What happens when Mexico refuses to pay for the wall?

What happens when Mexico refuses to pay for the wall?

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Mass genocide and annexation.

we pillage their villages and take their women

We invade and bomb them.

Taxes to mexican products.

Tax remittances

trade sanctions until they starve to death

He was never going to build the wall. That was just a campaign slogan.

The plan is either take the money they make from nafta or tax the millions of Mexicans who wire money back home. Either will be enough.

Never should do wall. Make it a korean style DMZ only up the landmine count.

You tell em Texas

Trips declare we ooga booga them

You understand we give them millions of dollars in aid every year right?

Having them pay for the wall would be as simple as withholding the full budget from their annual gibsmedats.

Even failing that there are lots of other ways they could be forced to pay, such as putting a hold on all money transfers into Mexico from the US. The illegals would lose their fucking minds if they couldn't send all of our money back to abuela.

cutting aid

They lose a trade war, and their comfy $65,000,000,000 trade surplus.

Would you spent $10 to save $65?

So will they.

take it easy leaf you arent annexed yet

Block all wire transfers to Mexican banks from the United States.

Kek wills it

Sanctions are the best way. Stop economic trade until the wall is built. The wall is cheaper than the money they'll lose therefor they will build the wall.

>stop half billion yearly aid payments untill wall is built
>wall built
>mexico paid for it

Go lick some wondows you vapid child.

We send the illegals back and pay for it out of the welfare/healthcare/education savings

The wall will get 10 feet higher

we tax remittances and use that money to pay nig nogs to build it instead

We pay for it through seized Mexican assets.

the equivalent of "stop hitting yourself"

i have to admit, latinas are by far the sexiest women. them and some of the middle eastern ethnicities like the persians holy fuck.

Mexico WILL pay for the wall

NAFTA gets cancelled
massive tariffs imposed in mexican goods
the positive trade balance makes money to pay to he wall

wasn't this the idea in the first place?


Cutting off their aid would give us back 1 billion a year every year it's off. Putting trade restrictions in place would generate ten times that amount. The illegals we could then deport and not have to pay social services on would save our nation billions per year.

Without ever sending them a bill, the wall could generate an estimated 10 billion a year just sitting in place.


>Trump wants to deport this

Good, more room for this

the law is the law perp

>Sup Forums hates this [insert somewhat attractive ethnic girl]

>What happens when Mexico refuses to pay for the wall?

they pay for it anyway

If you observe at 0:07 in the video you can see her shitskined devil spawn, no thanks.

the money comes out of them one way or another
ill fetch the quote from the 100-day plan...

>pol (((hates))) a girl who nothing but a fat arse for the soldiers to smash once they wreck you hue monkeys

This is for the White men to come back to.

The wall becomes one of mexican corpses

obvious colored contacts ruin it

Trump already set up a meeting about this with the Mexican president


We cut off NAFTA.

It gets its illegals back then gets tariffed out of existence.

Is she illegal or what?

Nothing, we are not paying a dime. Your senile idol has no power.

enjoy losing your aid and trade surplus shitskin

End Illegal Immigration Act
Fully-funds the construction of a wall on our southern border with the full understanding that the country Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost of such wall; establishes a 2-year mandatory minimum federal prison sentence for illegally re-entering the U.S. after a previous deportation, and a 5-year mandatory minimum for illegally re-entering for those with felony convictions, multiple misdemeanor convictions or two or more prior deportations; also reforms visa rules to enhance penalties for overstaying and to ensure open jobs are offered to American workers first.

Mexico must pay for the wall and, until they do, the United States will, among other things: impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico [Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options]. We will not be taken advantage of anymore.

once we gut NAFTA they won't have a $65,000,000,000 trade surplus

>some of the middle eastern ethnicities like the persians holy fuck.

Oh sweden...

We just cut aid in the exact amount the wall costs.

Knowing Trump, it was his opening chess move to say Mexico would pay for it. If they compromise down to letting us build it without them whining about it to the UN, then it's still a victory in my book.

Sure, taxpayers would foot the bill, but look at all the jobs it'll create. Infrastructure investment is one of the most efficient ways government can inject money into the economy.

Army Corps of Engineers should build it, that's their job

>What happens when Mexico refuses to pay for the wall?
Western union & other similar businesses will be classified as a financial institution, which would require proof of citizenship to transfer money over borders. This would not make it impossible to "send home payments" but would certainly change the dynamics of how they are sent.

We stop giving Mexican illegals any welfare, food stamps, or medicaid, and use that money to build 10 walls.

Im from the future there will be no wall

>Mapuche think he is white
>Muh aid
>The whole 60 millions, what a lot of money...
Yeah, the one we pay yearly, so scary.

>illegals we could then deport and not have to pay social services on would save our nation billions per year.

Dam, what kind of social services do illegal immigrants get in your country? Here even legal migrants have to pay for their kids to go to a school and see a doctor. No wonder you guys are building a wall holy shit.

Remittance payments in 2015 were ~$25B.... More than you filthy spicks were able to make from oil. Immigrants are literally your number one source of revenue, let that sink in.

I almost feel bad because your hard working citizens flee your shit hole country, risk life and limb being smuggled across the border. All so they can bust their ass doing construction or agricultural work, so they can send the pennies they made back across the border to fund your lazy fat piece of shit lifestyle.

