Is having a tattoo of your president sucking dick a criminal offense?
Is having a tattoo of your president sucking dick a criminal offense?
freedom of speech
only in brazil
Nah, get one of Hillary sucking dick and you'll make national news as a sexist mysoginist pig though
he's already punished for having to wear it forever
Not really illegal, but a bit distasteful.
Just retarded
No. you just have to live with yourself. punishment enough.
Holy shit what a fucking retard
Oh god I forgot about this guy
Nope. If someone wants a penis ttattooed on their leg for the rest of their life, that's their prerogative.
Imagine what the tattoo artist was thinking when this happened
>"Hey what tattoo do you want?"
>"Donald Trump sucking a dick."
It's really fucking stupid though
so what are you going to tell people in 10 to 20 years when everyone will have forgotten about trump and your left with a tattoo of some dude sucking dick, faggot?
also gibe proof its yours plox
Sorry I didn't realize injecting ink into your skin was considered speaking
Is it okay to own a picture of the first lady wearing no clothes on a fur rug?
>Trump hates minorities!
>I know, I'll insult him by depicting him as a homosexual!
Liberal logic, folks.
Probably loved it and thought it was cool because tattoo artists are all liberal fags
>implying we'll ever forget the God Emperor
>in 10 to 20 years
weren't there some inks that fade after a couple of years - fade completely, I mean?
But yeah, if he hasn''t used those, it might not be too good an idea. Especially since it is depicting porn, he also has to cover it up in public spaces, like when swimming - no matter if lake, sea, or pool.
The aliens and sedition act was overturned 200 plus years ago. so no.
Nah, just amputate the leg up to the knee and we'll call it good.
No but it is degenerate and if Pence had his way this faggot would be in the electric chair as we speak
Freedom of expression. Putting a dumbass picture on your skin doesn't hurt anyone, except the dumbass.
Next you'll say you should make swastika tattoos illegal too.
Tattoos are an important way to tell that people are morons without talking to them.
No, but those shitty Nike's are.
If a child sees it, can that be public indecency? Is he cursed to wear long socks forever?
it should be illegal, whats funny though is that there's an extremely high chance that Trump does at least a "fair" job as President, he's too proud and egotistical to be a shitheel in the White House so he'll tone it down and do a decent job and by the end of his term everyone will all be saying "wow, better than expected" and then the guys like this with the tattoo will look like even bigger autistic faggots than they already do. Getting a tattoo of someone you dislike sucking a cock is really fucking gay though, i mean it's more of an insult to the guy with the tattoo than it is to Trump.
>freedom of speech
no, it's not
Op is a fag and is being roasted alive in a thread of his own making
My best friend is a tattoo artists and piercer. Probably the most redpilled dude I know besides myself. We went to several rallys together and both voted Trump. Fuck off with your bullshit basement fag
then who gives swastika tattoos?
Porn isn't free speech. It's 18+ material.
looks very employable
>I will demonize a presidential candidate by drawing him sucking a dick. That will show them.
>Gay people are completely normal, and there is nothing wrong with sucking dicks.
Remember this faggot likely thinks like this.
>getting a tattoo over some flash in the pan issue
Why would anybody get a tattoo of homosexual activity on their body?
Good work Skankhunt
they can say it all they want
until they actually try to do it
also fuck off niggers go read the constitution
And I would support this because the guy is a moron, law be damned.
We need more morons swinging by their necks from the trees.
Jail this user for facilitating the disparagement of the God-Emperor.
It will be
Only as long as the amputation can start at the neck.
No, but when the support for Trump grows... the retards doing shit like this will probably be beaten once a week.
>essentially calling Trump a cocksucking queer
And then they call rednecks homophobic bigots.
Now you can laugh at her without her noticing
>why do you have a tattoo of our best president sucking a dick?
Hells angels
This. Many laughs will be had on the day of the rope.