What is the correlation between anime fans and right-wing politics? Seriously, where did you all come from?
What is the correlation between anime fans and right-wing politics? Seriously, where did you all come from?
nips are culturally far-right, it shows in their work
You want my honest theory?
Anime is a mediums that still celebrates male sexuality. A lot of western media ignores it and doesn't harness it (while very much harnessing female sexuality) or outright paints male sexuality as dangerous. This attracts a lot of young male fans who feel discontented with the establishment media saying that their normal desires and urges are rapey, that wanting to see pretty girls in skimpy outfits is sexist.
I personally can't stand the weebshit.
But then, I'm reddit-cancer.
They see how degenerate Japan is and they become far right to avoid it
>People go into moe and shit as a way of escaping their depression
>Depression causes people to view the world without any sense of idea to protect.
Being an animetard is a sure sign of a self-inflicted redpill.
They are both appealing fantasies. Try not to mention them should you leave the basement.
Better question would be where you all came from
high test
this gay anime made me a raging nationalist
but i already liked anime before Sup Forums, just didn't stop liking it
No stupid sjw bullshit around it, fans don't complain about there not being a transsexual genderflux toastkin autistic allergic to peanuts muslim woman in it
I enjoy brazenly """sexist""" anime, it's refreshing to watch in the face of the safe-space Western media, even if the quality or content of the vast majority of these works are garbage-bin tier.
Tsunshit is wake up call for most weeb.
Jap love it becáue they are cuck but weeb bitching about tsunshit non-stop every show.
Anime is too low-power, I'm reading Japanese Visual Novels raw.
I've seen 250 anime, ask me anything.
I guess people keep forgetting that this is an anime/Japanese culture website. (Well, it used to be now...)
Why the fuck would you watch so much? There are only like three good animes that aren't based Ghibli.
There is something about anime that serves as a good foundation for creating memes.
Japan is also a proud ethnostate unspoiled but multiculturalism with a low crime rate as a result.
Current los Sup Forumslios hermanos come from the same corner as Sup Forumsnons: Disconnected from current trends in Western culture, they have withdrawn to the internet where on one hand they can escape to the thoroughly fanpandering world of Sup Forumsnime productions, while simultaneously play contrarian to current political and societal trends under the guise of skeptical and educated thought while parroting arguments made by better people than them.
Also I can subscribe to.
The correlation is this website fuckhead.
It goes deeper than that. Pretty girls in skimpy outfits is just the surface.
Anime is a window into japanese culture and identity. To a japanese these things are common but to a foreigner especially a western born foreigner its a completely different cultural paradigm.
Normally, it would just be plain escapism but since western society has reached a cultural crossroad all these ideas become an influence
Japs are god's true chosen people
They value honor and truth over dishonor and deception
They are immune to jewish tricks
They were the most devoted soldiers willing to die unlike jewish cowards who run from death as much as they can
They are restoring balance to the universe and will nuke the jews for hiroshima and nagasaki
Id move out of Tel Aviv within the next year if I were jew
It depends on the anime fans really. Normies that only watch entry level stuff like SNK and Bebop tend to be liberals, sometimes Tumblr tier liberals. Weebs that are more into the industry will be right leaning for various reasons. In this case, they knew that Hillary was all for TPP which would've hurt the anime/manga industry pretty bad.
Sup Forums is about manga and stuff
Sup Forums is a board on Sup Forums
Sup Forums is right-wing
That's it
And, you know, the TPP scaring all the translators and fan content producers shitless.
People with certain psychological type are predisposed to be alienated from "mainstream" society. That includes both mainstream politics and mainstream entertainment. For both, they seek and find replacements.
Sup Forums started as an anime board.
Your welcome now fuck off NEWFAG
There is no correlation.
I like animu and am far left myself.
Why the fuck did we all come to a japanese imageboard?
Because they are the only ones trying to save humanity effectively through good arguments and truth
Gamergate had a lot to do with it too. Most people who like anime also like vidya. When they saw the SJW's trying to invade vidya games and how crooked the vidya journalism was, it red pilled a lot of them. They naturally migrated to Sup Forums.
I don't think the Trump revolution would have happened as bigly as it did without gamergate, the destruction of Gawker, etc...
>white devil
No retard
The (((white))) devil
Japanese respect the white soldiers who proved themselves in combat
They do not support the manipulative dishonorable jews who fabricated the war to begin with
Anime is gay and for loser virgins
Right wing is gay and full of loser virgins
Literally the only people I know that like anime are all the manbabies who don't have jobs and live with their parents. I have a couple of friends who like to imagine they have an anime alter ego, it's seriously "7 year old playing pretend" tier autism.
not an anime guy but from my observations
entry level anime fans-tend to lean left
hardcore anime fans-very right
It's reactionary and culturaly nationalistic.
> anime
you're speaking too generally
Anime can be split into many subgenres, but the two most relevant here are:
> Moe (Lucky-star, clannnad etc)
cute girls doing cute things. largely bluepilled cucks who stick shit up their own ass (started after the Jews collapsed he Japanse economy in 1989).
