Why have politics?

Why dont just let Enginers and scientists run the nation?

because theyre euphoric cucktarded faggots generally

Because they'll be very wealthy and won't have to deal with the negative consequences of their virtue-signaling pro-diversity policies.

But IF something is proven by math and sciense to work why would we not go for That?

You mean the limp wristed Liberal faggots?

Do you know who becomes scientist? Remember the fat kid jo one picked in gym back in middle school? Remember the loser who ate alone in the cafeteria. Remember the pathetic kid who reminded the teacher to collect homework every day?

Im sorry, but scientist and engineers are the biggest cucks in society. I appreciate their contributions, dont get me wrong.... but they are not fit to lead anyone.

Jusy go read the drabble sjw shit that someone like bill nye writes. Hes an engineer. Topest of keks. Go read.

STEMs build and leaders/liars lead.

For once we have a leader and not a liar.

t. 100 IQ finance student

>autistic people with 0% social skills or social understanding
>in charge of social engineering

do you want to live in a fucking dystopia, where every single thing you do is controlled by the (((overseers)))

STEM fields aren't infested with SJW's, man.

Out of the ~40 or so classmates I've had, two were women.

t. Business cuck

Why is it that STEMlords consistently have the highest IQs, aside from Philosophy being 3rd highest, with Math and Physics on top? How are such intelligent people, liberals?

Engineers are based. Scientists have to shill for funding.

Sorry i forgot how gay the rockets, medicine,computer,the motherfucking Wheel,cellphone,radar,x-ray, nuclear power power etc are. My bad sorry

Ever consider that liberal positions generally make more sense and you may be the one that's brainwashed?

i member

And while you're shitposting on Sup Forums, they're doing cutting-edge research in a field they love, with a good chunk of them, particularly data scientists and engineers, making good money.

But yeah, I guess you really showed old Neville that one time by calling him a faggot

Because soldiers trump anyone else almost every single time they have a fight.

Brains only get you so far and luck runs out. Sooner or later you have to actually take the fight to the enemy with whatever weaponry and men you can assemble.

Pro Tip: Train soldiers for such tasks and put them to work. That's how you keep your nation and empire intact.

Who the fuck do you think helps society move forward?

I'm a scientist and a med student, is a fucking loser

No one in STEM is left wing, not even the females

Just today everyone was laughing about how Trump won and the amount of liberal tears

>Why dont just let Enginers and scientists run the nation?
That's politics too, you know.


I'm doing chemeng in berkeley and even the spics were laughing

The asians here tend to be cucks for some reason though

Soldiers fight with tools that are the culmination of hundreds of years of iterative improvements in design and engineering.

Fuck, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing was originally devised for the manufacture of torpedoes.

It's not politics IF evert revision is made by scientific facts

You are missing the point.

What im saying is, scientist and engineers arent Leaders.

They are the opposite of leaders. That's why the become scientists and engineers in the first place. Because they are faggots beta males or the ugly chicks not invited to parties back in the day.

Look, nobody WANTS to be a fat pimply neckbeard. Nobody WANTS to be a weird chess nerd who has a periodic table of elements poster in his room. Nobody WANTS to grow up, work 5x harder than everyone else and get payed in 'knowledge' rather then buckets of money... they simply had no choice. It was become a ln engineer or live in moms basement.

STEM faggots are no leaders. By definition, they cant lead. Thats just reality.

I just explained to you exactly why these people cannot run the most alpha nation on earth and deep down you know it makes sense

your inferiority complex is really bad dude

It's not politics IF you just agree with my favorite political system.

>I failed Calc 1: The Post

But IF evert thing is based on facts and evidence then the need for democrasy is no More? And the need for politics is nothing but a memory ( sorry for my shitty spelling)

The smarter choice is to train the smart kids to be the inventors, the less smart but above average kids to be the politicians and the tough athlete kids to be the soldiers.

Try to keep them all from infighting and get them working toward a common goal.

Most politicians are actually lawyers. A few are scientists and a few are soldiers.

