Mother punishes young son for "voting Donald Trump"
>Git yo shit and git out

Yes, he obviously can vote.


to be fair, the kid would be better off on the street than growing up in that house

It was a mock class election and the mother niggress found out.

this desu

Is anywhere reporting her name?

any way to report this cunt?

I love seeing niggers get punished.

even the based ones.

So if he grows up, will he remember this moment? Will he be redpilled?

>they are literally breeding a generation of democrats hating blacks

fake and gay
as to be expected of negs

>don't care about politics or know anything about them like any other kid

>have white friends that are nice to you and want to fit in with them

>they want Trump because their parents do so you just jump in on their hype and have fun

>"mom" berates you and makes you feel like a piece of shit

I'm raging 2bh

liberals will defend this

kid is screaming in terror at being abandoned by the only protector/guardian he knows.

whether the mother was actually abandoning him for real or whether she pulled him back inside later off-camera, the kid thinks it's real. and he's terrified.

this is abuse.

The kid will be damaged by this for years to come.

Do you think will happen?

>No father
Why am I not surprised?
Oh right

Mr. President! Please find and rescue this boy! He would be safer with harambe...

This must be what happens to generations of black people. Their crazy parents fuck them up. I mean the kid seems normal , but after she is through with him he won't be.

No, probably not. Most people sympathize with their abusers, and the pull of black identity politics when you're being raise by a single mom in the ghetto is horribly strong.