> Shonen (Dragonball, Jojo, Ippo etc)
MAGA. Nationalistic, moral (peaked in pre-bubble 1980s Japan)
there are other differences and exceptions but this is how I generally see it.
>Not having a mental image of a better you, regardless of the medium in which it is presented, that you can use as motivation to grow beyond yourself
Fucking disgusting, user.
Anime celebrates over the top violence and sexual exploitation of females. Furthermore it depicts traditional gender roles and highly sympathetic male characters.
None of that shit would fly in today's Western media.
Also the answer to OP's question is that right-wing ideology and anime both attract the same demographic: social outcasts.
I have a job and my parent live with me. As in I pay the rent. All of it.
Choose one and only one.
*cough* *cough*
>*read the thread
Misfits. Anime is a pastime for outcasts, generally. And so is being 'redpilled'
There are a lot of leftist anime fans too, because they think that things like traps and yuri means that Japan is pro-trans and pro-gay.
I liked when that chick in Berserk got menstrual cramps in an important battle and nearly blew the whole thing and had to be rescued
>Be late 90's early 2000's
>Anime, video games, furries, gore posters, CP viewers, and racially-minded Nationalists still more of less subgroups
>Find home on forums across the internet, and eventually on l33t4n0n3m00z imageboard
>Multiple interests overlap
You have to go back.
Sup Forums is against all forms of degeneracy. That includes tentacles, so you should try your luck in Sup Forums or anywhere else really.
Right wing people are naturally more intelligent and openminded than leftists, so it speaks to reason that they would consume more foreign media.
Oh, I'm sorry, my inner leftist slipped in. Actually, Jap entertainment is broadly popular, and they produce a wide range of work that appeals to a lot of people. This is, in part, because they refuse to be cucked by left wing extremists who want to ban and fire everyone who doesn't follow their bullshit, leading to most Western entertainment being extremely politically correct.
If Nigeria produced quality entertainment, people would watch that, too.
Do you think 250 is enough to make such a post? It's not.
How many do you need before you can say you've seen 250?
What do you mean? I've always been here.
left wing types don't really like moe either so it's nice to know that we're hated by people on both sides
Depends, really. Saving face is a huge part of Asian culture and Japan really wants to show off on the world stage come the 2020 Olympics. How they'll go about this is another matter. Tourists generally scrape the surface of Japanese degeneracy anyway, so it largely goes ignored. But their paranoia about it could see things adapted to suit foreigners, at least for the actual year of the Olympics.
It'll probably be business as usual after that.
They hate it because they think it encourages paedophilia. Moe = lolicon = pedo, after all. Right wing types hate it for similar reasons, to be fair. It's amazing how they overlap on certain topics but refuse to acknowledge as such.
Sup Forums just happens to be on Sup Forums. Bunch of anime loving degenerate are left wing. I would say they're even more numerous than us. Check twitter. If it has a Love Live avatar it's 90% a tranny.
And don't think Japs love Trump. They're hilldogs through and through. Making fun on Trump with SnK parodies and shit. worldwide.vote
The best thing about all these tumblrinas who complain about sexualised anime is the nips make the same kind of shit for girls too.
If you're a big homo (ie me) or a woman there's tonnes of reverse harem and fujoshit designed exactly for you. I mean, this shit is airing right now
The Jew fears the Samurai.
>Not fapping to (sometimes humanized, pic related) colorful cartoon horses
U Gay AF
Good taste Ивaн.
> big british homo
But Milo I thought you said you didn't like anime
Because Anime will make you go full NS.
Japan "based" country meme
I've read that depression makes people see the world more realistically compared to happy people.
They admired Trump for being a successful business man. Westernized Asians may have wanted hillary, but who gives a fuck, she lost.
This lel. Anime+right politics is a combination as old as Sup Forums itself. But why is that so? Escapism and the virgin mythos is wrong, I am the very proof for that. And if I don't fit into that category, then so do many others. I would almost say it's mere coincidence. Based on the people I know that watch anime, I can find no common patterns. It's like with anonymous itself: you have both NEET losers and businesmen with 7 digit salaries.
Perhaps selective perception.
there's also been some criticism lately about moe being infantalizing towards adult/teen girls, beyond the more overt pedo accusations (the latter of which is frankly low-hanging fruit, plenty of moe stuff that isn't sexual or involving children).
Milo is a cunt.
I do remember the UN trying to tell Japan to ban "sexualised depictions of women in anime and manga".
The nips just replied with
1) They're fictional
2) many women draw hentai for female audiences and so banning it just hurts women.
This whole VN full of hardcore gay sex is drawn by a woman for example.
Maybe being ridiculed and/or bullied while being told the people attacking you are the victims and you're the oppressor makes you less likely to fall for the PC bullshit.
