, humiliated brain at night will still be covered when obamacare is gutted
i thought these assholes were supposed to be tolerant. where is the
"Damn those childless single men that masturbate to anime!"
>Childless single men
And Hillary's voters are perpetually single women and effeminate "men" who masturbate to their girlfriends fucking somebody else when they're not taking care of her kid(s).
> who masturbate to anime
Not an argument, and don't knock it till you try it.
>theyre not real political players
>not people who matter in the overall course of humanity
until they BTFO your party and decide who gets elected
What is this from?
Where was his much-vaunted "last minute surprise" that he and Liz Mair were drumming up?
>People who don't matter in the course of humanity
And yet somehow these people managed to beat you and elect the highest office in the land. Stay salty my friend.
Some Nevada tan shit there
You wouldn't like it, it's about little magical girls who did mma fighting. Just last episode a girls rib cage got obliterated
bruh that sounds hot
Nothing hot about a little hobo girl who wants to crubstomp her old friend to prove a point.
im black tho
can i still jack it to chinese cartoons?
Not about the last two sentences, apparently.
posting wokada is cheating
Hes really salty
Didnt work in his favor
I'll be honest, I did it all for Rick.
He shouldn't have crossed my waifus.
She got fucked up
yes you filthy race traitor
I bet being childless and masturbating to anime is sounding pretty good right now.
downloading season 2 of Non Non Biyori off Nyaa
He also said we weren't significant political players
Hell of a lot more significant than Rick Wilson in the end though
Yeah, if they want me to be supportive of folks who cut their dicks off, they should really be a bit more tolerant of my porn choices.
She's probably dead.
lolifags BTFO
He's not wrong.
They have to realize that Sup Forums feeds on their usual means of attack and has inexhaustible manpower.
Hundreds of thousands in it for the keks is a political force.
Remember when Nanoha was magical girls with technoweapons flying around?
That we're childless single men who masturbate to anime?
and people think we are shitposting.
goddammit they can be competition for the maple niggers and ausfags
That's a Nanona anime? Are you rusing me?
More America anime!