Romanian Legislative Elections Thread III

On the 11th of December Romania is hosting it's Legislative Elections:

The system: Romania is a Semi Presidential Nation with a Bi-Cameral Parliment.
For a party to get in it requires 5% of the vote and for a coalition 8-10%

The parties:

PSD(Socialists, though less Europhile and less cucky, they do have some politicians that are at least pretending to be nationalists) 40% projected
PNL(Liberal EU puppets that should be hanged for treason, went so far to add the EU starts to their party symbol) 25-30% projected
ALDE(Libertarian and Conservative parties made a coalition and will coalition with PSD, they are nothing more than a party people make a coalition with to win) 5-8% projected
UDMR(Hungarian party that will coalition with PNL) 4% projected
PMP(Populist party led by a corrupt Politican that though has come out against the media and Soros) 5-7% projected
PRU(Nationalist Party, or so they say) 4-5% projected
USR(Bernie Sanders Socialists with ties to Soros) 5-8% projected

The situation in Romania:

Following a colored revolution an EU educated (((technocrat))) governament was installed. Which coincidenctly has a lot of PNL politicians, and considering our president is part of the PNL, they have it easy with rulling, so far.
But just because they hold the power it doesn't mean they know how to use it, the economy has stagnated and they have created a prison crissis and a healthcare crissis. Which they blame it all on the former governament though everything was fine before them and they have the power to change everything.

To add insult to injury the current governament has stopped the posibility of an anti faggot marriage referendum though the petition of 3 million meets the constitutional requirements.

So the romanian people are mad and are learning to be more euroskeptic, so much so that 2 nationalist parties(or so they claim) are going to get in by the looks of it, and the more pro EU party will get rekt.

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off gipsy

I hope no filthy fucking Bozgors ruin this thread.

'ello romanian brothers, join el discordio

Zgobor cuckservatives get BTFO

Do any of the candidates have a solution to the gypsy problem?

>Balkan Cathocuck calls someone a gypo

>inb4 you get deported

Check your privileges, white male CIS bozgor scum.

PSD want more gibs me dat,
PNL want more gibs me dat,

And the rest don't.

sa baga eu pula in mama ta

tigan imputit

proxy bozgor detectat

>Muist din diaspora

Fac pariu ca ai votat pentru Kuckus Iohanis.

> Romanian Legislative Elections Thread
literally who cares

Sad. Seems like you're going to end up like us, doing nothing meaningful to stop the rising tide of colour until it's too late and you have to go full Yugo

salami bozgor detected

At least most Gypos are going abroad.

What's the point of even making a thread when all your parties are hopelessly terrible?

the only party that may hint at it is controlled opposition
but thankfulyl, all the gyppos are already leaving to cuckmany, sWEEDen and others

More or less to showcase how shit everything is, and how retarded our politcal system is.

fuck off HUNgary

Wee woo 8'o clock!!! Shitposting time!!!

Bozgor Cuckservatives stay the fuck out of the thread, the continent, the whole fucking planet. You'd be wasting air even in space, fucking asscreamed trianogypsies. While our nice and kind and wonderful Romanians should join We have the best selection of antibozgor memes and hungarian kunt assassinations plans.

bun mem dacule

>UDMR(Hungarian party that will coalition with PNL)
A Hungarian party in Romania? How is it even possible? Aren't you a sovereign nation?

Bitch hard enough at the EU and they will let you do anything you want.

Only good thing is that they may not be able to get in the Parliment this year.


there are 3 million Bozgors in Transilvania

Bozgors know no bounds, trianon triggered them too hard so they have to bring their cuckservationism into our beloved country.

t. Chioru

It's the minorities representative party.
We're a democracy after all.

But, seriously, they're the biggest whores on the political scene, always looking to ally with the ones that are going to win.

you see, (((Hungarians))) are a historically kosher people
our communist regime and the traitors that have risen after its downfall have outlawed the legionary movement and ANY ethnocentric party, BUT the hungarian party
if you look up "notable hungarians" on wikipedia and search "(((", you will get >50 results

Kek is blessing this thread.

what does that have to do with anything? If there's a big enough minority in a country they'll want to be represented in politics
we romanians have our own party here in Italy, it's meme tier, but still, it exists


Daco fags...

So is there any christian and patriotic party that wants to fight corruption? If not then this election won't matter

>Cel puțin nu sunt din Turcia

Cel putin eu nu sunt [s]din Turcia [/s] bozgor.

this election, no
but this election may see the downfall of the two-party dichotomy we've been facing under the rule within the cuckshed of the EU

Cel puțin nu sunt din Turcia

We have 50 christian parties.

Only one semi christian has chances to get in, but at least the less EU whore parties are talking about Soros and the media being Cancer.

>they didn't elect ponta
>they fell for the globalism propaganda

at least ponta wasn't a fucking eu cuck

how did socialism get so big in romania

Cel putin nu sunt bozgor

Isn't he the one that authorised the construction of a huge ass mosque with turkish money?

The Little Red Army payed us a visit in 1944.

the only reason that faggot is now perpetuating the Soros meme is because he knows he will be behind bars soon
Ponta is better than PNL, but that is a low standard to set for yourself

if bozgors are hungary's shit this will be a strikethrough

the eternal yid

when you look back at that election now you'll see what happened to him is exactly what the media did to trump in the us

>le plagiat meme
>le diaspora can't vote meme

at you fucking know all those cucks that suddenly started "protesting" were paid soros shills just like the ones in the us now

also forcing him to resign from PM was the biggest mistake ever, that was by far the best government we ever had after the revolution

now we have ((((technocrats)))) controlled by globalist agenda

we got fucked over hard

>what does that have to do with anything?
Because it's a fucking non sense. What happens if this party win the elections? Romania becomes a Hungarian region or something? There's a limit to the democracy...