Also, there's less incentive for virtue signaling when you're semi-autistic
Entry level anything leans left, because the left is superficial
white fang was pretty savage
Ippo is practically a faggot though
>jews and shitskins
Andrew Jackson would be a weeb just like Hitler
From what I've heard from ex-pat friends that still live in Japan, most of the news at the moment can basically be distilled as Trump = bad and Hillary = good. Not in any great detail mind, Japan generally only cares about Japanese interests and is America-tier ignorant about the rest of the world. Outside of Okinawa (of which, nobody but Okinawans give a fuck about), a lot of people are uneasy about the prospect of losing some US military backing.
The UN is always on Japan's back for drawn porn.
Maybe some but they also called him a liar and had multiple articles calling him an idiot and bad news.
Then again they're not fully to blame because they only ever had the mainstream media as a source.
Chinks also hate him but that's understandable.
>false flags
>power struggles through war and manipulation
>uprisings and revolutions
>people dying by the millions as soldiers just follow their orders on the battlefield
Gundam Wing is for the far right warriors who just want honorable deaths in combat
I wasn't ready to get this redpilled as a kid
>The nips just replied with
>1) They're fictional
>2) many women draw hentai for female audiences and so banning it just hurts women.
Not only that but the one who shut them down was a woman.
And she's totally right, fujos are a FUCKING HUGE market.
Dbz dragged me into anime, and i enjoy shows where there's actually good fights and deaths, unlike western cartoons with extreme censorships, eventually started watching slice of life comedies and other types of shows
Growing up made me right wing, because you actually start to see and rationalize all the shit beyond "muh feels"
that's really all
>fujos are a FUCKING HUGE market.
I know, I read their shit a lot
I would agree with you, but you probably has never been to Sup Forums to see what anime can do to you
Anime celebrates so fucking much female sexuality that can literally turn people gay, go browse Sup Forums during new year's eve to see for yourself they get gayer than /fit/
Many of them are honorable people
Hope Abe brings back the way of the Samurai
Japan is almost an ethnostate. I can see why weebs would be more accepting of things like civic nationalism and tough immigration stances. When you see hot topic kids wishing they were Japanese, what they really want is a monoculture society that values groups rather than individualism.
That's not anime per se, that's loneliness. I think it's akin to prison gay.
DBZ and Gundam Wing were probably the two reasons I didnt become a nu-male cuckold growing up surrounded by degenerate media
>play a homo game
>get offended by fucking rape which is more common in BL than literally everywhere else
Fucking tumblrtard secondaries lmao.
To be fair Hadaka is a game for people with BDSM fetishes. You get to be master to a load of butlers and the game gives you bad ends if you don't bully them sexually.
Anime does not preach degeneracy and political correctness like western stuff, so anyone wanting to catch a break from all that shit might find animes to be a better hobby. Even when they have unrelenting faggotry and traps and shit they don't preach about how tolerant and blablabla you must be and you must accept than and muh homophobes muh this muh that like western shit, they just present it. Even asian degeneracy is less degenerate.
BTW I'm seeing the same happening with teen-oriented korean soap operas. Plenty of people I know watch more korean stuff than brazilian stuff now, cause brazilian soap operars are full-blown sjwism and degeneracy
>When you see hot topic kids wishing they were Japanese, what they really want is a monoculture society that values groups rather than individualism.
In actuality this is what a large portion of the left wants as well, but there are too many internal conflicts for anyone to agree what that culture would be.
Everyone on Sup Forums is a closet pedo.
Except Onur who is lusts for dick of strong man.
It is odd, Japanese media has a had literal trannies in it for decades, and aside from a few low hanging jokes over balls it's not made a deal of at all.
One of the biggest manga aimed at girls ever is about a girl raised as a boy during the French revolution, and it doesn't use it to preach about MUH WOMYN STRONK like western shit would today.
I've seen more well written, strong women in manga than I have in any tumblrtard SJW shit from the west.
>Eyes Wide Open
>True DeKEKtives
>Literally hunting down the biggest satanic pedophiles on the planet
You're wrong cuckboy
you can separate your personal interests from what is important and healthy for society at large. also, the left is so far gone, its probably a knee jerk reaction to lean more the other other side
mexico likes pony porn more than US, wtf happened
And similarly, even a pandering fanservice manga in WSJ like Shokugeki sexualises men and women.
>where did you all come from?
childhood old anime reruns into video games into military culture into samurai culture into weapon culture into war literature into idolizing japan into older japanese media into (no joke) "trying to be a better man" back to warrior culture into chivalry and knights into language learning into fashion into retrolust into 80s media into goth, newwave, post-punk into light fitness into nazi culture into little redpill into older films and comedies into interest in politics into forming individual views into more red pill into accepting mongrelism into trying to achieve honorary aryan-hood
You're imparting noble motives where there aren't any. The only motive anons in those threads have is chaos and fun. I'm sure most of them get to their detective work after a good fap to some questionable material. Maybe even to something they've been investigating.
>animals fucking other animals
What's so surprising?