We'll see how long it takes for you to start building that wall before. Get ready to get bent over and raped by the mighty red white and blue cock of the U.S.A you fucking beaners

Illegals can have their kids go to public school, even free meals and shit

They can go to hospitals for acute care because hospitals must provide acute care for anyone who walks in their door regardless of any circumstances. They get their care and leave and never pay for it, then the hospital writes off their loss on their tax return, so the healthcare quite literally comes out of our taxes.

Anything they do is basically free
Doctors can't turn them away so they get free medical care
If they cry hard enough they can wind up getting welfare
Free public schools for all little spics

>implying they have a choice

We literally give them more in foreign aid annually than the wall will cost.



we take it from their foreign aid

Drop the D. It should be a Militarized Zone.

Trump shuts down Western Union and has all of the funds siezed that illegal immigrants would send back over the border.

They come here to make money to send back home like a form of social security payments for their families.

Their families will starve since they wont be able to get the money back across the border.

He's already said this on his official website.

And also I expect This would come about too:
if "you have to go back" doesnt work...
then "you dont wanna come here"

They get blamed by the world community for not protecting their people...

As thousands die every year due to LANDMINES and "Deadly Force Is Authorized" military zones that were erected just right there on our side of the border.

If there isnt a wall, all he has to do is requisition testing ranges to be put in right there.

"You gonna pay us for a wall now? Huh?"

t. Grand warlock

Still way cheaper than illegals

they literally can't refuse, the US just cuts their foreign aid and they pay it like that.

the US feeds Mexico.

>If they cry hard enough they can wind up getting welfare

>Illegals can have their kids go to public school, even free meals and shit

Dam wtf? Why don't you guys report then or something? Doesn't immigration come and take them away? Or is the system so backed up because they must come in their 100's everyday right?

On behalf of Australia, build the fucking wall ASAP.

Let them have california back?

California keeps saying it wants to secede . . . let Mexico have California. It was originally a spanish territory anyway.

source please

With the peso dropping like crazy, they'll be forced to make a deal with Trump soon.

This meme that Donald Trump is going to force Mexico to cut a check is and has always been idiotic. He means he is going to tax remittances at a higher rate as well as block Mexican products from coming here.

Although, I wouldn't put it past the madman to actually figure out a way to get Mexico to actually write him a check.

>wanting to kill the market.
I can say that Trump is a winner, but you guys are retarded.

I'm not going to lie and say I wouldn't press my face deep into that ass and inhale but the future of this country is worth far more than any pleasure

It probably is a clusterfuck for immagration and you have thr liberals and the liberal pandering politicians that won't even so much as say the word illegal immigrants and instead call them undocumented.

You will have to battle with the Chicano Warlocks first m8.

Taxing remittances and steadily imposing tariffs

Taxing remittances will encourage self deportation. Imposing tariffs with encourage the return of manufacturing to the US

Oh noes, i'm scared of drumpf. How old is he? 70? That senile man will start WW3.
>Muh billions
This is what you get for fucking us with NAFTA since it killed agriculture completely and many other small and medium businesses. Hard working people stay in Mexico. Enjoy the nukes, buddy.

>What happens when Mexico refuses to pay for the wall?

Mexico receives $24bn in remittances annually that can be taxed.

Mexico receives $50m annually in aid that can be simply stopped.

We have a $50bn trade deficit with Mexico.

They cannot stop us from making them pay for the wall.

is she mexican? she can stay the rest have to go back

nice try pablo we know you have been trying to cross the border for a while now, sorry the coyotes scammed you but it's not gonna happen

so he does i see...

obama is a piece of shit and doesnt allow any of them to be deported. also orders border patrol agents to let them cross if they are spotted, big reason they all want the wall.

We remember the alamo

reaaally hope it's the second. really really really, pls Trump

lol beaner scum, i bet you also thought he was only running so he could market his brand

we're getting a wall and you and your family are footing the bill


We give those spics like a fucking bajillion dollars a year in foreign aid or some shit. Its just coming our of that. Nobody expected them to actually pony up and write a check.

It definitely sounds like a massive cluster fuck. I can't belive the lefties want them to stay. Have any of them ever seen the fucked up shit that goes on in mexico? No wonder there is 116 guns to every 100 people in your country.


These dudes kill more people than ISIS.

US funds our own cartels to stomp out their amateur hour savagery. Eventually the country will spin into despair after factories and tourism leave and we'll just annex them, after clearing most of the mongrels ofc, to create a North and South California.

Your invasion of my country is over

If they reject the wall I'd imagine trump would create economic sanctions and step up border security and create an advanced deportation system. Sometimes the best solution isn't initially what you think. Trump said wall during run to get people enthusiastic realistically it will probably be what I mentioned, smarter solutions not blindly throwing money cause you think it will work.

Then again Sup Forums loses their mind if it wont be a great wall of china wall

We outlaw remittances and their economy crashes.

So the way that they are going to "pay" is by offering to reinstate the import tax we used to pay on corn.
You know that thing that when removed almost single handedly destroyed mexico's economy?

they will be made to pay
remember 60B trade defict
I guess you watched 0 trump rally
also stop all bank xfer from usa to mexico or anything going through usa to mex
thats probably 20B or so

>what happens when 'it's already funded' ?

nice bait tho

He said : mexicans will pay for it.

So if the mexican government doesn't pay, he'll put a tax on mexicans living in the USA.