Kanye West General /kwg/

Let's meme Kanye West into the Democratic Nomination 2020.

It will be the most hilarious election of all time.

Trump vs Kanye

It will even top the Meme War 2015-2016.

Other urls found in this thread:


>based Kim Kardashian as first lady of USA


kanye is a dumbass




That's why we want to make him the Dem nominee.

no more niggers senpai

I'd rather have Jackie Chan

>I keep it 300, like the Romans

His influence with blacks and hipsters is too strong he will win DONT DO THIS GUYS YOUR PLAYING WITH FIRE

>eurocucks want the whitehouse BLACKED again

I'd say Kim should run for president in 2020. It's time for a female president after all.

fuck off nigger lover

if duplicate numerals Sup Forums memes jackie chan into the democratic nomination for 2020

Having a black president was one of the most destructive things for this country in decades. Electing an undedicated black person who sings would be even worse.


are you guys scared Kanye West could beat Donald Trump in a presidential election?

Seriously lol?

>all these people falling for the identity politics meme

i thought we are done with thisn ow that the liberals are gone

wew lad

>muah skin color

fuck off retards

I actually like kanye and might vote for him. I love his music


Kek is a god of chaos, he won't be on our side forever. By posting this thread you've already put the mechanism into action. DELETE DELETE DELETE

KANYE 2020

This is actually a great idea. It will reveal race equality for what it is: liberal hippie bullshit

Fuck no, what is wrong with you?
One retarded nigger was more than enough.
Kanye is probably the stupidest famous people in America, I don't think anyone else would fuck up our country worse.

Well, maybe Trudeau.


I'm sorry, I can't do this.

Getting Trump into office AGAIN after this tear-filled meltdown of the libs? Drinking all their tears AGAIN?!

Priceless. Maybe #Kanye2024.

>his music
he samples old melodies and adds a beat. the originals are infinitely better and he rarely produces original compositions.

original "New Slaves" sample


Get Sup Forums in on this.

this. Sup Forums has incredible meme magic potential

>hell be fine

>Kanye is probably the stupidest famous people in America

i think thats Trump

notice a pattern here?

pic related is the best album of 2010s, kanye would be better that drumpft

that usually is harder to do (right) than actually starting from scratch


>best album

Good luck getting Sup Forums to meme a nigger into office, a dumb nigger at that.

>this will trigger Sup Forums

not into office

did you even read the thread

we meme him into the nomination for the democratic party stop the better candidates they have lined up

>Not keeping it 7-1 like the Brazilians

Let's do this.



he would have the most articulate speeches though tbqh

That gif gave me cancer

it's 4am germany i can't read properly.

If that's the case, yes. I even joked about this yesterday although I was talking third party.

He would steal the fuck out of the joke vote, the young vote and the black vote and meme Trump into a 2020 second term.

let's go

trump needs the joke vote

I own west2020.com



Harambe stole the joke vote. I think from one gorilla to another Kanye should steal it back.

MUAHAHA The French

Dude, NO.
He WILL WIN because blacks, Hispanics, and wiggers are fucking retarded.

He will completely fuck all the shit that Donald unfucks. Focus on fixing your government.

kanye is the man of the people we need him

trump is a billionaire

kanye 2020

Bernie/Kanye 2020?

We are wrapping up 8 years of a black guy that did nothing for the country during that time and you want to elect another one?

How about Aidan Gillien for Director of the CIA?

you can't

He was referring top CCC which means cool, calm & collected.

kek, not your place to decide burgers. USA belongs to Sup Forums now.


hell no, one nigger president damaged your contry too much already, you wouldn`t bear another one of those nigs


friendly reminder that kek already confirmed

thats great man

He rhymes (aka raps) fucker can't even hum in key.

Hell no.

can we meme this dumb guy so trump can stay even longer in the white house?

lets do this

user, please, you're giving me a boner.

Can you believe that I have never heard any of his songs yet?

You take the Trump President meme and real memes the wrong way.
This time it was not for the lolz, faggot.

No, Ahmed


you missed out on this redpill then

Wait, isn't he already moving?

He is a good christian man, like this guy

go back to plebbit you dumb motherfucker

I support this idea.
We need either Kanye West as the meme candidate, or Jim Webb for the win-win scenario. Personally I want Webb but Kanye would be hilarious.

Are you retarded? Like not in a meme way are you mentally challenged?
The guy claims that "god chose him" and that he is a "god's vessel"
If you were to say this and was not popular you'd be send to a mental ward

Tweet him to run over time he will.

>The guy claims that "god chose him" and that he is a "god's vessel"

can you imagine the democratic party mental breakdown when he wins the nomination cause of meme magic??

holy shit

it would be the best thing ever

maybe he is
god works in mysterious ways and all

this house aint freeeeeeeee

I love his music but no, he's very fucking dumb


It is time for the American empire to rise and for that we need a dynasty. It'll be Donald Jr, Ivanka, and then Barron. Pence may be Emperor for a while.

I hope he does run so then he spits the Democratic vote



I think that is the point.

we meme the don
we meme tha kan

there is nothing you can do that goes against kek's will


Just like the Democrats wanted Trump to be the nominee because Hillary would defeat him with ease?

I'd rather not take the chance, thanks.

How about Michael Jackson clone instead, i mean come on it's 2020

Kanye will flip evangelicals blue. They fucking loved Jesus Walks

No, fuck off Germany

Id rather see Kanye become someones vice president who just nogs and cuts in when it's not appropriate for entertainment

>next election: kanye vs swift
>the Voice of a Generation vs Der Fuhrer of the white race

>Der Fuhrer of the white race

she is Drakes GF

in a way the 'god' KeK would have chose him if this meme stuff took off with him

lol, no

The 2020 Dem primaries will be a fucking disaster.

>Elizabeth Warren
>Michelle Obama
>Kanye West
>Cory Booker
>Howard Dean
>Bernie Sanders

Warren might win it for them if the god emperor proves to be a disaster (his choices for a team atmo aren't getting hopes up. I thought he was cleaning out washington)

And Drake is a nice young Jewish boy.

WTF is happening to Sup Forums... it is becoming a normal tolerant board full of hugs and kisses faggots

bernie will die before 2020

Ayo I didn't win this shit cuz they is white racists

just wait

trump will realize his campaign was built on empty promises and will flop on most of them

this place will return to the nihilistic cesspool we all know and love sometime around February 2017

>Implying Carson would have been that bad.

But yes, an arrogant manlette musician isn't what our country needs.

I'll nominate you for guillotine testing, Hans.

>implying they won't rebuild him as a cyborg

I actually quite enjoyed his Yeezus album a couple of years ago.

Kanye 2020 is a reddit meme.