You asked for it.
>can't get medicare because of preexisting conditions
well that's going to be shit isn't it?
Because that's fucking glorious if true. Medicare and Medicaid are fucking cancer.
You do know that the biggest promise of obamacare "lowering the price of r premiums" spectacularly failed
you want retirees and disabled people to be burried in debt?
mother had a stroke, she's on medicare as a result, you don't just decide to have a stroke
and we did have an emergency savings account, there was over 60k in it, we depleted it because the cost of her therapy sessions was insane
Privatising =/ ending
There is nothing less efficient on the planet Earth than state run/funded healthcare
i know but a disabled person cant pay a monthly premium for medicare if they dont have an income and literally cannot work because they have limited use of their left arm and leg
Fatfuck Boogie will be dead soon enough.
I mean, let's spell this shit out. Old people get sick and need a gazillion fucking prescriptions to stay alive. No private company is going to make a profit off them, so they'll drop elderly people who cost them too much money. Privatizing medicare is basically setting up euthanasia camps for people who reach the age of 65.
Smart. Medicare should have never lasted this long.
>Privatising =/ ending
if we do that, in 40 years, we will have 35 yr olds running for president
remember you're on Sup Forums
every reply to actual problems is some variant of "libtard cuck" or "meme magic will fix it"
how about we re-work dissability payments so that it stops going to lazy-ass NEETS like you all, and goes to people who actually need it
(the ACTUALLY disabled) you have no excuse to not find a job, assuming you aren't already at work now
the disabled and elderly are fucking dead weight to the country anyway. They are about to die why waste money on them?
Stroke Victims, Blind, Wheelchair bound, injured veterans, etc etc
people who have been rendered disabled to the point that it affects their quality of life, for worse
not someone who has "autism" or "ADHD" or "depression" yes, Depression is real, it sucks, but you learn to cope, get a productive hobby, i race RC nitro cars on the weekend (BIGGEST MONEY PIT HOBBY IN THE HISTORY OF HOBBIES, MIND YOU!!) and it helps me cope, some perscriptions help too
sitting on your ass and shitposting on a Taiwanese upside down finger trap website isn't a valid reason to get dissability payments
>be veteran
>get disabled defending your country
>government backstabs you and leaves you to die
enticing policy
jeeze, don't poke an eye out with that edgy, boy
Fake as fuck. State healthcare is probably the only thing that works. You can create size economies and save a fuckton of money with pharmaceuticals.
>mother had a stroke, she's on medicare as a result, you don't just decide to have a stroke
was she a lard ass?
because if she was then you do.
hes rich enough to pay for his own treatment actually.
obamacare just makes the rest of us pay for his bullshit.
Good, I remember when health insurance was privatised. Those were the good ole days.
Please name me 1 government run program that is at least as efgicient if not more so than an equivalent private sector position.
You have the nerve to say that on veterans day? Jump in a lake fag
>State healthcare is probably the only thing that works
If I get cancer, I'd have to wait 2-3 years for surgery/chemo without a private insurance
I'm a 30% disabled veteran and I was working, but then I developed rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis at 33. We're still trying to get a treatment plan that works but for the moment I can barely walk (I've got bone spurs in both feet and both knees from damage done by the autoimmune diseases) and I'm always in pain.
>serve your country
>get legs blown off by an IED
>return home, unabled to work, stuck in wheelchair, cuz no legs
>end up homeless, government backstabs you
you're literally describing a Hillary Clinton style government
a good friend of mine got left leg ripped off by an IED explosion in Iraq in 2004, he came back, and the government paid for his prosthetic and therapy to get used to it
his leg ends in a stump just after his knee
One day you will be old too faggot.
Kek, not in Italy, faggot.
That's because your country is a third world shithole. America is the real world.
But we won't be dead broke because we wasted our money stuffing our faces or buying good little goyim merchandise.
Good thing as long is you don't get cucked into federal obligation to get insured by a private company like us.
>You asked for it.
What part of "Make America Great Again" don't you understand?
So they get on disability/welfare to pay for their privately funded medical care. Problem solved.
It's wasteful spending. Is it sad that grandma won't get her expensive prescriptions and live 10 more years? Sure. But elderly care is a huge part of why our medical spending in this country is so high, and we have to think in the best interest of society.
dude then I see polish people here telling us they arent a third world country lel.
here in spain if you need chemo you start it the next day if it's necessary.
Trump is not going to do what Hillary wanted to do, no.
nah for profit with no negotiations on costs is retarded though, we need collective purchasing power
if pharma doesn't like it we'll get the generic shit,
fuck pharma and their schemes
You're basically setting a lifespan cap on Americans lower than any other country on the planet. You reach 65 and you're basically dead unless you're independently wealthy.