The best scientists can better serve their nation or humanity in general by solving difficult problems/creating new technologies. They will be in a bad way though, if they think they can defeat a well trained and massive army with "good vibes."

If they have ever done some work for the war effort or just built weapons for it, they will be well aware of how the world actually functions.

No need to argue about anything IF it is proven by independent facts

You are obviously a loser and my post took you back to being bullied in school.

To bad for you. I used to bully kids like you. This entire site is a bunch of man babies to be honest. I just found it while looking for nudes of jennifer lawrence to show my friends. I noticed how weak and pathetic you all are so i decided to stay and rule. Ive yet to lose a debate and all i do is crush confused little faggots like you who live in fantasy landy.

And to your stupid point, I already said they contribute a lot with their brilliance and spare time yet get payed nothing.

Op asked why they cant LEAD and i answered. Because they arent Leaders. They are lliteral autist who excel in a particular field yet have zero social skills because they were bullied growing up.

Deal with it fuck. You will NEVER be a leader.

Alpha like trump lead.
Fags like you waste your time using your talents for trumps


>I know how microwave works, therefore I can rule an entire nation

Define: "facts". If you're talking statistics, then that's as easily manipulated as anything else.

See, the problem is that we end up with people like Richard Nixon whose understanding of things like nuclear energy being so poor that they critically under fund some of the best technologies available in favour of something from his home state.

We could have liquid salt thorium reactors running right now, but no.

The best government will be an objective omnipresent AI dictator with no emotion pushing an eternal technocrat platform. People will complain it's unAmerican and undemocratic and all the other un-s, but it will be fair. It will be just.

Democracy is the best form of government humans can govern, because of the inherent flaws and biases in our human brains. So for now, we still need politics and politicians.

>that post

Sorry Ivan, we don't need to reinvent the potato


Being brilliant in a particular field of science does not correlate to being a successful leader who can rule and inspire. These 2 things are in different universes. Apples and oranges.

Where do you get these facts, from the independant God of Knowledge?

t. NEET/wagie

here you go

>I failed in STEM The Post


t. STEM engineer

I am talking about different scientists to do diffirent tasks

Because we are to intelligence for politics

Fuck off reddit cuck
>Muh enginers and scientists
Enginers and scientists make shitty leaders you should know blue pill faggot

In the spirits of being a finn and the fact that it's almost 8a Clock here i am litterly about to pass out op out

It's weird, huh?
You would think that with how well-documented their superiority in IQ is to their humanities and law counterparts (by 15+ points) that they'd be as good in leading. Is there a reason why slightly above average people make better leaders than truly bright and genius-level intellects?

I'm a med grad in NY and you're partially right, STEM is politically all over the place because they know better than to fall for the smoke and mirrors that is mainstream burger politics. That is to say, there are no tumblr liberals (who aren't even actual leftists) but there are also no Sup Forums-tier conservatives.

Why would you want the responsability of babysitting hairless monkeys? There is more importante/interesting shit to do

I am an engineer. Don't confuse education with wisdom or intelligence outside of their area of expertise. I worked closely with many professors. PhD students, and other graduate student when doing my masters research. These are not people you want to put blind faith in.

That's called a technocracy (rule by professionals--mostly economists). The problem with it is it's a gateway to fascism or dictators. Basically power corrupts people, which is why you want to cycle people through government and not let them stay for ever. Smart people can still be corrupted by power.

Brilliant people can't connect emotionally with plebs.

Want to add though, there is mild to moderate concern over a Trump presidency as federal research budgets will most likely be slashed. GOP believes privately-funded research is enough and that's never proven to be the case, so rough times ahead.

Law and humanitiesfags are able to relay info better to the masses because of their similar, sub-par intelligence

This, pretty much.

I usually don't use reddit as an insult, but this idea is the most reddit idea ever and I see it posted constantly there.

College educated STEMfags think that their specific knowledge of their field of study gives them the ability to run a country.

Mathematical principles don't run countries. People do. STEM Redditors are too far up their own fedora tipping assholes to realize that.