Tim's Kitchen Tips is his best work
I used to love Tim and Eric but this is just sad. Eric is traveling the world and fucking models while Tim numales it up on twitter
Shittier Sam Hyde
Fuck off Tim you talentless faggot. Stop posting your twitter here.
Thread theme:
never mind i just tried watching it for the first time in years and it was painful to watch
Actor James Woods is having a grand old time on twitter!
>Eric is traveling the world and fucking models
Personally, I love working the saltmines.
Holy shit what a god
B-but I'm already a welder.....
but sam hyde is good
Literally who?
Between he and Ann Coulter tweets my sides are usually in orbit all day.
Is there a job opening in a steel factory or a coal mine? I hear they make better than most college graduates. I promise i work hard and complain little.
As if restoring our industrial base and giving Americans jobs again is a bad thing. Smh
> Do you want to end up working in a Steel Factory user?
yeah check his insta
lol butthurt soft faggot surrounded by "creative" and glorified paper pusher types btfo by the new trump sincerity. death to middle brow homos.
Truly based. Remembered him showing up @ late night shows 10 years ago and doesn't give a shit about being a conservative openly and obvious left wing hosts can't do shit about it.
>Fatty goes batty
Holy Shit. He's so based.
>will be fun to see people going into jobs
>jobs where Unions used to flourish, and formed backbone of the (D)emocrat party back before it was co-opted by globalist Wall Street shills like the Clinton Family & filled with SJW identity politics to hide just how fucking hard the corrupt DNC leadership sold out their own voterbase
>happy he can still be the first female president
>hahaha fuck the working class
I've worked in a few factories. Invariably full of WHITE MALES because every nigger that was hired just tried doing as little as possible until they were sent packing. Literally the forgotten men Trump spoke of.
damn, those bantz
borekboi rekt him real quick like
i love him
Yeah, it might be his best work but it's still utter shit
she is cold as ice.
holy shit no one told me James Woods was this based
Yes? All I'm saying is that Tim is worse.
A literal god
I'm gonna Pepebomb him like we did with Donna Brazile.
Eric is married to a Jew called Chloe Wise.
Ann became more unhinged and funnier after she started hanging out with Sup Forums frogposters. Also she's one possible way to get our ideas whispered in Trump's ear, after she attacked him for cucking on immigration he backpedaled fast.
He's straight up trolling:
Tim Heidecker @timheidecker 9m9 minutes ago
Tim Heidecker Retweeted HelloKitty
My neighbors are George Clooney and Harrison Ford
HelloKitty @HelloKiddies
You mean your neighbors & fellow Americans who want to be able to heat for the winter & have enough food? Those shitposting "people?"
Do I want to end up working in a union run $40+ an hour shop with 3 weeks of paid vacation a year, supporting other manufacturing jobs that will employ my fellow Americans?
Hell yes!
Every fucking time.
In the United States a job like that starts at $30 an hour with full health benefits and a pension
If we got more of our poor into jobs like that we'd be infinitely better as a country
>Fatty goes batty
why am i just now finding out about these?
I already have a shitty dead end manual labor job though and I show up every week.
I've been physically sore for over a year now.
Oh lawd.
James Woods has been based before half of you fags were even born.
when will he die
Tons of new good-paying jobs that don't require $70 thousand in student loans first?
You fucking bet I'll be happy to see them open. Ironically, a lot of these types of jobs will go to Mexicans and blacks and allow them elevate themselves into the middle class
This. People who take anything he says seriously are obviously not fans.
Anyone remember when like a year ago she said on TV that trump was the one running in the R primaries most likely to win the election on some chat show and got laughed at? Well who's laughing now?
>jobs are bad
these liberals need to found their own nation somewhere else. why don't they go fix a broken continent. just pick one and fuck off.
Steel workers in the USA get good money and benefits.
Mine jobs are a lot better these days than they used to be, too.
This guy is retarded. People are going to be lining the fuck up for these jobs. Look at the Dakota oil rush.
>fatty goes batty
Only vote I care about from this crew is David Liebe Hart's. He voted Trump in four different galaxies.
This, desu.
Trump has given more jobs to women and minorities than all these rioting liberal crybabies could ever imagine.
>that flag
this is amazing whats the source
That is what happens when you hang out with company that loves to kek all day and you don`t have to be ashamed for what you really think.
If I could walk into a steel mill tomorrow and start making $60K I'd do it in a fucking heartbeat.
>fatty goes batty
Shitposting transcends nations user.
Faggot can't even rip off Sifl & Ollie right.
This. Any job were you can make bank and get swole at the same time would be great.
James Woods and William Shatner are the most based people on twitter right now.
Im sorry, but that shits hilarious
> I hate coal
>and coal miners
someone ask him about coal burners
>I know this feel
The back pain won't go away
you know I tolerated this faggot because I figured he must be pretty smart
turns out he's just a dumb faggot who makes shitty non-comedy
Umm you are a fucking moron. I would LOVE a job that gave me 35+ dollars an hour STARTING, full benefits, and weeks of vacation a fucking year.
I feel a sense of elitism in that post.
mfw factories and mills are being run by robots
His best work is On Cinema.
new coal mines and steel factories? shit nigger what you got against jobs and economic growth?
why did you block it out
>This triggers the liberal.
My favorite race is also the Corinians.
Tim was always obviously an insufferable faggot, watch The Comedy
Any celebs having meltdowns just post a reply with this pic with "Please, no more salt. We've hit capacity days ago."
steel mill work is hard, but is pretty good work.
I wish there was one opening near me.
modern coal mines aren't that awful either. you're just operating mining vehicles and inspecting rock to make sure you don't cave in.
[x] Told
[ ] Not told
>mfw donald jump is president
I-I want to put benis in her virago vagina.
>when you're supposed to be a comedian but the random people responding to your rants are funnier than you
I know this feel...
I'm a Sup Forumsack first, Mexican second. Liberal cuck tears > our economy.
She generally always supported the most fringe right wing candidates possible, that's why everybody laughed.
In the west most of those are very well paid jobs, so yes, I want.
Tippy top kek
Yeah, but then you'd be doing real work and making things which is fucking disdainful and low-class
>Sifl & Ollie
>I would LOVE a job that gave me 35+ dollars an hour STARTING, full benefits, and weeks of vacation a fucking year.
I work for a union hall as a Pipefitter, and this basically describes my "package". Granted, I had a few years as an apprentice, but My hourly is higher than $35, I get full benefits, pension, annuity and a "vacation fund" which adds up to 2 weeks of pay every year.
I have not seen more than a small handful of millennials be able to succeed. They get butthurt when you tell them to leave their fucking cell phones in the lunch trailer, and they are totally incompetent.