Trump nominated creationalist for Education and guy who denies climate change for Enviroment
Good goverment lads
Trump nominated creationalist for Education and guy who denies climate change for Enviroment
Good goverment lads
If I were a polandball I'd be more concerned about the US defense secretary.
>putin about to come knocking
>Implying education matters at all when so many morons here believe in something called meme magic
It's dumb but Trump is dumb so this is all expected.
Sarah Palin can see Russia from her window. They will be okay.
t. Poland
He did it to trigger fedoras. Apparently it's working
where is the proof? i want to laugh too.
Even devout Catholics aren't LITERAL creationists.
Why do liberals point this out rather than the fact that he was a neurosurgeon?
Shouldn't you be training to fight off the Russians?
Things that never happened
Because he is lauded for his achievements as a neurosurgeon so why not criticize him for his dumb fuck beliefs as well? Fair is fair.
Because having higher education is something you'd expect from Secretary of Education. Having complete disregard for science isn't.
Hillary is outsourcing CTR overseas because it's too expensive for American shills now kek
Of course a polish cathocuck would believe the evolution theory lie
Years of Liberal butthurt incoming..retract common core and replace it with standing for the national anthem every single class and have mandatory church in school.
Make Pence the new Secretary For Gay Rights and Secretary For Womens Reproductive Rights. And Ambassador General to Gay America.
because denying scientific evidence in favour of religious illusion is bad if you're in charge of education, mkay?
Don't worry, you won't last long enough to see the payout
Trump hasn't "nominated" anyone yet, nerd virgin.
I would rather have a creationist capitalist than an atheist socialist in any position.
>god didn't create the ayy lmaos who evolved us
true or disinfo?
Climate change doesn't exist. Evolution is bullshit. Trump is ticking all my boxes so far.
america was at its greatest in the 40, 50s right? at least by everyone standards. Im pretty sure, more than sure that most of the people in politics believed in god, taught creationism and didnt care for the environment. can you honestly tell me that trump isn't going to make america great again?
>Implying anyone cares what fucking Irish think
Disinfo, Trump hasn't nominated anybody
These are just names being floated around, people who want the job
Trump is keeping people in the dark. Any names you see floating around are bullshit.
>60% white
>Ireland 90%+ white