>You asked for it.
Yep, we actually did.
this gets me rock hard
this is going to be how the tide turns against us, I already see it in a decade or two. 20-something NEETs and college students in oversaturated STEM fields that claim to be nationalists but don't give a single fuck about their country or people. they don't have any connections to their community so they don't care if it rots and festers. the nationalists are going to fall and whimper before the globalists because they won two elections in 2016, one of which is already getting held up by courts. the trump general is already full of people shilling for israel and talking about how the neocons aren't that bad. complacency will maintain the status quo.
>setting an age cap
go to North Korea where the life expectancy is 65
part of what makes america great is that people can live to be 100+ yrs old and still be mentally with it
People like are retarded
>Trump has said TWICE that he wants to keep the "can't discriminated over preexisting conditions" clause from Obamacare
>Trump has stated plainly that ALL AMERICANS deserve good affordable health care
>"By following free market principles and working together to create sound public policy that will broaden healthcare access, make healthcare more affordable and improve the quality of the care available to all Americans."
>"Yet he can't eliminate Obamacare on day one with the stroke of a pen. Killing the massive program that provides insurance to 20 million Americans would take time to work its way through Congress. Plus, there are many popular provisions that Trump has indicated he would retain in some form, such as covering those with pre-existing conditions. "
>"Q: Senator Rubio, you said that Mr. Trump thinks part of ObamaCare is pretty good. Which part?
>RUBIO: The individual mandate. He said he likes the individual mandate portion of it; I don't believe that should remain there. We need to repeal ObamaCare completely and replace it with a system that puts Americans in charge of their health care money again.
>TRUMP: I agree with that 100%, except pre-existing conditions, I would absolutely get rid of ObamaCare. I want to keep pre- existing conditions. It's a modern age, and I think we have to have it.
>Q: The insurance companies say is that the only way that they can cover people with pre-existing conditions is to have a mandate requiring everybody purchase health insurance. Are they wrong?
>TRUMP: I think they're wrong 100%. Look, the insurance companies take care of the politicians [and vice-versa]. The insurance companies are making an absolute fortune. Yes, they will keep preexisting conditions, and that would be a great thing. "
>people will have to pay for their own healthcare
oh god that contract is real
my dick is diamonds
And they wonder why Republicans are viewed as supervillains. That's EXACTLY what supervillains do to allies after they've gotten what they wanted,
>Old people get sick and need a gazillion fucking prescriptions to stay alive.
Do you even think for a second to wonder why this is?
How long do you wait if you can't afford insurance or no insurer will cover you?
Pic related verso.
Reminder to all Americans:
Print the contract, sign it and hang it on your wall. The two years later hang it on Trump's Wall.
i'm not sure if you are just trolling, but in case you didnt know veterans health is separate, remember the VA?
ryan's plan is to replace that with big big HSA's for veterans and allow them to choose providers instead if i recall correctly
>people who are too old or unable to work will have to pay out of pocket for drugs that costs thousands of month.
I hope you get a crippling disease someday You take your health and youth for granted, it'll bite you in the ass.
emergency room care, bill later, bankruptcy
>taking anything on Sup Forums seriously
meme magic is sa pretty good bet right now
The mindset of the average libcuck: wish evil unto people that want to be left alone.
>OMG you don't have tsunami insurance in the hinterland
>I hope you get submerged by waves you shitlord
>deducting parental care and childcare from your taxes
Everyone gets old user. Yes when you're 19 maybe you think "yeah I only want to live until 65 anyway" but when you get older, you're not so quick to embrace non-existence so soon.
a 70 year old heard me and a buddy sayin that and he said "wait until you get to 49, you will quickly change your mind"
efficiency does not = affordability. When you get cancer and half way through your treatment your healthcare says sorry we can't afford to cover you any longer then too bad? they're out to make a profit not help you. As well as the thought that competition will reduce healthcare cost's you should look at the pharmaceutical companies that seem to bleed pensioners dry.
We literally did ask for it.
Fuck yeah. Privatise and deregulate baby. You'll thank us later you economic ignoramus.
Fuck Veterans, Fuck Old People, and Fuck The Disabled.
I Dont Want To Pay For The Dying Weak
It's not.
In fact the whole contract is golden.
That's a good argument for subscribing to insurances when you are young and investing savings in healthcare plans. This is not a good argument for complaining when you reach age 65.
you'll need to find a company willing to invest in your sickly ass instead of forcing companies to take every basket case on.