Cel putin nu sunt d̶i̶n̶ ̶T̶u̶r̶c̶i̶a̶ bozgor.

basically they get some representation

it would be the same as, for example, a LGBT party somewhere else

Venitii pe discord sau mata moare in somn:

well, they won't
hungarians are 7% of the population and they have a lower fertility rate and higher suicide rate than us
their very existence is a travesty, though

>tfw you wanna cuck some bozgors but know no one that relates to you

Well say no more

If you don't join, like, comment and share in 9/11 seconds ma-ta moare in somn.

it's nothing to be worried about, it's a minority party, all they want are a few seats here and there so they can guard the interests of that minority


>nothing to wory about goy

Zilnic cand ma trezesc, imi amintesc ca nu-s bozgor, si indiferent de ce se va intampla in acea zi, va fi una perfecta.

haosul si instabilitatea e bun pentru noi
din acest haos si aceste curvarii anti-nationale va iesi un Capitan

VOTATI USR, nu e complicat deloc.

Daca voi sau parintii vostri voteaza PSD, nu meritati sa traiti.

Draga jurnalule, azi bozgorii mi-au violat sora. M-am saturat de mancat atata cacat, in fiecare zii ei imi zic ca daca ii las sa o faca, ma ajuta sa nu mai mananc cacat. Ei bine, mi-a ajuns. Azi am violat-o pe sor'mea si i-am pus un dop de damigeana in pizda. Bozgorii au venit dar eu i-am pus in camera de gazare, offensive to jews IMO. Spune si tu STOP bozgorilor. Join if you agree or are romanian.

considera gaz

>voteaza USR goy
>distruge catedrala mantuiiri neamului goy
>biserica e rea goy
>fi degenerat ca vesticii goy

Cat te plateste Soros?

anyway what's the current scenario in romania?

unemployment rates, general economy, etc

>Populist party led by a corrupt Politican
it's like reading about ANY eastern european party ever

Ii da rank de kekus maximus.

I want poland to win tonight because they are based and not cucks

Wish we had those.


Unemployment is ok.

The economy used to be growing than the (((technocrats))) came to power and it stopped growing. While the politicians increased their salary.

economy is booming and has the largest growth within europe
hence why we see a rise in (((foreign investment))) and (((the rise of new europhile parties)))
but thankfully even the most uneducated goyim are redpilled on soros and are religious

Shit's good m8
The gyppos left for the west, so crime rates are severly lowered.
Economy is going 2fast.
Unemployment rates are the EU average, mostly because there are a lot of people working without a contract.

>le PSD is bad meme

Brainwashed cucks

At least he is not a gypo, unlike a certain someone.

join our Discord fellow Romanian Aryans

What's happening with the crackdown on corruption? I know that Iohannis didn't interfere whereas people say Ponta would have interfered and saved his buddies asses.

ai uitat link-ul ariene

>dubless but no link


Here is the link:

Wish I could agree with you.
Remember Bechtel? Yea, PSD.
We could have had highways by now, but no, those fuckers had to shift money towards their own pockets.
Fuck them. They should be shot. All of PSD. Starting with Iliescu.

Most of the anti corruption police are dealing with the enemies of the EU puppet governament. I don't really think they give a shit about corruption.

iohannis is a fucking cuck niggerlover kraut
he said that the concept of having a constitutionally mandated marriage as a "union between a man and a woman" as RELIGIOUS FANATICISM
he had ZERO pretensions to the 7000 sandniggers merkel wanted to send us
he deserve the rope along with ciolos, PNL and USR

good on you, fellas

Didn't PSD try and shut down the DNA? Or at least interfere or some shit?

lol that's obvious bullshit how could you even believe that shit

PSD is just a more nationalistic party so any news you'll ever see about it in the west will be negative

Like when they said a fair and democratic referendum organized by PSD was a "coup", total bullshit and misinformation

>see romanian thread
>85% of thread is about whining about hungarians
hah, can't you guys possibly imagine your existence without us? it's like if you couldn't be butthurt about Hungary, you wouldn't even exist.
Grow up and try discussing something without relating your country to another.

>the eternally butthurt bozgor

Like clockwork.

Didn't Romania jump ahead of several EU counties in terms of "least corrupt"? I think last I heard Romania jumped ahead of Italy, which wou don't be that difficult Kek.

Well, most of the party members are scared of it, mostly because if they were to be under investigation, they would get jail time.
So yeah, they do try to stop it.

>be h*ngarian
>kill yourself

The thing is, lower end corruption started to go down. But there is some info comming out about some political parties having ties to Soros.

>(((some political parties)))
*cough* UDMR *cough* USR *cough* PNL

the only time we talked about mongols was when your fellow HUNgarian was shitposting and we were talking about UDMR

consider suicide you autistic mongol

Cel puțin eu nu sunt din Turcia

cine /legionar/ aici?

ok,here s a question to all my romanianbros
if someone were to try to become our president and he wanted to re write the constitution to become a dictator like antonescu was,and promised to bring back the pre ww2 borders and to make jobs,would you vote for him?
at the end of the day,he would hold total power and control


only if he would do it with a march of 100 000 greenshirts towards the capital, burning that fucking mosque down and all the USR fags defending it