The Fury invades the DC Universe. What happens?

The Fury invades the DC Universe. What happens?

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If he goes behing the Justice League then he is fucked. If he goes behind Darkseid he is also fucked. If he goes behind the Doom Patrol they will find a way to fuck him up.

He is stronger than JL and jobseid. You have a very pleb mindset.

I agree with Doom Patrol.

superman punches it to the phantom zone

The Fury is powerful enough to one-shot Miracle Man and it killed a reality warper. The Justice League is dead and Darkseid too.

>reality warper
Pssh, that's just an average Wednesday for the JL.

Fury invades the DC Universe. What happens?

When will Gaiman finish those issues?

My wish come true. An end to all the madness. When he is done cleaning house, he can go to the Marvel Universe next.

I am sure Superman will find a way to stop him like he did with Mandrakk. Also, don't forget batwankery.

>what happens
The writer makes him lose. DC still like most of their heroes unlike Marvel who’s actively trying to shoot themselves in the foot

He would have like less than an attomsecond to find a way. Not possible.

Miracleman isn't THAT strong though, compared to the higher-tier Marvel superheroes

Hmm, the Doom Patrol may able to destroy The fury. They did beat the Decreator after all...They may be able to trick it into the not existing city of Orqwith in the land of the Scissormen. When it returns from non-existence, there will be the one and only chance to destroy it.
Yeah, the Doom Patrol will do the task.

Superman is fast enough to find a way, and the Flash is more than capable of taking it down. Oh, and The Gentry probably eat the Fury once they notice it.

Yeah you are right, fuck Batman.

When Qwisp attacked the JL they had no chance, they only won because they reported him to the 5th police.
And The Fury would be able to kill Qwisp.

>Fury might be able to kill a 5th dimensional imp
Ok, how?

That's how Superman has dealt with Mr. Mxyzptlk in Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?, but do not forget, The Fury survived the destruction of its universe and can move from universe to universe.

Vacuum Metastability Cannon.

I like the Fury, because he give me SMT/Megaten vibes.

Fury has to compete with the already well-established spy fiction side of the DCU and struggles for relevancy alongside people just as capable and ruthless as him.

please the league will job then superman will save the day like always. it's superforce, aint gotta explain shit day the story will end. All stories end my dear.

>The Fury
>"Killing" a Fifth Dimensional Imp
Hahahahahahaha, No. 5th Dimensional Imps would utterly curbstomp the Fury into oblivion, and then pull him back from oblivion just to torment it for eternity. And these guys aren't even particularly powerful amongst DC Cosmics.

What's up with The Fury and Jim Jaspers nowadays?

yada yada he lifts the rock anyways chum

>And these guys aren't even particularly powerful amongst DC Cosmics.
I have read Superman and Batman: World's Funnest and I know only the Presence is more powerful than those little fuckers.

> day the story will end. All stories end my dear.
do i even have to post the watchmen quote, except The Fury will not utter a single word and just kill everyone.

>Being this pleb

The Fury defeated world shapers, by taking them outside of the world and reality, where being a "reality warper" means nothing.

>The power of nihilism

>Being this retarded
DC's middle-tiers are following capable of devastating the entire Multiverse with trivial ease. And the Fury's ability to "pull beings outside reality" won't work when most of DC's Cosmics operate entirely outside the Multiverse itself. And even if the Fury DID try to do so, it would most likely catapult itself into the Overvoid, at which point it swiftly ceases to exist.

>DC's middle-tiers
Listen here, faggot. 5 dimensional beings aren't middle cosmic tier, they are highest level cosmic, only beings like Decreator are more powerful.

The Fury didn't pull things outside of reality.

It pulled Mad Jack Jaspers outside of existence.

This is because Mad Jack Jaspers is such a strong reality warper he literally infected contunity and Otherworld was never going to return to normalcy.

This resorted to the Captain Britain Corps using their ultimate desperate act: Erase Otherworld.

The Fury survived being literally removed from the Canon of the story.

