I'm gonna miss the CTR memes. They had a "so bad it's good" vibe to them

I'm gonna miss the CTR memes. They had a "so bad it's good" vibe to them.

got some more?

Yeah, I will never understand why they made Trump into a dog in this one.

This, Dahnaldposting and JebĀ” made this election.

So fucking stupid that is funny



Some like pic related were dangerously good, but it all came too late. If they had mastered the magic of PEEPEE POOPOO and the Pepe vs Wojack dynamic months earlier Hillary might have won.



what does CTR stand for.


Does anyone have the pic where CTR admitted pro-Hillary memes arent working?

Correct the record

ironic false flag memes

Don't forget spidey steve!

Correct the record

can i join?

>tfw there's a timeline where Clinton won and I'm mining pol salt

unfortunately we entered the berenstein universe again FUCK

The classic underdog. Almost forgot about that.

the "safe space for drumpfy" was my favorite

That is exactly what I suspected.
They were so poorly drawn and cringe-inducing like with the derpy eyes and the jagged teeth.

I think it's hilarious that they got the Pepe coloring off.

drumpftard plz

so bad its good

they understood this part of Sup Forums