Poor Republican voters LOVE voting against their own best interests. So sad....
most private insurance doesn't really continue once you're no longer working because it's your job that gets you the plan.
No company will do it though.
You're putting an expiration date on people of 65. yes, some may live longer on their own, but many people by 65 have chronic illnesses that need to be managed. They CAN be managed and live another couple decades with some meds and still enjoy their retirement and travel and spend time with their family, but you cut that off and a lot of them will just be too sick to do anything and die.
US will end up with the lowest life expectancy in the developed world.
Like republicans care about that. If you're not a vet. You're good as dead if you can't work. Enjoy the Trump era.
if you keep the requirement for pre-existing conditions in there, then premiums won't go down.
In fact, without the individual mandate forcing young healthy people to have coverage too, premiums will go up.
Well I hope he sticks to this. This is my biggest fear since I have diabetes (type one, not the fatass kind). Losing insurance would destroy me.
checked, they screwed me so hard
Here's a thought, get insurance BEFORE you get sick you fucking faggot
>OP still doesn't have a source
>No company will do it though.
Untrue. If their is cash to be made, someone will do it.
Just let companies work across state lines, thus increasing competition and improving health care.
Omg if only.
Also the (FDA) needs to die. It' basically a drug company cartel that destroys competition through patent faggotry.
>O-Once you're 65, you're dead!
Trump will be in office 4-8 years. I will not be 65 by the time he leaves. Odds are if his plans fail and Americans start suffering a democrat will swoop in and push Obamacare right back through as the next President. You faggots are acting like this is the end of the world and it hasn't even happened yet.
>cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities
Lets hope this doesnt go through. he will create war zones and many innocent white lives will be lost.
>Insurance companies make 1000% profit as is
>Give sick people insurance and only make 100% profit off them
Or rather
>Don't offer health care to the sick
>Trump writes a law forcing them to
>They try and raise prices a fuckload
>Government forces them to disclose their proifts
>Insurance doesnt have to provide at all
>One company figures out how to offer insurance to the sick for a reasonable price while making some profit
>Suddenly all the sick people go there, making them a modest profit (Not nearly as much as healthy, but still some)
>Other companies fight over the segment of the market
>have healthcare envy of the world
>world moves to welfare statism including healthcare without increasing supply
>world experiences shortages/price rise
>"look how far behind we are, even communist cuba has free healthcare"
>move american welfare statism toward healthcare
>no increase in supply
>90% increanses in prices
>"I guess we need to ditch obamacare and go full single payer system!"
This is what the left actually believes!
>you asked for this
Damn right we did. Been asking for it for years.
tragically trump promised the world during the campaign. We may not just repeal stupid obamacare and may end up with an equally shitty plan.
Yep. All this is going to do is push people to become /fit/. Those that do will succeed and everyone else will die and fail.
They will be lost because the Commies will no longer be able to bribe the sub-humans into behaving; when all the normies see what niggers and spics are like without a constant monetary bribe they won't want them around anymore.
This problem cannot be fixed without painful changes, many people in our country are addicted to the drug of state money; the country getting clean is going to be just as bad as a coke addict trying to get clean.
tell me about it, on humira for chron's
>Become fit
>Break arms in a freak accident that is your fault
>$50,000 bill
Fucking legendary
Dont cut yourself on that edge, mate.
You cut funding to Los Angeles its going to be a bloodbath. Thats not how I want trump to be remembered
>he didn't infuse adamantium into his arms
Wouldn't happen to me pleb
this. leftists should be happy that trump destroyed the neoliberal and neoconservative establishment for them and finally opened a new era of change, it'll be easy for them to work on healthcare when trump is out of office
Good fuck socialism.
>remembered as anything but God Emperor
LA/Chiraq/NYC are Heresy, and must be cleansed. A bloodbath is just what they need to wake the normies up to the problems that their stupidity and bleeding hearts have created.
How much are you willing to pay to not die? That's what you pay under privatized healthcare.
>ITT. people who support death panels
when are the Republicans going to formally apologize to this amazing person? he delivered them the house, senate, presidency, and by extension the supreme court.
these failures would have lost all 4 without the god emperor
We also need to reduce all the regulations and costs associated with being a doctor; that is another area that drives prices up so much.
If they were to ever end Medicare, it would just have a cut off date and time for new issuances. Then new people would have to go to private insurers after that point. There's no way they would get through a bill that immediately cuts off all Medicare receivers and forces them to go to a private insurer, it would be chaos.
Fuck you
still no source
great thread op