This puts The Fury on a stronger level than Rune King Thor, one of the only other beings able to edit the Multiverse of Marvel on the same level as the Full Captain Britain Corps and the Beyonders.

The Fury also assimilates the abilties of those it absorbs, so it has all the powers of Mad Jack Jaspers and Captain Britain.

And Captain Britain would be a DC Superman tier because his power is literally "Be the superhero the plot demands"

Rune King Thor only worked on a local Universal level.

>On a local universal level

Wrong. Not a single Thor since Rune King Thor goes through the cycle of Ragnarok now.

Is Furyposting the new thing? I've seen 5 Fury threads in the past week. Not that they last long, but still.
I like it.

>5 dimensional beings aren't middle cosmic tier, they are highest level cosmic, only beings like Decreator are more powerful.
Only in comparison to beings like say, The Spectre (who is utterly useless against anything The Presence doesn't specifically what him to take down). Against things like Lucifer Morningstar, or Michael Demiurgos, they get wrecked. They're also liable to end up getting reaped by Death Of The Endless when all is said and done.

Guy who brought up the Fury.

I just brought him up to counter the Thanos/ Darksied Shitposting threads.

Fact is the Fury is very specifically a good counter for shit like Thanos but, like said in this thread, can be beaten by people like the Doom patrol because he's still just a single minded robot.

It's like Rock-Paper-Scissors!

Pretty much.

Plot bullshittery like Batwank won't even save you, only a good well written reason for the Fury to lose.

I mean it's not even dead in Captain Britain, just forgotten.

Read Bizarro Comics sometime, they're specks in the pond.


5D imps work in the Bleed, and that’s basically where he took alt Jaspers.

I hate that fucker.

The Fury is the Darkness.

He is the Gun in the Alleyway.

Bleed is still in the Multiverse.

Alt Jaspers was sent to a Non-existance bubble where Otherworld used to be before it was surgically removed.

So Rock of Eternity if they nuked Rock of Eternity?

Also, the thing in pic related was apparently a 5D Imp, one that was fully capable of devouring Hellmachine of The Gentry (once it was sufficiently weakened of course). Make of that what you will.

Wouldn’t the Fury have a harder time traveling the DC multiverse because it’s vibration based instead of membrane based?

Sort of.

Imagine if you cut a hole in a bit of paper, lied the paper flat and then pushed a marble onto the paper.

It's now on the Paper.

Now push it onto the hole.

It's now not on the paper.

But it's still a marble. That's the Fury, the Fury is and always will be a marble.

I think the Fury would just find it's way to a Mother Box.

Or even worse, a Father Box.

If that's easier than just adapting itself.

The Fury is Doctor Who if Doctor who was also a Terminator.

The only thing that can beat Doctor Who is King Arthur: Mall Cop.

You know what would be interesting? If the Fury invades some shonen story like Dragon Ball or One Piece? I mean, how would a shonen protagonist would deal with something that can't just be blasted away?

>I think the Fury would just find it's way to a Mother Box.
>Or even worse, a Father Box.
That would be a very good way to have the Fury either explode (Source Energy from the Mother Box), or be overwritten and hijacked by the Gods Of Apokolips (The Father Box). And the latter would most certainly be a bad end for the multiverse.

Every time something tried to do that, The Fury simply took control.

Also, Source powered Fury sounds fucking horrific.

>Every time something tried to do that, The Fury simply took control.
The New Gods are Platonic Ideals, they exist wherever they're concepts are, and the Fury most certainly embodies several concepts that Apokolips is full of. The most likely scenario however, is that the Gods fuse with the Fury willingly, creating a symbiotic relationship between them. The Fury gets even more power to use to devastate existence, and the New Gods get a near-indestructible vessel through which they can project their essences out into the Multiverse at large. It's a win-win.

That sounds like the outcome. Fuck me the Fury is a better DC villain than a Marvel one because Marvel is afraid of doing high end shit like this.

I think Nobody would be able to control the Fury. Hell, he would even make him a member of the Brotherhood of Dada.

If you put The Fury on DB then Goku and everybody are fucked for sure. Fury would learn how to hakai shit,

>The Quiz
>The Toy
>The Brutalist
>The Fury
Even the name would fit, and the Fury is mindless as Nobody's universe.

My dear do you think DC and Marvel will still be around 300 or 400 years form now? I get that you love Morrison and Moore, but one day there will be an end. That is the nature of reality. There is no forever, which I find to be beautiful in itself.

I think Jiren would outsmart it.

I'm going to dump the fight between Jaspers and The Fury, so that Newcomers have an idea what The Fury is.


The Fury is a very beautiful thing/ideal. An end to all the madness.

Get off the Internet, Empty Hand. You aren't welcome here.


Madness, pure madness. What good is a never-ending story, never-ending chaos? Let it go.


this shouldnt work. The Fury and Jaspers himself are a reality in their own. Jaspers should be able to re-space using himself.

if there's even a single book in the trash can or if bitrot hasnt degraded all the comics on the internet then theyre still around


The Fury and Jasper are not real user. look at the borders.

They're outside the comic book. Jaspers has no power there, The Fury did.

>Let it go.
Never. Sure, the stories of heroes may pass, their recitals fading from the world, the texts they were inscribed within turning to dust over many years, all from the passing of time, slow and inexorable. But guess what friendo? It doesn't matter that this stories end, that people forget the tales eventually, that the exact words and names and phrases disappear into the sands of time. You know why?

Because what those stories represent, their very core, the moral foundations that they've provided, the inspiration that they give to countless people all over the world, the true heroism and courage they give to those who wish to change their world, all these things are what a Good Story gives
Us. So it doesn't matter whether or not a story "Ends". The core concept that it's birthed from will still live on, will still beat within the hearts of those beloved few who the tale resonates with. That's why, no matter what comes, The Story will never end, because people will Always, no matter what, have something to believe in.

Dust in the wind, my love. Just give it time.

I love how the return from Un-Reality shows The Fury literally bursting from the white page back into the comic book.

I think no one in Dragon Ball has a chance against The Fury.

A pity...Very well, enjoy your "tales". I will be watching and waiting for the moment it all falls apart and fades away. Good day.

>Escape will make me God.

>will be watching and waiting for the moment it all falls apart and fades away
how many years do you expect to live user?

goddamn this is class

Sorry, Gentry. Despite what you may try to force into the hearts and minds of people, there are those who genuinely love comics and the heroes triumphing over Evil. Your dire nihilism and despair has no power here.

>Talking to a Gentry Drone
user, please.

Both are scary.

I have no words. This is beautiful.

Wouldn't this apply to any reality warper?

Now I want Robot Fury to call people cocksuckers like Regular Nick Fury.

Only Marvel ones since only Marvel has a universe empty of reality.
Not to mention the fight drained The Fury of most of its power leading to its death by Alt-Captain Britain.

Jaspers was like a sculptor without clay. No reality to control meant he had to rely on his natural powers, which he didn’t have.

Why didnt Jaspers just will the fury away?

It only applies to beings like Jasper who can’t create ex nihlo.

Jasper was a reality warper, not a reality creator.

Mr Mxyz got trapped in an underground rapedungeon by Bloodmoon Brainac, Superman-Prime and Jort-El of all people. He ain't shit.

Because the Fury isn’t from his reality.

You have to remember this is Jaspers 2. It was Jaspers 1 that created the Fury.

Demiurge, not God.

Existing in non-existence is a contradiction to me and I can't really wrap my head around it in terms of substance.

You can't be something and nothing at the same time because in that same vein you are something and not nothing.

It’s just a big void left when the Captain Britain core nuked Overworld to prevent Jim Jaspers 1 from attacking other worlds.

He did will the entire universe away, but The Fury survived against this attack. Maybe the Fury has a defence against Jaspers will away?
>Gonna post the Captain Britain vs Jaspers "fight"

so why didnt he will his universe away?
